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8b0c2d7 · Apr 5, 2013


This branch is 3057 commits behind wikimedia/mediawiki-vagrant:master.


       .-""""-.    ;(_\
      /        \   /\_/
     |    .---./  /  /
      \ C'  '>'| /  /   PHP files placed in this directory will be
       ';   - / /  /    automatically loaded, in alphabetical order, by
       __)---;/`  /     LocalSettings.php.
   _.-' \`"""`|  /
 .'    _/      \/       Rather than clutter LocalSettings.php with the
 \  -;'|       |        configuration variables and require statements for every
  '-._/-.      |        extension you wish to load, collect all the configurations
      \(-\     |        in a single file and place it in this directory. This
       |-------|        makes it quite easy to keep your settings organized, to
       |    J  |        remove or temporarily disable the additional settings, and
       |    |  |        to share settings with others.
       |    ;  |
       |   /|  \        This directory is accessible as
       | _/ T  /        '/vagrant/settings' in the guest environment.
       |  | |  |
       |  | |__|_       Because the files load alphabeticallly, you can use a
       |__| '-.__)      two-digit prefix to tweak the load order -- e.g.:
  jgs  \__)
                            ├── 10-RunFirst.php
                            ├── 20-SomeExtension.php
                            └── 99-RunLast.php