Provides a simple API to normalize texts, white-spaces, names, paragraphs & diacritics (accents).
📦 Distributions in ESM, CommonJS, UMD and UMD minified formats.
- Supports NodeJS ESM and CommonJS;
⚡ Lightweight:
🔋 Bateries included:
- Its not based on newer browser's APIs or es2015+ features.
- Only needs
polyfill for older browsers, and don't crashes without it.
🏷 Safe:
- Type declarations for IDEs and editor's autocomplete/intellisense.
- Made with TypeScript as strict as possible.
- Unit tests with Jest.
- Travis CI that keeps tests running.
is published under NPM registry, so you can install using any Node.js package manager.
npm install normalize-text --save
# If you're using Yarn.
yarn add normalize-text
The bundles of this module are also available on JSDelivr and UNPKG CDNs.
In both you can import just the bundle you want or use default one, UMD.
<!-- Using default bundle from JSDelivr -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Using default bundle from UNPKG -->
<script src=""></script>
* UMD bundle expose brazilian-values through `normalizeText` object.
//=> "Vitor"
All the functions are named exported from module.
import { normalizeText } from 'normalize-text';
' como está a senhorita?'
//=> "ola como esta a senhorita?"
Capitalize first character of received text.
//=> "VitorLuizC"
If String.prototype.normalize
is supported it normalizes diacritics by replacing them with "clean" character from received text.
It doesn't normalize special characters.
normalizeDiacritics('Olá, você aí');
//=> 'Ola, voce ai'
//=> "aaaaaeeeeiiiiooooouuuuncAAAAAEEEEIIIIOOOOOUUUUNC"
//=> "@_$><=-#!,.`'\"";
Normalize received name by normalizing it's white-spaces and capitalizing first letter of every word but exceptions (received in lower-case).
normalizeName(' fernanDA MONTENEGRO');
//=> "Fernanda Montenegro"
normalizeName(' wilson da costa', ['da']);
//=> "Wilson da Costa"
Normalize a paragraph by normalizing its white-spaces, capitalizing first letter and adding a period at end.
normalizeParagraph(' once upon a time');
//=> "Once upon a time."
normalizeParagraph('hello world, my friend\r\n');
// => 'Hello world, my friend.'
Resolve received texts (when receives an Array
) by normalizing its white-spaces and its diacritics and transforming to lower-case.
normalizeText(' so there\'s a Way to NORMALIZE ');
//=> "so there\'s a way to normalize"
normalizeText(['Olá\r\n', 'como está a senhorita?']);
//=> "ola como esta a senhorita?"
Normalize all white-space characters and remove trailing ones received text.
normalizeWhiteSpaces(' What exactly is it? ');
//=> "What exactly is it?"
normalizeWhiteSpaces('Hi, how is \r\n everything \t?');
//=> 'Hi, how is everything ?'
normalizeWhiteSpaces`It is ${temperature}\n degree\r outside. `
//=> 'It is 25 degree outside.'
Released under MIT license. You can see it here.