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Curriculum Short Specializations Average: 52.57% 0x03. ES6 data manipulation JavaScript ES6 By: Johann Kerbrat, Engineering Manager at Uber Works Weight: 1 Project will start Mar 11, 2024 5:00 AM, must end by Mar 13, 2024 5:00 AM Checker was released at Mar 11, 2024 5:00 PM An auto review will be launched at the deadline

Resources Read or watch:

Array Typed Array Set Data Structure Map Data Structure WeakMap Learning Objectives At the end of this project, you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:

How to use map, filter and reduce on arrays Typed arrays The Set, Map, and Weak link data structures Requirements All your files will be executed on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS using NodeJS 12.11.x Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs, Visual Studio Code All your files should end with a new line A file, at the root of the folder of the project, is mandatory Your code should use the js extension Your code will be tested using Jest and the command npm run test Your code will be verified against lint using ESLint Your code needs to pass all the tests and lint. You can verify the entire project running npm run full-test All of your functions must be exported Setup Install NodeJS 12.11.x (in your home directory):

curl -sL -o sudo bash sudo apt install nodejs -y $ nodejs -v v12.11.1 $ npm -v 6.11.3 Install Jest, Babel, and ESLint in your project directory, install Jest, Babel and ESList by using the supplied package.json and run npm install.

Configuration files Add the following files to your project directory

package.json Click to show/hide file contents babel.config.js Click to show/hide file contents .eslintrc.js Click to show/hide file contents and… Don’t forget to run $ npm install when you have the package.json

Tasks 0. Basic list of objects mandatory Create a function named getListStudents that returns an array of objects.

Each object should have three attributes: id (Number), firstName (String), and location (String).

The array contains the following students in order:

Guillaume, id: 1, in San Francisco James, id: 2, in Columbia Serena, id: 5, in San Francisco bob@dylan:~$ cat 0-main.js import getListStudents from "./0-get_list_students.js";


bob@dylan:$ bob@dylan:$ npm run dev 0-main.js [ { id: 1, firstName: 'Guillaume', location: 'San Francisco' }, { id: 2, firstName: 'James', location: 'Columbia' }, { id: 5, firstName: 'Serena', location: 'San Francisco' } ] bob@dylan:~$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-javascript Directory: 0x03-ES6_data_manipulation File: 0-get_list_students.js

  1. More mapping mandatory Create a function getListStudentIds that returns an array of ids from a list of object.

This function is taking one argument which is an array of objects - and this array is the same format as getListStudents from the previous task.

If the argument is not an array, the function is returning an empty array.

You must use the map function on the array.

bob@dylan:~$ cat 1-main.js import getListStudentIds from "./1-get_list_student_ids.js"; import getListStudents from "./0-get_list_students.js";

console.log(getListStudentIds("hello")); console.log(getListStudentIds(getListStudents()));

bob@dylan:$ bob@dylan:$ npm run dev 1-main.js [] [ 1, 2, 5 ] bob@dylan:~$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-javascript Directory: 0x03-ES6_data_manipulation File: 1-get_list_student_ids.js

  1. Filter mandatory Create a function getStudentsByLocation that returns an array of objects who are located in a specific city.

It should accept a list of students (from getListStudents) and a city (string) as parameters.

You must use the filter function on the array.

bob@dylan:~$ cat 2-main.js import getListStudents from "./0-get_list_students.js"; import getStudentsByLocation from "./2-get_students_by_loc.js";

const students = getListStudents();

console.log(getStudentsByLocation(students, 'San Francisco'));

bob@dylan:$ bob@dylan:$ npm run dev 2-main.js [ { id: 1, firstName: 'Guillaume', location: 'San Francisco' }, { id: 5, firstName: 'Serena', location: 'San Francisco' } ] bob@dylan:~$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-javascript Directory: 0x03-ES6_data_manipulation File: 2-get_students_by_loc.js

  1. Reduce mandatory Create a function getStudentIdsSum that returns the sum of all the student ids.

It should accept a list of students (from getListStudents) as a parameter.

You must use the reduce function on the array.

bob@dylan:~$ cat 3-main.js import getListStudents from "./0-get_list_students.js"; import getStudentIdsSum from "./3-get_ids_sum.js";

const students = getListStudents(); const value = getStudentIdsSum(students);


bob@dylan:$ bob@dylan:$ npm run dev 3-main.js 8 bob@dylan:~$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-javascript Directory: 0x03-ES6_data_manipulation File: 3-get_ids_sum.js

  1. Combine mandatory Create a function updateStudentGradeByCity that returns an array of students for a specific city with their new grade

It should accept a list of students (from getListStudents), a city (String), and newGrades (Array of “grade” objects) as parameters.

newGrades is an array of objects with this format:

{ studentId: 31, grade: 78, } If a student doesn’t have grade in newGrades, the final grade should be N/A.

