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BusVis: Visualization of the Konstanz Bus Transportation System

BusVis is a Java application that shows the fastest time and path between two bus stops in the city of Konstanz. You can see the time from a station to every other update in real time as buses come and go. The application consists of a visualization panel with which users can interact.

Original Experiment

BusVis was written by Josua Krause and is available on GitHub under the terms of the MIT license: JosuaKrause/BusVis.

The application can be run as following:

$ mvn clean package                                         ## building
$ cd target/
$ java -jar BusVis-0.5.1-desktop-jar-with-dependencies.jar  ## running

ReproZip Package

The ReproZip package is available here (69 MB).

How to Reproduce

You can run BusVis as follows:

$ reprounzip vagrant setup --use-gui BusVis.rpz busvis/
$ reprounzip vagrant run busvis/

If you have a local X server (for example you are using Linux, or have installed xquartz for Mac or Xming for Windows) you can use that instead of the VM's display via the following commands (note that rendering might be a bit slower):

$ reprounzip docker setup BusVis.rpz busvis/
$ reprounzip docker run --enable-x11 busvis/

More information on packing and unpacking graphical applications can be found here.

Packing From Our Demo VM

If you are using our demo VM image, first, make sure you uncomment the v.gui = true line in the Vagrantfile before running vagrant up. Log in to the machine (username: vagrant, password: vagrant) and run the following:

$ startxfce4

Then, open the Terminal and run:

$ cd reprozip-examples/bus-vis/BusVis/target/
$ java -jar BusVis-0.5.1-desktop-jar-with-dependencies.jar