diff --git a/changelog/index.html b/changelog/index.html
index b505134ce..c29bd90b4 100644
--- a/changelog/index.html
+++ b/changelog/index.html
@@ -2994,7 +2994,9 @@
- Breaking: In JSON and YAML output of
loadbalancer list
: display full API response. This changes state
field to operational_state
- Breaking:
storage list
and storage show
JSON and YAML outputs to return full API response. This changes servers
field to contain server
field, which in turn contains the servers. labels
field will not be outputted if empty.
-- In human readable output of
kubernetes show
command, show node-groups as table. Node-group datails are available with kubernetes nodegroup show
+- Breaking:
server list
and server show
JSON and YAML outputs to return full API response. This changes field host_id
to host
. nics
is replaced with networking
subfield interfaces
. storage
is replaced with storage_devices
. labels
contain subfield label
which in turn contains the labels.
+- Breaking:
server firewall show
JSON and YAML outputs to return full API response. This removes fields destination
and source
fields in favor of [destination|source]_address_start
, [destination|source]_address_end
, [destination|source]_port_start
and [destination|source]_port_end
+- In human readable output of
kubernetes show
command, show node-groups as table. Node-group details are available with kubernetes nodegroup show
diff --git a/search/search_index.json b/search/search_index.json
index ea8174a17..43db747a7 100644
--- a/search/search_index.json
+++ b/search/search_index.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"config":{"indexing":"full","lang":["en"],"min_search_length":3,"prebuild_index":false,"separator":"[\\s\\-]+"},"docs":[{"location":"","text":"Getting started upctl provides a command-line interface to UpCloud services. It allows you to control your resources from the command line or any compatible interface.","title":"Getting started"},{"location":"#getting-started","text":"upctl provides a command-line interface to UpCloud services. It allows you to control your resources from the command line or any compatible interface.","title":"Getting started"},{"location":"changelog/","text":"Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog , and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning . Unreleased Added Breaking : Add Kubernetes API allowed IPs field to kubernetes show output. This changes default behavior from allow access from any IP to block access from all IPs . To be able to connect to the cluster, define list of allowed IP addresses and/or CIDR blocks or allow access from any IP. Add kubernetes nodegroup show for displaying node-group details. This also adds Nodes table and Anti-affinity field that were not available in previous kubernetes show output. Add kubernetes modify command for modifying IP addresses that are allowed to access cluster's Kubernetes API. Add --kubernetes-api-allow-ip argument to kubernetes create command. Add Kubernetes API allowed IPs field to kubernetes show output. Add database session list for listing active database sessions Add database session cancel for cancelling an active database session Changed Breaking : In JSON and YAML output of loadbalancer list : display full API response. This changes state field to operational_state . Breaking : storage list and storage show JSON and YAML outputs to return full API response. This changes servers field to contain server field, which in turn contains the servers. labels field will not be outputted if empty. In human readable output of kubernetes show command, show node-groups as table. Node-group datails are available with kubernetes nodegroup show command. Removed Breaking : Remove database connection list and database connection cancel commands in favor of database session counterparts 2.10.0 - 2023-07-17 Added Add --disable-utility-network-access for kubernetes nodegroup create command Fixed Use pending color (yellow) for kubernetes node group scaling-down and scaling-up states 2.9.1 - 2023-07-06 Changed Release artifacts to follow package naming conventions provided by nFPM . `` upcloud-cli-2.9.0_x86_64.rpm vs upcloud-cli-2.9.1.x86_64.rpm # no convention changes upcloud-cli-2.9.0_arm64.rpm vs upcloud-cli-2.9.1.aarch64.rpm # arm64 -> aarch64` upcloud-cli-2.9.0_amd64.apk vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_x86_64.apk # cli- -> cli_ & amd64 -> x86_64 upcloud-cli-2.9.0_arm64.apk vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_aarch64.apk # cli- -> cli_ & arm64 -> aarch64 upcloud-cli-2.9.0_amd64.deb vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_amd64.deb # cli- -> cli_ upcloud-cli-2.9.0_arm64.deb vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_arm64.deb # cli- -> cli_ ``` 2.9.0 - 2023-06-30 Added Add servergroup commands ( create , delete , list , modify , show ) for server group management 2.8.0 - 2023-06-21 Added Add support for OpenSearch database type Add database index list and database index commands for managing OpenSearch database indices Add completions for --zone arguments. Add --private-node-groups argument to kubernetes create command. Add Private node groups field to kubernetes show output. Add --label flag to server create and server modify commands 2.7.1 - 2023-05-16 Fixed Updated examples of kubernetes create command to use valid plans. 2.7.0 - 2023-05-02 Added Add ip and net as aliases to ip-address and network commands, respectively. Add Labels table to loadbalancer show , network show , router show , server show , and storage show outputs. Add kubernetes plans command for listing available plans. Add --plan argument to kubernetes create command for selecting cluster plan. Add --wait flag to kubernetes create command for waiting created cluster to reach running state. 2.6.0 - 2023-03-14 Added The upctl container image now includes jq tool for parsing values from JSON output. Add node-group states to kubernetes show output. Add completions for --network argument of kubernetes create and server network-interface create . Support also network name as input for --network argument of kubernetes create and server network-interface create Changed Completions will now only suggest private networks as arguments because names or UUIDs of public or utility networks are often not valid arguments. 2.5.0 - 2023-02-15 Added Print warning about unknown resource state before exiting when execution is interrupted with SIGINT. Add kubernetes nodegroup create , kubernetes nodegroup scale , and kubernetes nodegroup delete commands (EXPERIMENTAL) Added support for all shell completions provided by cobra . Add database properties command to list database properties for given database type and database properties show command to show database property details. Changed Remove custom bash completion logic and replace it with completion command provided by cobra . To do this while supporting args with whitespace, whitespace in completions is replaced with non-breaking spaces. Fixed In database show : parse database version from metadata instead of properties. This enables displaying redis version instead of . 2.4.0 - 2022-12-19 Added Add kubernetes create , kubernetes config , kubernetes delete , kubernetes list , kubernetes show , kubernetes versions commands (EXPERIMENTAL) Add loadbalancer plans command for listing available LB plans 2.3.0 - 2022-11-11 Added Complete available types for database plans . Suppress positional argument filename completion for commands without specific completions. In database list output: if database has no title, database name is displayed in the title cell instead of leaving the cell empty, similarly than in the hub. Version information is parsed from BuildInfo when upctl binary was built without specifying -ldflags to define value for .../config.Version . Use alpine as base image for upcloud/upctl container image. This adds sh and other OS tools to the image and thus makes it more suitable for usage in CI systems. Fixed Remove debug leftover print from IP address completions. Added /v2 postfix to module name in go.mod , this enables installing v2 versions of CLI with go install . 2.2.0 - 2022-10-17 Added Include runtime operating system and architecture in version command output. Include instructions for defining credentials and API access in upctl --help output. Fixed Fix commands in server delete usage examples. Tune human output so that normal output is directed to stdout . Progess and error messages are still outputted to stderr . 2.1.0 - 2022-09-07 Added Add --wait flag to storage import and storage templatise commands to wait until storage is in online state. In JSON and YAML output of storage import : information on target storage is now available under storage key. Fixed In human output of storage list : capitalize zone column header and color storage state similarly than in storage show . In human output of storage import : output UUID of created storage, instead of storage import operation. No UUID is outputted if existing storage was used. 2.0.0 - 2022-08-30 Added Add database delete command. Add loadbalancer delete command. Add Access field to storage show output. Add fields argument and resource to JSON and YAML error outputs. Changed Breaking : Human output, including errors, is written to stderr instead of stdout. Refactor progress logging. This changes the appearance of progress logs. See UpCloudLtd / progress for the new implementation. Fixed Breaking : Set non-zero exit code if command execution fails. Breaking : Render servers IP addresses as array of objects, instead of previous pretty-printed string, in JSON and YAML outputs of server show . Breaking : Use key names from json field tag also in YAML output to have equal key names in JSON and YAML outputs. For example, bootorder key in server details will now be boot_order also in YAML output. As a side-effect data-types are limited to those supported by JSON. For example, timestamps will be presented as (double-quoted) strings. In addition, if command targets multiple resources, YAML output will now be a list, similarly than in JSON output, instead of previous multiple YAML documents. Breaking : In JSON and YAML output, storage show lists attached servers in servers list instead of server string. Breaking : In JSON and YAML output, network show lists DHCP DNS values in list instead of string. On network show , output server details as unknown instead of outputting an error, if fetching server details fails. This allows displaying network details for networks that contain a load balancer. Progress logging to non TTY output uses now 100 as text width instead of 0. 1.5.1 - 2022-07-15 Fixed On server create , mount OS disk by default on virtio bus. Previously default OS storage address was not explicit and varyed depending on template type. Disable colors if user has set NO_COLOR environment variable to non-empty value. 1.5.0 - 2022-07-05 Added Add --show-ip-addresses flag to server list command to optionally include IP addresses in command output. Add database connection list , database connection cancel , database start , and database stop commands. Changed Make --family parameter of server firewall create command optional to allow editing the default rules. Update cobra to v1.5.0 and refactor required flag validation code. This affects validation error messages. Fixed Complete shell input with uppercase letters (e.g., Cap to CapitalizedName will now work) Display UUID of created template in storage templatise output. 1.4.0 - 2022-06-15 Added Add database list , database show , database plans , and database types commands. Add loadbalancer list and loadbalancer show commands. Add db and lb aliases to database and loadbalancer , respectively. Changed Color server state in server list output similarly than in server show output. Update Go version to 1.18 Update upcloud-go-api to v4.8.0 1.3.0 - 2022-05-17 Added Add zone list command that lists available zones. Add --wait flag to server create and server stop commands to wait until server is in started and stopped state, respectively. Changed Update upcloud-go-api to v4.5.2 Fixed Do not display usage if execution fails because of missing credentials Mark error and warning livelogs finished when they will not be updated anymore: this stops the timer in the end of the row and stops livelog from refreshing these lines. 1.2.0 - 2022-04-29 Added Include UUID (or address) of created resource in create command output storage modify command now accepts enable-filesystem-autoresize flag. When that flag is set upctl will attempt to resize partition and filesystem after storage size has been modified. Changed New go-api version v4.5.0 Fixed Improved errors relating to argument resolver failures Print version info, instead of missing credentials error, when runnning upctl version without credentials Disable colors when outputting in JSON or YAML format Display both public and private addresses in server create output Render livelog messages of commands which execution takes less than render tick interval 1.1.3 - 2022-02-24 Changed Update documentation Fixed Fix storage command attached-to-server key overrides zone 1.1.2 - 2022-01-21 Fixed New release with no changes to fix the Homebrew deprecation notice 1.1.1 - 2021-09-30 Changed Change password creation to be disabled by default in server creation Always create a password when password delivery method is chosen 1.1.0 - 2021-06-03 Added Debug mode for finding root causes to problems Docker image and upload to Docker Hub Autogenerated documentation under /docs Terminal width handling Changed Global flags for colors refactored to --force-colour and --no-colour New go-api version Improved error messages Fixes No coloring of texts if stdout is not a terminal Detaching routers works now with the new --detach-router parameter in network modify 1.0.0 - 2021-04-16 First non-beta release! Includes all previous changes and fixes. 0.6.0 - 2021-04-16 Changed Use goreleaser for releasing packages Move creation of service outside runcommand to facilitate testing Fixes fix(pre-commit): add missing golangci config file fix(root): use default cobra behavious when called 0.5.0 - 2021-04-14 Initial public beta release :tada: Added Added commands for managing server firewall rules Fixed Shell auto-completion fixed Changed Input & output handling rewritten Several help text fixes & changes Default OS changed to Ubuntu 20.04 Defaults for networks / routers in line with storages, so we'll show users' own resources by default 0.1.1 - 2021-03-12 Fixed Load config files from the correct place on Windows Fix storage import failing on readerCounter not implementing io.Reader 0.1.0 - 2021-03-10 Added Current feature set added! First internal release","title":"Changelog"},{"location":"changelog/#changelog","text":"All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog , and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning .","title":"Changelog"},{"location":"changelog/#unreleased","text":"","title":"Unreleased"},{"location":"changelog/#added","text":"Breaking : Add Kubernetes API allowed IPs field to kubernetes show output. This changes default behavior from allow access from any IP to block access from all IPs . To be able to connect to the cluster, define list of allowed IP addresses and/or CIDR blocks or allow access from any IP. Add kubernetes nodegroup show for displaying node-group details. This also adds Nodes table and Anti-affinity field that were not available in previous kubernetes show output. Add kubernetes modify command for modifying IP addresses that are allowed to access cluster's Kubernetes API. Add --kubernetes-api-allow-ip argument to kubernetes create command. Add Kubernetes API allowed IPs field to kubernetes show output. Add database session list for listing active database sessions Add database session cancel for cancelling an active database session","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed","text":"Breaking : In JSON and YAML output of loadbalancer list : display full API response. This changes state field to operational_state . Breaking : storage list and storage show JSON and YAML outputs to return full API response. This changes servers field to contain server field, which in turn contains the servers. labels field will not be outputted if empty. In human readable output of kubernetes show command, show node-groups as table. Node-group datails are available with kubernetes nodegroup show command.","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#removed","text":"Breaking : Remove database connection list and database connection cancel commands in favor of database session counterparts","title":"Removed"},{"location":"changelog/#2100-2023-07-17","text":"","title":"2.10.0 - 2023-07-17"},{"location":"changelog/#added_1","text":"Add --disable-utility-network-access for kubernetes nodegroup create command","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed","text":"Use pending color (yellow) for kubernetes node group scaling-down and scaling-up states","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#291-2023-07-06","text":"","title":"2.9.1 - 2023-07-06"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_1","text":"Release artifacts to follow package naming conventions provided by nFPM . `` upcloud-cli-2.9.0_x86_64.rpm vs upcloud-cli-2.9.1.x86_64.rpm # no convention changes upcloud-cli-2.9.0_arm64.rpm vs upcloud-cli-2.9.1.aarch64.rpm # arm64 -> aarch64` upcloud-cli-2.9.0_amd64.apk vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_x86_64.apk # cli- -> cli_ & amd64 -> x86_64 upcloud-cli-2.9.0_arm64.apk vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_aarch64.apk # cli- -> cli_ & arm64 -> aarch64 upcloud-cli-2.9.0_amd64.deb vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_amd64.deb # cli- -> cli_ upcloud-cli-2.9.0_arm64.deb vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_arm64.deb # cli- -> cli_ ```","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#290-2023-06-30","text":"","title":"2.9.0 - 2023-06-30"},{"location":"changelog/#added_2","text":"Add servergroup commands ( create , delete , list , modify , show ) for server group management","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#280-2023-06-21","text":"","title":"2.8.0 - 2023-06-21"},{"location":"changelog/#added_3","text":"Add support for OpenSearch database type Add database index list and database index commands for managing OpenSearch database indices Add completions for --zone arguments. Add --private-node-groups argument to kubernetes create command. Add Private node groups field to kubernetes show output. Add --label flag to server create and server modify commands","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#271-2023-05-16","text":"","title":"2.7.1 - 2023-05-16"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_1","text":"Updated examples of kubernetes create command to use valid plans.","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#270-2023-05-02","text":"","title":"2.7.0 - 2023-05-02"},{"location":"changelog/#added_4","text":"Add ip and net as aliases to ip-address and network commands, respectively. Add Labels table to loadbalancer show , network show , router show , server show , and storage show outputs. Add kubernetes plans command for listing available plans. Add --plan argument to kubernetes create command for selecting cluster plan. Add --wait flag to kubernetes create command for waiting created cluster to reach running state.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#260-2023-03-14","text":"","title":"2.6.0 - 2023-03-14"},{"location":"changelog/#added_5","text":"The upctl container image now includes jq tool for parsing values from JSON output. Add node-group states to kubernetes show output. Add completions for --network argument of kubernetes create and server network-interface create . Support also network name as input for --network argument of kubernetes create and server network-interface create","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_2","text":"Completions will now only suggest private networks as arguments because names or UUIDs of public or utility networks are often not valid arguments.","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#250-2023-02-15","text":"","title":"2.5.0 - 2023-02-15"},{"location":"changelog/#added_6","text":"Print warning about unknown resource state before exiting when execution is interrupted with SIGINT. Add kubernetes nodegroup create , kubernetes nodegroup scale , and kubernetes nodegroup delete commands (EXPERIMENTAL) Added support for all shell completions provided by cobra . Add database properties command to list database properties for given database type and database properties show command to show database property details.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_3","text":"Remove custom bash completion logic and replace it with completion command provided by cobra . To do this while supporting args with whitespace, whitespace in completions is replaced with non-breaking spaces.","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_2","text":"In database show : parse database version from metadata instead of properties. This enables displaying redis version instead of .","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#240-2022-12-19","text":"","title":"2.4.0 - 2022-12-19"},{"location":"changelog/#added_7","text":"Add kubernetes create , kubernetes config , kubernetes delete , kubernetes list , kubernetes show , kubernetes versions commands (EXPERIMENTAL) Add loadbalancer plans command for listing available LB plans","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#230-2022-11-11","text":"","title":"2.3.0 - 2022-11-11"},{"location":"changelog/#added_8","text":"Complete available types for database plans . Suppress positional argument filename completion for commands without specific completions. In database list output: if database has no title, database name is displayed in the title cell instead of leaving the cell empty, similarly than in the hub. Version information is parsed from BuildInfo when upctl binary was built without specifying -ldflags to define value for .../config.Version . Use alpine as base image for upcloud/upctl container image. This adds sh and other OS tools to the image and thus makes it more suitable for usage in CI systems.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_3","text":"Remove debug leftover print from IP address completions. Added /v2 postfix to module name in go.mod , this enables installing v2 versions of CLI with go install .","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#220-2022-10-17","text":"","title":"2.2.0 - 2022-10-17"},{"location":"changelog/#added_9","text":"Include runtime operating system and architecture in version command output. Include instructions for defining credentials and API access in upctl --help output.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_4","text":"Fix commands in server delete usage examples. Tune human output so that normal output is directed to stdout . Progess and error messages are still outputted to stderr .","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#210-2022-09-07","text":"","title":"2.1.0 - 2022-09-07"},{"location":"changelog/#added_10","text":"Add --wait flag to storage import and storage templatise commands to wait until storage is in online state. In JSON and YAML output of storage import : information on target storage is now available under storage key.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_5","text":"In human output of storage list : capitalize zone column header and color storage state similarly than in storage show . In human output of storage import : output UUID of created storage, instead of storage import operation. No UUID is outputted if existing storage was used.","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#200-2022-08-30","text":"","title":"2.0.0 - 2022-08-30"},{"location":"changelog/#added_11","text":"Add database delete command. Add loadbalancer delete command. Add Access field to storage show output. Add fields argument and resource to JSON and YAML error outputs.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_4","text":"Breaking : Human output, including errors, is written to stderr instead of stdout. Refactor progress logging. This changes the appearance of progress logs. See UpCloudLtd / progress for the new implementation.","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_6","text":"Breaking : Set non-zero exit code if command execution fails. Breaking : Render servers IP addresses as array of objects, instead of previous pretty-printed string, in JSON and YAML outputs of server show . Breaking : Use key names from json field tag also in YAML output to have equal key names in JSON and YAML outputs. For example, bootorder key in server details will now be boot_order also in YAML output. As a side-effect data-types are limited to those supported by JSON. For example, timestamps will be presented as (double-quoted) strings. In addition, if command targets multiple resources, YAML output will now be a list, similarly than in JSON output, instead of previous multiple YAML documents. Breaking : In JSON and YAML output, storage show lists attached servers in servers list instead of server string. Breaking : In JSON and YAML output, network show lists DHCP DNS values in list instead of string. On network show , output server details as unknown instead of outputting an error, if fetching server details fails. This allows displaying network details for networks that contain a load balancer. Progress logging to non TTY output uses now 100 as text width instead of 0.","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#151-2022-07-15","text":"","title":"1.5.1 - 2022-07-15"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_7","text":"On server create , mount OS disk by default on virtio bus. Previously default OS storage address was not explicit and varyed depending on template type. Disable colors if user has set NO_COLOR environment variable to non-empty value.","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#150-2022-07-05","text":"","title":"1.5.0 - 2022-07-05"},{"location":"changelog/#added_12","text":"Add --show-ip-addresses flag to server list command to optionally include IP addresses in command output. Add database connection list , database connection cancel , database start , and database stop commands.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_5","text":"Make --family parameter of server firewall create command optional to allow editing the default rules. Update cobra to v1.5.0 and refactor required flag validation code. This affects validation error messages.","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_8","text":"Complete shell input with uppercase letters (e.g., Cap to CapitalizedName will now work) Display UUID of created template in storage templatise output.","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#140-2022-06-15","text":"","title":"1.4.0 - 2022-06-15"},{"location":"changelog/#added_13","text":"Add database list , database show , database plans , and database types commands. Add loadbalancer list and loadbalancer show commands. Add db and lb aliases to database and loadbalancer , respectively.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_6","text":"Color server state in server list output similarly than in server show output. Update Go version to 1.18 Update upcloud-go-api to v4.8.0","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#130-2022-05-17","text":"","title":"1.3.0 - 2022-05-17"},{"location":"changelog/#added_14","text":"Add zone list command that lists available zones. Add --wait flag to server create and server stop commands to wait until server is in started and stopped state, respectively.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_7","text":"Update upcloud-go-api to v4.5.2","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_9","text":"Do not display usage if execution fails because of missing credentials Mark error and warning livelogs finished when they will not be updated anymore: this stops the timer in the end of the row and stops livelog from refreshing these lines.","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#120-2022-04-29","text":"","title":"1.2.0 - 2022-04-29"},{"location":"changelog/#added_15","text":"Include UUID (or address) of created resource in create command output storage modify command now accepts enable-filesystem-autoresize flag. When that flag is set upctl will attempt to resize partition and filesystem after storage size has been modified.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_8","text":"New go-api version v4.5.0","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_10","text":"Improved errors relating to argument resolver failures Print version info, instead of missing credentials error, when runnning upctl version without credentials Disable colors when outputting in JSON or YAML format Display both public and private addresses in server create output Render livelog messages of commands which execution takes less than render tick interval","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#113-2022-02-24","text":"","title":"1.1.3 - 2022-02-24"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_9","text":"Update documentation","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_11","text":"Fix storage command attached-to-server key overrides zone","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#112-2022-01-21","text":"","title":"1.1.2 - 2022-01-21"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_12","text":"New release with no changes to fix the Homebrew deprecation notice","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#111-2021-09-30","text":"","title":"1.1.1 - 2021-09-30"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_10","text":"Change password creation to be disabled by default in server creation Always create a password when password delivery method is chosen","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#110-2021-06-03","text":"","title":"1.1.0 - 2021-06-03"},{"location":"changelog/#added_16","text":"Debug mode for finding root causes to problems Docker image and upload to Docker Hub Autogenerated documentation under /docs Terminal width handling","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_11","text":"Global flags for colors refactored to --force-colour and --no-colour New go-api version Improved error messages","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixes","text":"No coloring of texts if stdout is not a terminal Detaching routers works now with the new --detach-router parameter in network modify","title":"Fixes"},{"location":"changelog/#100-2021-04-16","text":"First non-beta release! Includes all previous changes and fixes.","title":"1.0.0 - 2021-04-16"},{"location":"changelog/#060-2021-04-16","text":"","title":"0.6.0 - 2021-04-16"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_12","text":"Use goreleaser for releasing packages Move creation of service outside runcommand to facilitate testing","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixes_1","text":"fix(pre-commit): add missing golangci config file fix(root): use default cobra behavious when called","title":"Fixes"},{"location":"changelog/#050-2021-04-14","text":"Initial public beta release :tada:","title":"0.5.0 - 2021-04-14"},{"location":"changelog/#added_17","text":"Added commands for managing server firewall rules","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_13","text":"Shell auto-completion fixed","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_13","text":"Input & output handling rewritten Several help text fixes & changes Default OS changed to Ubuntu 20.04 Defaults for networks / routers in line with storages, so we'll show users' own resources by default","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#011-2021-03-12","text":"","title":"0.1.1 - 2021-03-12"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_14","text":"Load config files from the correct place on Windows Fix storage import failing on readerCounter not implementing io.Reader","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#010-2021-03-10","text":"","title":"0.1.0 - 2021-03-10"},{"location":"changelog/#added_18","text":"Current feature set added! First internal release","title":"Added"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl/","text":"upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl provides a command-line interface to UpCloud services. It allows you to control your resources from the command line or any compatible interface. To be able to manage your UpCLoud resources, you need to configure credentials for upctl and enable API access for these credentials. Define the credentials by setting UPCLOUD_USERNAME and UPCLOUD_PASSWORD environment variables. API access can be configured on the Account page of the UpCloud Hub. We recommend you to set up a sub-account specifically for the API usage with its own username and password, as it allows you to assign specific permissions for increased security. Options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --help , -h help for upctl Default: false --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl account Manage accounts upctl database Manage databases upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers upctl network Manage networks upctl router Manage routers upctl server Manage servers upctl servergroup Manage server groups upctl storage Manage storages upctl version Display software information upctl zone Display zone information","title":"upctl"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl/#upctl","text":"UpCloud command-line interface upctl provides a command-line interface to UpCloud services. It allows you to control your resources from the command line or any compatible interface. To be able to manage your UpCLoud resources, you need to configure credentials for upctl and enable API access for these credentials. Define the credentials by setting UPCLOUD_USERNAME and UPCLOUD_PASSWORD environment variables. API access can be configured on the Account page of the UpCloud Hub. We recommend you to set up a sub-account specifically for the API usage with its own username and password, as it allows you to assign specific permissions for increased security.","title":"upctl"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl/#options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --help , -h help for upctl Default: false --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl account Manage accounts upctl database Manage databases upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers upctl network Manage networks upctl router Manage routers upctl server Manage servers upctl servergroup Manage server groups upctl storage Manage storages upctl version Display software information upctl zone Display zone information","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_version/","text":"upctl version Display software information upctl version [flags] Examples upctl version Options Option Description --help , -h help for version Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface","title":"upctl version"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_version/#upctl-version","text":"Display software information upctl version [flags]","title":"upctl version"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_version/#examples","text":"upctl version","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_version/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for version Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_version/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_version/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/","text":"upctl account Manage accounts upctl account [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for account Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl account show Show account","title":"account "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/#upctl-account","text":"Manage accounts upctl account [flags]","title":"upctl account"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for account Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl account show Show account","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/show/","text":"upctl account show Show account upctl account show [flags] Examples upctl account show Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl account Manage accounts","title":"account show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/show/#upctl-account-show","text":"Show account upctl account show [flags]","title":"upctl account show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/show/#examples","text":"upctl account show","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl account Manage accounts","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/","text":"upctl database Manage databases upctl database [flags] Aliases db Options Option Description --help , -h help for database Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl database delete Delete a database upctl database index Manage database indices upctl database list List current databases upctl database plans List available plans for given database type upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database session Manage database sessions upctl database show Show database details upctl database start Start on a managed database upctl database stop Stop a managed database upctl database types List available database types","title":"database "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/#upctl-database","text":"Manage databases upctl database [flags]","title":"upctl database"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/#aliases","text":"db","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for database Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl database delete Delete a database upctl database index Manage database indices upctl database list List current databases upctl database plans List available plans for given database type upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database session Manage database sessions upctl database show Show database details upctl database start Start on a managed database upctl database stop Stop a managed database upctl database types List available database types","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/delete/","text":"upctl database delete Delete a database upctl database delete [flags] Examples upctl database delete 0497728e-76ef-41d0-997f-fa9449eb71bc upctl database delete my_database Options Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"database delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/delete/#upctl-database-delete","text":"Delete a database upctl database delete [flags]","title":"upctl database delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/delete/#examples","text":"upctl database delete 0497728e-76ef-41d0-997f-fa9449eb71bc upctl database delete my_database","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/list/","text":"upctl database list List current databases upctl database list [flags] Examples upctl database list Options Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"database list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/list/#upctl-database-list","text":"List current databases upctl database list [flags]","title":"upctl database list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/list/#examples","text":"upctl database list","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/list/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/plans/","text":"upctl database plans List available plans for given database type upctl database plans [flags] Examples upctl database plans pg upctl database plans mysql Options Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"database plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/plans/#upctl-database-plans","text":"List available plans for given database type upctl database plans [flags]","title":"upctl database plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/plans/#examples","text":"upctl database plans pg upctl database plans mysql","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/plans/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/plans/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/plans/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/show/","text":"upctl database show Show database details upctl database show [flags] Examples upctl database show 9a8effcb-80e6-4a63-a7e5-066a6d093c14 upctl database show my-pg-database upctl database show my-mysql-database Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"database show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/show/#upctl-database-show","text":"Show database details upctl database show [flags]","title":"upctl database show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/show/#examples","text":"upctl database show 9a8effcb-80e6-4a63-a7e5-066a6d093c14 upctl database show my-pg-database upctl database show my-mysql-database","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/start/","text":"upctl database start Start on a managed database upctl database start [flags] Examples upctl database start b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b upctl database start b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b 666bcd3c-5c63-428d-a4fd-07c27469a5a6 upctl database start pg-1x1xcpu-2gb-25gb-pl-waw1 Options Option Description --help , -h help for start Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"database start"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/start/#upctl-database-start","text":"Start on a managed database upctl database start [flags]","title":"upctl database start"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/start/#examples","text":"upctl database start b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b upctl database start b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b 666bcd3c-5c63-428d-a4fd-07c27469a5a6 upctl database start pg-1x1xcpu-2gb-25gb-pl-waw1","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/start/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for start Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/start/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/start/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/stop/","text":"upctl database stop Stop a managed database upctl database stop [flags] Aliases shutdown Examples upctl database stop b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b upctl database stop b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b 