id |
string |
The unique identifier for the item |
[optional] |
displayedAs |
string |
The name of the resource |
[optional] |
analysisTypeCategories |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\AnalysisTypeLineItem[] |
The analysis types information |
[optional] |
description |
string |
The description for the invoice line |
[optional] |
product |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Product |
[optional] |
service |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Service |
[optional] |
ledgerAccount |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base |
[optional] |
tradeOfAsset |
bool |
Whether the line item is marked as trade of asset. |
[optional] |
quantity |
float |
The quantity for the invoice line |
[optional] |
unitPrice |
float |
The unit price for the invoice line |
[optional] |
netAmount |
float |
The net amount for the invoice line |
[optional] |
taxRate |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base |
[optional] |
taxAmount |
float |
The tax amount for the invoice line". This attribute is required in v3.1, unless the tax rate is of a "zero", "exempt" or "no_tax" type. Then the tax_amount is infered as 0.0. In v3, this attribute is optional, but you should still set, as it defaults to 0.0 in any case. This is not what you want for tax rates with a percentage > 0.0. |
[optional] |
taxBreakdown |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\TaxBreakdown[] |
The tax breakdown for the invoice line |
[optional] |
totalAmount |
float |
The total amount for the invoice line |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyUnitPrice |
float |
The unit price for the invoice line in base currency |
[optional] |
unitPriceIncludesTax |
bool |
Defines whether the unit price includes tax |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyNetAmount |
float |
The net amount for the invoice line in base currency |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyTaxAmount |
float |
The tax amount for the invoice line in base currency |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyTaxBreakdown |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\TaxBreakdown[] |
The tax breakdown for the invoice line in base currency |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyTotalAmount |
float |
The total amount for the invoice line in base currency |
[optional] |
euGoodsServicesType |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base |
[optional] |
discountAmount |
float |
The discount amount for the invoice line |
[optional] |
baseCurrencyDiscountAmount |
float |
The discount amount for the invoice line in base currency |
[optional] |
discountPercentage |
float |
The discount percentage for the invoice line |
[optional] |
euSalesDescription |
\SynergiTech\Sage\Model\EuSalesDescription |
[optional] |