You must use filter and map combined.

bob@dylan:~$ cat 4-main.js import getListStudents from "./0-get_list_students.js"; import updateStudentGradeByCity from "./4-update_grade_by_city.js";

console.log(updateStudentGradeByCity(getListStudents(), "San Francisco", [{ studentId: 5, grade: 97 }, { studentId: 1, grade: 86 }]));

console.log(updateStudentGradeByCity(getListStudents(), "San Francisco", [{ studentId: 5, grade: 97 }]));

bob@dylan:$ bob@dylan:$ npm run dev 4-main.js [ { id: 1, firstName: 'Guillaume', location: 'San Francisco', grade: 86 }, { id: 5, firstName: 'Serena', location: 'San Francisco', grade: 97 } ] [ { id: 1, firstName: 'Guillaume', location: 'San Francisco', grade: 'N/A' }, { id: 5, firstName: 'Serena', location: 'San Francisco', grade: 97 } ] bob@dylan:~$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-javascript Directory: 0x03-ES6_data_manipulation File: 4-update_grade_by_city.js

  1. Typed Arrays mandatory Create a function named createInt8TypedArray that returns a new ArrayBuffer with an Int8 value at a specific position.

It should accept three arguments: length (Number), position (Number), and value (Number).

If adding the value is not possible the error Position outside range should be thrown.

bob@dylan:~$ cat 5-main.js import createInt8TypedArray from "./5-typed_arrays.js";

console.log(createInt8TypedArray(10, 2, 89));

bob@dylan:$ bob@dylan:$ npm run dev 5-main.js DataView { byteLength: 10, byteOffset: 0, buffer: ArrayBuffer { [Uint8Contents]: <00 00 59 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>, byteLength: 10 } } bob@dylan:~$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-javascript Directory: 0x03-ES6_data_manipulation File: 5-typed_arrays.js

  1. Set data structure mandatory Create a function named setFromArray that returns a Set from an array.

It accepts an argument (Array, of any kind of element).

bob@dylan:~$ cat 6-main.js import setFromArray from "./6-set.js";

console.log(setFromArray([12, 32, 15, 78, 98, 15]));

bob@dylan:$ bob@dylan:$ npm run dev 6-main.js Set { 12, 32, 15, 78, 98 } bob@dylan:~$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-javascript Directory: 0x03-ES6_data_manipulation File: 6-set.js

  1. More set data structure mandatory Create a function named hasValuesFromArray that returns a boolean if all the elements in the array exist within the set.

It accepts two arguments: a set (Set) and an array (Array).

bob@dylan:~$ cat 7-main.js import hasValuesFromArray from "./7-has_array_values.js";

console.log(hasValuesFromArray(new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), [1])); console.log(hasValuesFromArray(new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), [10])); console.log(hasValuesFromArray(new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), [1, 10]));

bob@dylan:$ bob@dylan:$ npm run dev 7-main.js true false false bob@dylan:~$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-javascript Directory: 0x03-ES6_data_manipulation File: 7-has_array_values.js

  1. Clean set mandatory Create a function named cleanSet that returns a string of all the set values that start with a specific string (startString).

It accepts two arguments: a set (Set) and a startString (String).

When a value starts with startString you only append the rest of the string. The string contains all the values of the set separated by -.

bob@dylan:~$ cat 8-main.js import cleanSet from "./8-clean_set.js";

console.log(cleanSet(new Set(['bonjovi', 'bonaparte', 'bonappetit', 'banana']), 'bon')); console.log(cleanSet(new Set(['bonjovi', 'bonaparte', 'bonappetit', 'banana']), ''));

bob@dylan:$ bob@dylan:$ npm run dev 8-main.js jovi-aparte-appetit

bob@dylan:~$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-javascript Directory: 0x03-ES6_data_manipulation File: 8-clean_set.js

  1. Map data structure mandatory Create a function named groceriesList that returns a map of groceries with the following items (name, quantity):

Apples, 10 Tomatoes, 10 Pasta, 1 Rice, 1 Banana, 5 Result:

bob@dylan:~$ cat 9-main.js import groceriesList from "./9-groceries_list.js";


bob@dylan:$ bob@dylan:$ npm run dev 9-main.js Map { 'Apples' => 10, 'Tomatoes' => 10, 'Pasta' => 1, 'Rice' => 1, 'Banana' => 5 } bob@dylan:~$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-javascript Directory: 0x03-ES6_data_manipulation File: 9-groceries_list.js

  1. More map data structure mandatory Create a function named updateUniqueItems that returns an updated map for all items with initial quantity at 1.

It should accept a map as an argument. The map it accepts for argument is similar to the map you create in the previous task.

For each entry of the map where the quantity is 1, update the quantity to 100. If updating the quantity is not possible (argument is not a map) the error Cannot process should be thrown.

bob@dylan:~$ cat 10-main.js import updateUniqueItems from "./10-update_uniq_items.js"; import groceriesList from "./9-groceries_list.js";

const map = groceriesList(); console.log(map);

updateUniqueItems(map) console.log(map);

bob@dylan:$ bob@dylan:$ npm run dev 10-main.js Map { 'Apples' => 10, 'Tomatoes' => 10, 'Pasta' => 1, 'Rice' => 1, 'Banana' => 5 } Map { 'Apples' => 10, 'Tomatoes' => 10, 'Pasta' => 100, 'Rice' => 100, 'Banana' => 5 } bob@dylan:~$ Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-javascript Directory: 0x03-ES6_data_manipulation File: 10-update_uniq_items.js

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