666bcd3c-5c63-428d-a4fd-07c27469a5a6 upctl database stop pg-1x1xcpu-2gb-25gb-pl-waw1 Options Option Description --help , -h help for stop Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"database stop"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/stop/#upctl-database-stop","text":"Stop a managed database upctl database stop [flags]","title":"upctl database stop"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/stop/#aliases","text":"shutdown","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/stop/#examples","text":"upctl database stop b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b upctl database stop b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b 666bcd3c-5c63-428d-a4fd-07c27469a5a6 upctl database stop pg-1x1xcpu-2gb-25gb-pl-waw1","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/stop/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for stop Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/stop/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/stop/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/types/","text":"upctl database types List available database types upctl database types [flags] Examples upctl database types Options Option Description --help , -h help for types Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"database types"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/types/#upctl-database-types","text":"List available database types upctl database types [flags]","title":"upctl database types"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/types/#examples","text":"upctl database types","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/types/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for types Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/types/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/types/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/","text":"upctl database index Manage database indices upctl database index [flags] Aliases indices Options Option Description --help , -h help for index Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases upctl database index delete Delete an index from the specified database. upctl database index list List current indices of the specified databases","title":"index "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/#upctl-database-index","text":"Manage database indices upctl database index [flags]","title":"upctl database index"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/#aliases","text":"indices","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for index Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases upctl database index delete Delete an index from the specified database. upctl database index list List current indices of the specified databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/delete/","text":"upctl database index delete Delete an index from the specified database. upctl database index delete [flags] Examples upctl database index delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name .index-to-delete Options Option Description --name Index name --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database index Manage database indices","title":"index delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/delete/#upctl-database-index-delete","text":"Delete an index from the specified database. upctl database index delete [flags]","title":"upctl database index delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/delete/#examples","text":"upctl database index delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name .index-to-delete","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --name Index name --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database index Manage database indices","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/list/","text":"upctl database index list List current indices of the specified databases upctl database index list [flags] Examples upctl database index list 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 Options Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database index Manage database indices","title":"index list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/list/#upctl-database-index-list","text":"List current indices of the specified databases upctl database index list [flags]","title":"upctl database index list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/list/#examples","text":"upctl database index list 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/list/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database index Manage database indices","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/","text":"upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties [flags] Examples upctl database properties pg upctl database properties mysql Options Option Description --help , -h help for properties Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases upctl database properties mysql List available properties for MySQL databases upctl database properties opensearch List available properties for OpenSearch databases upctl database properties pg List available properties for PostgreSQL databases upctl database properties redis List available properties for Redis databases","title":"properties "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/#upctl-database-properties","text":"List available properties for given database type upctl database properties [flags]","title":"upctl database properties"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/#examples","text":"upctl database properties pg upctl database properties mysql","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for properties Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases upctl database properties mysql List available properties for MySQL databases upctl database properties opensearch List available properties for OpenSearch databases upctl database properties pg List available properties for PostgreSQL databases upctl database properties redis List available properties for Redis databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/","text":"upctl database properties mysql List available properties for MySQL databases upctl database properties mysql [flags] Examples upctl database properties mysql Options Option Description --help , -h help for mysql Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties mysql show Show MySQL database property details","title":"mysql "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/#upctl-database-properties-mysql","text":"List available properties for MySQL databases upctl database properties mysql [flags]","title":"upctl database properties mysql"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/#examples","text":"upctl database properties mysql","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for mysql Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties mysql show Show MySQL database property details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/show/","text":"upctl database properties mysql show Show MySQL database property details upctl database properties mysql show [flags] Examples upctl database properties mysql show version Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties mysql List available properties for MySQL databases","title":"mysql show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/show/#upctl-database-properties-mysql-show","text":"Show MySQL database property details upctl database properties mysql show [flags]","title":"upctl database properties mysql show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/show/#examples","text":"upctl database properties mysql show version","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties mysql List available properties for MySQL databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/","text":"upctl database properties opensearch List available properties for OpenSearch databases upctl database properties opensearch [flags] Examples upctl database properties opensearch Options Option Description --help , -h help for opensearch Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties opensearch show Show OpenSearch database property details","title":"opensearch "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/#upctl-database-properties-opensearch","text":"List available properties for OpenSearch databases upctl database properties opensearch [flags]","title":"upctl database properties opensearch"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/#examples","text":"upctl database properties opensearch","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for opensearch Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties opensearch show Show OpenSearch database property details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/show/","text":"upctl database properties opensearch show Show OpenSearch database property details upctl database properties opensearch show [flags] Examples upctl database properties opensearch show version Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties opensearch List available properties for OpenSearch databases","title":"opensearch show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/show/#upctl-database-properties-opensearch-show","text":"Show OpenSearch database property details upctl database properties opensearch show [flags]","title":"upctl database properties opensearch show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/show/#examples","text":"upctl database properties opensearch show version","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties opensearch List available properties for OpenSearch databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/","text":"upctl database properties pg List available properties for PostgreSQL databases upctl database properties pg [flags] Examples upctl database properties pg Options Option Description --help , -h help for pg Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties pg show Show PostgreSQL database property details","title":"pg "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/#upctl-database-properties-pg","text":"List available properties for PostgreSQL databases upctl database properties pg [flags]","title":"upctl database properties pg"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/#examples","text":"upctl database properties pg","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for pg Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties pg show Show PostgreSQL database property details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/show/","text":"upctl database properties pg show Show PostgreSQL database property details upctl database properties pg show [flags] Examples upctl database properties pg show version Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties pg List available properties for PostgreSQL databases","title":"pg show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/show/#upctl-database-properties-pg-show","text":"Show PostgreSQL database property details upctl database properties pg show [flags]","title":"upctl database properties pg show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/show/#examples","text":"upctl database properties pg show version","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties pg List available properties for PostgreSQL databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/","text":"upctl database properties redis List available properties for Redis databases upctl database properties redis [flags] Examples upctl database properties redis Options Option Description --help , -h help for redis Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties redis show Show Redis database property details","title":"redis "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/#upctl-database-properties-redis","text":"List available properties for Redis databases upctl database properties redis [flags]","title":"upctl database properties redis"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/#examples","text":"upctl database properties redis","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for redis Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties redis show Show Redis database property details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/show/","text":"upctl database properties redis show Show Redis database property details upctl database properties redis show [flags] Examples upctl database properties redis show version Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties redis List available properties for Redis databases","title":"redis show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/show/#upctl-database-properties-redis-show","text":"Show Redis database property details upctl database properties redis show [flags]","title":"upctl database properties redis show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/show/#examples","text":"upctl database properties redis show version","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties redis List available properties for Redis databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/","text":"upctl database session Manage database sessions upctl database session [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for session Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases upctl database session cancel Terminate client session or cancel running query for a database upctl database session list List current sessions to specified database","title":"session "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/#upctl-database-session","text":"Manage database sessions upctl database session [flags]","title":"upctl database session"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for session Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases upctl database session cancel Terminate client session or cancel running query for a database upctl database session list List current sessions to specified database","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/cancel/","text":"upctl database session cancel Terminate client session or cancel running query for a database upctl database session cancel [flags] Examples upctl database session cancel 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b832 --pid 2345422 upctl database session cancel mysql-1 --pid 2345422 --terminate Options Option Description --pid Process ID of the session to cancel. Default: 0 --terminate Request immediate termination instead of soft cancel. --help , -h help for cancel Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database session Manage database sessions","title":"session cancel"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/cancel/#upctl-database-session-cancel","text":"Terminate client session or cancel running query for a database upctl database session cancel [flags]","title":"upctl database session cancel"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/cancel/#examples","text":"upctl database session cancel 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b832 --pid 2345422 upctl database session cancel mysql-1 --pid 2345422 --terminate","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/cancel/#options","text":"Option Description --pid Process ID of the session to cancel. Default: 0 --terminate Request immediate termination instead of soft cancel. --help , -h help for cancel Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/cancel/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/cancel/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database session Manage database sessions","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/list/","text":"upctl database session list List current sessions to specified database upctl database session list [flags] Examples upctl database session list 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b832 upctl database session list mysql-1 --limit 16 --offset 32 --order pid:desc Options Option Description --limit Number of entries to receive at most. Default: 10 --offset Offset for retrieved results based on sort order. Default: 0 --order Key and direction for sorting. Default: query_duration:desc --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database session Manage database sessions","title":"session list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/list/#upctl-database-session-list","text":"List current sessions to specified database upctl database session list [flags]","title":"upctl database session list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/list/#examples","text":"upctl database session list 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b832 upctl database session list mysql-1 --limit 16 --offset 32 --order pid:desc","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/list/#options","text":"Option Description --limit Number of entries to receive at most. Default: 10 --offset Offset for retrieved results based on sort order. Default: 0 --order Key and direction for sorting. Default: query_duration:desc --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database session Manage database sessions","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/","text":"upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses upctl ip-address [flags] Aliases ip Options Option Description --help , -h help for ip-address Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl ip-address assign Assign or create an IP address upctl ip-address list List IP addresses upctl ip-address modify Modify an IP address upctl ip-address remove Remove an IP address upctl ip-address show Show current IP address","title":"ip-address "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/#upctl-ip-address","text":"Manage IP addresses upctl ip-address [flags]","title":"upctl ip-address"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/#aliases","text":"ip","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for ip-address Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl ip-address assign Assign or create an IP address upctl ip-address list List IP addresses upctl ip-address modify Modify an IP address upctl ip-address remove Remove an IP address upctl ip-address show Show current IP address","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/assign/","text":"upctl ip-address assign Assign or create an IP address upctl ip-address assign [flags] Examples upctl ip-address assign --server 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl ip-address assign --server 00944977-89ce-4d10-89c3-bb5ba482e48d --family IPv6 upctl ip-address assign --server 00944977-89ce-4d10-89c3-bb5ba482e48d --floating --zone pl-waw1 upctl ip-address assign --server 00b78f8b-521d-4ffb-8baa-adf96c7b8f45 --floating --mac d6:0e:4a:6f:11:8f Options Option Description --access Is address for utility or public network. Default: public --family The address family of new IP address. Default: IPv4 --server The server the ip address is assigned to. --mac MAC address of server interface to assign address to. Required for detached floating IP address if zone is not specified. --zone Zone where to create the IP address. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. Required when creating a detached floating IP address, i.e. when MAC address is not speficied. --floating Whether the address to be assigned is a floating one. --help , -h help for assign Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"ip-address assign"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/assign/#upctl-ip-address-assign","text":"Assign or create an IP address upctl ip-address assign [flags]","title":"upctl ip-address assign"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/assign/#examples","text":"upctl ip-address assign --server 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl ip-address assign --server 00944977-89ce-4d10-89c3-bb5ba482e48d --family IPv6 upctl ip-address assign --server 00944977-89ce-4d10-89c3-bb5ba482e48d --floating --zone pl-waw1 upctl ip-address assign --server 00b78f8b-521d-4ffb-8baa-adf96c7b8f45 --floating --mac d6:0e:4a:6f:11:8f","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/assign/#options","text":"Option Description --access Is address for utility or public network. Default: public --family The address family of new IP address. Default: IPv4 --server The server the ip address is assigned to. --mac MAC address of server interface to assign address to. Required for detached floating IP address if zone is not specified. --zone Zone where to create the IP address. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. Required when creating a detached floating IP address, i.e. when MAC address is not speficied. --floating Whether the address to be assigned is a floating one. --help , -h help for assign Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/assign/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/assign/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/list/","text":"upctl ip-address list List IP addresses upctl ip-address list [flags] Examples upctl ip-address list Options Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"ip-address list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/list/#upctl-ip-address-list","text":"List IP addresses upctl ip-address list [flags]","title":"upctl ip-address list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/list/#examples","text":"upctl ip-address list","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/list/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/modify/","text":"upctl ip-address modify Modify an IP address upctl ip-address modify [flags] Examples upctl ip-address modify --ptr-record myapp.com upctl ip-address modify --mac d6:0e:4a:6f:2b:06 Options Option Description --mac MAC address of server interface to attach floating IP to. --ptr-record New fully qualified domain name to set as the PTR record for the IP address. --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"ip-address modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/modify/#upctl-ip-address-modify","text":"Modify an IP address upctl ip-address modify [flags]","title":"upctl ip-address modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/modify/#examples","text":"upctl ip-address modify --ptr-record myapp.com upctl ip-address modify --mac d6:0e:4a:6f:2b:06","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --mac MAC address of server interface to attach floating IP to. --ptr-record New fully qualified domain name to set as the PTR record for the IP address. --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/remove/","text":"upctl ip-address remove Remove an IP address upctl ip-address remove [flags] Examples upctl ip-address remove upctl ip-address remove 2a04:3544:8000:1000:d40e:4aff:fe6f:2c85 Options Option Description --help , -h help for remove Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"ip-address remove"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/remove/#upctl-ip-address-remove","text":"Remove an IP address upctl ip-address remove [flags]","title":"upctl ip-address remove"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/remove/#examples","text":"upctl ip-address remove upctl ip-address remove 2a04:3544:8000:1000:d40e:4aff:fe6f:2c85","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/remove/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for remove Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/remove/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/remove/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/show/","text":"upctl ip-address show Show current IP address upctl ip-address show [flags] Examples upctl ip-address show upctl ip-address show 2a04:3544:8000:1000:d40e:4aff:fe6f:5d34 Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"ip-address show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/show/#upctl-ip-address-show","text":"Show current IP address upctl ip-address show [flags]","title":"upctl ip-address show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/show/#examples","text":"upctl ip-address show upctl ip-address show 2a04:3544:8000:1000:d40e:4aff:fe6f:5d34","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/","text":"upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes [flags] Aliases k8s , uks Options Option Description --help , -h help for kubernetes Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl kubernetes config Output Kubernetes cluster kubeconfig upctl kubernetes create Create a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes delete Delete a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes list List current Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes modify Modifiy an existing cluster upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups upctl kubernetes plans List available cluster plans upctl kubernetes show Show Kubernetes cluster details upctl kubernetes versions List available versions for Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/#upctl-kubernetes","text":"Manage Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/#aliases","text":"k8s , uks","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for kubernetes Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl kubernetes config Output Kubernetes cluster kubeconfig upctl kubernetes create Create a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes delete Delete a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes list List current Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes modify Modifiy an existing cluster upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups upctl kubernetes plans List available cluster plans upctl kubernetes show Show Kubernetes cluster details upctl kubernetes versions List available versions for Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/config/","text":"upctl kubernetes config Output Kubernetes cluster kubeconfig upctl kubernetes config [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes config 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b831 --output human upctl kubernetes config 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b831 --output yaml --write $KUBECONFIG upctl kubernetes config 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b831 --output yaml --write ./my_kubeconfig.yaml Options Option Description --write Absolute path for writing output. If the file exists, the config will be merged. --help , -h help for config Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes config"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/config/#upctl-kubernetes-config","text":"Output Kubernetes cluster kubeconfig upctl kubernetes config [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes config"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/config/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes config 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b831 --output human upctl kubernetes config 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b831 --output yaml --write $KUBECONFIG upctl kubernetes config 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b831 --output yaml --write ./my_kubeconfig.yaml","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/config/#options","text":"Option Description --write Absolute path for writing output. If the file exists, the config will be merged. --help , -h help for config Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/config/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/config/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/create/","text":"upctl kubernetes create Create a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes create [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes create \\ --name my-cluster \\ --network 03e5ca07-f36c-4957-a676-e001e40441eb \\ --node-group count=2,name=my-minimal-node-group,plan=2xCPU-4GB, \\ --zone de-fra1 upctl kubernetes create \\ --name my-cluster \\ --plan production-small \\ --network 03e5ca07-f36c-4957-a676-e001e40441eb \\ --node-group count=4,kubelet-arg=\"log-flush-frequency=5s\",label=\"owner=devteam\",label=\"env=dev\",name=my-node-group,plan=4xCPU-8GB,ssh-key=\"ssh-ed25519 AAAAo admin@user.com\",ssh-key=\"/path/to/your/public/ssh/key.pub\",storage=01000000-0000-4000-8000-000160010100,taint=\"env=dev:NoSchedule\",taint=\"env=dev2:NoSchedule\" \\ --zone de-fra1 Options Option Description --name Kubernetes cluster name. --plan Plan to use for the cluster. Run upctl kubernetes plans to list all available plans. Default: development --network Network to use. The value should be name or UUID of a private network. --node-group Node group(s) for running workloads, multiple can be declared. Usage: --node-group count=8,kubelet-arg=\"log-flush-frequency=5s\",label=\"owner=devteam\",label=\"env=dev\",name=my-node-group,plan=2xCPU-4GB,ssh-key=\"ssh-ed25519 AAAAo admin@user.com\",ssh-key=\"/path/to/your/public/ssh/key.pub\",storage=01000000-0000-4000-8000-000160010100,taint=\"env=dev:NoSchedule\",taint=\"env=dev2:NoSchedule\" Default: [] --kubernetes-api-allow-ip Allow cluster's Kubernetes API to be accessed from an IP address or a network CIDR, multiple can be declared. Default: [] --private-node-groups Do not assign public IPs to worker nodes. If set, the attached network should have a NAT gateway configured to provide internet access to the worker nodes. --zone Zone where to create the cluster. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --wait Wait for cluster to be in running state before returning. --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/create/#upctl-kubernetes-create","text":"Create a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes create [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/create/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes create \\ --name my-cluster \\ --network 03e5ca07-f36c-4957-a676-e001e40441eb \\ --node-group count=2,name=my-minimal-node-group,plan=2xCPU-4GB, \\ --zone de-fra1 upctl kubernetes create \\ --name my-cluster \\ --plan production-small \\ --network 03e5ca07-f36c-4957-a676-e001e40441eb \\ --node-group count=4,kubelet-arg=\"log-flush-frequency=5s\",label=\"owner=devteam\",label=\"env=dev\",name=my-node-group,plan=4xCPU-8GB,ssh-key=\"ssh-ed25519 AAAAo admin@user.com\",ssh-key=\"/path/to/your/public/ssh/key.pub\",storage=01000000-0000-4000-8000-000160010100,taint=\"env=dev:NoSchedule\",taint=\"env=dev2:NoSchedule\" \\ --zone de-fra1","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/create/#options","text":"Option Description --name Kubernetes cluster name. --plan Plan to use for the cluster. Run upctl kubernetes plans to list all available plans. Default: development --network Network to use. The value should be name or UUID of a private network. --node-group Node group(s) for running workloads, multiple can be declared. Usage: --node-group count=8,kubelet-arg=\"log-flush-frequency=5s\",label=\"owner=devteam\",label=\"env=dev\",name=my-node-group,plan=2xCPU-4GB,ssh-key=\"ssh-ed25519 AAAAo admin@user.com\",ssh-key=\"/path/to/your/public/ssh/key.pub\",storage=01000000-0000-4000-8000-000160010100,taint=\"env=dev:NoSchedule\",taint=\"env=dev2:NoSchedule\" Default: [] --kubernetes-api-allow-ip Allow cluster's Kubernetes API to be accessed from an IP address or a network CIDR, multiple can be declared. Default: [] --private-node-groups Do not assign public IPs to worker nodes. If set, the attached network should have a NAT gateway configured to provide internet access to the worker nodes. --zone Zone where to create the cluster. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --wait Wait for cluster to be in running state before returning. --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/delete/","text":"upctl kubernetes delete Delete a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes delete [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl kubernetes delete my-kubernetes-cluster Options Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/delete/#upctl-kubernetes-delete","text":"Delete a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes delete [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/delete/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl kubernetes delete my-kubernetes-cluster","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/list/","text":"upctl kubernetes list List current Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes list [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes list Options Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/list/#upctl-kubernetes-list","text":"List current Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes list [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/list/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes list","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/list/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/modify/","text":"upctl kubernetes modify Modifiy an existing cluster upctl kubernetes modify [flags] Examples upctl cluster modify 00bb4617-c592-4b32-b869-35a60b323b18 --plan 1xCPU-1GB Options Option Description --kubernetes-api-allow-ip Allow cluster's Kubernetes API to be accessed from an IP address or a network CIDR, multiple can be declared. Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/modify/#upctl-kubernetes-modify","text":"Modifiy an existing cluster upctl kubernetes modify [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/modify/#examples","text":"upctl cluster modify 00bb4617-c592-4b32-b869-35a60b323b18 --plan 1xCPU-1GB","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --kubernetes-api-allow-ip Allow cluster's Kubernetes API to be accessed from an IP address or a network CIDR, multiple can be declared. Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/plans/","text":"upctl kubernetes plans List available cluster plans upctl kubernetes plans [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes plans Options Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/plans/#upctl-kubernetes-plans","text":"List available cluster plans upctl kubernetes plans [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/plans/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes plans","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/plans/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/plans/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/plans/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/show/","text":"upctl kubernetes show Show Kubernetes cluster details upctl kubernetes show [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes show 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl kubernetes show my-cluster Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/show/#upctl-kubernetes-show","text":"Show Kubernetes cluster details upctl kubernetes show [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/show/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes show 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl kubernetes show my-cluster","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/versions/","text":"upctl kubernetes versions List available versions for Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes versions [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes versions Options Option Description --help , -h help for versions Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes versions"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/versions/#upctl-kubernetes-versions","text":"List available versions for Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes versions [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes versions"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/versions/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes versions","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/versions/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for versions Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/versions/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/versions/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups upctl kubernetes nodegroup [flags] Aliases node-group Options Option Description --help , -h help for nodegroup Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes nodegroup create Create a new node group into the specified cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete Delete the node group from the cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale Scale the number of nodes in the node group. upctl kubernetes nodegroup show Show node group details","title":"nodegroup "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/#upctl-kubernetes-nodegroup","text":"Manage cluster node-groups upctl kubernetes nodegroup [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/#aliases","text":"node-group","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for nodegroup Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes nodegroup create Create a new node group into the specified cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete Delete the node group from the cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale Scale the number of nodes in the node group. upctl kubernetes nodegroup show Show node group details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/create/","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup create Create a new node group into the specified cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup create [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes nodegroup create 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name secondary-node-group --count 3 --plan 2xCPU-4GB Options Option Description --count Number of nodes in the node group Default: 0 --kubelet-arg Arguments to use when executing kubelet in argument=value format Default: [] --label Labels to describe the nodes in key=value format. Use multiple times to define multiple labels. Labels are forwarded to the kubernetes nodes. Default: [] --name Node group name --plan Server plan to use for nodes in the node group. Run upctl server plans to list all available plans. --ssh-key SSH keys to be configured as authorized keys to the nodes. Default: [] --storage Storage template to use when creating the nodes. Defaults to UpCloud K8s public template. --taint Taints to be configured to the nodes in key=value:effect format Default: [] --disable-utility-network-access Disable utility network access. If disabled, nodes in this group will not have access to utility network. --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"nodegroup create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/create/#upctl-kubernetes-nodegroup-create","text":"Create a new node group into the specified cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup create [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/create/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup create 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name secondary-node-group --count 3 --plan 2xCPU-4GB","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/create/#options","text":"Option Description --count Number of nodes in the node group Default: 0 --kubelet-arg Arguments to use when executing kubelet in argument=value format Default: [] --label Labels to describe the nodes in key=value format. Use multiple times to define multiple labels. Labels are forwarded to the kubernetes nodes. Default: [] --name Node group name --plan Server plan to use for nodes in the node group. Run upctl server plans to list all available plans. --ssh-key SSH keys to be configured as authorized keys to the nodes. Default: [] --storage Storage template to use when creating the nodes. Defaults to UpCloud K8s public template. --taint Taints to be configured to the nodes in key=value:effect format Default: [] --disable-utility-network-access Disable utility network access. If disabled, nodes in this group will not have access to utility network. --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/delete/","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete Delete the node group from the cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name secondary-node-group Options Option Description --name Node group name --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"nodegroup delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/delete/#upctl-kubernetes-nodegroup-delete","text":"Delete the node group from the cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/delete/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name secondary-node-group","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --name Node group name --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/scale/","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale Scale the number of nodes in the node group. upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name secondary-node-group --count 3 Options Option Description --name Node group name --count Node count Default: 0 --help , -h help for scale Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"nodegroup scale"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/scale/#upctl-kubernetes-nodegroup-scale","text":"Scale the number of nodes in the node group. upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/scale/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name secondary-node-group --count 3","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/scale/#options","text":"Option Description --name Node group name --count Node count Default: 0 --help , -h help for scale Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/scale/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/scale/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/show/","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup show Show node group details upctl kubernetes nodegroup show [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes nodegroup show 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name default Options Option Description --name Node group name --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"nodegroup show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/show/#upctl-kubernetes-nodegroup-show","text":"Show node group details upctl kubernetes nodegroup show [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/show/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup show 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name default","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/show/#options","text":"Option Description --name Node group name --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/","text":"upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers upctl loadbalancer [flags] Aliases lb Options Option Description --help , -h help for loadbalancer Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl loadbalancer delete Delete a load balancer upctl loadbalancer list List current load balancers upctl loadbalancer plans List available load balancer plans upctl loadbalancer show Show load balancer details","title":"loadbalancer "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/#upctl-loadbalancer","text":"Manage load balancers upctl loadbalancer [flags]","title":"upctl loadbalancer"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/#aliases","text":"lb","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for loadbalancer Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl loadbalancer delete Delete a load balancer upctl loadbalancer list List current load balancers upctl loadbalancer plans List available load balancer plans upctl loadbalancer show Show load balancer details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/delete/","text":"upctl loadbalancer delete Delete a load balancer upctl loadbalancer delete [flags] Examples upctl loadbalancer delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl loadbalancer delete my-load-balancer Options Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"loadbalancer delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/delete/#upctl-loadbalancer-delete","text":"Delete a load balancer upctl loadbalancer delete [flags]","title":"upctl loadbalancer delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/delete/#examples","text":"upctl loadbalancer delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl loadbalancer delete my-load-balancer","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/list/","text":"upctl loadbalancer list List current load balancers upctl loadbalancer list [flags] Examples upctl loadbalancer list Options Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"loadbalancer list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/list/#upctl-loadbalancer-list","text":"List current load balancers upctl loadbalancer list [flags]","title":"upctl loadbalancer list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/list/#examples","text":"upctl loadbalancer list","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/list/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/plans/","text":"upctl loadbalancer plans List available load balancer plans upctl loadbalancer plans [flags] Examples upctl loadbalancer plans Options Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"loadbalancer plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/plans/#upctl-loadbalancer-plans","text":"List available load balancer plans upctl loadbalancer plans [flags]","title":"upctl loadbalancer plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/plans/#examples","text":"upctl loadbalancer plans","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/plans/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/plans/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/plans/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/show/","text":"upctl loadbalancer show Show load balancer details upctl loadbalancer show [flags] Examples upctl loadbalancer show 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl loadbalancer show my-load-balancer Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"loadbalancer show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/show/#upctl-loadbalancer-show","text":"Show load balancer details upctl loadbalancer show [flags]","title":"upctl loadbalancer show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/show/#examples","text":"upctl loadbalancer show 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl loadbalancer show my-load-balancer","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/","text":"upctl network Manage networks upctl network [flags] Aliases net Options Option Description --help , -h help for network Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl network create Create a network upctl network delete Delete a network upctl network list List networks, by default private networks only upctl network modify Modify a network upctl network show Show network details","title":"network "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/#upctl-network","text":"Manage networks upctl network [flags]","title":"upctl network"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/#aliases","text":"net","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for network Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl network create Create a network upctl network delete Delete a network upctl network list List networks, by default private networks only upctl network modify Modify a network upctl network show Show network details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/create/","text":"upctl network create Create a network upctl network create [flags] Examples upctl network create --name \"My Network\" --zone pl-waw1 --ip-network address= upctl network create --name my_net --zone pl-waw1 --ip-network address=,dhcp=true Options Option Description --name Names the network. --zone Zone where to create the network. