First make sure that you had cloned the original repository.
git submodule update --init
Then you should copy the necessary modified files and download pretrained networks. You could use the script in "360Tracking/code/" directory.
After that, this guide is now exactly the same as tutorial on the original repository pytracking.
cd pytracking
git submodule update --init
Run the installation script to install all the dependencies. You need to provide the conda install path (e.g. /home/user/anaconda3) and the name for the created conda environment (here pytracking
bash conda_install_path pytracking
This script will also download the default network and set-up the environment.
Activate the conda environment and run the script pytracking/ to run ATOM using the webcam input.
conda activate pytracking
cd pytracking
python dimp dimp50
Get back to "360Tracking/code/" directory and run the following command.
# default tracker
python pytracking/pytracking/ dimp dimp50 annotation/dataset-demo/demo-annotation/demo.mp4
# tracking with equirectangular border improvement
python pytracking/pytracking/ dimp dimp50 annotation/dataset-demo/demo-annotation/demo.mp4 -border
# tracking with NFOV improvement
python pytracking/pytracking/ dimp dimp50 annotation/dataset-demo/demo-annotation/demo.mp4 -nfov