Name | Type | Description | Notes |
description | string | The product description | [optional] |
salesLedgerAccountId | string | The sales ledger account for the product | [optional] |
purchaseLedgerAccountId | string | The purchase ledger account for the product | [optional] |
itemCode | string | The item code for the product | [optional] |
notes | string | The notes for the product | [optional] |
salesTaxRateId | string | The ID of the Sales Tax Rate. | [optional] |
usualSupplierId | string | The ID of the Usual Supplier. | [optional] |
purchaseTaxRateId | string | The ID of the Purchase Tax Rate. | [optional] |
costPrice | float | The cost price of the product | [optional] |
sourceGuid | string | Used when importing products from external sources | [optional] |
purchaseDescription | string | The product purchase description | [optional] |
active | bool | Indicates whether the product is active | [optional] |
catalogItemTypeId | string | The ID of the Catalog Item Type. | [optional] |
salesPrices | \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\PostProductsProductSalesPricesInner[] | [optional] |