Termux is a terminal emulator that ships a base linux environment using the Debian package system but compiling everything to run on native Android. The result is a fully functional shell on Android devices for x86, arm and arm64.
The Termux maintainer of the radare2 package updates the package really fast after every release which happens every 6 weeks. So in this case, as long as it's supposed to run on embedded devices it is ok to just install the package from Termux unless you really want to track git master or develop for this platform.
sudo apt install radare2
The packages required to build are:
sudo apt install git make patch clang
Now you can clone the repo and build:
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/radareorg/radare2
cd radare2
If you want to build with meson:
sudo apt install python
sudo pip install meson
sudo r2pm -i ninja
And then you can run the build:
make meson
To install:
make meson-symstall PREFIX=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr
To update the repo and rebuild you can do a full and clean rebuild by just running sys/termux.sh
or opt for typing make
or make meson
and it will just build what has changed, is something
fails please do a clean build like this:
git reset --hard
git clean -xdf