| 1 | +absl-py==0.10.0 |
| 2 | +alabaster==0.7.12 |
| 3 | +appdirs==1.4.4 |
| 4 | +appnope==0.1.0; python_version >= "3.3" and sys_platform == "darwin" or platform_system == "Darwin" |
| 5 | +argon2-cffi==20.1.0 |
| 6 | +astunparse==1.6.3 |
| 7 | +atomicwrites==1.4.0; sys_platform == "win32" |
| 8 | +attrs==20.2.0 |
| 9 | +babel==2.8.0 |
| 10 | +backcall==0.2.0; python_version >= "3.3" |
| 11 | +black==19.10b0 |
| 12 | +bleach==3.1.5 |
| 13 | +bokeh==2.2.1 |
| 14 | +brotli==1.0.9 |
| 15 | +cachetools==4.1.1 |
| 16 | +certifi==2020.6.20 |
| 17 | +cffi==1.14.2 |
| 18 | +chardet==3.0.4 |
| 19 | +click==7.1.2 |
| 20 | +cloudpickle==1.6.0 |
| 21 | +codetiming==1.2.0 |
| 22 | +colorama==0.4.3; python_version >= "3.3" and sys_platform == "win32" or sys_platform == "win32" |
| 23 | +commonmark==0.9.1 |
| 24 | +coverage==5.2.1 |
| 25 | +cycler==0.10.0 |
| 26 | +cython==0.29.21 |
| 27 | +dash==1.12.0 |
| 28 | +dash-core-components==1.10.0 |
| 29 | +dash-html-components==1.0.3 |
| 30 | +dash-renderer==1.4.1 |
| 31 | +dash-table==4.7.0 |
| 32 | +dask==2.25.0 |
| 33 | +decorator==4.4.2; python_version >= "3.3" |
| 34 | +defusedxml==0.6.0 |
| 35 | +deprecated==1.2.10 |
| 36 | +descartes==1.1.0 |
| 37 | +distributed==2.25.0 |
| 38 | +docutils==0.16 |
| 39 | +entrypoints==0.3 |
| 40 | +flake8==3.8.3 |
| 41 | +flask==1.1.2 |
| 42 | +flask-compress==1.5.0 |
| 43 | +fsspec==0.8.0 |
| 44 | +future==0.18.2 |
| 45 | +gast==0.3.3 |
| 46 | +google-api-core==1.22.2 |
| 47 | +google-auth==1.21.1 |
| 48 | +google-auth-oauthlib==0.4.1 |
| 49 | +google-cloud-core==1.4.1 |
| 50 | +google-cloud-storage==1.28.1 |
| 51 | +google-pasta==0.2.0 |
| 52 | +google-resumable-media==0.5.1 |
| 53 | +googleapis-common-protos==1.52.0 |
| 54 | +grpcio==1.31.0 |
| 55 | +h5py==2.10.0 |
| 56 | +heapdict==1.0.1 |
| 57 | +idna==2.10 |
| 58 | +imagesize==1.2.0 |
| 59 | +importlib-metadata==1.7.0; python_version < "3.8" |
| 60 | +ipykernel==5.3.4 |
| 61 | +ipython==7.18.1 |
| 62 | +ipython-genutils==0.2.0 |
| 63 | +ipywidgets==7.5.1 |
| 64 | +isort==4.3.21 |
| 65 | +itsdangerous==1.1.0 |
| 66 | +jedi==0.17.2; python_version >= "3.3" |
| 67 | +jinja2==2.11.2 |
| 68 | +joblib==0.16.0 |
| 69 | +jsonschema==3.2.0 |
| 70 | +jupyter==1.0.0 |
| 71 | +jupyter-client==6.1.7 |
| 72 | +jupyter-console==6.2.0 |
| 73 | +jupyter-core==4.6.3 |
| 74 | +keras-preprocessing==1.1.2 |
| 75 | +kfp==1.0.0 |
| 76 | +kfp-server-api==1.0.0 |
| 77 | +kiwisolver==1.2.0 |
| 78 | +kornia==0.1.4.post2 |
| 79 | +kubernetes==11.0.0 |
| 80 | +locket==0.2.0 |
| 81 | +markdown==3.2.2 |
| 82 | +markupsafe==1.1.1 |
| 83 | +matplotlib==3.3.1 |
| 84 | +mccabe==0.6.1 |
| 85 | +mistune==0.8.4 |
| 86 | +more-itertools==8.5.0 |
| 87 | +msgpack==1.0.0 |
| 88 | +nbconvert==5.6.1 |
| 89 | +nbformat==5.0.7 |
| 90 | +notebook==6.1.4 |
| 91 | +numpy==1.17.5 |
| 92 | +nuscenes-devkit==1.0.2 |
| 93 | +oauthlib==3.1.0 |
| 94 | +opencv-python== |
| 95 | +opt-einsum==3.3.0 |
| 96 | +packaging==20.4 |
| 97 | +pandas==1.1.2 |
| 98 | +pandocfilters==1.4.2 |
