Name | Type | Description | Notes |
quickEntryTypeId | string | The type of quick entry e.g. invoice or credit note | [optional] |
date | \DateTime | The date of the quick entry | [optional] |
contactId | string | The contact the quick entry relates to | [optional] |
reference | string | The reference for the quick entry | [optional] |
ledgerAccountId | string | The associated ledger account | [optional] |
contactName | string | The name of the contact when the quick entry was created | [optional] |
contactReference | string | The reference of the contact when the quick entry was created | [optional] |
details | string | A description of the quick entry | [optional] |
netAmount | float | The net amount of the quick entry | [optional] |
taxRateId | string | The ID of the Tax Rate. | [optional] |
taxAmount | float | The tax amount of the quick entry | [optional] |
totalAmount | float | The total amount of the quick entry | [optional] |
currencyId | string | The ID of the Currency. | [optional] |
exchangeRate | float | The exchange rate for the quick entry | [optional] |
inverseExchangeRate | float | The inverse exchange rate for the quick entry | [optional] |
baseCurrencyNetAmount | float | The net amount of the quick entry in base currency | [optional] |
baseCurrencyTaxAmount | float | The tax amount of the quick entry in base currency | [optional] |
baseCurrencyTotalAmount | float | The total amount of the quick entry in base currency | [optional] |
statusId | string | The ID of the Status. | [optional] |
taxAddressRegionId | string | The ID of the Tax Address Region. (Canada only) | [optional] |
tradeOfAsset | bool | Whether the quick entry is marked as trade of asset. | [optional] |
analysisTypeCategories | \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\PostPurchaseQuickEntriesPurchaseQuickEntryAnalysisTypeCategoriesInner[] | [optional] |