Three small examples which you can use to test GPIO on a Raspberry Pi.
This work makes use of the rust-sysfs-gpio library.
Blink pin 17:
cargo run blink
Blink three pins at the same time:
cargo run blink3
Count from 0..8 in binary:
cargo run flashy
Blink wildly after a given number of seconds:
cargo run timer 10
Turn off pin 18 when you push a button on pin 25:
cargo run button
Please note that the GPIO pin numbers are hardcoded in and
We found that we needed to
give "the system" about 50 millis to catch up to the GPIO pins
changing from an unexported to an exported state. To that
end, we've defined the on_export::wait()
function. We needed
to call this prior to setting directions on individual pins.
The python GPIO lib doesn't seem to have this problem, but we surmise that it's doing some additional work to make setting pin directions painless.