| 99 | +parso==0.7.1; python_version >= "3.3" |
| 100 | +partd==1.1.0 |
| 101 | +pathspec==0.8.0 |
| 102 | +pbr==5.5.0 |
| 103 | +pexpect==4.8.0; python_version >= "3.3" and sys_platform != "win32" |
| 104 | +pickleshare==0.7.5; python_version >= "3.3" |
| 105 | +pillow==7.2.0 |
| 106 | +plotly==4.9.0 |
| 107 | +pluggy==0.13.1 |
| 108 | +prometheus-client==0.8.0 |
| 109 | +prompt-toolkit==3.0.7 |
| 110 | +protobuf==3.13.0 |
| 111 | +psutil==5.7.2 |
| 112 | +ptyprocess==0.6.0; python_version >= "3.3" and sys_platform != "win32" or os_name != "nt" |
| 113 | +py==1.9.0 |
| 114 | +pyasn1==0.4.8 |
| 115 | +pyasn1-modules==0.2.8 |
| 116 | +pycocotools==2.0.2 |
| 117 | +pycodestyle==2.6.0 |
| 118 | +pycparser==2.20 |
| 119 | +pyflakes==2.2.0 |
| 120 | +pygments==2.6.1 |
| 121 | +pyparsing==2.4.7 |
| 122 | +pyquaternion==0.9.5 |
| 123 | +pyrsistent==0.17.0 |
| 124 | +pytest==5.4.3 |
| 125 | +pytest-cov==2.10.1 |
| 126 | +python-dateutil==2.8.1 |
| 127 | +pytorch-ignite==0.3.0 |
| 128 | +pytz==2020.1 |
| 129 | +pywin32==228; sys_platform == "win32" |
| 130 | +pywinpty==0.5.7; os_name == "nt" |
| 131 | +pyyaml==5.3.1 |
| 132 | +pyzmq==19.0.2 |
| 133 | +qtconsole==4.7.7 |
| 134 | +qtpy==1.9.0 |
| 135 | +recommonmark==0.6.0 |
| 136 | +regex==2020.7.14 |
| 137 | +requests==2.24.0 |
| 138 | +requests-oauthlib==1.3.0 |
| 139 | +requests-toolbelt==0.9.1 |
| 140 | +responses==0.10.16 |
| 141 | +retrying==1.3.3 |
| 142 | +rsa==4.6; python_version >= "3.5" |
| 143 | +scikit-learn==0.23.2 |
| 144 | +scipy==1.4.1 |
| 145 | +send2trash==1.5.0 |
| 146 | +shapely==1.7.1 |
| 147 | +six==1.15.0 |
| 148 | +snowballstemmer==2.0.0 |
| 149 | +sortedcontainers==2.2.2 |
| 150 | +sphinx==3.2.1 |
| 151 | +sphinx-click==2.5.0 |
| 152 | +sphinx-rtd-theme==0.5.0 |
| 153 | +sphinxcontrib-applehelp==1.0.2 |
| 154 | +sphinxcontrib-devhelp==1.0.2 |
| 155 | +sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp==1.0.3 |
| 156 | +sphinxcontrib-jsmath==1.0.1 |
| 157 | +sphinxcontrib-qthelp==1.0.3 |
| 158 | +sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml==1.1.4 |
| 159 | +strip-hints==0.1.9 |
| 160 | +tabulate==0.8.7 |
| 161 | +tblib==1.7.0 |
| 162 | +tensorboard==2.3.0 |
| 163 | +tensorboard-plugin-wit==1.7.0 |
| 164 | +tensorboardx==2.1 |
| 165 | +tensorflow==2.3.0 |
| 166 | +tensorflow-estimator==2.3.0 |
| 167 | +termcolor==1.1.0 |
| 168 | +terminado==0.8.3 |
| 169 | +testpath==0.4.4 |
| 170 | +threadpoolctl==2.1.0 |
| 171 | +toml==0.10.1 |
| 172 | +toolz==0.10.0 |
| 173 | +torch==1.4.0 |
| 174 | +torchvision==0.5.0 |
| 175 | +tornado==6.0.4 |
| 176 | +tqdm==4.48.2 |
| 177 | +traitlets==5.0.4 |
| 178 | +typed-ast==1.4.1 |
| 179 | +typing-extensions== |
| 180 | +urllib3==1.25.10 |
| 181 | +wcwidth==0.2.5 |
| 182 | +webencodings==0.5.1 |
| 183 | +websocket-client==0.57.0 |
| 184 | +werkzeug==1.0.1 |
| 185 | +wheel==0.35.1 |
| 186 | +widgetsnbextension==3.5.1 |
| 187 | +wrapt==1.12.1 |
| 188 | +yacs==0.1.8 |
| 189 | +zict==2.0.0 |
| 190 | +zipp==3.1.0; python_version < "3.8" |
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