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --router Add this network to an existing router. --ip-network A network interface for the server, multiple can be declared. Fields: address: string family: string gateway: string dhcp: true/false dhcp-default-route: true/false dhcp-dns: array of strings Default: [] --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"network create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/create/#upctl-network-create","text":"Create a network upctl network create [flags]","title":"upctl network create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/create/#examples","text":"upctl network create --name \"My Network\" --zone pl-waw1 --ip-network address= upctl network create --name my_net --zone pl-waw1 --ip-network address=,dhcp=true","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/create/#options","text":"Option Description --name Names the network. --zone Zone where to create the network. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --router Add this network to an existing router. --ip-network A network interface for the server, multiple can be declared. Fields: address: string family: string gateway: string dhcp: true/false dhcp-default-route: true/false dhcp-dns: array of strings Default: [] --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/delete/","text":"upctl network delete Delete a network upctl network delete [flags] Examples upctl network delete 037f260c-9568-4d9b-97e5-44cf52440ccb upctl network delete 03d7b5c2-b80a-4636-88d4-f9911185c975 0312a237-8204-4c1c-9fd1-2314013ec687 upctl network delete \"My Network 1\" Options Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"network delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/delete/#upctl-network-delete","text":"Delete a network upctl network delete [flags]","title":"upctl network delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/delete/#examples","text":"upctl network delete 037f260c-9568-4d9b-97e5-44cf52440ccb upctl network delete 03d7b5c2-b80a-4636-88d4-f9911185c975 0312a237-8204-4c1c-9fd1-2314013ec687 upctl network delete \"My Network 1\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/list/","text":"upctl network list List networks, by default private networks only upctl network list [flags] Examples upctl network list upctl network list --zone pl-waw1 upctl network list --zone pl-waw1 --public upctl network list --all upctl network list --zone pl-waw1 --all Options Option Description --zone Show networks from a specific zone. --all Show all networks. --public Show public networks instead of private networks. --utility Show utility networks instead of private networks. --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"network list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/list/#upctl-network-list","text":"List networks, by default private networks only upctl network list [flags]","title":"upctl network list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/list/#examples","text":"upctl network list upctl network list --zone pl-waw1 upctl network list --zone pl-waw1 --public upctl network list --all upctl network list --zone pl-waw1 --all","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/list/#options","text":"Option Description --zone Show networks from a specific zone. --all Show all networks. --public Show public networks instead of private networks. --utility Show utility networks instead of private networks. --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/modify/","text":"upctl network modify Modify a network upctl network modify [flags] Examples upctl network modify 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc --ip-network dhcp=false,family=IPv4 upctl network modify \"My Network\" --name \"My Super Network\" Options Option Description --name Set name of the private network. --router Attach a router to this network, specified by router UUID or router name. --detach-router Detach a router from this network. --ip-network The ip network with modified values. Fields family: string gateway: string dhcp: true/false dhcp-default-route: true/false dhcp-dns: array of strings Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"network modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/modify/#upctl-network-modify","text":"Modify a network upctl network modify [flags]","title":"upctl network modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/modify/#examples","text":"upctl network modify 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc --ip-network dhcp=false,family=IPv4 upctl network modify \"My Network\" --name \"My Super Network\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --name Set name of the private network. --router Attach a router to this network, specified by router UUID or router name. --detach-router Detach a router from this network. --ip-network The ip network with modified values. Fields family: string gateway: string dhcp: true/false dhcp-default-route: true/false dhcp-dns: array of strings Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/show/","text":"upctl network show Show network details upctl network show [flags] Examples upctl network show 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc upctl network show 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc 0311480d-d0c0-4951-ab41-bf12097f5d3c upctl network show \"My Network\" Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"network show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/show/#upctl-network-show","text":"Show network details upctl network show [flags]","title":"upctl network show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/show/#examples","text":"upctl network show 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc upctl network show 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc 0311480d-d0c0-4951-ab41-bf12097f5d3c upctl network show \"My Network\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/","text":"upctl router Manage routers upctl router [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for router Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl router create Create a router upctl router delete Delete a router upctl router list List routers upctl router modify Modify a router upctl router show Show current router","title":"router "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/#upctl-router","text":"Manage routers upctl router [flags]","title":"upctl router"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for router Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl router create Create a router upctl router delete Delete a router upctl router list List routers upctl router modify Modify a router upctl router show Show current router","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/create/","text":"upctl router create Create a router upctl router create [flags] Examples upctl router create --name my_router upctl router create --name \"My Router\" Options Option Description --name Router name. --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"router create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/create/#upctl-router-create","text":"Create a router upctl router create [flags]","title":"upctl router create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/create/#examples","text":"upctl router create --name my_router upctl router create --name \"My Router\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/create/#options","text":"Option Description --name Router name. --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/delete/","text":"upctl router delete Delete a router upctl router delete [flags] Examples upctl router delete 0497728e-76ef-41d0-997f-fa9449eb71bc upctl router delete my_router Options Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"router delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/delete/#upctl-router-delete","text":"Delete a router upctl router delete [flags]","title":"upctl router delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/delete/#examples","text":"upctl router delete 0497728e-76ef-41d0-997f-fa9449eb71bc upctl router delete my_router","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/list/","text":"upctl router list List routers upctl router list [flags] Examples upctl router list upctl router list --all Options Option Description --all Show all routers. --normal Show normal routers. --service Show service routers. --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"router list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/list/#upctl-router-list","text":"List routers upctl router list [flags]","title":"upctl router list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/list/#examples","text":"upctl router list upctl router list --all","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/list/#options","text":"Option Description --all Show all routers. --normal Show normal routers. --service Show service routers. --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/modify/","text":"upctl router modify Modify a router upctl router modify [flags] Examples upctl router modify 04d031ab-4b85-4cbc-9f0e-6a2977541327 --name my_super_router upctl router modify \"My Router\" --name \"My Turbo Router\" Options Option Description --name New router name. --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"router modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/modify/#upctl-router-modify","text":"Modify a router upctl router modify [flags]","title":"upctl router modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/modify/#examples","text":"upctl router modify 04d031ab-4b85-4cbc-9f0e-6a2977541327 --name my_super_router upctl router modify \"My Router\" --name \"My Turbo Router\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --name New router name. --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/show/","text":"upctl router show Show current router upctl router show [flags] Examples upctl router show 04d0a7f6-ee78-42b5-8077-6947f9e67c5a upctl router show 04d0a7f6-ee78-42b5-8077-6947f9e67c5a 04d031ab-4b85-4cbc-9f0e-6a2977541327 upctl router show \"My Turbo Router\" my_super_router Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"router show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/show/#upctl-router-show","text":"Show current router upctl router show [flags]","title":"upctl router show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/show/#examples","text":"upctl router show 04d0a7f6-ee78-42b5-8077-6947f9e67c5a upctl router show 04d0a7f6-ee78-42b5-8077-6947f9e67c5a 04d031ab-4b85-4cbc-9f0e-6a2977541327 upctl router show \"My Turbo Router\" my_super_router","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/","text":"upctl server Manage servers upctl server [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for server Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl server create Create a server upctl server delete Delete a server upctl server eject Eject a CD-ROM from the server upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify. upctl server list List current servers upctl server load Load a CD-ROM into the server upctl server modify Modifies the configuration of an existing server upctl server network-interface Manage network interface upctl server plans List server plans upctl server restart Restart a server upctl server show Show server details upctl server start Start a server upctl server stop Stop a server upctl server storage Manage server storages","title":"server "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/#upctl-server","text":"Manage servers upctl server [flags]","title":"upctl server"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for server Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl server create Create a server upctl server delete Delete a server upctl server eject Eject a CD-ROM from the server upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify. upctl server list List current servers upctl server load Load a CD-ROM into the server upctl server modify Modifies the configuration of an existing server upctl server network-interface Manage network interface upctl server plans List server plans upctl server restart Restart a server upctl server show Show server details upctl server start Start a server upctl server stop Stop a server upctl server storage Manage server storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/create/","text":"upctl server create Create a server upctl server create [flags] Examples upctl server create --title myapp --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email upctl server create --wait --title myapp --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email upctl server create --title \"My Server\" --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email --plan 2xCPU-4GB upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email --plan custom --cores 2 --memory 4096 upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email --os \"Debian GNU/Linux 10 (Buster)\" --server-group a4643646-8342-4324-4134-364138712378 upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --ssh-keys /path/to/publickey --network type=private,network=037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc,ip-address= Options Option Description --avoid-host Use this to make sure VMs do not reside on specific host. Refers to value from host -attribute. Useful when building HA-environments. Default: 0 --boot-order The boot device order, disk / cdrom / network or comma separated combination. --cores Number of cores. Only allowed if plan option is set to \"custom\". Default: 0 --create-password Create an admin password. --enable-firewall Enable firewall. --enable-metadata Enable metadata service. --enable-remote-access Enable remote access. --host Use this to start a VM on a specific private cloud host. Refers to value from host -attribute. Only available in private clouds. Default: 0 --hostname Server hostname. --label Labels to describe the server in key=value format, multiple can be declared. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --memory Memory amount in MiB. Only allowed if plan option is set to \"custom\". Default: 0 --network A network interface for the server, multiple can be declared. Usage: --network family=IPv4,type=public --network type=private,network=037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc,ip-address= Default: [] --os Server OS to use (will be the first storage device). The value should be title or UUID of an either public or private template. Set to empty to fully customise the storages. Default: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) --os-storage-size OS storage size in GiB. This is only applicable if os is also set. Zero value makes the disk equal to the minimum size of the template. Default: 0 --password-delivery Defines how password is delivered. Available: email, sms Default: none --plan Server plan name. See \"server plans\" command for valid plans. Set to \"custom\" and use cores and memory options for flexible plan. Default: 1xCPU-2GB --remote-access-password Defines the remote access password. --remote-access-type Set a remote access type. Available: vnc, spice --server-group UUID of a server group for the server. To remove the server from the group, see `servergroup modify --simple-backup Simple backup rule. Format (HHMM,{dailies,weeklies,monthlies}). Example: 2300,dailies --ssh-keys Add one or more SSH keys to the admin account. Accepted values are SSH public keys or filenames from where to read the keys. Default: [] --storage A storage connected to the server, multiple can be declared. Usage: --storage action=attach,storage=01000000-0000-4000-8000-000020010301,type=cdrom Default: [] --time-zone Time zone to set the RTC to. Default: UTC --title A short, informational description. --user-data Defines URL for a server setup script, or the script body itself. --username Admin account username. --video-model Video interface model of the server. Available: vga, cirrus Default: vga --wait Wait for server to be in started state before returning. --zone Zone where to create the server. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/create/#upctl-server-create","text":"Create a server upctl server create [flags]","title":"upctl server create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/create/#examples","text":"upctl server create --title myapp --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email upctl server create --wait --title myapp --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email upctl server create --title \"My Server\" --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email --plan 2xCPU-4GB upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email --plan custom --cores 2 --memory 4096 upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email --os \"Debian GNU/Linux 10 (Buster)\" --server-group a4643646-8342-4324-4134-364138712378 upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --ssh-keys /path/to/publickey --network type=private,network=037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc,ip-address=","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/create/#options","text":"Option Description --avoid-host Use this to make sure VMs do not reside on specific host. Refers to value from host -attribute. Useful when building HA-environments. Default: 0 --boot-order The boot device order, disk / cdrom / network or comma separated combination. --cores Number of cores. Only allowed if plan option is set to \"custom\". Default: 0 --create-password Create an admin password. --enable-firewall Enable firewall. --enable-metadata Enable metadata service. --enable-remote-access Enable remote access. --host Use this to start a VM on a specific private cloud host. Refers to value from host -attribute. Only available in private clouds. Default: 0 --hostname Server hostname. --label Labels to describe the server in key=value format, multiple can be declared. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --memory Memory amount in MiB. Only allowed if plan option is set to \"custom\". Default: 0 --network A network interface for the server, multiple can be declared. Usage: --network family=IPv4,type=public --network type=private,network=037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc,ip-address= Default: [] --os Server OS to use (will be the first storage device). The value should be title or UUID of an either public or private template. Set to empty to fully customise the storages. Default: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) --os-storage-size OS storage size in GiB. This is only applicable if os is also set. Zero value makes the disk equal to the minimum size of the template. Default: 0 --password-delivery Defines how password is delivered. Available: email, sms Default: none --plan Server plan name. See \"server plans\" command for valid plans. Set to \"custom\" and use cores and memory options for flexible plan. Default: 1xCPU-2GB --remote-access-password Defines the remote access password. --remote-access-type Set a remote access type. Available: vnc, spice --server-group UUID of a server group for the server. To remove the server from the group, see `servergroup modify --simple-backup Simple backup rule. Format (HHMM,{dailies,weeklies,monthlies}). Example: 2300,dailies --ssh-keys Add one or more SSH keys to the admin account. Accepted values are SSH public keys or filenames from where to read the keys. Default: [] --storage A storage connected to the server, multiple can be declared. Usage: --storage action=attach,storage=01000000-0000-4000-8000-000020010301,type=cdrom Default: [] --time-zone Time zone to set the RTC to. Default: UTC --title A short, informational description. --user-data Defines URL for a server setup script, or the script body itself. --username Admin account username. --video-model Video interface model of the server. Available: vga, cirrus Default: vga --wait Wait for server to be in started state before returning. --zone Zone where to create the server. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/delete/","text":"upctl server delete Delete a server upctl server delete [flags] Examples upctl server delete 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 upctl server delete 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server delete my_server Options Option Description --delete-storages Delete storages that are attached to the server. --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/delete/#upctl-server-delete","text":"Delete a server upctl server delete [flags]","title":"upctl server delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/delete/#examples","text":"upctl server delete 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 upctl server delete 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server delete my_server","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --delete-storages Delete storages that are attached to the server. --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/eject/","text":"upctl server eject Eject a CD-ROM from the server upctl server eject [flags] Examples upctl server eject my_server Options Option Description --help , -h help for eject Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server eject"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/eject/#upctl-server-eject","text":"Eject a CD-ROM from the server upctl server eject [flags]","title":"upctl server eject"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/eject/#examples","text":"upctl server eject my_server","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/eject/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for eject Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/eject/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/eject/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/list/","text":"upctl server list List current servers upctl server list [flags] Examples upctl server list upctl server list --show-ip-addresses upctl server list --show-ip-addresses=public Options Option Description --show-ip-addresses Show servers IP addresses of specified access type in the output or all ip addresses if argument value is \"all\" or no argument is specified. Default: none --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/list/#upctl-server-list","text":"List current servers upctl server list [flags]","title":"upctl server list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/list/#examples","text":"upctl server list upctl server list --show-ip-addresses upctl server list --show-ip-addresses=public","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/list/#options","text":"Option Description --show-ip-addresses Show servers IP addresses of specified access type in the output or all ip addresses if argument value is \"all\" or no argument is specified. Default: none --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/load/","text":"upctl server load Load a CD-ROM into the server upctl server load [flags] Examples upctl server load my_server4 --storage 01000000-0000-4000-8000-000080030101 Options Option Description --storage The UUID of the storage to be loaded in the CD-ROM device. --help , -h help for load Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server load"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/load/#upctl-server-load","text":"Load a CD-ROM into the server upctl server load [flags]","title":"upctl server load"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/load/#examples","text":"upctl server load my_server4 --storage 01000000-0000-4000-8000-000080030101","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/load/#options","text":"Option Description --storage The UUID of the storage to be loaded in the CD-ROM device. --help , -h help for load Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/load/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/load/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/modify/","text":"upctl server modify Modifies the configuration of an existing server upctl server modify [flags] Examples upctl server modify 00bb4617-c592-4b32-b869-35a60b323b18 --plan 1xCPU-1GB upctl server modify 00bb4617-c592-4b32-b869-35a60b323b18 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 --plan 1xCPU-1GB upctl server modify my_server1 --plan 1xCPU-2GB upctl server modify myapp --hostname superapp Options Option Description --boot-order The boot device order, disk / cdrom / network or comma separated combination. --cores Number of cores. Sets server plan to custom. Default: 0 --hostname Hostname. --enable-firewall Enable firewall. --disable-firewall Disable firewall. --label Labels to describe the server in key=value format, multiple can be declared. If set, all the existing labels will be replaced with provided ones. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --memory Memory amount in MiB. Sets server plan to custom. Default: 0 --enable-metadata Enable metadata service. --disable-metadata Disable metadata service. --plan Server plan to use. --simple-backup Simple backup rule. Format (HHMM,{dailies,weeklies,monthlies}). Example: 2300,dailies --title A short, informational description. --time-zone Time zone to set the RTC to. --video-model Video interface model of the server. Available: vga,cirrus --enable-remote-access Enable remote access. --disable-remote-access Disable remote access. --remote-access-type The remote access type. --remote-access-password The remote access password. --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/modify/#upctl-server-modify","text":"Modifies the configuration of an existing server upctl server modify [flags]","title":"upctl server modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/modify/#examples","text":"upctl server modify 00bb4617-c592-4b32-b869-35a60b323b18 --plan 1xCPU-1GB upctl server modify 00bb4617-c592-4b32-b869-35a60b323b18 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 --plan 1xCPU-1GB upctl server modify my_server1 --plan 1xCPU-2GB upctl server modify myapp --hostname superapp","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --boot-order The boot device order, disk / cdrom / network or comma separated combination. --cores Number of cores. Sets server plan to custom. Default: 0 --hostname Hostname. --enable-firewall Enable firewall. --disable-firewall Disable firewall. --label Labels to describe the server in key=value format, multiple can be declared. If set, all the existing labels will be replaced with provided ones. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --memory Memory amount in MiB. Sets server plan to custom. Default: 0 --enable-metadata Enable metadata service. --disable-metadata Disable metadata service. --plan Server plan to use. --simple-backup Simple backup rule. Format (HHMM,{dailies,weeklies,monthlies}). Example: 2300,dailies --title A short, informational description. --time-zone Time zone to set the RTC to. --video-model Video interface model of the server. Available: vga,cirrus --enable-remote-access Enable remote access. --disable-remote-access Disable remote access. --remote-access-type The remote access type. --remote-access-password The remote access password. --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/plans/","text":"upctl server plans List server plans upctl server plans [flags] Examples upctl server plans Options Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/plans/#upctl-server-plans","text":"List server plans upctl server plans [flags]","title":"upctl server plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/plans/#examples","text":"upctl server plans","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/plans/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/plans/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/plans/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/restart/","text":"upctl server restart Restart a server upctl server restart [flags] Examples upctl server restart 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl server restart 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --stop-type hard upctl server restart my_server1 my_server2 Options Option Description --stop-type The type of stop operation. Available: soft, hard Default: soft --help , -h help for restart Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server restart"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/restart/#upctl-server-restart","text":"Restart a server upctl server restart [flags]","title":"upctl server restart"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/restart/#examples","text":"upctl server restart 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl server restart 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --stop-type hard upctl server restart my_server1 my_server2","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/restart/#options","text":"Option Description --stop-type The type of stop operation. Available: soft, hard Default: soft --help , -h help for restart Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/restart/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/restart/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/show/","text":"upctl server show Show server details upctl server show [flags] Examples upctl server show 21aeb3b7-cd89-4123-a376-559b0e75be8b upctl server show 21aeb3b7-cd89-4123-a376-559b0e75be8b 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server show myhostname upctl server show my_server1 my_server2 Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/show/#upctl-server-show","text":"Show server details upctl server show [flags]","title":"upctl server show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/show/#examples","text":"upctl server show 21aeb3b7-cd89-4123-a376-559b0e75be8b upctl server show 21aeb3b7-cd89-4123-a376-559b0e75be8b 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server show myhostname upctl server show my_server1 my_server2","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/start/","text":"upctl server start Start a server upctl server start [flags] Examples upctl server start 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl server start 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server start my_server1 Options Option Description --help , -h help for start Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server start"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/start/#upctl-server-start","text":"Start a server upctl server start [flags]","title":"upctl server start"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/start/#examples","text":"upctl server start 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl server start 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server start my_server1","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/start/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for start Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/start/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/start/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/stop/","text":"upctl server stop Stop a server upctl server stop [flags] Examples upctl server stop 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 upctl server stop 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server stop my_server upctl server stop --wait my_server Options Option Description --type The type of stop operation. Available: soft, hard Default: soft --wait Wait for server to be in stopped state before returning. --help , -h help for stop Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server stop"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/stop/#upctl-server-stop","text":"Stop a server upctl server stop [flags]","title":"upctl server stop"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/stop/#examples","text":"upctl server stop 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 upctl server stop 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server stop my_server upctl server stop --wait my_server","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/stop/#options","text":"Option Description --type The type of stop operation. Available: soft, hard Default: soft --wait Wait for server to be in stopped state before returning. --help , -h help for stop Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/stop/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/stop/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/","text":"upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify. upctl server firewall [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for firewall Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers upctl server firewall create Create a new firewall rule upctl server firewall delete Removes a firewall rule from a server. Firewall rules must be removed individually. The positions of remaining firewall rules will be adjusted after a rule is removed. upctl server firewall show Show server firewall details.","title":"firewall "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/#upctl-server-firewall","text":"Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify. upctl server firewall [flags]","title":"upctl server firewall"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for firewall Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers upctl server firewall create Create a new firewall rule upctl server firewall delete Removes a firewall rule from a server. Firewall rules must be removed individually. The positions of remaining firewall rules will be adjusted after a rule is removed. upctl server firewall show Show server firewall details.","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/create/","text":"upctl server firewall create Create a new firewall rule To edit the default rule of the firewall, set only --direction and --action parameters. This creates catch-all rule that will take effect when no other rule matches. Note that the default rule must be positioned after all other rules. Use --position parameter or create default rule after other rules. upctl server firewall create [flags] Examples upctl server firewall create 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --direction in --action drop upctl server firewall create 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --direction in --action accept --family IPv4 upctl server firewall create 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --direction in --action drop --family IPv4 --src-ipaddress-block Options Option Description --direction Rule direction. Available: in / out --action Rule action. Available: accept / drop --family IP family. Available: IPv4, IPv6 --position Position in relation to other rules. Available: 1-1000 Default: 0 --protocol Protocol. Available: tcp, udp, icmp --icmp-type ICMP type. Available: 0-255 --dest-ipaddress-block Destination IP address block. --destination-port-start Destination port range start. Available: 1-65535 --destination-port-end Destination port range end. --src-ipaddress-block Source IP address block. --source-port-start Source port range start. --source-port-end Destination port range end. --comment Freeform comment that can include 0-250 characters. --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify.","title":"firewall create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/create/#upctl-server-firewall-create","text":"Create a new firewall rule To edit the default rule of the firewall, set only --direction and --action parameters. This creates catch-all rule that will take effect when no other rule matches. Note that the default rule must be positioned after all other rules. Use --position parameter or create default rule after other rules. upctl server firewall create [flags]","title":"upctl server firewall create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/create/#examples","text":"upctl server firewall create 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --direction in --action drop upctl server firewall create 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --direction in --action accept --family IPv4 upctl server firewall create 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --direction in --action drop --family IPv4 --src-ipaddress-block","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/create/#options","text":"Option Description --direction Rule direction. Available: in / out --action Rule action. Available: accept / drop --family IP family. Available: IPv4, IPv6 --position Position in relation to other rules. Available: 1-1000 Default: 0 --protocol Protocol. Available: tcp, udp, icmp --icmp-type ICMP type. Available: 0-255 --dest-ipaddress-block Destination IP address block. --destination-port-start Destination port range start. Available: 1-65535 --destination-port-end Destination port range end. --src-ipaddress-block Source IP address block. --source-port-start Source port range start. --source-port-end Destination port range end. --comment Freeform comment that can include 0-250 characters. --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify.","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/delete/","text":"upctl server firewall delete Removes a firewall rule from a server. Firewall rules must be removed individually. The positions of remaining firewall rules will be adjusted after a rule is removed. upctl server firewall delete [flags] Examples upctl server firewall delete 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --position 1 Options Option Description --position Rule position. Available: 1-1000 Default: 0 --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify.","title":"firewall delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/delete/#upctl-server-firewall-delete","text":"Removes a firewall rule from a server. Firewall rules must be removed individually. The positions of remaining firewall rules will be adjusted after a rule is removed. upctl server firewall delete [flags]","title":"upctl server firewall delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/delete/#examples","text":"upctl server firewall delete 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --position 1","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --position Rule position. Available: 1-1000 Default: 0 --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify.","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/show/","text":"upctl server firewall show Show server firewall details. upctl server firewall show [flags] Examples upctl server firewall show 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl server firewall show 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 upctl server firewall show my_server Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify.","title":"firewall show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/show/#upctl-server-firewall-show","text":"Show server firewall details. upctl server firewall show [flags]","title":"upctl server firewall show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/show/#examples","text":"upctl server firewall show 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl server firewall show 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 upctl server firewall show my_server","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify.","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/","text":"upctl server network-interface Manage network interface upctl server network-interface [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for network-interface Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers upctl server network-interface create Create a network interface upctl server network-interface delete Delete a network interface upctl server network-interface modify Modify a network interface","title":"network-interface "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/#upctl-server-network-interface","text":"Manage network interface upctl server network-interface [flags]","title":"upctl server network-interface"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for network-interface Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers upctl server network-interface create Create a network interface upctl server network-interface delete Delete a network interface upctl server network-interface modify Modify a network interface","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/create/","text":"upctl server network-interface create Create a network interface upctl server network-interface create [flags] Examples upctl server network-interface create 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 --type private --network 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc --disable-source-ip-filtering --ip-addresses upctl server network-interface create my_server2 --type public --family IPv6 upctl server network-interface create my_server2 --type public --family IPv4 upctl server network-interface create my_server2 --network 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc Options Option Description --network Private network name or UUID to join. --type Set the type of the network. Available: public, utility, private Default: private --family The address family of new IP address. Default: IPv4 --index Interface index. Default: 0 --enable-bootable Enable Whether to try booting through the interface.. --disable-bootable Disable Whether to try booting through the interface.. --enable-source-ip-filtering Enable Whether source IP filtering is enabled on the interface. Disabling it is allowed only for SDN private interfaces.. --disable-source-ip-filtering Disable Whether source IP filtering is enabled on the interface. Disabling it is allowed only for SDN private interfaces.. --ip-addresses A comma-separated list of IP addresses Default: [] --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server network-interface Manage network interface","title":"network-interface create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/create/#upctl-server-network-interface-create","text":"Create a network interface upctl server network-interface create [flags]","title":"upctl server network-interface create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/create/#examples","text":"upctl server network-interface create 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 --type private --network 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc --disable-source-ip-filtering --ip-addresses upctl server network-interface create my_server2 --type public --family IPv6 upctl server network-interface create my_server2 --type public --family IPv4 upctl server network-interface create my_server2 --network 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/create/#options","text":"Option Description --network Private network name or UUID to join. --type Set the type of the network. Available: public, utility, private Default: private --family The address family of new IP address. Default: IPv4 --index Interface index. Default: 0 --enable-bootable Enable Whether to try booting through the interface.. --disable-bootable Disable Whether to try booting through the interface.. --enable-source-ip-filtering Enable Whether source IP filtering is enabled on the interface. Disabling it is allowed only for SDN private interfaces.. --disable-source-ip-filtering Disable Whether source IP filtering is enabled on the interface. Disabling it is allowed only for SDN private interfaces.. --ip-addresses A comma-separated list of IP addresses Default: [] --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server network-interface Manage network interface","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/delete/","text":"upctl server network-interface delete Delete a network interface upctl server network-interface delete [flags] Examples upctl server network-interface delete 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 --index 1 upctl server network-interface delete my_server --index 7 Options Option Description --index Interface index. Default: 0 --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server network-interface Manage network interface","title":"network-interface delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/delete/#upctl-server-network-interface-delete","text":"Delete a network interface upctl server network-interface delete [flags]","title":"upctl server network-interface delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/delete/#examples","text":"upctl server network-interface delete 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 --index 1 upctl server network-interface delete my_server --index 7","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --index Interface index. Default: 0 --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server network-interface Manage network interface","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/modify/","text":"upctl server network-interface modify Modify a network interface upctl server network-interface modify [flags] Examples upctl server network-interface modify 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 --index 2 --new-index 1 Options Option Description --index Index of the interface to modify. Default: 0 --new-index New index to move the interface to. Default: 0 --bootable Whether to try booting through the interface. --source-ip-filtering Whether source IP filtering is enabled on the interface. Disabling it is allowed only for SDN private interfaces. --ip-addresses A comma-separated list of IP addresses, multiple can be declared Usage: --ip-address address=,family=IPv4 Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server network-interface Manage network interface","title":"network-interface modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/modify/#upctl-server-network-interface-modify","text":"Modify a network interface upctl server network-interface modify [flags]","title":"upctl server network-interface modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/modify/#examples","text":"upctl server network-interface modify 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 --index 2 --new-index 1","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --index Index of the interface to modify. Default: 0 --new-index New index to move the interface to. Default: 0 --bootable Whether to try booting through the interface. --source-ip-filtering Whether source IP filtering is enabled on the interface. Disabling it is allowed only for SDN private interfaces. --ip-addresses A comma-separated list of IP addresses, multiple can be declared Usage: --ip-address address=,family=IPv4 Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server network-interface Manage network interface","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/","text":"upctl server storage Manage server storages upctl server storage [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for storage Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers upctl server storage attach Attach a storage as a device to a server upctl server storage detach Detaches a storage resource from a server","title":"storage "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/#upctl-server-storage","text":"Manage server storages upctl server storage [flags]","title":"upctl server storage"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for storage Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers upctl server storage attach Attach a storage as a device to a server upctl server storage detach Detaches a storage resource from a server","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/attach/","text":"upctl server storage attach Attach a storage as a device to a server upctl server storage attach [flags] Examples upctl server storage attach 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --storage 015899e0-0a68-4949-85bb-261a99de5fdd upctl server storage attach 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --storage 01a5568f-4766-4ce7-abf5-7d257903a735 --address virtio:2 upctl server storage attach my_server1 --storage \"My Storage\" Options Option Description --type Type of the attached storage. Available: disk, cdrom Default: disk --address Address where the storage device is attached on the server. Address is of the form busname:deviceindex where busname can be ide/scsi/virtio. (example: 'virtio:1') Specify only the bus name to auto-select next available device index from that bus. (example: 'virtio') Default: virtio --storage UUID of the storage to attach. --boot-disk Set attached device as the server's boot disk. --help , -h help for attach Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server storage Manage server storages","title":"storage attach"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/attach/#upctl-server-storage-attach","text":"Attach a storage as a device to a server upctl server storage attach [flags]","title":"upctl server storage attach"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/attach/#examples","text":"upctl server storage attach 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --storage 015899e0-0a68-4949-85bb-261a99de5fdd upctl server storage attach 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --storage 01a5568f-4766-4ce7-abf5-7d257903a735 --address virtio:2 upctl server storage attach my_server1 --storage \"My Storage\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/attach/#options","text":"Option Description --type Type of the attached storage. Available: disk, cdrom Default: disk --address Address where the storage device is attached on the server. Address is of the form busname:deviceindex where busname can be ide/scsi/virtio. (example: 'virtio:1') Specify only the bus name to auto-select next available device index from that bus. (example: 'virtio') Default: virtio --storage UUID of the storage to attach. --boot-disk Set attached device as the server's boot disk. --help , -h help for attach Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/attach/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/attach/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server storage Manage server storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/detach/","text":"upctl server storage detach Detaches a storage resource from a server upctl server storage detach [flags] Examples upctl server storage detach 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --address virtio:1 upctl server storage detach my_server1 --address virtio:2 Options Option Description --address Detach the storage attached to this address. --help , -h help for detach Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server storage Manage server storages","title":"storage detach"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/detach/#upctl-server-storage-detach","text":"Detaches a storage resource from a server upctl server storage detach [flags]","title":"upctl server storage detach"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/detach/#examples","text":"upctl server storage detach 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --address virtio:1 upctl server storage detach my_server1 --address virtio:2","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/detach/#options","text":"Option Description --address Detach the storage attached to this address. --help , -h help for detach Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/detach/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/detach/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server storage Manage server storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/","text":"upctl servergroup Manage server groups upctl servergroup [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for servergroup Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl servergroup create Create a server group upctl servergroup delete Delete a server group upctl servergroup list List current server groups upctl servergroup modify Modify a server group upctl servergroup show Show server group details","title":"servergroup "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/#upctl-servergroup","text":"Manage server groups upctl servergroup [flags]","title":"upctl servergroup"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for servergroup Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl servergroup create Create a server group upctl servergroup delete Delete a server group upctl servergroup list List current server groups upctl servergroup modify Modify a server group upctl servergroup show Show server group details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/create/","text":"upctl servergroup create Create a server group upctl servergroup create [flags] Examples upctl servergroup create \\ --title my-server-group \\ --anti-affinity-policy yes \\ --server 1fdfda29-ead1-4855-b71f-a432179800ab \\ --server my-server upctl servergroup create \\ --title my-server-group \\ --anti-affinity-policy yes \\ --label env=dev upctl servergroup create \\ --title my-server-group \\ --anti-affinity-policy strict \\ --label env=dev \\ --label owner=operations Options Option Description --title Server group title. --anti-affinity-policy Anti-affinity policy. Valid values are yes (best effort), strict and no . Will take effect upon server start. Default: yes --label Labels to describe the server group in key=value format, multiple can be declared. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --server Servers to be added to the server group, multiple can be declared. Usage: --server my-server --server 00333d1b-3a4a-4b75-820a-4a56d70395dd Default: [] --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"servergroup create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/create/#upctl-servergroup-create","text":"Create a server group upctl servergroup create [flags]","title":"upctl servergroup create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/create/#examples","text":"upctl servergroup create \\ --title my-server-group \\ --anti-affinity-policy yes \\ --server 1fdfda29-ead1-4855-b71f-a432179800ab \\ --server my-server upctl servergroup create \\ --title my-server-group \\ --anti-affinity-policy yes \\ --label env=dev upctl servergroup create \\ --title my-server-group \\ --anti-affinity-policy strict \\ --label env=dev \\ --label owner=operations","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/create/#options","text":"Option Description --title Server group title. --anti-affinity-policy Anti-affinity policy. Valid values are yes (best effort), strict and no . Will take effect upon server start. Default: yes --label Labels to describe the server group in key=value format, multiple can be declared. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --server Servers to be added to the server group, multiple can be declared. Usage: --server my-server --server 00333d1b-3a4a-4b75-820a-4a56d70395dd Default: [] --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/delete/","text":"upctl servergroup delete Delete a server group upctl servergroup delete [flags] Examples upctl servergroup delete 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 upctl servergroup delete my-server-group Options Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"servergroup delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/delete/#upctl-servergroup-delete","text":"Delete a server group upctl servergroup delete [flags]","title":"upctl servergroup delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/delete/#examples","text":"upctl servergroup delete 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 upctl servergroup delete my-server-group","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/list/","text":"upctl servergroup list List current server groups upctl servergroup list [flags] Examples upctl servergroup list Options Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"servergroup list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/list/#upctl-servergroup-list","text":"List current server groups upctl servergroup list [flags]","title":"upctl servergroup list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/list/#examples","text":"upctl servergroup list","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/list/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/modify/","text":"upctl servergroup modify Modify a server group upctl servergroup modify [flags] Examples upctl servergroup modify 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 --title your-server-group upctl servergroup modify my-server-group --anti-affinity-policy strict upctl servergroup modify my-server-group --server my-server-1 --server my-server-2 --server my-server-3- upctl servergroup modify 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 --server 0bab98e5-b327-4ab8-ba16-738d4af7578b --server my-server-2 upctl servergroup modify my-server-group --label env=dev Options Option Description --anti-affinity-policy Anti-affinity policy. Valid values are yes (best effort), strict and no . Will take effect upon server start. --label Labels to describe the server in key=value format, multiple can be declared. If set, all the existing labels will be replaced with provided ones. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --title New server group title. --server Servers that belong to the server group, multiple can be declared. If set, all the existing server entries will be replaced with provided ones. Usage: --server my-server --server 00333d1b-3a4a-4b75-820a-4a56d70395dd Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"servergroup modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/modify/#upctl-servergroup-modify","text":"Modify a server group upctl servergroup modify [flags]","title":"upctl servergroup modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/modify/#examples","text":"upctl servergroup modify 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 --title your-server-group upctl servergroup modify my-server-group --anti-affinity-policy strict upctl servergroup modify my-server-group --server my-server-1 --server my-server-2 --server my-server-3- upctl servergroup modify 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 --server 0bab98e5-b327-4ab8-ba16-738d4af7578b --server my-server-2 upctl servergroup modify my-server-group --label env=dev","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --anti-affinity-policy Anti-affinity policy. Valid values are yes (best effort), strict and no . Will take effect upon server start. --label Labels to describe the server in key=value format, multiple can be declared. If set, all the existing labels will be replaced with provided ones. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --title New server group title. --server Servers that belong to the server group, multiple can be declared. If set, all the existing server entries will be replaced with provided ones. Usage: --server my-server --server 00333d1b-3a4a-4b75-820a-4a56d70395dd Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/show/","text":"upctl servergroup show Show server group details upctl servergroup show [flags] Examples upctl servergroup show 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 upctl servergroup show my-server-group Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"servergroup show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/show/#upctl-servergroup-show","text":"Show server group details upctl servergroup show [flags]","title":"upctl servergroup show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/show/#examples","text":"upctl servergroup show 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 upctl servergroup show my-server-group","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/","text":"upctl storage Manage storages upctl storage [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for storage Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl storage backup Manage backups upctl storage clone Clone a storage upctl storage create Create a storage upctl storage delete Delete a storage upctl storage import Import a storage from external or local source upctl storage list List current storages upctl storage modify Modify a storage upctl storage show Show storage details upctl storage templatise Templatise a storage","title":"storage "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/#upctl-storage","text":"Manage storages upctl storage [flags]","title":"upctl storage"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for storage Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl storage backup Manage backups upctl storage clone Clone a storage upctl storage create Create a storage upctl storage delete Delete a storage upctl storage import Import a storage from external or local source upctl storage list List current storages upctl storage modify Modify a storage upctl storage show Show storage details upctl storage templatise Templatise a storage","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/clone/","text":"upctl storage clone Clone a storage upctl storage clone [flags] Examples upctl storage clone 015899e0-0a68-4949-85bb-261a99de5fdd --title my_storage_clone --zone fi-hel1 upctl storage clone 015899e0-0a68-4949-85bb-261a99de5fdd --title my_storage_clone2 --zone pl-waw1 --tier maxiops upctl storage clone \"My Storage\" --title my_storage_clone3 --zone pl-waw1 --tier maxiops Options Option Description --tier The storage tier to use. Default: hdd --title A short, informational description. --zone Zone where to create the storage. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --help , -h help for clone Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage clone"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/clone/#upctl-storage-clone","text":"Clone a storage upctl storage clone [flags]","title":"upctl storage clone"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/clone/#examples","text":"upctl storage clone 015899e0-0a68-4949-85bb-261a99de5fdd --title my_storage_clone --zone fi-hel1 upctl storage clone 015899e0-0a68-4949-85bb-261a99de5fdd --title my_storage_clone2 --zone pl-waw1 --tier maxiops upctl storage clone \"My Storage\" --title my_storage_clone3 --zone pl-waw1 --tier maxiops","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/clone/#options","text":"Option Description --tier The storage tier to use. Default: hdd --title A short, informational description. --zone Zone where to create the storage. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --help , -h help for clone Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/clone/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/clone/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/create/","text":"upctl storage create Create a storage upctl storage create [flags] Examples upctl storage create --zone pl-waw1 --title \"My Storage\" upctl storage create --zone pl-waw1 --title my_storage --size 20 --backup-interval wed --backup-retention 4 Options Option Description --title A short, informational description. --size Size of the storage in GiB. Default: 10 --zone Zone where to create the storage. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --tier Storage tier. Default: maxiops --backup-time The time when to create a backup in HH:MM. Empty value means no backups. --backup-interval The interval of the backup. Available: daily,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun Default: daily --backup-retention How long to store the backups in days. The accepted range is 1-1095 Default: 7 --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/create/#upctl-storage-create","text":"Create a storage upctl storage create [flags]","title":"upctl storage create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/create/#examples","text":"upctl storage create --zone pl-waw1 --title \"My Storage\" upctl storage create --zone pl-waw1 --title my_storage --size 20 --backup-interval wed --backup-retention 4","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/create/#options","text":"Option Description --title A short, informational description. --size Size of the storage in GiB. Default: 10 --zone Zone where to create the storage. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --tier Storage tier. Default: maxiops --backup-time The time when to create a backup in HH:MM. Empty value means no backups. --backup-interval The interval of the backup. Available: daily,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun Default: daily --backup-retention How long to store the backups in days. The accepted range is 1-1095 Default: 7 --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/delete/","text":"upctl storage delete Delete a storage upctl storage delete [flags] Examples upctl storage delete 01ac5319-08ac-4e7b-81e5-3140d2bbd7d8 upctl storage delete 0175bb34-8aed-47ce-9290-10cc45f78601 01fcb78f-e73d-4e4d-af5a-0bd6cdba4306 upctl storage delete \"My Storage\" Options Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/delete/#upctl-storage-delete","text":"Delete a storage upctl storage delete [flags]","title":"upctl storage delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/delete/#examples","text":"upctl storage delete 01ac5319-08ac-4e7b-81e5-3140d2bbd7d8 upctl storage delete 0175bb34-8aed-47ce-9290-10cc45f78601 01fcb78f-e73d-4e4d-af5a-0bd6cdba4306 upctl storage delete \"My Storage\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/import/","text":"upctl storage import Import a storage from external or local source upctl storage import [flags] Examples upctl storage import --source-location https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-cd/debian-10.9.0-amd64-netinst.iso --title my_storage --zone es-mad1 Options Option Description --source-location Location of the source of the import. Can be a file or a URL. --storage Import to an existing storage. Storage must be large enough and must be undetached or the server where the storage is attached must be in shutdown state. --no-wait When importing from remote url, do not wait until the import finishes or storage is in online state. If set, command will exit after import process has been initialized. --wait Wait for storage to be in online state before returning. --title A short, informational description. --size Size of the storage in GiB. Default: 10 --zone Zone where to create the storage. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --tier Storage tier. Default: maxiops --backup-time The time when to create a backup in HH:MM. Empty value means no backups. --backup-interval The interval of the backup. Available: daily,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun Default: daily --backup-retention How long to store the backups in days. The accepted range is 1-1095 Default: 7 --help , -h help for import Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage import"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/import/#upctl-storage-import","text":"Import a storage from external or local source upctl storage import [flags]","title":"upctl storage import"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/import/#examples","text":"upctl storage import --source-location https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-cd/debian-10.9.0-amd64-netinst.iso --title my_storage --zone es-mad1","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/import/#options","text":"Option Description --source-location Location of the source of the import. Can be a file or a URL. --storage Import to an existing storage. Storage must be large enough and must be undetached or the server where the storage is attached must be in shutdown state. --no-wait When importing from remote url, do not wait until the import finishes or storage is in online state. If set, command will exit after import process has been initialized. --wait Wait for storage to be in online state before returning. --title A short, informational description. --size Size of the storage in GiB. Default: 10 --zone Zone where to create the storage. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --tier Storage tier. Default: maxiops --backup-time The time when to create a backup in HH:MM. Empty value means no backups. --backup-interval The interval of the backup. Available: daily,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun Default: daily --backup-retention How long to store the backups in days. The accepted range is 1-1095 Default: 7 --help , -h help for import Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/import/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/import/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/list/","text":"upctl storage list List current storages upctl storage list [flags] Examples upctl storage list upctl storage list --all Options Option Description --all Show all storages. --private Show private storages (default). --public Show public storages. --normal Show only normal storages. --backup Show only backup storages. --cdrom Show only cdrom storages. --template Show only template storages. --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/list/#upctl-storage-list","text":"List current storages upctl storage list [flags]","title":"upctl storage list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/list/#examples","text":"upctl storage list upctl storage list --all","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/list/#options","text":"Option Description --all Show all storages. --private Show private storages (default). --public Show public storages. --normal Show only normal storages. --backup Show only backup storages. --cdrom Show only cdrom storages. --template Show only template storages. --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/modify/","text":"upctl storage modify Modify a storage upctl storage modify [flags] Examples upctl storage modify 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 --title \"My Storage\" --size 20 upctl storage modify \"My Storage\" --size 25 Options Option Description --title A short, informational description. --size Size of the storage (GiB). Default: 0 --backup-time The time when to create a backup in HH:MM. Empty value means no backups. --backup-interval The interval of the backup. Available: daily,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun --backup-retention How long to store the backups in days. The accepted range is 1-1095. Default: 0 --enable-filesystem-autoresize Enable automatic resize of partition and filesystem when modifying storage size. Note that before the resize attempt is made, backup of the storage will be taken. If the resize attempt fails, the backup will be used to restore the storage and then deleted. If the resize attempt succeeds, backup will be kept. Taking and keeping backups incure costs.. --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/modify/#upctl-storage-modify","text":"Modify a storage upctl storage modify [flags]","title":"upctl storage modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/modify/#examples","text":"upctl storage modify 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 --title \"My Storage\" --size 20 upctl storage modify \"My Storage\" --size 25","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --title A short, informational description. --size Size of the storage (GiB). Default: 0 --backup-time The time when to create a backup in HH:MM. Empty value means no backups. --backup-interval The interval of the backup. Available: daily,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun --backup-retention How long to store the backups in days. The accepted range is 1-1095. Default: 0 --enable-filesystem-autoresize Enable automatic resize of partition and filesystem when modifying storage size. Note that before the resize attempt is made, backup of the storage will be taken. If the resize attempt fails, the backup will be used to restore the storage and then deleted. If the resize attempt succeeds, backup will be kept. Taking and keeping backups incure costs.. --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/show/","text":"upctl storage show Show storage details upctl storage show [flags] Examples upctl storage show 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 upctl storage show 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 01c60190-3a01-4108-b1c3-2e828855ccc0 upctl storage show \"My Storage\" Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/show/#upctl-storage-show","text":"Show storage details upctl storage show [flags]","title":"upctl storage show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/show/#examples","text":"upctl storage show 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 upctl storage show 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 01c60190-3a01-4108-b1c3-2e828855ccc0 upctl storage show \"My Storage\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/templatise/","text":"upctl storage templatise Templatise a storage upctl storage templatise [flags] Examples upctl storage templatise 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 --title \"My Template\" upctl storage templatise 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 --title \"My Template\" --wait upctl storage templatise \"My Storage\" --title super_template Options Option Description --title A short, informational description. --wait Wait for storage to be in online state before returning. --help , -h help for templatise Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage templatise"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/templatise/#upctl-storage-templatise","text":"Templatise a storage upctl storage templatise [flags]","title":"upctl storage templatise"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/templatise/#examples","text":"upctl storage templatise 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 --title \"My Template\" upctl storage templatise 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 --title \"My Template\" --wait upctl storage templatise \"My Storage\" --title super_template","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/templatise/#options","text":"Option Description --title A short, informational description. --wait Wait for storage to be in online state before returning. --help , -h help for templatise Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/templatise/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/templatise/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/","text":"upctl storage backup Manage backups upctl storage backup [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for backup Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages upctl storage backup create Create backup of a storage upctl storage backup restore Restore backup of a storage","title":"backup "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/#upctl-storage-backup","text":"Manage backups upctl storage backup [flags]","title":"upctl storage backup"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for backup Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages upctl storage backup create Create backup of a storage upctl storage backup restore Restore backup of a storage","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/create/","text":"upctl storage backup create Create backup of a storage upctl storage backup create [flags] Examples upctl storage backup create 01cbea5e-eb5b-4072-b2ac-9b635120e5d8 --title \"first backup\" upctl storage backup create \"My Storage\" --title second_backup Options Option Description --title A short, informational description. --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage backup Manage backups","title":"backup create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/create/#upctl-storage-backup-create","text":"Create backup of a storage upctl storage backup create [flags]","title":"upctl storage backup create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/create/#examples","text":"upctl storage backup create 01cbea5e-eb5b-4072-b2ac-9b635120e5d8 --title \"first backup\" upctl storage backup create \"My Storage\" --title second_backup","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/create/#options","text":"Option Description --title A short, informational description. --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage backup Manage backups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/restore/","text":"upctl storage backup restore Restore backup of a storage upctl storage backup restore [flags] Examples upctl storage backup restore 01177c9e-7f76-4ce4-b128-bcaa3448f7ec upctl storage backup restore second_backup Options Option Description --help , -h help for restore Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage backup Manage backups","title":"backup restore"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/restore/#upctl-storage-backup-restore","text":"Restore backup of a storage upctl storage backup restore [flags]","title":"upctl storage backup restore"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/restore/#examples","text":"upctl storage backup restore 01177c9e-7f76-4ce4-b128-bcaa3448f7ec upctl storage backup restore second_backup","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/restore/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for restore Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/restore/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/restore/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage backup Manage backups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/","text":"upctl zone Display zone information upctl zone [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for zone Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl zone list List available zones","title":"zone "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/#upctl-zone","text":"Display zone information upctl zone [flags]","title":"upctl zone"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for zone Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl zone list List available zones","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/list/","text":"upctl zone list List available zones upctl zone list [flags] Examples upctl zone list Options Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl zone Display zone information","title":"zone list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/list/#upctl-zone-list","text":"List available zones upctl zone list [flags]","title":"upctl zone list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/list/#examples","text":"upctl zone list","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/list/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl zone Display zone information","title":"Related commands"}]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"config":{"indexing":"full","lang":["en"],"min_search_length":3,"prebuild_index":false,"separator":"[\\s\\-]+"},"docs":[{"location":"","text":"Getting started upctl provides a command-line interface to UpCloud services. It allows you to control your resources from the command line or any compatible interface.","title":"Getting started"},{"location":"#getting-started","text":"upctl provides a command-line interface to UpCloud services. It allows you to control your resources from the command line or any compatible interface.","title":"Getting started"},{"location":"changelog/","text":"Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog , and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning . Unreleased Added Breaking : Add Kubernetes API allowed IPs field to kubernetes show output. This changes default behavior from allow access from any IP to block access from all IPs . To be able to connect to the cluster, define list of allowed IP addresses and/or CIDR blocks or allow access from any IP. Add kubernetes nodegroup show for displaying node-group details. This also adds Nodes table and Anti-affinity field that were not available in previous kubernetes show output. Add kubernetes modify command for modifying IP addresses that are allowed to access cluster's Kubernetes API. Add --kubernetes-api-allow-ip argument to kubernetes create command. Add Kubernetes API allowed IPs field to kubernetes show output. Add database session list for listing active database sessions Add database session cancel for cancelling an active database session Changed Breaking : In JSON and YAML output of loadbalancer list : display full API response. This changes state field to operational_state . Breaking : storage list and storage show JSON and YAML outputs to return full API response. This changes servers field to contain server field, which in turn contains the servers. labels field will not be outputted if empty. Breaking : server list and server show JSON and YAML outputs to return full API response. This changes field host_id to host . nics is replaced with networking subfield interfaces . storage is replaced with storage_devices . labels contain subfield label which in turn contains the labels. Breaking : server firewall show JSON and YAML outputs to return full API response. This removes fields destination and source fields in favor of [destination|source]_address_start , [destination|source]_address_end , [destination|source]_port_start and [destination|source]_port_end In human readable output of kubernetes show command, show node-groups as table. Node-group details are available with kubernetes nodegroup show command. Removed Breaking : Remove database connection list and database connection cancel commands in favor of database session counterparts 2.10.0 - 2023-07-17 Added Add --disable-utility-network-access for kubernetes nodegroup create command Fixed Use pending color (yellow) for kubernetes node group scaling-down and scaling-up states 2.9.1 - 2023-07-06 Changed Release artifacts to follow package naming conventions provided by nFPM . `` upcloud-cli-2.9.0_x86_64.rpm vs upcloud-cli-2.9.1.x86_64.rpm # no convention changes upcloud-cli-2.9.0_arm64.rpm vs upcloud-cli-2.9.1.aarch64.rpm # arm64 -> aarch64` upcloud-cli-2.9.0_amd64.apk vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_x86_64.apk # cli- -> cli_ & amd64 -> x86_64 upcloud-cli-2.9.0_arm64.apk vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_aarch64.apk # cli- -> cli_ & arm64 -> aarch64 upcloud-cli-2.9.0_amd64.deb vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_amd64.deb # cli- -> cli_ upcloud-cli-2.9.0_arm64.deb vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_arm64.deb # cli- -> cli_ ``` 2.9.0 - 2023-06-30 Added Add servergroup commands ( create , delete , list , modify , show ) for server group management 2.8.0 - 2023-06-21 Added Add support for OpenSearch database type Add database index list and database index commands for managing OpenSearch database indices Add completions for --zone arguments. Add --private-node-groups argument to kubernetes create command. Add Private node groups field to kubernetes show output. Add --label flag to server create and server modify commands 2.7.1 - 2023-05-16 Fixed Updated examples of kubernetes create command to use valid plans. 