First, you need to install the requirements. You need to install the latest Node.js version and npm to run the website. You can download both here.
Then I recommend using VSCode. You can get autocompletion and others improvements by installing workspace recommended extensions.
Open your terminal in the folder of your choice and enter the following lines:
Clone or download the repository on your machine
git clone <repository-link>
Once in the repository folder install all the dependencies
npm install
Run locally the website in your browser
npm run dev -- --open
You should have the website opening in your default browser 👍.
If you use pnpm (which I recommend), just replace npm
. For example: pnpm install
If you are new to Git and Github, I recommend watching this video.
To learn how to write markdown use this guide.
If you are new to web development, you need to learn HTML, CSS and Javascript. There is a lot of resources but I recommend this video.
SvelteKit is a very popular framework with a growing community. It is quite easy to understand and very fast compared to React.
If you are new to Sveltekit, you can refer to their documentation and their very well-made tutorial here.
The commits follow this convention:
<type>[optional scope]: <description>
Type | Description |
feat | A new feature is introduced with the changes |
fix | A bug fix has occurred |
chore | Changes that do not relate to a fix or feature and don't modify src files (for example updating dependencies) |
refactor | Refactored code that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature |
docs | Updates to documentation such as a the README or other markdown files |
style | Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code, likely related to code formatting such as white-space, missing semi-colons, and so on. |
You can also add in parenthesis the scope of the commit just after the type.
I strongly recommend better-commits, a CLI tool to automate GitHub commits.
The commit should be all lowercase with a succinct descriptions.
fix: prevent screen flickering on theme change
feat(lang): add french language
docs: correct spelling of TOLOSAT