Ok, I want to make an AI play a tower defense
Why an AI?
To test who is smarter,
** math symbols ** ** gpt symbol ** ChatGPT 4 whos training data is sized at 570 gb and the number of parameters is 1.7 trillion
or TwitchChat: Home to goonmaxxers, quiche eaters, and arch users taht full body pokimane pillow is looking quite good right now
And the game will be made with ascii art (show acerola ascii art) https://youtu.be/gg40RWiaHRY?si=harh416QlKMaQWLM&t=797
No ... that is acerola... I don't make games let alone am i talented enough to make that...
ASCII because i am untalented graphic designer: https://clips.twitch.tv/OriginalEnchantingGoshawkCharlieBitMe-Jl1jYYC4iPui7hHz
"big booty girl...oh thats just a dick"
But how should the tower defense work? Especially if we are using ChatGPT? Real time responses isn't really GPTs strong suit
explain the game
- Tower defense will have two sides
- The middle section will slowly disappear
- Creeps will be wave style where between each wave you can build 1 or more towers
- Both players get to build the same amount of towers
- Towers have limited amount of shots before they are destroyed.
- If you place a tower on a tower that is yours, you upgrade the tower which replenishes and increases the ammo, increases damage and range.
- If a creep makes it to the other side, whatever team had the creep will have all their towers receive a small amount of damage and increases every creep that gets by
So this should be easy,
37 Files and 4,025 Lines of code later
Nope... that wasn't easy
- UI/UX suck
If you don't know this i am somewhat of a UI engineer myself
Montage the UI up to where the creep doesn't get shot
"Now this is looking better"
draw a bunch of arrows and play it over and over "oh... what is wrong with you tower, what is wrong with you... just shoot them.... just shoot them"
Montage up to the enemies going backwards
**I need 50ccs of A* **
Montage A ** Should co montage a ackshually running to show people what is going on
The game is ready, just no ChatGPT yet...
Just give me a token ... come on give me a token and some end points