2.7.0 - 2023-05-02 Added Add ip and net as aliases to ip-address and network commands, respectively. Add Labels table to loadbalancer show , network show , router show , server show , and storage show outputs. Add kubernetes plans command for listing available plans. Add --plan argument to kubernetes create command for selecting cluster plan. Add --wait flag to kubernetes create command for waiting created cluster to reach running state. 2.6.0 - 2023-03-14 Added The upctl container image now includes jq tool for parsing values from JSON output. Add node-group states to kubernetes show output. Add completions for --network argument of kubernetes create and server network-interface create . Support also network name as input for --network argument of kubernetes create and server network-interface create Changed Completions will now only suggest private networks as arguments because names or UUIDs of public or utility networks are often not valid arguments. 2.5.0 - 2023-02-15 Added Print warning about unknown resource state before exiting when execution is interrupted with SIGINT. Add kubernetes nodegroup create , kubernetes nodegroup scale , and kubernetes nodegroup delete commands (EXPERIMENTAL) Added support for all shell completions provided by cobra . Add database properties command to list database properties for given database type and database properties show command to show database property details. Changed Remove custom bash completion logic and replace it with completion command provided by cobra . To do this while supporting args with whitespace, whitespace in completions is replaced with non-breaking spaces. Fixed In database show : parse database version from metadata instead of properties. This enables displaying redis version instead of . 2.4.0 - 2022-12-19 Added Add kubernetes create , kubernetes config , kubernetes delete , kubernetes list , kubernetes show , kubernetes versions commands (EXPERIMENTAL) Add loadbalancer plans command for listing available LB plans 2.3.0 - 2022-11-11 Added Complete available types for database plans . Suppress positional argument filename completion for commands without specific completions. In database list output: if database has no title, database name is displayed in the title cell instead of leaving the cell empty, similarly than in the hub. Version information is parsed from BuildInfo when upctl binary was built without specifying -ldflags to define value for .../config.Version . Use alpine as base image for upcloud/upctl container image. This adds sh and other OS tools to the image and thus makes it more suitable for usage in CI systems. Fixed Remove debug leftover print from IP address completions. Added /v2 postfix to module name in go.mod , this enables installing v2 versions of CLI with go install . 2.2.0 - 2022-10-17 Added Include runtime operating system and architecture in version command output. Include instructions for defining credentials and API access in upctl --help output. Fixed Fix commands in server delete usage examples. Tune human output so that normal output is directed to stdout . Progess and error messages are still outputted to stderr . 2.1.0 - 2022-09-07 Added Add --wait flag to storage import and storage templatise commands to wait until storage is in online state. In JSON and YAML output of storage import : information on target storage is now available under storage key. Fixed In human output of storage list : capitalize zone column header and color storage state similarly than in storage show . In human output of storage import : output UUID of created storage, instead of storage import operation. No UUID is outputted if existing storage was used. 2.0.0 - 2022-08-30 Added Add database delete command. Add loadbalancer delete command. Add Access field to storage show output. Add fields argument and resource to JSON and YAML error outputs. Changed Breaking : Human output, including errors, is written to stderr instead of stdout. Refactor progress logging. This changes the appearance of progress logs. See UpCloudLtd / progress for the new implementation. Fixed Breaking : Set non-zero exit code if command execution fails. Breaking : Render servers IP addresses as array of objects, instead of previous pretty-printed string, in JSON and YAML outputs of server show . Breaking : Use key names from json field tag also in YAML output to have equal key names in JSON and YAML outputs. For example, bootorder key in server details will now be boot_order also in YAML output. As a side-effect data-types are limited to those supported by JSON. For example, timestamps will be presented as (double-quoted) strings. In addition, if command targets multiple resources, YAML output will now be a list, similarly than in JSON output, instead of previous multiple YAML documents. Breaking : In JSON and YAML output, storage show lists attached servers in servers list instead of server string. Breaking : In JSON and YAML output, network show lists DHCP DNS values in list instead of string. On network show , output server details as unknown instead of outputting an error, if fetching server details fails. This allows displaying network details for networks that contain a load balancer. Progress logging to non TTY output uses now 100 as text width instead of 0. 1.5.1 - 2022-07-15 Fixed On server create , mount OS disk by default on virtio bus. Previously default OS storage address was not explicit and varyed depending on template type. Disable colors if user has set NO_COLOR environment variable to non-empty value. 1.5.0 - 2022-07-05 Added Add --show-ip-addresses flag to server list command to optionally include IP addresses in command output. Add database connection list , database connection cancel , database start , and database stop commands. Changed Make --family parameter of server firewall create command optional to allow editing the default rules. Update cobra to v1.5.0 and refactor required flag validation code. This affects validation error messages. Fixed Complete shell input with uppercase letters (e.g., Cap to CapitalizedName will now work) Display UUID of created template in storage templatise output. 1.4.0 - 2022-06-15 Added Add database list , database show , database plans , and database types commands. Add loadbalancer list and loadbalancer show commands. Add db and lb aliases to database and loadbalancer , respectively. Changed Color server state in server list output similarly than in server show output. Update Go version to 1.18 Update upcloud-go-api to v4.8.0 1.3.0 - 2022-05-17 Added Add zone list command that lists available zones. Add --wait flag to server create and server stop commands to wait until server is in started and stopped state, respectively. Changed Update upcloud-go-api to v4.5.2 Fixed Do not display usage if execution fails because of missing credentials Mark error and warning livelogs finished when they will not be updated anymore: this stops the timer in the end of the row and stops livelog from refreshing these lines. 1.2.0 - 2022-04-29 Added Include UUID (or address) of created resource in create command output storage modify command now accepts enable-filesystem-autoresize flag. When that flag is set upctl will attempt to resize partition and filesystem after storage size has been modified. Changed New go-api version v4.5.0 Fixed Improved errors relating to argument resolver failures Print version info, instead of missing credentials error, when runnning upctl version without credentials Disable colors when outputting in JSON or YAML format Display both public and private addresses in server create output Render livelog messages of commands which execution takes less than render tick interval 1.1.3 - 2022-02-24 Changed Update documentation Fixed Fix storage command attached-to-server key overrides zone 1.1.2 - 2022-01-21 Fixed New release with no changes to fix the Homebrew deprecation notice 1.1.1 - 2021-09-30 Changed Change password creation to be disabled by default in server creation Always create a password when password delivery method is chosen 1.1.0 - 2021-06-03 Added Debug mode for finding root causes to problems Docker image and upload to Docker Hub Autogenerated documentation under /docs Terminal width handling Changed Global flags for colors refactored to --force-colour and --no-colour New go-api version Improved error messages Fixes No coloring of texts if stdout is not a terminal Detaching routers works now with the new --detach-router parameter in network modify 1.0.0 - 2021-04-16 First non-beta release! Includes all previous changes and fixes. 0.6.0 - 2021-04-16 Changed Use goreleaser for releasing packages Move creation of service outside runcommand to facilitate testing Fixes fix(pre-commit): add missing golangci config file fix(root): use default cobra behavious when called 0.5.0 - 2021-04-14 Initial public beta release :tada: Added Added commands for managing server firewall rules Fixed Shell auto-completion fixed Changed Input & output handling rewritten Several help text fixes & changes Default OS changed to Ubuntu 20.04 Defaults for networks / routers in line with storages, so we'll show users' own resources by default 0.1.1 - 2021-03-12 Fixed Load config files from the correct place on Windows Fix storage import failing on readerCounter not implementing io.Reader 0.1.0 - 2021-03-10 Added Current feature set added! First internal release","title":"Changelog"},{"location":"changelog/#changelog","text":"All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog , and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning .","title":"Changelog"},{"location":"changelog/#unreleased","text":"","title":"Unreleased"},{"location":"changelog/#added","text":"Breaking : Add Kubernetes API allowed IPs field to kubernetes show output. This changes default behavior from allow access from any IP to block access from all IPs . To be able to connect to the cluster, define list of allowed IP addresses and/or CIDR blocks or allow access from any IP. Add kubernetes nodegroup show for displaying node-group details. This also adds Nodes table and Anti-affinity field that were not available in previous kubernetes show output. Add kubernetes modify command for modifying IP addresses that are allowed to access cluster's Kubernetes API. Add --kubernetes-api-allow-ip argument to kubernetes create command. Add Kubernetes API allowed IPs field to kubernetes show output. Add database session list for listing active database sessions Add database session cancel for cancelling an active database session","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed","text":"Breaking : In JSON and YAML output of loadbalancer list : display full API response. This changes state field to operational_state . Breaking : storage list and storage show JSON and YAML outputs to return full API response. This changes servers field to contain server field, which in turn contains the servers. labels field will not be outputted if empty. Breaking : server list and server show JSON and YAML outputs to return full API response. This changes field host_id to host . nics is replaced with networking subfield interfaces . storage is replaced with storage_devices . labels contain subfield label which in turn contains the labels. Breaking : server firewall show JSON and YAML outputs to return full API response. This removes fields destination and source fields in favor of [destination|source]_address_start , [destination|source]_address_end , [destination|source]_port_start and [destination|source]_port_end In human readable output of kubernetes show command, show node-groups as table. Node-group details are available with kubernetes nodegroup show command.","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#removed","text":"Breaking : Remove database connection list and database connection cancel commands in favor of database session counterparts","title":"Removed"},{"location":"changelog/#2100-2023-07-17","text":"","title":"2.10.0 - 2023-07-17"},{"location":"changelog/#added_1","text":"Add --disable-utility-network-access for kubernetes nodegroup create command","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed","text":"Use pending color (yellow) for kubernetes node group scaling-down and scaling-up states","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#291-2023-07-06","text":"","title":"2.9.1 - 2023-07-06"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_1","text":"Release artifacts to follow package naming conventions provided by nFPM . `` upcloud-cli-2.9.0_x86_64.rpm vs upcloud-cli-2.9.1.x86_64.rpm # no convention changes upcloud-cli-2.9.0_arm64.rpm vs upcloud-cli-2.9.1.aarch64.rpm # arm64 -> aarch64` upcloud-cli-2.9.0_amd64.apk vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_x86_64.apk # cli- -> cli_ & amd64 -> x86_64 upcloud-cli-2.9.0_arm64.apk vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_aarch64.apk # cli- -> cli_ & arm64 -> aarch64 upcloud-cli-2.9.0_amd64.deb vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_amd64.deb # cli- -> cli_ upcloud-cli-2.9.0_arm64.deb vs upcloud-cli_2.9.1_arm64.deb # cli- -> cli_ ```","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#290-2023-06-30","text":"","title":"2.9.0 - 2023-06-30"},{"location":"changelog/#added_2","text":"Add servergroup commands ( create , delete , list , modify , show ) for server group management","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#280-2023-06-21","text":"","title":"2.8.0 - 2023-06-21"},{"location":"changelog/#added_3","text":"Add support for OpenSearch database type Add database index list and database index commands for managing OpenSearch database indices Add completions for --zone arguments. Add --private-node-groups argument to kubernetes create command. Add Private node groups field to kubernetes show output. Add --label flag to server create and server modify commands","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#271-2023-05-16","text":"","title":"2.7.1 - 2023-05-16"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_1","text":"Updated examples of kubernetes create command to use valid plans.","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#270-2023-05-02","text":"","title":"2.7.0 - 2023-05-02"},{"location":"changelog/#added_4","text":"Add ip and net as aliases to ip-address and network commands, respectively. Add Labels table to loadbalancer show , network show , router show , server show , and storage show outputs. Add kubernetes plans command for listing available plans. Add --plan argument to kubernetes create command for selecting cluster plan. Add --wait flag to kubernetes create command for waiting created cluster to reach running state.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#260-2023-03-14","text":"","title":"2.6.0 - 2023-03-14"},{"location":"changelog/#added_5","text":"The upctl container image now includes jq tool for parsing values from JSON output. Add node-group states to kubernetes show output. Add completions for --network argument of kubernetes create and server network-interface create . Support also network name as input for --network argument of kubernetes create and server network-interface create","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_2","text":"Completions will now only suggest private networks as arguments because names or UUIDs of public or utility networks are often not valid arguments.","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#250-2023-02-15","text":"","title":"2.5.0 - 2023-02-15"},{"location":"changelog/#added_6","text":"Print warning about unknown resource state before exiting when execution is interrupted with SIGINT. Add kubernetes nodegroup create , kubernetes nodegroup scale , and kubernetes nodegroup delete commands (EXPERIMENTAL) Added support for all shell completions provided by cobra . Add database properties command to list database properties for given database type and database properties show command to show database property details.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_3","text":"Remove custom bash completion logic and replace it with completion command provided by cobra . To do this while supporting args with whitespace, whitespace in completions is replaced with non-breaking spaces.","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_2","text":"In database show : parse database version from metadata instead of properties. This enables displaying redis version instead of .","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#240-2022-12-19","text":"","title":"2.4.0 - 2022-12-19"},{"location":"changelog/#added_7","text":"Add kubernetes create , kubernetes config , kubernetes delete , kubernetes list , kubernetes show , kubernetes versions commands (EXPERIMENTAL) Add loadbalancer plans command for listing available LB plans","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#230-2022-11-11","text":"","title":"2.3.0 - 2022-11-11"},{"location":"changelog/#added_8","text":"Complete available types for database plans . Suppress positional argument filename completion for commands without specific completions. In database list output: if database has no title, database name is displayed in the title cell instead of leaving the cell empty, similarly than in the hub. Version information is parsed from BuildInfo when upctl binary was built without specifying -ldflags to define value for .../config.Version . Use alpine as base image for upcloud/upctl container image. This adds sh and other OS tools to the image and thus makes it more suitable for usage in CI systems.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_3","text":"Remove debug leftover print from IP address completions. Added /v2 postfix to module name in go.mod , this enables installing v2 versions of CLI with go install .","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#220-2022-10-17","text":"","title":"2.2.0 - 2022-10-17"},{"location":"changelog/#added_9","text":"Include runtime operating system and architecture in version command output. Include instructions for defining credentials and API access in upctl --help output.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_4","text":"Fix commands in server delete usage examples. Tune human output so that normal output is directed to stdout . Progess and error messages are still outputted to stderr .","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#210-2022-09-07","text":"","title":"2.1.0 - 2022-09-07"},{"location":"changelog/#added_10","text":"Add --wait flag to storage import and storage templatise commands to wait until storage is in online state. In JSON and YAML output of storage import : information on target storage is now available under storage key.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_5","text":"In human output of storage list : capitalize zone column header and color storage state similarly than in storage show . In human output of storage import : output UUID of created storage, instead of storage import operation. No UUID is outputted if existing storage was used.","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#200-2022-08-30","text":"","title":"2.0.0 - 2022-08-30"},{"location":"changelog/#added_11","text":"Add database delete command. Add loadbalancer delete command. Add Access field to storage show output. Add fields argument and resource to JSON and YAML error outputs.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_4","text":"Breaking : Human output, including errors, is written to stderr instead of stdout. Refactor progress logging. This changes the appearance of progress logs. See UpCloudLtd / progress for the new implementation.","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_6","text":"Breaking : Set non-zero exit code if command execution fails. Breaking : Render servers IP addresses as array of objects, instead of previous pretty-printed string, in JSON and YAML outputs of server show . Breaking : Use key names from json field tag also in YAML output to have equal key names in JSON and YAML outputs. For example, bootorder key in server details will now be boot_order also in YAML output. As a side-effect data-types are limited to those supported by JSON. For example, timestamps will be presented as (double-quoted) strings. In addition, if command targets multiple resources, YAML output will now be a list, similarly than in JSON output, instead of previous multiple YAML documents. Breaking : In JSON and YAML output, storage show lists attached servers in servers list instead of server string. Breaking : In JSON and YAML output, network show lists DHCP DNS values in list instead of string. On network show , output server details as unknown instead of outputting an error, if fetching server details fails. This allows displaying network details for networks that contain a load balancer. Progress logging to non TTY output uses now 100 as text width instead of 0.","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#151-2022-07-15","text":"","title":"1.5.1 - 2022-07-15"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_7","text":"On server create , mount OS disk by default on virtio bus. Previously default OS storage address was not explicit and varyed depending on template type. Disable colors if user has set NO_COLOR environment variable to non-empty value.","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#150-2022-07-05","text":"","title":"1.5.0 - 2022-07-05"},{"location":"changelog/#added_12","text":"Add --show-ip-addresses flag to server list command to optionally include IP addresses in command output. Add database connection list , database connection cancel , database start , and database stop commands.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_5","text":"Make --family parameter of server firewall create command optional to allow editing the default rules. Update cobra to v1.5.0 and refactor required flag validation code. This affects validation error messages.","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_8","text":"Complete shell input with uppercase letters (e.g., Cap to CapitalizedName will now work) Display UUID of created template in storage templatise output.","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#140-2022-06-15","text":"","title":"1.4.0 - 2022-06-15"},{"location":"changelog/#added_13","text":"Add database list , database show , database plans , and database types commands. Add loadbalancer list and loadbalancer show commands. Add db and lb aliases to database and loadbalancer , respectively.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_6","text":"Color server state in server list output similarly than in server show output. Update Go version to 1.18 Update upcloud-go-api to v4.8.0","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#130-2022-05-17","text":"","title":"1.3.0 - 2022-05-17"},{"location":"changelog/#added_14","text":"Add zone list command that lists available zones. Add --wait flag to server create and server stop commands to wait until server is in started and stopped state, respectively.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_7","text":"Update upcloud-go-api to v4.5.2","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_9","text":"Do not display usage if execution fails because of missing credentials Mark error and warning livelogs finished when they will not be updated anymore: this stops the timer in the end of the row and stops livelog from refreshing these lines.","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#120-2022-04-29","text":"","title":"1.2.0 - 2022-04-29"},{"location":"changelog/#added_15","text":"Include UUID (or address) of created resource in create command output storage modify command now accepts enable-filesystem-autoresize flag. When that flag is set upctl will attempt to resize partition and filesystem after storage size has been modified.","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_8","text":"New go-api version v4.5.0","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_10","text":"Improved errors relating to argument resolver failures Print version info, instead of missing credentials error, when runnning upctl version without credentials Disable colors when outputting in JSON or YAML format Display both public and private addresses in server create output Render livelog messages of commands which execution takes less than render tick interval","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#113-2022-02-24","text":"","title":"1.1.3 - 2022-02-24"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_9","text":"Update documentation","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_11","text":"Fix storage command attached-to-server key overrides zone","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#112-2022-01-21","text":"","title":"1.1.2 - 2022-01-21"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_12","text":"New release with no changes to fix the Homebrew deprecation notice","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#111-2021-09-30","text":"","title":"1.1.1 - 2021-09-30"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_10","text":"Change password creation to be disabled by default in server creation Always create a password when password delivery method is chosen","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#110-2021-06-03","text":"","title":"1.1.0 - 2021-06-03"},{"location":"changelog/#added_16","text":"Debug mode for finding root causes to problems Docker image and upload to Docker Hub Autogenerated documentation under /docs Terminal width handling","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_11","text":"Global flags for colors refactored to --force-colour and --no-colour New go-api version Improved error messages","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixes","text":"No coloring of texts if stdout is not a terminal Detaching routers works now with the new --detach-router parameter in network modify","title":"Fixes"},{"location":"changelog/#100-2021-04-16","text":"First non-beta release! Includes all previous changes and fixes.","title":"1.0.0 - 2021-04-16"},{"location":"changelog/#060-2021-04-16","text":"","title":"0.6.0 - 2021-04-16"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_12","text":"Use goreleaser for releasing packages Move creation of service outside runcommand to facilitate testing","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#fixes_1","text":"fix(pre-commit): add missing golangci config file fix(root): use default cobra behavious when called","title":"Fixes"},{"location":"changelog/#050-2021-04-14","text":"Initial public beta release :tada:","title":"0.5.0 - 2021-04-14"},{"location":"changelog/#added_17","text":"Added commands for managing server firewall rules","title":"Added"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_13","text":"Shell auto-completion fixed","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#changed_13","text":"Input & output handling rewritten Several help text fixes & changes Default OS changed to Ubuntu 20.04 Defaults for networks / routers in line with storages, so we'll show users' own resources by default","title":"Changed"},{"location":"changelog/#011-2021-03-12","text":"","title":"0.1.1 - 2021-03-12"},{"location":"changelog/#fixed_14","text":"Load config files from the correct place on Windows Fix storage import failing on readerCounter not implementing io.Reader","title":"Fixed"},{"location":"changelog/#010-2021-03-10","text":"","title":"0.1.0 - 2021-03-10"},{"location":"changelog/#added_18","text":"Current feature set added! First internal release","title":"Added"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl/","text":"upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl provides a command-line interface to UpCloud services. It allows you to control your resources from the command line or any compatible interface. To be able to manage your UpCLoud resources, you need to configure credentials for upctl and enable API access for these credentials. Define the credentials by setting UPCLOUD_USERNAME and UPCLOUD_PASSWORD environment variables. API access can be configured on the Account page of the UpCloud Hub. We recommend you to set up a sub-account specifically for the API usage with its own username and password, as it allows you to assign specific permissions for increased security. Options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --help , -h help for upctl Default: false --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl account Manage accounts upctl database Manage databases upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers upctl network Manage networks upctl router Manage routers upctl server Manage servers upctl servergroup Manage server groups upctl storage Manage storages upctl version Display software information upctl zone Display zone information","title":"upctl"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl/#upctl","text":"UpCloud command-line interface upctl provides a command-line interface to UpCloud services. It allows you to control your resources from the command line or any compatible interface. To be able to manage your UpCLoud resources, you need to configure credentials for upctl and enable API access for these credentials. Define the credentials by setting UPCLOUD_USERNAME and UPCLOUD_PASSWORD environment variables. API access can be configured on the Account page of the UpCloud Hub. We recommend you to set up a sub-account specifically for the API usage with its own username and password, as it allows you to assign specific permissions for increased security.","title":"upctl"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl/#options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --help , -h help for upctl Default: false --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl account Manage accounts upctl database Manage databases upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers upctl network Manage networks upctl router Manage routers upctl server Manage servers upctl servergroup Manage server groups upctl storage Manage storages upctl version Display software information upctl zone Display zone information","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_version/","text":"upctl version Display software information upctl version [flags] Examples upctl version Options Option Description --help , -h help for version Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface","title":"upctl version"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_version/#upctl-version","text":"Display software information upctl version [flags]","title":"upctl version"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_version/#examples","text":"upctl version","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_version/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for version Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_version/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_version/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/","text":"upctl account Manage accounts upctl account [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for account Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl account show Show account","title":"account "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/#upctl-account","text":"Manage accounts upctl account [flags]","title":"upctl account"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for account Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl account show Show account","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/show/","text":"upctl account show Show account upctl account show [flags] Examples upctl account show Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl account Manage accounts","title":"account show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/show/#upctl-account-show","text":"Show account upctl account show [flags]","title":"upctl account show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/show/#examples","text":"upctl account show","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_account/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl account Manage accounts","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/","text":"upctl database Manage databases upctl database [flags] Aliases db Options Option Description --help , -h help for database Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl database delete Delete a database upctl database index Manage database indices upctl database list List current databases upctl database plans List available plans for given database type upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database session Manage database sessions upctl database show Show database details upctl database start Start on a managed database upctl database stop Stop a managed database upctl database types List available database types","title":"database "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/#upctl-database","text":"Manage databases upctl database [flags]","title":"upctl database"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/#aliases","text":"db","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for database Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl database delete Delete a database upctl database index Manage database indices upctl database list List current databases upctl database plans List available plans for given database type upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database session Manage database sessions upctl database show Show database details upctl database start Start on a managed database upctl database stop Stop a managed database upctl database types List available database types","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/delete/","text":"upctl database delete Delete a database upctl database delete [flags] Examples upctl database delete 0497728e-76ef-41d0-997f-fa9449eb71bc upctl database delete my_database Options Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"database delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/delete/#upctl-database-delete","text":"Delete a database upctl database delete [flags]","title":"upctl database delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/delete/#examples","text":"upctl database delete 0497728e-76ef-41d0-997f-fa9449eb71bc upctl database delete my_database","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/list/","text":"upctl database list List current databases upctl database list [flags] Examples upctl database list Options Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"database list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/list/#upctl-database-list","text":"List current databases upctl database list [flags]","title":"upctl database list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/list/#examples","text":"upctl database list","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/list/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/plans/","text":"upctl database plans List available plans for given database type upctl database plans [flags] Examples upctl database plans pg upctl database plans mysql Options Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"database plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/plans/#upctl-database-plans","text":"List available plans for given database type upctl database plans [flags]","title":"upctl database plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/plans/#examples","text":"upctl database plans pg upctl database plans mysql","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/plans/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/plans/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/plans/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/show/","text":"upctl database show Show database details upctl database show [flags] Examples upctl database show 9a8effcb-80e6-4a63-a7e5-066a6d093c14 upctl database show my-pg-database upctl database show my-mysql-database Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"database show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/show/#upctl-database-show","text":"Show database details upctl database show [flags]","title":"upctl database show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/show/#examples","text":"upctl database show 9a8effcb-80e6-4a63-a7e5-066a6d093c14 upctl database show my-pg-database upctl database show my-mysql-database","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/start/","text":"upctl database start Start on a managed database upctl database start [flags] Examples upctl database start b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b upctl database start b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b 666bcd3c-5c63-428d-a4fd-07c27469a5a6 upctl database start pg-1x1xcpu-2gb-25gb-pl-waw1 Options Option Description --help , -h help for start Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"database start"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/start/#upctl-database-start","text":"Start on a managed database upctl database start [flags]","title":"upctl database start"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/start/#examples","text":"upctl database start b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b upctl database start b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b 666bcd3c-5c63-428d-a4fd-07c27469a5a6 upctl database start pg-1x1xcpu-2gb-25gb-pl-waw1","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/start/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for start Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/start/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/start/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/stop/","text":"upctl database stop Stop a managed database upctl database stop [flags] Aliases shutdown Examples upctl database stop b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b upctl database stop b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b 666bcd3c-5c63-428d-a4fd-07c27469a5a6 upctl database stop pg-1x1xcpu-2gb-25gb-pl-waw1 Options Option Description --help , -h help for stop Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"database stop"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/stop/#upctl-database-stop","text":"Stop a managed database upctl database stop [flags]","title":"upctl database stop"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/stop/#aliases","text":"shutdown","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/stop/#examples","text":"upctl database stop b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b upctl database stop b0952286-1193-4a81-a1af-62efc014ae4b 666bcd3c-5c63-428d-a4fd-07c27469a5a6 upctl database stop pg-1x1xcpu-2gb-25gb-pl-waw1","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/stop/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for stop Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/stop/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/stop/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/types/","text":"upctl database types List available database types upctl database types [flags] Examples upctl database types Options Option Description --help , -h help for types Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"database types"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/types/#upctl-database-types","text":"List available database types upctl database types [flags]","title":"upctl database types"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/types/#examples","text":"upctl database types","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/types/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for types Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/types/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/types/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/","text":"upctl database index Manage database indices upctl database index [flags] Aliases indices Options Option Description --help , -h help for index Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases upctl database index delete Delete an index from the specified database. upctl database index list