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Apollo Project - API Server


Build Status Code Climate


This project requires ruby 2.7.1

Postgres Setup

  1. Install pg Admin 4 to your local machine.
  2. Install Postgres 9.6 to your local machine
    • Use default port 5432, or note down your port if you have to change it.
    • Create a simple root password for 'postgres' account, and remember this
  3. Launch pg Admin 4.
    • Create connection to 'localhost' using port '5432' (or the port you changed to during installation). Also use user postgres with your root password that you created.
    • Right click on localhost>Databases on the left, and click Create Database. Name the database 'explore_api_test'.
    • Right click on localhost>Login/Group Roles, and click Create Login/Group Role. Name the role 'exploreapollo'. Do not assign any privileges or make any other changes to the role.
  4. On pg Admin 4, create a connection to the exploreapollo database using the proper credentials.
  5. Right click on the exploreapollo database under the exploreapollo connection. Click "Backup..." and then save the backup as a SQL file on your local machine.
  6. Look back at your localhost connection, and right click on your explore_api_test database. Click "Restore..." and then select to view SQL files in the bottom right of the prompt. Then select the SQL file you just took as a backup from exploreapollo.
  7. At this point, your explore_api_test should be populated the same as the remote database! You should test any changes on this version with the API running locally before you make any changes to the database! CHANGES TO THE REMOTE DATABASE WILL IMMEDIATELY REFLECT ON THE LIVE WEBSITE.

Note: Please do NOT run the ruby db schema load commands, etc, and simply make any changes using pg Admin.


bundle install

Dev setup

  1. Copy .env.sample to .env
  2. Fill out the placeholder values
  3. Add the following lines to your .env file:
    • export RAILS_ENV=development
    • export DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:pwdyoucreated@localhost:5432/explore_api_test

This will ensure that you are using the local database.

To run the server on port 4060 you could run source .env && bundle exec rails s -p 4060


App configuration is located in config/explore_app.yml

ENV vars need to be set in production

Var Desc
DATABASE_URL Url of database
CACHE_BUCKET Name of the bucket to store cached audio.
AUDIO_SERVER_URL Location of audio server (Without trailing slash).
BACKEND_API_KEY Key used to secure access to backend API.

API Routes for web server

endpoint optional params method description
/api/moments/:id GET return an audio streaming URL
/api/moments/:id/transcripts start_time end_time GET transcripts within given moment.
/api/transcripts start_time end_time moment_id GET return all transcripts
/api/stories GET return all metadata for all available stories
/api/stories/:id GET return all metadata of story with provided ID
/api/transcript_items/search q GET returns transcript items with text containing the string in q
/api/moments/search q GET returns moments associated with transcript items with text containing the string in q

Feel free to test out with curl -H "Authorization: Token token=<put token here>" http://localhost:4060/api/moments/search?q=sil

Backend Resources

Resource Fields Associations
missions title description start_time
people name title photo_url
audio_segments title url met_start met_end channel_id
channels title description transcript_part_ids audio_segment_ids
transcript_items text met_start met_end person_id channel_id
stories title description moment_ids
moments title description met_start met_end channel_ids story_ids
metrics type met_start met_end data channel_id
media url title description caption alt_text mission_id
media_attachment media_id met_start met_end media_attachable_type media_attachable_id

Generate ERD Diagram

bundle exec rake erd filename=db/erd