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Demo: Multi-cluster log collection and forwarding

The following steps demonstrate how to use the logging-ocm-addon to manage ClusterLogging and ClusterLogForwarder resources across a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) managed fleet of OpenShift (OCP) clusters. The logging-ocm-addon is limited only to manage log collection and forwarding. Thus step 1 & 2 are dedicated to configure both RHACM and LokiStack as the storage solution on the RHACM hub cluster.

All steps are meant to be run on the hub cluster except when explicitely said.

1. Prerequisites: RHACM and OCP cluster fleet

For this demo you will need at least two OCP clusters (hosted on AWS) with one of them (the hub) having at least machines of flavor m6a.4xlarge in order to have enough resources for LokiStack. You will also need an S3 Bucket in the same region as the hub cluster.

  1. Use the OpenShift Installer to create and setup two OCP cluster on AWS.
  2. Install the Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes operator.
  3. Run oc create ns openshift-logging && oc create ns openshift-operators-redhat.
  4. Create a MultiClusterHub resource.
  5. Install the Loki Operator: Until Logging 5.8 is released manually from main using make olm-deploy$QUAY_IO_USERNAME "VERSION=0.1.0-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" VARIANT=openshift
  6. Import each spoke cluster RHACM via the web console, using the commands option by running the commands on each spoke cluster.

2. Install LokiStack on the hub cluster

The following steps use Helm to install a set of RHACM ConfigurationPolicies that resolve LokiStack installation, mTLS-based tenant configuration and placement on the hub cluster.

Hint: The certManagerCerts installs additionally the CertManager operator on the hub cluster. It demonstrates the ability to delegate PKI management for all tenants to a third-party tool.

  1. Prepare the Helm chart configuration setting the necessary values in demo/multi-cluster-logging/values.yaml
  2. Deploy the LokiStack and PKI executing helm upgrade --install mcl demo/multi-cluster-logging/. This Helm chart will bootstrap configuration on the hub cluster to enabled it to receive logs from the spoke clustes.
  3. Run oc label --overwrite managedcluster/local-cluster to label the local-cluster a.k.a. hub so that the policy applies to it.

3. Install logging-ocm-addon

  1. Deploy the addon controller by running oc apply -k deploy/.

4. Manage Log Collection and Forwarding across spoke sClusters

The following chart will deploy the ManagedClusterAddOn resource that installs the AddOn on each spoke cluster. In addition it will deploy the AddOnDeploymentConfig resource to configure the AddOn for each spoke cluster.

Hint: The certManagerCerts if enabled will create a ConfigMap in openshift-logging holding the CA bundle propagated to each spoke cluster.

  1. Set the values in demo/addon-install/values.yaml.
  2. Deploy it with helm upgrade --install addon-install demo/addon-install/.

5. Validate with LogCLI

To validate that a spoke cluster is sending logs successfuly to the hub cluster we need to get it mTLS credentials and then use them with logcli to query Loki.

  1. Set the following env var
  1. Query Loki using the client certificate
oc -n $SPOKE_CLUSTER_NAME get secrets $SPOKE_CLUSTER_NAME -o json | jq -r '.data["tls.key"]' | base64 -d > /tmp/$SPOKE_CLUSTER_NAME.key
oc -n $SPOKE_CLUSTER_NAME get secrets $SPOKE_CLUSTER_NAME -o json | jq -r '.data["tls.crt"]' | base64 -d > /tmp/$SPOKE_CLUSTER_NAME.crt
logcli --tls-skip-verify --cert=/tmp/$SPOKE_CLUSTER_NAME.crt --key=/tmp/$SPOKE_CLUSTER_NAME.key --addr "https://lokistack-hub-openshift-logging.apps.$$SPOKE_CLUSTER_NAME" labels openshift_cluster_id