List current indices of the specified databases","title":"index "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/#upctl-database-index","text":"Manage database indices upctl database index [flags]","title":"upctl database index"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/#aliases","text":"indices","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for index Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases upctl database index delete Delete an index from the specified database. upctl database index list List current indices of the specified databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/delete/","text":"upctl database index delete Delete an index from the specified database. upctl database index delete [flags] Examples upctl database index delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name .index-to-delete Options Option Description --name Index name --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database index Manage database indices","title":"index delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/delete/#upctl-database-index-delete","text":"Delete an index from the specified database. upctl database index delete [flags]","title":"upctl database index delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/delete/#examples","text":"upctl database index delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name .index-to-delete","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --name Index name --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database index Manage database indices","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/list/","text":"upctl database index list List current indices of the specified databases upctl database index list [flags] Examples upctl database index list 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 Options Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database index Manage database indices","title":"index list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/list/#upctl-database-index-list","text":"List current indices of the specified databases upctl database index list [flags]","title":"upctl database index list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/list/#examples","text":"upctl database index list 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/list/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/index/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database index Manage database indices","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/","text":"upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties [flags] Examples upctl database properties pg upctl database properties mysql Options Option Description --help , -h help for properties Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases upctl database properties mysql List available properties for MySQL databases upctl database properties opensearch List available properties for OpenSearch databases upctl database properties pg List available properties for PostgreSQL databases upctl database properties redis List available properties for Redis databases","title":"properties "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/#upctl-database-properties","text":"List available properties for given database type upctl database properties [flags]","title":"upctl database properties"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/#examples","text":"upctl database properties pg upctl database properties mysql","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for properties Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases upctl database properties mysql List available properties for MySQL databases upctl database properties opensearch List available properties for OpenSearch databases upctl database properties pg List available properties for PostgreSQL databases upctl database properties redis List available properties for Redis databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/","text":"upctl database properties mysql List available properties for MySQL databases upctl database properties mysql [flags] Examples upctl database properties mysql Options Option Description --help , -h help for mysql Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties mysql show Show MySQL database property details","title":"mysql "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/#upctl-database-properties-mysql","text":"List available properties for MySQL databases upctl database properties mysql [flags]","title":"upctl database properties mysql"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/#examples","text":"upctl database properties mysql","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for mysql Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties mysql show Show MySQL database property details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/show/","text":"upctl database properties mysql show Show MySQL database property details upctl database properties mysql show [flags] Examples upctl database properties mysql show version Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties mysql List available properties for MySQL databases","title":"mysql show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/show/#upctl-database-properties-mysql-show","text":"Show MySQL database property details upctl database properties mysql show [flags]","title":"upctl database properties mysql show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/show/#examples","text":"upctl database properties mysql show version","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/mysql/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties mysql List available properties for MySQL databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/","text":"upctl database properties opensearch List available properties for OpenSearch databases upctl database properties opensearch [flags] Examples upctl database properties opensearch Options Option Description --help , -h help for opensearch Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties opensearch show Show OpenSearch database property details","title":"opensearch "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/#upctl-database-properties-opensearch","text":"List available properties for OpenSearch databases upctl database properties opensearch [flags]","title":"upctl database properties opensearch"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/#examples","text":"upctl database properties opensearch","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for opensearch Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties opensearch show Show OpenSearch database property details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/show/","text":"upctl database properties opensearch show Show OpenSearch database property details upctl database properties opensearch show [flags] Examples upctl database properties opensearch show version Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties opensearch List available properties for OpenSearch databases","title":"opensearch show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/show/#upctl-database-properties-opensearch-show","text":"Show OpenSearch database property details upctl database properties opensearch show [flags]","title":"upctl database properties opensearch show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/show/#examples","text":"upctl database properties opensearch show version","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/opensearch/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties opensearch List available properties for OpenSearch databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/","text":"upctl database properties pg List available properties for PostgreSQL databases upctl database properties pg [flags] Examples upctl database properties pg Options Option Description --help , -h help for pg Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties pg show Show PostgreSQL database property details","title":"pg "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/#upctl-database-properties-pg","text":"List available properties for PostgreSQL databases upctl database properties pg [flags]","title":"upctl database properties pg"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/#examples","text":"upctl database properties pg","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for pg Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties pg show Show PostgreSQL database property details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/show/","text":"upctl database properties pg show Show PostgreSQL database property details upctl database properties pg show [flags] Examples upctl database properties pg show version Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties pg List available properties for PostgreSQL databases","title":"pg show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/show/#upctl-database-properties-pg-show","text":"Show PostgreSQL database property details upctl database properties pg show [flags]","title":"upctl database properties pg show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/show/#examples","text":"upctl database properties pg show version","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/pg/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties pg List available properties for PostgreSQL databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/","text":"upctl database properties redis List available properties for Redis databases upctl database properties redis [flags] Examples upctl database properties redis Options Option Description --help , -h help for redis Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties redis show Show Redis database property details","title":"redis "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/#upctl-database-properties-redis","text":"List available properties for Redis databases upctl database properties redis [flags]","title":"upctl database properties redis"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/#examples","text":"upctl database properties redis","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for redis Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties List available properties for given database type upctl database properties redis show Show Redis database property details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/show/","text":"upctl database properties redis show Show Redis database property details upctl database properties redis show [flags] Examples upctl database properties redis show version Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database properties redis List available properties for Redis databases","title":"redis show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/show/#upctl-database-properties-redis-show","text":"Show Redis database property details upctl database properties redis show [flags]","title":"upctl database properties redis show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/show/#examples","text":"upctl database properties redis show version","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/properties/redis/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database properties redis List available properties for Redis databases","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/","text":"upctl database session Manage database sessions upctl database session [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for session Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database Manage databases upctl database session cancel Terminate client session or cancel running query for a database upctl database session list List current sessions to specified database","title":"session "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/#upctl-database-session","text":"Manage database sessions upctl database session [flags]","title":"upctl database session"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for session Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database Manage databases upctl database session cancel Terminate client session or cancel running query for a database upctl database session list List current sessions to specified database","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/cancel/","text":"upctl database session cancel Terminate client session or cancel running query for a database upctl database session cancel [flags] Examples upctl database session cancel 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b832 --pid 2345422 upctl database session cancel mysql-1 --pid 2345422 --terminate Options Option Description --pid Process ID of the session to cancel. Default: 0 --terminate Request immediate termination instead of soft cancel. --help , -h help for cancel Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database session Manage database sessions","title":"session cancel"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/cancel/#upctl-database-session-cancel","text":"Terminate client session or cancel running query for a database upctl database session cancel [flags]","title":"upctl database session cancel"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/cancel/#examples","text":"upctl database session cancel 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b832 --pid 2345422 upctl database session cancel mysql-1 --pid 2345422 --terminate","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/cancel/#options","text":"Option Description --pid Process ID of the session to cancel. Default: 0 --terminate Request immediate termination instead of soft cancel. --help , -h help for cancel Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/cancel/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/cancel/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database session Manage database sessions","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/list/","text":"upctl database session list List current sessions to specified database upctl database session list [flags] Examples upctl database session list 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b832 upctl database session list mysql-1 --limit 16 --offset 32 --order pid:desc Options Option Description --limit Number of entries to receive at most. Default: 10 --offset Offset for retrieved results based on sort order. Default: 0 --order Key and direction for sorting. Default: query_duration:desc --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl database session Manage database sessions","title":"session list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/list/#upctl-database-session-list","text":"List current sessions to specified database upctl database session list [flags]","title":"upctl database session list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/list/#examples","text":"upctl database session list 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b832 upctl database session list mysql-1 --limit 16 --offset 32 --order pid:desc","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/list/#options","text":"Option Description --limit Number of entries to receive at most. Default: 10 --offset Offset for retrieved results based on sort order. Default: 0 --order Key and direction for sorting. Default: query_duration:desc --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_database/session/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl database session Manage database sessions","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/","text":"upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses upctl ip-address [flags] Aliases ip Options Option Description --help , -h help for ip-address Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl ip-address assign Assign or create an IP address upctl ip-address list List IP addresses upctl ip-address modify Modify an IP address upctl ip-address remove Remove an IP address upctl ip-address show Show current IP address","title":"ip-address "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/#upctl-ip-address","text":"Manage IP addresses upctl ip-address [flags]","title":"upctl ip-address"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/#aliases","text":"ip","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for ip-address Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl ip-address assign Assign or create an IP address upctl ip-address list List IP addresses upctl ip-address modify Modify an IP address upctl ip-address remove Remove an IP address upctl ip-address show Show current IP address","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/assign/","text":"upctl ip-address assign Assign or create an IP address upctl ip-address assign [flags] Examples upctl ip-address assign --server 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl ip-address assign --server 00944977-89ce-4d10-89c3-bb5ba482e48d --family IPv6 upctl ip-address assign --server 00944977-89ce-4d10-89c3-bb5ba482e48d --floating --zone pl-waw1 upctl ip-address assign --server 00b78f8b-521d-4ffb-8baa-adf96c7b8f45 --floating --mac d6:0e:4a:6f:11:8f Options Option Description --access Is address for utility or public network. Default: public --family The address family of new IP address. Default: IPv4 --server The server the ip address is assigned to. --mac MAC address of server interface to assign address to. Required for detached floating IP address if zone is not specified. --zone Zone where to create the IP address. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. Required when creating a detached floating IP address, i.e. when MAC address is not speficied. --floating Whether the address to be assigned is a floating one. --help , -h help for assign Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"ip-address assign"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/assign/#upctl-ip-address-assign","text":"Assign or create an IP address upctl ip-address assign [flags]","title":"upctl ip-address assign"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/assign/#examples","text":"upctl ip-address assign --server 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl ip-address assign --server 00944977-89ce-4d10-89c3-bb5ba482e48d --family IPv6 upctl ip-address assign --server 00944977-89ce-4d10-89c3-bb5ba482e48d --floating --zone pl-waw1 upctl ip-address assign --server 00b78f8b-521d-4ffb-8baa-adf96c7b8f45 --floating --mac d6:0e:4a:6f:11:8f","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/assign/#options","text":"Option Description --access Is address for utility or public network. Default: public --family The address family of new IP address. Default: IPv4 --server The server the ip address is assigned to. --mac MAC address of server interface to assign address to. Required for detached floating IP address if zone is not specified. --zone Zone where to create the IP address. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. Required when creating a detached floating IP address, i.e. when MAC address is not speficied. --floating Whether the address to be assigned is a floating one. --help , -h help for assign Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/assign/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/assign/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/list/","text":"upctl ip-address list List IP addresses upctl ip-address list [flags] Examples upctl ip-address list Options Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"ip-address list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/list/#upctl-ip-address-list","text":"List IP addresses upctl ip-address list [flags]","title":"upctl ip-address list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/list/#examples","text":"upctl ip-address list","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/list/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/modify/","text":"upctl ip-address modify Modify an IP address upctl ip-address modify [flags] Examples upctl ip-address modify --ptr-record myapp.com upctl ip-address modify --mac d6:0e:4a:6f:2b:06 Options Option Description --mac MAC address of server interface to attach floating IP to. --ptr-record New fully qualified domain name to set as the PTR record for the IP address. --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"ip-address modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/modify/#upctl-ip-address-modify","text":"Modify an IP address upctl ip-address modify [flags]","title":"upctl ip-address modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/modify/#examples","text":"upctl ip-address modify --ptr-record myapp.com upctl ip-address modify --mac d6:0e:4a:6f:2b:06","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --mac MAC address of server interface to attach floating IP to. --ptr-record New fully qualified domain name to set as the PTR record for the IP address. --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/remove/","text":"upctl ip-address remove Remove an IP address upctl ip-address remove [flags] Examples upctl ip-address remove upctl ip-address remove 2a04:3544:8000:1000:d40e:4aff:fe6f:2c85 Options Option Description --help , -h help for remove Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"ip-address remove"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/remove/#upctl-ip-address-remove","text":"Remove an IP address upctl ip-address remove [flags]","title":"upctl ip-address remove"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/remove/#examples","text":"upctl ip-address remove upctl ip-address remove 2a04:3544:8000:1000:d40e:4aff:fe6f:2c85","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/remove/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for remove Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/remove/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/remove/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/show/","text":"upctl ip-address show Show current IP address upctl ip-address show [flags] Examples upctl ip-address show upctl ip-address show 2a04:3544:8000:1000:d40e:4aff:fe6f:5d34 Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"ip-address show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/show/#upctl-ip-address-show","text":"Show current IP address upctl ip-address show [flags]","title":"upctl ip-address show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/show/#examples","text":"upctl ip-address show upctl ip-address show 2a04:3544:8000:1000:d40e:4aff:fe6f:5d34","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_ip-address/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl ip-address Manage IP addresses","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/","text":"upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes [flags] Aliases k8s , uks Options Option Description --help , -h help for kubernetes Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl kubernetes config Output Kubernetes cluster kubeconfig upctl kubernetes create Create a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes delete Delete a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes list List current Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes modify Modifiy an existing cluster upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups upctl kubernetes plans List available cluster plans upctl kubernetes show Show Kubernetes cluster details upctl kubernetes versions List available versions for Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/#upctl-kubernetes","text":"Manage Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/#aliases","text":"k8s , uks","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for kubernetes Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl kubernetes config Output Kubernetes cluster kubeconfig upctl kubernetes create Create a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes delete Delete a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes list List current Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes modify Modifiy an existing cluster upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups upctl kubernetes plans List available cluster plans upctl kubernetes show Show Kubernetes cluster details upctl kubernetes versions List available versions for Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/config/","text":"upctl kubernetes config Output Kubernetes cluster kubeconfig upctl kubernetes config [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes config 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b831 --output human upctl kubernetes config 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b831 --output yaml --write $KUBECONFIG upctl kubernetes config 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b831 --output yaml --write ./my_kubeconfig.yaml Options Option Description --write Absolute path for writing output. If the file exists, the config will be merged. --help , -h help for config Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes config"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/config/#upctl-kubernetes-config","text":"Output Kubernetes cluster kubeconfig upctl kubernetes config [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes config"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/config/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes config 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b831 --output human upctl kubernetes config 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b831 --output yaml --write $KUBECONFIG upctl kubernetes config 0fa980c4-0e4f-460b-9869-11b7bd62b831 --output yaml --write ./my_kubeconfig.yaml","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/config/#options","text":"Option Description --write Absolute path for writing output. If the file exists, the config will be merged. --help , -h help for config Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/config/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/config/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/create/","text":"upctl kubernetes create Create a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes create [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes create \\ --name my-cluster \\ --network 03e5ca07-f36c-4957-a676-e001e40441eb \\ --node-group count=2,name=my-minimal-node-group,plan=2xCPU-4GB, \\ --zone de-fra1 upctl kubernetes create \\ --name my-cluster \\ --plan production-small \\ --network 03e5ca07-f36c-4957-a676-e001e40441eb \\ --node-group count=4,kubelet-arg=\"log-flush-frequency=5s\",label=\"owner=devteam\",label=\"env=dev\",name=my-node-group,plan=4xCPU-8GB,ssh-key=\"ssh-ed25519 AAAAo admin@user.com\",ssh-key=\"/path/to/your/public/ssh/key.pub\",storage=01000000-0000-4000-8000-000160010100,taint=\"env=dev:NoSchedule\",taint=\"env=dev2:NoSchedule\" \\ --zone de-fra1 Options Option Description --name Kubernetes cluster name. --plan Plan to use for the cluster. Run upctl kubernetes plans to list all available plans. Default: development --network Network to use. The value should be name or UUID of a private network. --node-group Node group(s) for running workloads, multiple can be declared. Usage: --node-group count=8,kubelet-arg=\"log-flush-frequency=5s\",label=\"owner=devteam\",label=\"env=dev\",name=my-node-group,plan=2xCPU-4GB,ssh-key=\"ssh-ed25519 AAAAo admin@user.com\",ssh-key=\"/path/to/your/public/ssh/key.pub\",storage=01000000-0000-4000-8000-000160010100,taint=\"env=dev:NoSchedule\",taint=\"env=dev2:NoSchedule\" Default: [] --kubernetes-api-allow-ip Allow cluster's Kubernetes API to be accessed from an IP address or a network CIDR, multiple can be declared. Default: [] --private-node-groups Do not assign public IPs to worker nodes. If set, the attached network should have a NAT gateway configured to provide internet access to the worker nodes. --zone Zone where to create the cluster. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --wait Wait for cluster to be in running state before returning. --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/create/#upctl-kubernetes-create","text":"Create a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes create [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/create/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes create \\ --name my-cluster \\ --network 03e5ca07-f36c-4957-a676-e001e40441eb \\ --node-group count=2,name=my-minimal-node-group,plan=2xCPU-4GB, \\ --zone de-fra1 upctl kubernetes create \\ --name my-cluster \\ --plan production-small \\ --network 03e5ca07-f36c-4957-a676-e001e40441eb \\ --node-group count=4,kubelet-arg=\"log-flush-frequency=5s\",label=\"owner=devteam\",label=\"env=dev\",name=my-node-group,plan=4xCPU-8GB,ssh-key=\"ssh-ed25519 AAAAo admin@user.com\",ssh-key=\"/path/to/your/public/ssh/key.pub\",storage=01000000-0000-4000-8000-000160010100,taint=\"env=dev:NoSchedule\",taint=\"env=dev2:NoSchedule\" \\ --zone de-fra1","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/create/#options","text":"Option Description --name Kubernetes cluster name. --plan Plan to use for the cluster. Run upctl kubernetes plans to list all available plans. Default: development --network Network to use. The value should be name or UUID of a private network. --node-group Node group(s) for running workloads, multiple can be declared. Usage: --node-group count=8,kubelet-arg=\"log-flush-frequency=5s\",label=\"owner=devteam\",label=\"env=dev\",name=my-node-group,plan=2xCPU-4GB,ssh-key=\"ssh-ed25519 AAAAo admin@user.com\",ssh-key=\"/path/to/your/public/ssh/key.pub\",storage=01000000-0000-4000-8000-000160010100,taint=\"env=dev:NoSchedule\",taint=\"env=dev2:NoSchedule\" Default: [] --kubernetes-api-allow-ip Allow cluster's Kubernetes API to be accessed from an IP address or a network CIDR, multiple can be declared. Default: [] --private-node-groups Do not assign public IPs to worker nodes. If set, the attached network should have a NAT gateway configured to provide internet access to the worker nodes. --zone Zone where to create the cluster. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --wait Wait for cluster to be in running state before returning. --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/delete/","text":"upctl kubernetes delete Delete a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes delete [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl kubernetes delete my-kubernetes-cluster Options Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/delete/#upctl-kubernetes-delete","text":"Delete a Kubernetes cluster upctl kubernetes delete [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/delete/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl kubernetes delete my-kubernetes-cluster","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/list/","text":"upctl kubernetes list List current Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes list [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes list Options Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/list/#upctl-kubernetes-list","text":"List current Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes list [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/list/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes list","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/list/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/modify/","text":"upctl kubernetes modify Modifiy an existing cluster upctl kubernetes modify [flags] Examples upctl cluster modify 00bb4617-c592-4b32-b869-35a60b323b18 --plan 1xCPU-1GB Options Option Description --kubernetes-api-allow-ip Allow cluster's Kubernetes API to be accessed from an IP address or a network CIDR, multiple can be declared. Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/modify/#upctl-kubernetes-modify","text":"Modifiy an existing cluster upctl kubernetes modify [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/modify/#examples","text":"upctl cluster modify 00bb4617-c592-4b32-b869-35a60b323b18 --plan 1xCPU-1GB","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --kubernetes-api-allow-ip Allow cluster's Kubernetes API to be accessed from an IP address or a network CIDR, multiple can be declared. Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/plans/","text":"upctl kubernetes plans List available cluster plans upctl kubernetes plans [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes plans Options Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/plans/#upctl-kubernetes-plans","text":"List available cluster plans upctl kubernetes plans [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/plans/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes plans","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/plans/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/plans/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/plans/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/show/","text":"upctl kubernetes show Show Kubernetes cluster details upctl kubernetes show [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes show 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl kubernetes show my-cluster Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/show/#upctl-kubernetes-show","text":"Show Kubernetes cluster details upctl kubernetes show [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/show/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes show 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl kubernetes show my-cluster","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/versions/","text":"upctl kubernetes versions List available versions for Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes versions [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes versions Options Option Description --help , -h help for versions Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"kubernetes versions"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/versions/#upctl-kubernetes-versions","text":"List available versions for Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes versions [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes versions"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/versions/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes versions","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/versions/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for versions Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/versions/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/versions/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups upctl kubernetes nodegroup [flags] Aliases node-group Options Option Description --help , -h help for nodegroup Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes nodegroup create Create a new node group into the specified cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete Delete the node group from the cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale Scale the number of nodes in the node group. upctl kubernetes nodegroup show Show node group details","title":"nodegroup "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/#upctl-kubernetes-nodegroup","text":"Manage cluster node-groups upctl kubernetes nodegroup [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/#aliases","text":"node-group","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for nodegroup Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes Manage Kubernetes clusters upctl kubernetes nodegroup create Create a new node group into the specified cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete Delete the node group from the cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale Scale the number of nodes in the node group. upctl kubernetes nodegroup show Show node group details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/create/","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup create Create a new node group into the specified cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup create [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes nodegroup create 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name secondary-node-group --count 3 --plan 2xCPU-4GB Options Option Description --count Number of nodes in the node group Default: 0 --kubelet-arg Arguments to use when executing kubelet in argument=value format Default: [] --label Labels to describe the nodes in key=value format. Use multiple times to define multiple labels. Labels are forwarded to the kubernetes nodes. Default: [] --name Node group name --plan Server plan to use for nodes in the node group. Run upctl server plans to list all available plans. --ssh-key SSH keys to be configured as authorized keys to the nodes. Default: [] --storage Storage template to use when creating the nodes. Defaults to UpCloud K8s public template. --taint Taints to be configured to the nodes in key=value:effect format Default: [] --disable-utility-network-access Disable utility network access. If disabled, nodes in this group will not have access to utility network. --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"nodegroup create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/create/#upctl-kubernetes-nodegroup-create","text":"Create a new node group into the specified cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup create [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/create/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup create 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name secondary-node-group --count 3 --plan 2xCPU-4GB","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/create/#options","text":"Option Description --count Number of nodes in the node group Default: 0 --kubelet-arg Arguments to use when executing kubelet in argument=value format Default: [] --label Labels to describe the nodes in key=value format. Use multiple times to define multiple labels. Labels are forwarded to the kubernetes nodes. Default: [] --name Node group name --plan Server plan to use for nodes in the node group. Run upctl server plans to list all available plans. --ssh-key SSH keys to be configured as authorized keys to the nodes. Default: [] --storage Storage template to use when creating the nodes. Defaults to UpCloud K8s public template. --taint Taints to be configured to the nodes in key=value:effect format Default: [] --disable-utility-network-access Disable utility network access. If disabled, nodes in this group will not have access to utility network. --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/delete/","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete Delete the node group from the cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name secondary-node-group Options Option Description --name Node group name --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"nodegroup delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/delete/#upctl-kubernetes-nodegroup-delete","text":"Delete the node group from the cluster. upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/delete/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name secondary-node-group","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --name Node group name --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/scale/","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale Scale the number of nodes in the node group. upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name secondary-node-group --count 3 Options Option Description --name Node group name --count Node count Default: 0 --help , -h help for scale Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"nodegroup scale"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/scale/#upctl-kubernetes-nodegroup-scale","text":"Scale the number of nodes in the node group. upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/scale/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup scale 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name secondary-node-group --count 3","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/scale/#options","text":"Option Description --name Node group name --count Node count Default: 0 --help , -h help for scale Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/scale/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/scale/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/show/","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup show Show node group details upctl kubernetes nodegroup show [flags] Examples upctl kubernetes nodegroup show 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name default Options Option Description --name Node group name --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"nodegroup show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/show/#upctl-kubernetes-nodegroup-show","text":"Show node group details upctl kubernetes nodegroup show [flags]","title":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/show/#examples","text":"upctl kubernetes nodegroup show 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 --name default","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/show/#options","text":"Option Description --name Node group name --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_kubernetes/nodegroup/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl kubernetes nodegroup Manage cluster node-groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/","text":"upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers upctl loadbalancer [flags] Aliases lb Options Option Description --help , -h help for loadbalancer Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl loadbalancer delete Delete a load balancer upctl loadbalancer list List current load balancers upctl loadbalancer plans List available load balancer plans upctl loadbalancer show Show load balancer details","title":"loadbalancer "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/#upctl-loadbalancer","text":"Manage load balancers upctl loadbalancer [flags]","title":"upctl loadbalancer"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/#aliases","text":"lb","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for loadbalancer Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl loadbalancer delete Delete a load balancer upctl loadbalancer list List current load balancers upctl loadbalancer plans List available load balancer plans upctl loadbalancer show Show load balancer details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/delete/","text":"upctl loadbalancer delete Delete a load balancer upctl loadbalancer delete [flags] Examples upctl loadbalancer delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl loadbalancer delete my-load-balancer Options Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"loadbalancer delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/delete/#upctl-loadbalancer-delete","text":"Delete a load balancer upctl loadbalancer delete [flags]","title":"upctl loadbalancer delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/delete/#examples","text":"upctl loadbalancer delete 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl loadbalancer delete my-load-balancer","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/list/","text":"upctl loadbalancer list List current load balancers upctl loadbalancer list [flags] Examples upctl loadbalancer list Options Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"loadbalancer list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/list/#upctl-loadbalancer-list","text":"List current load balancers upctl loadbalancer list [flags]","title":"upctl loadbalancer list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/list/#examples","text":"upctl loadbalancer list","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/list/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/plans/","text":"upctl loadbalancer plans List available load balancer plans upctl loadbalancer plans [flags] Examples upctl loadbalancer plans Options Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"loadbalancer plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/plans/#upctl-loadbalancer-plans","text":"List available load balancer plans upctl loadbalancer plans [flags]","title":"upctl loadbalancer plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/plans/#examples","text":"upctl loadbalancer plans","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/plans/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/plans/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/plans/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/show/","text":"upctl loadbalancer show Show load balancer details upctl loadbalancer show [flags] Examples upctl loadbalancer show 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl loadbalancer show my-load-balancer Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"loadbalancer show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/show/#upctl-loadbalancer-show","text":"Show load balancer details upctl loadbalancer show [flags]","title":"upctl loadbalancer show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/show/#examples","text":"upctl loadbalancer show 55199a44-4751-4e27-9394-7c7661910be3 upctl loadbalancer show my-load-balancer","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_loadbalancer/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl loadbalancer Manage load balancers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/","text":"upctl network Manage networks upctl network [flags] Aliases net Options Option Description --help , -h help for network Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl network create Create a network upctl network delete Delete a network upctl network list List networks, by default private networks only upctl network modify Modify a network upctl network show Show network details","title":"network "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/#upctl-network","text":"Manage networks upctl network [flags]","title":"upctl network"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/#aliases","text":"net","title":"Aliases"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for network Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl network create Create a network upctl network delete Delete a network upctl network list List networks, by default private networks only upctl network modify Modify a network upctl network show Show network details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/create/","text":"upctl network create Create a network upctl network create [flags] Examples upctl network create --name \"My Network\" --zone pl-waw1 --ip-network address= upctl network create --name my_net --zone pl-waw1 --ip-network address=,dhcp=true Options Option Description --name Names the network. --zone Zone where to create the network. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --router Add this network to an existing router. --ip-network A network interface for the server, multiple can be declared. Fields: address: string family: string gateway: string dhcp: true/false dhcp-default-route: true/false dhcp-dns: array of strings Default: [] --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"network create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/create/#upctl-network-create","text":"Create a network upctl network create [flags]","title":"upctl network create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/create/#examples","text":"upctl network create --name \"My Network\" --zone pl-waw1 --ip-network address= upctl network create --name my_net --zone pl-waw1 --ip-network address=,dhcp=true","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/create/#options","text":"Option Description --name Names the network. --zone Zone where to create the network. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --router Add this network to an existing router. --ip-network A network interface for the server, multiple can be declared. Fields: address: string family: string gateway: string dhcp: true/false dhcp-default-route: true/false dhcp-dns: array of strings Default: [] --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/delete/","text":"upctl network delete Delete a network upctl network delete [flags] Examples upctl network delete 037f260c-9568-4d9b-97e5-44cf52440ccb upctl network delete 03d7b5c2-b80a-4636-88d4-f9911185c975 0312a237-8204-4c1c-9fd1-2314013ec687 upctl network delete \"My Network 1\" Options Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"network delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/delete/#upctl-network-delete","text":"Delete a network upctl network delete [flags]","title":"upctl network delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/delete/#examples","text":"upctl network delete 037f260c-9568-4d9b-97e5-44cf52440ccb upctl network delete 03d7b5c2-b80a-4636-88d4-f9911185c975 0312a237-8204-4c1c-9fd1-2314013ec687 upctl network delete \"My Network 1\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/list/","text":"upctl network list List networks, by default private networks only upctl network list [flags] Examples upctl network list upctl network list --zone pl-waw1 upctl network list --zone pl-waw1 --public upctl network list --all upctl network list --zone pl-waw1 --all Options Option Description --zone Show networks from a specific zone. --all Show all networks. --public Show public networks instead of private networks. --utility Show utility networks instead of private networks. --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"network list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/list/#upctl-network-list","text":"List networks, by default private networks only upctl network list [flags]","title":"upctl network list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/list/#examples","text":"upctl network list upctl network list --zone pl-waw1 upctl network list --zone pl-waw1 --public upctl network list --all upctl network list --zone pl-waw1 --all","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/list/#options","text":"Option Description --zone Show networks from a specific zone. --all Show all networks. --public Show public networks instead of private networks. --utility Show utility networks instead of private networks. --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/modify/","text":"upctl network modify Modify a network upctl network modify [flags] Examples upctl network modify 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc --ip-network dhcp=false,family=IPv4 upctl network modify \"My Network\" --name \"My Super Network\" Options Option Description --name Set name of the private network. --router Attach a router to this network, specified by router UUID or router name. --detach-router Detach a router from this network. --ip-network The ip network with modified values. Fields family: string gateway: string dhcp: true/false dhcp-default-route: true/false dhcp-dns: array of strings Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"network modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/modify/#upctl-network-modify","text":"Modify a network upctl network modify [flags]","title":"upctl network modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/modify/#examples","text":"upctl network modify 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc --ip-network dhcp=false,family=IPv4 upctl network modify \"My Network\" --name \"My Super Network\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --name Set name of the private network. --router Attach a router to this network, specified by router UUID or router name. --detach-router Detach a router from this network. --ip-network The ip network with modified values. Fields family: string gateway: string dhcp: true/false dhcp-default-route: true/false dhcp-dns: array of strings Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/show/","text":"upctl network show Show network details upctl network show [flags] Examples upctl network show 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc upctl network show 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc 0311480d-d0c0-4951-ab41-bf12097f5d3c upctl network show \"My Network\" Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"network show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/show/#upctl-network-show","text":"Show network details upctl network show [flags]","title":"upctl network show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/show/#examples","text":"upctl network show 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc upctl network show 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc 0311480d-d0c0-4951-ab41-bf12097f5d3c upctl network show \"My Network\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_network/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl network Manage networks","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/","text":"upctl router Manage routers upctl router [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for router Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl router create Create a router upctl router delete Delete a router upctl router list List routers upctl router modify Modify a router upctl router show Show current router","title":"router "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/#upctl-router","text":"Manage routers upctl router [flags]","title":"upctl router"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for router Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl router create Create a router upctl router delete Delete a router upctl router list List routers upctl router modify Modify a router upctl router show Show current router","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/create/","text":"upctl router create Create a router upctl router create [flags] Examples upctl router create --name my_router upctl router create --name \"My Router\" Options Option Description --name Router name. --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"router create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/create/#upctl-router-create","text":"Create a router upctl router create [flags]","title":"upctl router create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/create/#examples","text":"upctl router create --name my_router upctl router create --name \"My Router\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/create/#options","text":"Option Description --name Router name. --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/delete/","text":"upctl router delete Delete a router upctl router delete [flags] Examples upctl router delete 0497728e-76ef-41d0-997f-fa9449eb71bc upctl router delete my_router Options Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"router delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/delete/#upctl-router-delete","text":"Delete a router upctl router delete [flags]","title":"upctl router delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/delete/#examples","text":"upctl router delete 0497728e-76ef-41d0-997f-fa9449eb71bc upctl router delete my_router","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/list/","text":"upctl router list List routers upctl router list [flags] Examples upctl router list upctl router list --all Options Option Description --all Show all routers. --normal Show normal routers. --service Show service routers. --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"router list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/list/#upctl-router-list","text":"List routers upctl router list [flags]","title":"upctl router list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/list/#examples","text":"upctl router list upctl router list --all","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/list/#options","text":"Option Description --all Show all routers. --normal Show normal routers. --service Show service routers. --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/modify/","text":"upctl router modify Modify a router upctl router modify [flags] Examples upctl router modify 04d031ab-4b85-4cbc-9f0e-6a2977541327 --name my_super_router upctl router modify \"My Router\" --name \"My Turbo Router\" Options Option Description --name New router name. --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"router modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/modify/#upctl-router-modify","text":"Modify a router upctl router modify [flags]","title":"upctl router modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/modify/#examples","text":"upctl router modify 04d031ab-4b85-4cbc-9f0e-6a2977541327 --name my_super_router upctl router modify \"My Router\" --name \"My Turbo Router\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --name New router name. --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/show/","text":"upctl router show Show current router upctl router show [flags] Examples upctl router show 04d0a7f6-ee78-42b5-8077-6947f9e67c5a upctl router show 04d0a7f6-ee78-42b5-8077-6947f9e67c5a 04d031ab-4b85-4cbc-9f0e-6a2977541327 upctl router show \"My Turbo Router\" my_super_router Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"router show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/show/#upctl-router-show","text":"Show current router upctl router show [flags]","title":"upctl router show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/show/#examples","text":"upctl router show 04d0a7f6-ee78-42b5-8077-6947f9e67c5a upctl router show 04d0a7f6-ee78-42b5-8077-6947f9e67c5a 04d031ab-4b85-4cbc-9f0e-6a2977541327 upctl router show \"My Turbo Router\" my_super_router","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_router/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl router Manage routers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/","text":"upctl server Manage servers upctl server [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for server Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl server create Create a server upctl server delete Delete a server upctl server eject Eject a CD-ROM from the server upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify. upctl server list List current servers upctl server load Load a CD-ROM into the server upctl server modify Modifies the configuration of an existing server upctl server network-interface Manage network interface upctl server plans List server plans upctl server restart Restart a server upctl server show Show server details upctl server start Start a server upctl server stop Stop a server upctl server storage Manage server storages","title":"server "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/#upctl-server","text":"Manage servers upctl server [flags]","title":"upctl server"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for server Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl server create Create a server upctl server delete Delete a server upctl server eject Eject a CD-ROM from the server upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify. upctl server list List current servers upctl server load Load a CD-ROM into the server upctl server modify Modifies the configuration of an existing server upctl server network-interface Manage network interface upctl server plans List server plans upctl server restart Restart a server upctl server show Show server details upctl server start Start a server upctl server stop Stop a server upctl server storage Manage server storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/create/","text":"upctl server create Create a server upctl server create [flags] Examples upctl server create --title myapp --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email upctl server create --wait --title myapp --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email upctl server create --title \"My Server\" --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email --plan 2xCPU-4GB upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email --plan custom --cores 2 --memory 4096 upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email --os \"Debian GNU/Linux 10 (Buster)\" --server-group a4643646-8342-4324-4134-364138712378 upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --ssh-keys /path/to/publickey --network type=private,network=037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc,ip-address= Options Option Description --avoid-host Use this to make sure VMs do not reside on specific host. Refers to value from host -attribute. Useful when building HA-environments. Default: 0 --boot-order The boot device order, disk / cdrom / network or comma separated combination. --cores Number of cores. Only allowed if plan option is set to \"custom\". Default: 0 --create-password Create an admin password. --enable-firewall Enable firewall. --enable-metadata Enable metadata service. --enable-remote-access Enable remote access. --host Use this to start a VM on a specific private cloud host. Refers to value from host -attribute. Only available in private clouds. Default: 0 --hostname Server hostname. --label Labels to describe the server in key=value format, multiple can be declared. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --memory Memory amount in MiB. Only allowed if plan option is set to \"custom\". Default: 0 --network A network interface for the server, multiple can be declared. Usage: --network family=IPv4,type=public --network type=private,network=037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc,ip-address= Default: [] --os Server OS to use (will be the first storage device). The value should be title or UUID of an either public or private template. Set to empty to fully customise the storages. Default: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) --os-storage-size OS storage size in GiB. This is only applicable if os is also set. Zero value makes the disk equal to the minimum size of the template. Default: 0 --password-delivery Defines how password is delivered. Available: email, sms Default: none --plan Server plan name. See \"server plans\" command for valid plans. Set to \"custom\" and use cores and memory options for flexible plan. Default: 1xCPU-2GB --remote-access-password Defines the remote access password. --remote-access-type Set a remote access type. Available: vnc, spice --server-group UUID of a server group for the server. To remove the server from the group, see `servergroup modify --simple-backup Simple backup rule. Format (HHMM,{dailies,weeklies,monthlies}). Example: 2300,dailies --ssh-keys Add one or more SSH keys to the admin account. Accepted values are SSH public keys or filenames from where to read the keys. Default: [] --storage A storage connected to the server, multiple can be declared. Usage: --storage action=attach,storage=01000000-0000-4000-8000-000020010301,type=cdrom Default: [] --time-zone Time zone to set the RTC to. Default: UTC --title A short, informational description. --user-data Defines URL for a server setup script, or the script body itself. --username Admin account username. --video-model Video interface model of the server. Available: vga, cirrus Default: vga --wait Wait for server to be in started state before returning. --zone Zone where to create the server. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/create/#upctl-server-create","text":"Create a server upctl server create [flags]","title":"upctl server create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/create/#examples","text":"upctl server create --title myapp --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email upctl server create --wait --title myapp --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email upctl server create --title \"My Server\" --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email --plan 2xCPU-4GB upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email --plan custom --cores 2 --memory 4096 upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --password-delivery email --os \"Debian GNU/Linux 10 (Buster)\" --server-group a4643646-8342-4324-4134-364138712378 upctl server create --zone fi-hel1 --hostname myapp --ssh-keys /path/to/publickey --network type=private,network=037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc,ip-address=","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/create/#options","text":"Option Description --avoid-host Use this to make sure VMs do not reside on specific host. Refers to value from host -attribute. Useful when building HA-environments. Default: 0 --boot-order The boot device order, disk / cdrom / network or comma separated combination. --cores Number of cores. Only allowed if plan option is set to \"custom\". Default: 0 --create-password Create an admin password. --enable-firewall Enable firewall. --enable-metadata Enable metadata service. --enable-remote-access Enable remote access. --host Use this to start a VM on a specific private cloud host. Refers to value from host -attribute. Only available in private clouds. Default: 0 --hostname Server hostname. --label Labels to describe the server in key=value format, multiple can be declared. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --memory Memory amount in MiB. Only allowed if plan option is set to \"custom\". Default: 0 --network A network interface for the server, multiple can be declared. Usage: --network family=IPv4,type=public --network type=private,network=037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc,ip-address= Default: [] --os Server OS to use (will be the first storage device). The value should be title or UUID of an either public or private template. Set to empty to fully customise the storages. Default: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) --os-storage-size OS storage size in GiB. This is only applicable if os is also set. Zero value makes the disk equal to the minimum size of the template. Default: 0 --password-delivery Defines how password is delivered. Available: email, sms Default: none --plan Server plan name. See \"server plans\" command for valid plans. Set to \"custom\" and use cores and memory options for flexible plan. Default: 1xCPU-2GB --remote-access-password Defines the remote access password. --remote-access-type Set a remote access type. Available: vnc, spice --server-group UUID of a server group for the server. To remove the server from the group, see `servergroup modify --simple-backup Simple backup rule. Format (HHMM,{dailies,weeklies,monthlies}). Example: 2300,dailies --ssh-keys Add one or more SSH keys to the admin account. Accepted values are SSH public keys or filenames from where to read the keys. Default: [] --storage A storage connected to the server, multiple can be declared. Usage: --storage action=attach,storage=01000000-0000-4000-8000-000020010301,type=cdrom Default: [] --time-zone Time zone to set the RTC to. Default: UTC --title A short, informational description. --user-data Defines URL for a server setup script, or the script body itself. --username Admin account username. --video-model Video interface model of the server. Available: vga, cirrus Default: vga --wait Wait for server to be in started state before returning. --zone Zone where to create the server. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/delete/","text":"upctl server delete Delete a server upctl server delete [flags] Examples upctl server delete 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 upctl server delete 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server delete my_server Options Option Description --delete-storages Delete storages that are attached to the server. --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/delete/#upctl-server-delete","text":"Delete a server upctl server delete [flags]","title":"upctl server delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/delete/#examples","text":"upctl server delete 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 upctl server delete 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server delete my_server","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --delete-storages Delete storages that are attached to the server. --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/eject/","text":"upctl server eject Eject a CD-ROM from the server upctl server eject [flags] Examples upctl server eject my_server Options Option Description --help , -h help for eject Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server eject"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/eject/#upctl-server-eject","text":"Eject a CD-ROM from the server upctl server eject [flags]","title":"upctl server eject"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/eject/#examples","text":"upctl server eject my_server","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/eject/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for eject Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/eject/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/eject/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/list/","text":"upctl server list List current servers upctl server list [flags] Examples upctl server list upctl server list --show-ip-addresses upctl server list --show-ip-addresses=public Options Option Description --show-ip-addresses Show servers IP addresses of specified access type in the output or all ip addresses if argument value is \"all\" or no argument is specified. Default: none --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/list/#upctl-server-list","text":"List current servers upctl server list [flags]","title":"upctl server list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/list/#examples","text":"upctl server list upctl server list --show-ip-addresses upctl server list --show-ip-addresses=public","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/list/#options","text":"Option Description --show-ip-addresses Show servers IP addresses of specified access type in the output or all ip addresses if argument value is \"all\" or no argument is specified. Default: none --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/load/","text":"upctl server load Load a CD-ROM into the server upctl server load [flags] Examples upctl server load my_server4 --storage 01000000-0000-4000-8000-000080030101 Options Option Description --storage The UUID of the storage to be loaded in the CD-ROM device. --help , -h help for load Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server load"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/load/#upctl-server-load","text":"Load a CD-ROM into the server upctl server load [flags]","title":"upctl server load"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/load/#examples","text":"upctl server load my_server4 --storage 01000000-0000-4000-8000-000080030101","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/load/#options","text":"Option Description --storage The UUID of the storage to be loaded in the CD-ROM device. --help , -h help for load Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/load/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/load/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/modify/","text":"upctl server modify Modifies the configuration of an existing server upctl server modify [flags] Examples upctl server modify 00bb4617-c592-4b32-b869-35a60b323b18 --plan 1xCPU-1GB upctl server modify 00bb4617-c592-4b32-b869-35a60b323b18 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 --plan 1xCPU-1GB upctl server modify my_server1 --plan 1xCPU-2GB upctl server modify myapp --hostname superapp Options Option Description --boot-order The boot device order, disk / cdrom / network or comma separated combination. --cores Number of cores. Sets server plan to custom. Default: 0 --hostname Hostname. --enable-firewall Enable firewall. --disable-firewall Disable firewall. --label Labels to describe the server in key=value format, multiple can be declared. If set, all the existing labels will be replaced with provided ones. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --memory Memory amount in MiB. Sets server plan to custom. Default: 0 --enable-metadata Enable metadata service. --disable-metadata Disable metadata service. --plan Server plan to use. --simple-backup Simple backup rule. Format (HHMM,{dailies,weeklies,monthlies}). Example: 2300,dailies --title A short, informational description. --time-zone Time zone to set the RTC to. --video-model Video interface model of the server. Available: vga,cirrus --enable-remote-access Enable remote access. --disable-remote-access Disable remote access. --remote-access-type The remote access type. --remote-access-password The remote access password. --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/modify/#upctl-server-modify","text":"Modifies the configuration of an existing server upctl server modify [flags]","title":"upctl server modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/modify/#examples","text":"upctl server modify 00bb4617-c592-4b32-b869-35a60b323b18 --plan 1xCPU-1GB upctl server modify 00bb4617-c592-4b32-b869-35a60b323b18 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 --plan 1xCPU-1GB upctl server modify my_server1 --plan 1xCPU-2GB upctl server modify myapp --hostname superapp","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --boot-order The boot device order, disk / cdrom / network or comma separated combination. --cores Number of cores. Sets server plan to custom. Default: 0 --hostname Hostname. --enable-firewall Enable firewall. --disable-firewall Disable firewall. --label Labels to describe the server in key=value format, multiple can be declared. If set, all the existing labels will be replaced with provided ones. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --memory Memory amount in MiB. Sets server plan to custom. Default: 0 --enable-metadata Enable metadata service. --disable-metadata Disable metadata service. --plan Server plan to use. --simple-backup Simple backup rule. Format (HHMM,{dailies,weeklies,monthlies}). Example: 2300,dailies --title A short, informational description. --time-zone Time zone to set the RTC to. --video-model Video interface model of the server. Available: vga,cirrus --enable-remote-access Enable remote access. --disable-remote-access Disable remote access. --remote-access-type The remote access type. --remote-access-password The remote access password. --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/plans/","text":"upctl server plans List server plans upctl server plans [flags] Examples upctl server plans Options Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/plans/#upctl-server-plans","text":"List server plans upctl server plans [flags]","title":"upctl server plans"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/plans/#examples","text":"upctl server plans","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/plans/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for plans Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/plans/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/plans/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/restart/","text":"upctl server restart Restart a server upctl server restart [flags] Examples upctl server restart 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl server restart 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --stop-type hard upctl server restart my_server1 my_server2 Options Option Description --stop-type The type of stop operation. Available: soft, hard Default: soft --help , -h help for restart Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server restart"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/restart/#upctl-server-restart","text":"Restart a server upctl server restart [flags]","title":"upctl server restart"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/restart/#examples","text":"upctl server restart 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl server restart 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --stop-type hard upctl server restart my_server1 my_server2","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/restart/#options","text":"Option Description --stop-type The type of stop operation. Available: soft, hard Default: soft --help , -h help for restart Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/restart/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/restart/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/show/","text":"upctl server show Show server details upctl server show [flags] Examples upctl server show 21aeb3b7-cd89-4123-a376-559b0e75be8b upctl server show 21aeb3b7-cd89-4123-a376-559b0e75be8b 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server show myhostname upctl server show my_server1 my_server2 Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/show/#upctl-server-show","text":"Show server details upctl server show [flags]","title":"upctl server show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/show/#examples","text":"upctl server show 21aeb3b7-cd89-4123-a376-559b0e75be8b upctl server show 21aeb3b7-cd89-4123-a376-559b0e75be8b 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server show myhostname upctl server show my_server1 my_server2","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/start/","text":"upctl server start Start a server upctl server start [flags] Examples upctl server start 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl server start 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server start my_server1 Options Option Description --help , -h help for start Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server start"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/start/#upctl-server-start","text":"Start a server upctl server start [flags]","title":"upctl server start"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/start/#examples","text":"upctl server start 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl server start 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server start my_server1","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/start/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for start Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/start/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/start/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/stop/","text":"upctl server stop Stop a server upctl server stop [flags] Examples upctl server stop 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 upctl server stop 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server stop my_server upctl server stop --wait my_server Options Option Description --type The type of stop operation. Available: soft, hard Default: soft --wait Wait for server to be in stopped state before returning. --help , -h help for stop Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"server stop"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/stop/#upctl-server-stop","text":"Stop a server upctl server stop [flags]","title":"upctl server stop"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/stop/#examples","text":"upctl server stop 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 upctl server stop 00cbe2f3-4cf9-408b-afee-bd340e13cdd8 0053a6f5-e6d1-4b0b-b9dc-b90d0894e8d0 upctl server stop my_server upctl server stop --wait my_server","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/stop/#options","text":"Option Description --type The type of stop operation. Available: soft, hard Default: soft --wait Wait for server to be in stopped state before returning. --help , -h help for stop Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/stop/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/stop/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/","text":"upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify. upctl server firewall [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for firewall Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers upctl server firewall create Create a new firewall rule upctl server firewall delete Removes a firewall rule from a server. Firewall rules must be removed individually. The positions of remaining firewall rules will be adjusted after a rule is removed. upctl server firewall show Show server firewall details.","title":"firewall "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/#upctl-server-firewall","text":"Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify. upctl server firewall [flags]","title":"upctl server firewall"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for firewall Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers upctl server firewall create Create a new firewall rule upctl server firewall delete Removes a firewall rule from a server. Firewall rules must be removed individually. The positions of remaining firewall rules will be adjusted after a rule is removed. upctl server firewall show Show server firewall details.","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/create/","text":"upctl server firewall create Create a new firewall rule To edit the default rule of the firewall, set only --direction and --action parameters. This creates catch-all rule that will take effect when no other rule matches. Note that the default rule must be positioned after all other rules. Use --position parameter or create default rule after other rules. upctl server firewall create [flags] Examples upctl server firewall create 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --direction in --action drop upctl server firewall create 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --direction in --action accept --family IPv4 upctl server firewall create 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --direction in --action drop --family IPv4 --src-ipaddress-block Options Option Description --direction Rule direction. Available: in / out --action Rule action. Available: accept / drop --family IP family. Available: IPv4, IPv6 --position Position in relation to other rules. Available: 1-1000 Default: 0 --protocol Protocol. Available: tcp, udp, icmp --icmp-type ICMP type. Available: 0-255 --dest-ipaddress-block Destination IP address block. --destination-port-start Destination port range start. Available: 1-65535 --destination-port-end Destination port range end. --src-ipaddress-block Source IP address block. --source-port-start Source port range start. --source-port-end Destination port range end. --comment Freeform comment that can include 0-250 characters. --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify.","title":"firewall create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/create/#upctl-server-firewall-create","text":"Create a new firewall rule To edit the default rule of the firewall, set only --direction and --action parameters. This creates catch-all rule that will take effect when no other rule matches. Note that the default rule must be positioned after all other rules. Use --position parameter or create default rule after other rules. upctl server firewall create [flags]","title":"upctl server firewall create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/create/#examples","text":"upctl server firewall create 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --direction in --action drop upctl server firewall create 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --direction in --action accept --family IPv4 upctl server firewall create 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --direction in --action drop --family IPv4 --src-ipaddress-block","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/create/#options","text":"Option Description --direction Rule direction. Available: in / out --action Rule action. Available: accept / drop --family IP family. Available: IPv4, IPv6 --position Position in relation to other rules. Available: 1-1000 Default: 0 --protocol Protocol. Available: tcp, udp, icmp --icmp-type ICMP type. Available: 0-255 --dest-ipaddress-block Destination IP address block. --destination-port-start Destination port range start. Available: 1-65535 --destination-port-end Destination port range end. --src-ipaddress-block Source IP address block. --source-port-start Source port range start. --source-port-end Destination port range end. --comment Freeform comment that can include 0-250 characters. --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify.","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/delete/","text":"upctl server firewall delete Removes a firewall rule from a server. Firewall rules must be removed individually. The positions of remaining firewall rules will be adjusted after a rule is removed. upctl server firewall delete [flags] Examples upctl server firewall delete 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --position 1 Options Option Description --position Rule position. Available: 1-1000 Default: 0 --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify.","title":"firewall delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/delete/#upctl-server-firewall-delete","text":"Removes a firewall rule from a server. Firewall rules must be removed individually. The positions of remaining firewall rules will be adjusted after a rule is removed. upctl server firewall delete [flags]","title":"upctl server firewall delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/delete/#examples","text":"upctl server firewall delete 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --position 1","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --position Rule position. Available: 1-1000 Default: 0 --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify.","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/show/","text":"upctl server firewall show Show server firewall details. upctl server firewall show [flags] Examples upctl server firewall show 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl server firewall show 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 upctl server firewall show my_server Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify.","title":"firewall show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/show/#upctl-server-firewall-show","text":"Show server firewall details. upctl server firewall show [flags]","title":"upctl server firewall show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/show/#examples","text":"upctl server firewall show 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b upctl server firewall show 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 upctl server firewall show my_server","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/firewall/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server firewall Manage server firewall rules. Enabling or disabling the firewall is done in server modify.","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/","text":"upctl server network-interface Manage network interface upctl server network-interface [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for network-interface Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers upctl server network-interface create Create a network interface upctl server network-interface delete Delete a network interface upctl server network-interface modify Modify a network interface","title":"network-interface "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/#upctl-server-network-interface","text":"Manage network interface upctl server network-interface [flags]","title":"upctl server network-interface"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for network-interface Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers upctl server network-interface create Create a network interface upctl server network-interface delete Delete a network interface upctl server network-interface modify Modify a network interface","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/create/","text":"upctl server network-interface create Create a network interface upctl server network-interface create [flags] Examples upctl server network-interface create 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 --type private --network 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc --disable-source-ip-filtering --ip-addresses upctl server network-interface create my_server2 --type public --family IPv6 upctl server network-interface create my_server2 --type public --family IPv4 upctl server network-interface create my_server2 --network 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc Options Option Description --network Private network name or UUID to join. --type Set the type of the network. Available: public, utility, private Default: private --family The address family of new IP address. Default: IPv4 --index Interface index. Default: 0 --enable-bootable Enable Whether to try booting through the interface.. --disable-bootable Disable Whether to try booting through the interface.. --enable-source-ip-filtering Enable Whether source IP filtering is enabled on the interface. Disabling it is allowed only for SDN private interfaces.. --disable-source-ip-filtering Disable Whether source IP filtering is enabled on the interface. Disabling it is allowed only for SDN private interfaces.. --ip-addresses A comma-separated list of IP addresses Default: [] --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server network-interface Manage network interface","title":"network-interface create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/create/#upctl-server-network-interface-create","text":"Create a network interface upctl server network-interface create [flags]","title":"upctl server network-interface create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/create/#examples","text":"upctl server network-interface create 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 --type private --network 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc --disable-source-ip-filtering --ip-addresses upctl server network-interface create my_server2 --type public --family IPv6 upctl server network-interface create my_server2 --type public --family IPv4 upctl server network-interface create my_server2 --network 037a530b-533e-4cef-b6ad-6af8094bb2bc","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/create/#options","text":"Option Description --network Private network name or UUID to join. --type Set the type of the network. Available: public, utility, private Default: private --family The address family of new IP address. Default: IPv4 --index Interface index. Default: 0 --enable-bootable Enable Whether to try booting through the interface.. --disable-bootable Disable Whether to try booting through the interface.. --enable-source-ip-filtering Enable Whether source IP filtering is enabled on the interface. Disabling it is allowed only for SDN private interfaces.. --disable-source-ip-filtering Disable Whether source IP filtering is enabled on the interface. Disabling it is allowed only for SDN private interfaces.. --ip-addresses A comma-separated list of IP addresses Default: [] --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server network-interface Manage network interface","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/delete/","text":"upctl server network-interface delete Delete a network interface upctl server network-interface delete [flags] Examples upctl server network-interface delete 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 --index 1 upctl server network-interface delete my_server --index 7 Options Option Description --index Interface index. Default: 0 --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server network-interface Manage network interface","title":"network-interface delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/delete/#upctl-server-network-interface-delete","text":"Delete a network interface upctl server network-interface delete [flags]","title":"upctl server network-interface delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/delete/#examples","text":"upctl server network-interface delete 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 --index 1 upctl server network-interface delete my_server --index 7","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --index Interface index. Default: 0 --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server network-interface Manage network interface","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/modify/","text":"upctl server network-interface modify Modify a network interface upctl server network-interface modify [flags] Examples upctl server network-interface modify 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 --index 2 --new-index 1 Options Option Description --index Index of the interface to modify. Default: 0 --new-index New index to move the interface to. Default: 0 --bootable Whether to try booting through the interface. --source-ip-filtering Whether source IP filtering is enabled on the interface. Disabling it is allowed only for SDN private interfaces. --ip-addresses A comma-separated list of IP addresses, multiple can be declared Usage: --ip-address address=,family=IPv4 Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server network-interface Manage network interface","title":"network-interface modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/modify/#upctl-server-network-interface-modify","text":"Modify a network interface upctl server network-interface modify [flags]","title":"upctl server network-interface modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/modify/#examples","text":"upctl server network-interface modify 009d7f4e-99ce-4c78-88f1-e695d4c37743 --index 2 --new-index 1","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --index Index of the interface to modify. Default: 0 --new-index New index to move the interface to. Default: 0 --bootable Whether to try booting through the interface. --source-ip-filtering Whether source IP filtering is enabled on the interface. Disabling it is allowed only for SDN private interfaces. --ip-addresses A comma-separated list of IP addresses, multiple can be declared Usage: --ip-address address=,family=IPv4 Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/network-interface/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server network-interface Manage network interface","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/","text":"upctl server storage Manage server storages upctl server storage [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for storage Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server Manage servers upctl server storage attach Attach a storage as a device to a server upctl server storage detach Detaches a storage resource from a server","title":"storage "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/#upctl-server-storage","text":"Manage server storages upctl server storage [flags]","title":"upctl server storage"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for storage Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server Manage servers upctl server storage attach Attach a storage as a device to a server upctl server storage detach Detaches a storage resource from a server","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/attach/","text":"upctl server storage attach Attach a storage as a device to a server upctl server storage attach [flags] Examples upctl server storage attach 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --storage 015899e0-0a68-4949-85bb-261a99de5fdd upctl server storage attach 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --storage 01a5568f-4766-4ce7-abf5-7d257903a735 --address virtio:2 upctl server storage attach my_server1 --storage \"My Storage\" Options Option Description --type Type of the attached storage. Available: disk, cdrom Default: disk --address Address where the storage device is attached on the server. Address is of the form busname:deviceindex where busname can be ide/scsi/virtio. (example: 'virtio:1') Specify only the bus name to auto-select next available device index from that bus. (example: 'virtio') Default: virtio --storage UUID of the storage to attach. --boot-disk Set attached device as the server's boot disk. --help , -h help for attach Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server storage Manage server storages","title":"storage attach"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/attach/#upctl-server-storage-attach","text":"Attach a storage as a device to a server upctl server storage attach [flags]","title":"upctl server storage attach"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/attach/#examples","text":"upctl server storage attach 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --storage 015899e0-0a68-4949-85bb-261a99de5fdd upctl server storage attach 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --storage 01a5568f-4766-4ce7-abf5-7d257903a735 --address virtio:2 upctl server storage attach my_server1 --storage \"My Storage\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/attach/#options","text":"Option Description --type Type of the attached storage. Available: disk, cdrom Default: disk --address Address where the storage device is attached on the server. Address is of the form busname:deviceindex where busname can be ide/scsi/virtio. (example: 'virtio:1') Specify only the bus name to auto-select next available device index from that bus. (example: 'virtio') Default: virtio --storage UUID of the storage to attach. --boot-disk Set attached device as the server's boot disk. --help , -h help for attach Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/attach/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/attach/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server storage Manage server storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/detach/","text":"upctl server storage detach Detaches a storage resource from a server upctl server storage detach [flags] Examples upctl server storage detach 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --address virtio:1 upctl server storage detach my_server1 --address virtio:2 Options Option Description --address Detach the storage attached to this address. --help , -h help for detach Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl server storage Manage server storages","title":"storage detach"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/detach/#upctl-server-storage-detach","text":"Detaches a storage resource from a server upctl server storage detach [flags]","title":"upctl server storage detach"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/detach/#examples","text":"upctl server storage detach 00038afc-d526-4148-af0e-d2f1eeaded9b --address virtio:1 upctl server storage detach my_server1 --address virtio:2","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/detach/#options","text":"Option Description --address Detach the storage attached to this address. --help , -h help for detach Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/detach/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_server/storage/detach/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl server storage Manage server storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/","text":"upctl servergroup Manage server groups upctl servergroup [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for servergroup Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl servergroup create Create a server group upctl servergroup delete Delete a server group upctl servergroup list List current server groups upctl servergroup modify Modify a server group upctl servergroup show Show server group details","title":"servergroup "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/#upctl-servergroup","text":"Manage server groups upctl servergroup [flags]","title":"upctl servergroup"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for servergroup Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl servergroup create Create a server group upctl servergroup delete Delete a server group upctl servergroup list List current server groups upctl servergroup modify Modify a server group upctl servergroup show Show server group details","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/create/","text":"upctl servergroup create Create a server group upctl servergroup create [flags] Examples upctl servergroup create \\ --title my-server-group \\ --anti-affinity-policy yes \\ --server 1fdfda29-ead1-4855-b71f-a432179800ab \\ --server my-server upctl servergroup create \\ --title my-server-group \\ --anti-affinity-policy yes \\ --label env=dev upctl servergroup create \\ --title my-server-group \\ --anti-affinity-policy strict \\ --label env=dev \\ --label owner=operations Options Option Description --title Server group title. --anti-affinity-policy Anti-affinity policy. Valid values are yes (best effort), strict and no . Will take effect upon server start. Default: yes --label Labels to describe the server group in key=value format, multiple can be declared. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --server Servers to be added to the server group, multiple can be declared. Usage: --server my-server --server 00333d1b-3a4a-4b75-820a-4a56d70395dd Default: [] --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"servergroup create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/create/#upctl-servergroup-create","text":"Create a server group upctl servergroup create [flags]","title":"upctl servergroup create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/create/#examples","text":"upctl servergroup create \\ --title my-server-group \\ --anti-affinity-policy yes \\ --server 1fdfda29-ead1-4855-b71f-a432179800ab \\ --server my-server upctl servergroup create \\ --title my-server-group \\ --anti-affinity-policy yes \\ --label env=dev upctl servergroup create \\ --title my-server-group \\ --anti-affinity-policy strict \\ --label env=dev \\ --label owner=operations","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/create/#options","text":"Option Description --title Server group title. --anti-affinity-policy Anti-affinity policy. Valid values are yes (best effort), strict and no . Will take effect upon server start. Default: yes --label Labels to describe the server group in key=value format, multiple can be declared. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --server Servers to be added to the server group, multiple can be declared. Usage: --server my-server --server 00333d1b-3a4a-4b75-820a-4a56d70395dd Default: [] --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/delete/","text":"upctl servergroup delete Delete a server group upctl servergroup delete [flags] Examples upctl servergroup delete 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 upctl servergroup delete my-server-group Options Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"servergroup delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/delete/#upctl-servergroup-delete","text":"Delete a server group upctl servergroup delete [flags]","title":"upctl servergroup delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/delete/#examples","text":"upctl servergroup delete 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 upctl servergroup delete my-server-group","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/list/","text":"upctl servergroup list List current server groups upctl servergroup list [flags] Examples upctl servergroup list Options Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"servergroup list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/list/#upctl-servergroup-list","text":"List current server groups upctl servergroup list [flags]","title":"upctl servergroup list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/list/#examples","text":"upctl servergroup list","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/list/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/modify/","text":"upctl servergroup modify Modify a server group upctl servergroup modify [flags] Examples upctl servergroup modify 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 --title your-server-group upctl servergroup modify my-server-group --anti-affinity-policy strict upctl servergroup modify my-server-group --server my-server-1 --server my-server-2 --server my-server-3- upctl servergroup modify 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 --server 0bab98e5-b327-4ab8-ba16-738d4af7578b --server my-server-2 upctl servergroup modify my-server-group --label env=dev Options Option Description --anti-affinity-policy Anti-affinity policy. Valid values are yes (best effort), strict and no . Will take effect upon server start. --label Labels to describe the server in key=value format, multiple can be declared. If set, all the existing labels will be replaced with provided ones. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --title New server group title. --server Servers that belong to the server group, multiple can be declared. If set, all the existing server entries will be replaced with provided ones. Usage: --server my-server --server 00333d1b-3a4a-4b75-820a-4a56d70395dd Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"servergroup modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/modify/#upctl-servergroup-modify","text":"Modify a server group upctl servergroup modify [flags]","title":"upctl servergroup modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/modify/#examples","text":"upctl servergroup modify 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 --title your-server-group upctl servergroup modify my-server-group --anti-affinity-policy strict upctl servergroup modify my-server-group --server my-server-1 --server my-server-2 --server my-server-3- upctl servergroup modify 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 --server 0bab98e5-b327-4ab8-ba16-738d4af7578b --server my-server-2 upctl servergroup modify my-server-group --label env=dev","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --anti-affinity-policy Anti-affinity policy. Valid values are yes (best effort), strict and no . Will take effect upon server start. --label Labels to describe the server in key=value format, multiple can be declared. If set, all the existing labels will be replaced with provided ones. Usage: --label env=dev --label owner=operations Default: [] --title New server group title. --server Servers that belong to the server group, multiple can be declared. If set, all the existing server entries will be replaced with provided ones. Usage: --server my-server --server 00333d1b-3a4a-4b75-820a-4a56d70395dd Default: [] --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/show/","text":"upctl servergroup show Show server group details upctl servergroup show [flags] Examples upctl servergroup show 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 upctl servergroup show my-server-group Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"servergroup show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/show/#upctl-servergroup-show","text":"Show server group details upctl servergroup show [flags]","title":"upctl servergroup show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/show/#examples","text":"upctl servergroup show 8abc8009-4325-4b23-4321-b1232cd81231 upctl servergroup show my-server-group","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_servergroup/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl servergroup Manage server groups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/","text":"upctl storage Manage storages upctl storage [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for storage Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl storage backup Manage backups upctl storage clone Clone a storage upctl storage create Create a storage upctl storage delete Delete a storage upctl storage import Import a storage from external or local source upctl storage list List current storages upctl storage modify Modify a storage upctl storage show Show storage details upctl storage templatise Templatise a storage","title":"storage "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/#upctl-storage","text":"Manage storages upctl storage [flags]","title":"upctl storage"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for storage Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl storage backup Manage backups upctl storage clone Clone a storage upctl storage create Create a storage upctl storage delete Delete a storage upctl storage import Import a storage from external or local source upctl storage list List current storages upctl storage modify Modify a storage upctl storage show Show storage details upctl storage templatise Templatise a storage","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/clone/","text":"upctl storage clone Clone a storage upctl storage clone [flags] Examples upctl storage clone 015899e0-0a68-4949-85bb-261a99de5fdd --title my_storage_clone --zone fi-hel1 upctl storage clone 015899e0-0a68-4949-85bb-261a99de5fdd --title my_storage_clone2 --zone pl-waw1 --tier maxiops upctl storage clone \"My Storage\" --title my_storage_clone3 --zone pl-waw1 --tier maxiops Options Option Description --tier The storage tier to use. Default: hdd --title A short, informational description. --zone Zone where to create the storage. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --help , -h help for clone Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage clone"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/clone/#upctl-storage-clone","text":"Clone a storage upctl storage clone [flags]","title":"upctl storage clone"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/clone/#examples","text":"upctl storage clone 015899e0-0a68-4949-85bb-261a99de5fdd --title my_storage_clone --zone fi-hel1 upctl storage clone 015899e0-0a68-4949-85bb-261a99de5fdd --title my_storage_clone2 --zone pl-waw1 --tier maxiops upctl storage clone \"My Storage\" --title my_storage_clone3 --zone pl-waw1 --tier maxiops","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/clone/#options","text":"Option Description --tier The storage tier to use. Default: hdd --title A short, informational description. --zone Zone where to create the storage. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --help , -h help for clone Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/clone/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/clone/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/create/","text":"upctl storage create Create a storage upctl storage create [flags] Examples upctl storage create --zone pl-waw1 --title \"My Storage\" upctl storage create --zone pl-waw1 --title my_storage --size 20 --backup-interval wed --backup-retention 4 Options Option Description --title A short, informational description. --size Size of the storage in GiB. Default: 10 --zone Zone where to create the storage. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --tier Storage tier. Default: maxiops --backup-time The time when to create a backup in HH:MM. Empty value means no backups. --backup-interval The interval of the backup. Available: daily,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun Default: daily --backup-retention How long to store the backups in days. The accepted range is 1-1095 Default: 7 --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/create/#upctl-storage-create","text":"Create a storage upctl storage create [flags]","title":"upctl storage create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/create/#examples","text":"upctl storage create --zone pl-waw1 --title \"My Storage\" upctl storage create --zone pl-waw1 --title my_storage --size 20 --backup-interval wed --backup-retention 4","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/create/#options","text":"Option Description --title A short, informational description. --size Size of the storage in GiB. Default: 10 --zone Zone where to create the storage. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --tier Storage tier. Default: maxiops --backup-time The time when to create a backup in HH:MM. Empty value means no backups. --backup-interval The interval of the backup. Available: daily,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun Default: daily --backup-retention How long to store the backups in days. The accepted range is 1-1095 Default: 7 --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/delete/","text":"upctl storage delete Delete a storage upctl storage delete [flags] Examples upctl storage delete 01ac5319-08ac-4e7b-81e5-3140d2bbd7d8 upctl storage delete 0175bb34-8aed-47ce-9290-10cc45f78601 01fcb78f-e73d-4e4d-af5a-0bd6cdba4306 upctl storage delete \"My Storage\" Options Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/delete/#upctl-storage-delete","text":"Delete a storage upctl storage delete [flags]","title":"upctl storage delete"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/delete/#examples","text":"upctl storage delete 01ac5319-08ac-4e7b-81e5-3140d2bbd7d8 upctl storage delete 0175bb34-8aed-47ce-9290-10cc45f78601 01fcb78f-e73d-4e4d-af5a-0bd6cdba4306 upctl storage delete \"My Storage\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/delete/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for delete Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/delete/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/delete/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/import/","text":"upctl storage import Import a storage from external or local source upctl storage import [flags] Examples upctl storage import --source-location https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-cd/debian-10.9.0-amd64-netinst.iso --title my_storage --zone es-mad1 Options Option Description --source-location Location of the source of the import. Can be a file or a URL. --storage Import to an existing storage. Storage must be large enough and must be undetached or the server where the storage is attached must be in shutdown state. --no-wait When importing from remote url, do not wait until the import finishes or storage is in online state. If set, command will exit after import process has been initialized. --wait Wait for storage to be in online state before returning. --title A short, informational description. --size Size of the storage in GiB. Default: 10 --zone Zone where to create the storage. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --tier Storage tier. Default: maxiops --backup-time The time when to create a backup in HH:MM. Empty value means no backups. --backup-interval The interval of the backup. Available: daily,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun Default: daily --backup-retention How long to store the backups in days. The accepted range is 1-1095 Default: 7 --help , -h help for import Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage import"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/import/#upctl-storage-import","text":"Import a storage from external or local source upctl storage import [flags]","title":"upctl storage import"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/import/#examples","text":"upctl storage import --source-location https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-cd/debian-10.9.0-amd64-netinst.iso --title my_storage --zone es-mad1","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/import/#options","text":"Option Description --source-location Location of the source of the import. Can be a file or a URL. --storage Import to an existing storage. Storage must be large enough and must be undetached or the server where the storage is attached must be in shutdown state. --no-wait When importing from remote url, do not wait until the import finishes or storage is in online state. If set, command will exit after import process has been initialized. --wait Wait for storage to be in online state before returning. --title A short, informational description. --size Size of the storage in GiB. Default: 10 --zone Zone where to create the storage. Run upctl zone list to list all available zones. --tier Storage tier. Default: maxiops --backup-time The time when to create a backup in HH:MM. Empty value means no backups. --backup-interval The interval of the backup. Available: daily,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun Default: daily --backup-retention How long to store the backups in days. The accepted range is 1-1095 Default: 7 --help , -h help for import Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/import/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/import/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/list/","text":"upctl storage list List current storages upctl storage list [flags] Examples upctl storage list upctl storage list --all Options Option Description --all Show all storages. --private Show private storages (default). --public Show public storages. --normal Show only normal storages. --backup Show only backup storages. --cdrom Show only cdrom storages. --template Show only template storages. --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/list/#upctl-storage-list","text":"List current storages upctl storage list [flags]","title":"upctl storage list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/list/#examples","text":"upctl storage list upctl storage list --all","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/list/#options","text":"Option Description --all Show all storages. --private Show private storages (default). --public Show public storages. --normal Show only normal storages. --backup Show only backup storages. --cdrom Show only cdrom storages. --template Show only template storages. --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/modify/","text":"upctl storage modify Modify a storage upctl storage modify [flags] Examples upctl storage modify 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 --title \"My Storage\" --size 20 upctl storage modify \"My Storage\" --size 25 Options Option Description --title A short, informational description. --size Size of the storage (GiB). Default: 0 --backup-time The time when to create a backup in HH:MM. Empty value means no backups. --backup-interval The interval of the backup. Available: daily,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun --backup-retention How long to store the backups in days. The accepted range is 1-1095. Default: 0 --enable-filesystem-autoresize Enable automatic resize of partition and filesystem when modifying storage size. Note that before the resize attempt is made, backup of the storage will be taken. If the resize attempt fails, the backup will be used to restore the storage and then deleted. If the resize attempt succeeds, backup will be kept. Taking and keeping backups incure costs.. --help , -h help for modify Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/modify/#upctl-storage-modify","text":"Modify a storage upctl storage modify [flags]","title":"upctl storage modify"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/modify/#examples","text":"upctl storage modify 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 --title \"My Storage\" --size 20 upctl storage modify \"My Storage\" --size 25","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/modify/#options","text":"Option Description --title A short, informational description. --size Size of the storage (GiB). Default: 0 --backup-time The time when to create a backup in HH:MM. Empty value means no backups. --backup-interval The interval of the backup. Available: daily,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun --backup-retention How long to store the backups in days. The accepted range is 1-1095. Default: 0 --enable-filesystem-autoresize Enable automatic resize of partition and filesystem when modifying storage size. Note that before the resize attempt is made, backup of the storage will be taken. If the resize attempt fails, the backup will be used to restore the storage and then deleted. If the resize attempt succeeds, backup will be kept. Taking and keeping backups incure costs.. --help , -h help for modify Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/modify/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/modify/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/show/","text":"upctl storage show Show storage details upctl storage show [flags] Examples upctl storage show 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 upctl storage show 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 01c60190-3a01-4108-b1c3-2e828855ccc0 upctl storage show \"My Storage\" Options Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/show/#upctl-storage-show","text":"Show storage details upctl storage show [flags]","title":"upctl storage show"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/show/#examples","text":"upctl storage show 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 upctl storage show 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 01c60190-3a01-4108-b1c3-2e828855ccc0 upctl storage show \"My Storage\"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/show/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for show Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/show/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/show/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/templatise/","text":"upctl storage templatise Templatise a storage upctl storage templatise [flags] Examples upctl storage templatise 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 --title \"My Template\" upctl storage templatise 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 --title \"My Template\" --wait upctl storage templatise \"My Storage\" --title super_template Options Option Description --title A short, informational description. --wait Wait for storage to be in online state before returning. --help , -h help for templatise Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"storage templatise"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/templatise/#upctl-storage-templatise","text":"Templatise a storage upctl storage templatise [flags]","title":"upctl storage templatise"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/templatise/#examples","text":"upctl storage templatise 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 --title \"My Template\" upctl storage templatise 01271548-2e92-44bb-9774-d282508cc762 --title \"My Template\" --wait upctl storage templatise \"My Storage\" --title super_template","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/templatise/#options","text":"Option Description --title A short, informational description. --wait Wait for storage to be in online state before returning. --help , -h help for templatise Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/templatise/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/templatise/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/","text":"upctl storage backup Manage backups upctl storage backup [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for backup Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage Manage storages upctl storage backup create Create backup of a storage upctl storage backup restore Restore backup of a storage","title":"backup "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/#upctl-storage-backup","text":"Manage backups upctl storage backup [flags]","title":"upctl storage backup"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for backup Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage Manage storages upctl storage backup create Create backup of a storage upctl storage backup restore Restore backup of a storage","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/create/","text":"upctl storage backup create Create backup of a storage upctl storage backup create [flags] Examples upctl storage backup create 01cbea5e-eb5b-4072-b2ac-9b635120e5d8 --title \"first backup\" upctl storage backup create \"My Storage\" --title second_backup Options Option Description --title A short, informational description. --help , -h help for create Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage backup Manage backups","title":"backup create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/create/#upctl-storage-backup-create","text":"Create backup of a storage upctl storage backup create [flags]","title":"upctl storage backup create"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/create/#examples","text":"upctl storage backup create 01cbea5e-eb5b-4072-b2ac-9b635120e5d8 --title \"first backup\" upctl storage backup create \"My Storage\" --title second_backup","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/create/#options","text":"Option Description --title A short, informational description. --help , -h help for create Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/create/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/create/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage backup Manage backups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/restore/","text":"upctl storage backup restore Restore backup of a storage upctl storage backup restore [flags] Examples upctl storage backup restore 01177c9e-7f76-4ce4-b128-bcaa3448f7ec upctl storage backup restore second_backup Options Option Description --help , -h help for restore Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl storage backup Manage backups","title":"backup restore"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/restore/#upctl-storage-backup-restore","text":"Restore backup of a storage upctl storage backup restore [flags]","title":"upctl storage backup restore"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/restore/#examples","text":"upctl storage backup restore 01177c9e-7f76-4ce4-b128-bcaa3448f7ec upctl storage backup restore second_backup","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/restore/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for restore Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/restore/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_storage/backup/restore/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl storage backup Manage backups","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/","text":"upctl zone Display zone information upctl zone [flags] Options Option Description --help , -h help for zone Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl zone list List available zones","title":"zone "},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/#upctl-zone","text":"Display zone information upctl zone [flags]","title":"upctl zone"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for zone Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl UpCloud command-line interface upctl zone list List available zones","title":"Related commands"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/list/","text":"upctl zone list List available zones upctl zone list [flags] Examples upctl zone list Options Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false Global options Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human Related commands Command Description upctl zone Display zone information","title":"zone list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/list/#upctl-zone-list","text":"List available zones upctl zone list [flags]","title":"upctl zone list"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/list/#examples","text":"upctl zone list","title":"Examples"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/list/#options","text":"Option Description --help , -h help for list Default: false","title":"Options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/list/#global-options","text":"Option Description --client-timeout , -t Client timeout to use in API calls. Default: 0s --config Configuration file path. --debug Print out more verbose debug logs. Default: false --force-colours Force coloured output despite detected terminal support. --no-colours Disable coloured output despite detected terminal support. Colours can also be disabled by setting NO_COLOR environment variable. --output , -o Output format (supported: json, yaml and human) Default: human","title":"Global options"},{"location":"commands_reference/upctl_zone/list/#related-commands","text":"Command Description upctl zone Display zone information","title":"Related commands"}]}
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index 507ff26aa..c29db2fab 100644
Binary files a/sitemap.xml.gz and b/sitemap.xml.gz differ