Common browser events and DOM
events, including mouse events, keyboard events, frame/object events, form events, clipboard events, print events, drag events, multimedia events, animation events, and transition events.
: Triggered when the page is about to leave (refresh or close).onload
: Triggered after the document has finished loading.onunload
: Triggered when the window unloads its content and resources.onerror
: Triggered when aJavaScript
runtime error or resource loading failure occurs.onabort
: Event handler for theabort
event sent to thewindow
, not applicable toFirefox 2
: Triggered when the window loses focus.onfocus
: Triggered when the window gains focus.onresize
: Triggered when the window size changes.onscroll
: Triggered when the window is scrolled.onmessage
: Triggered when the window object receives a message.onchange
: Triggered when the content of form elements within the window changes.oninput
: Triggered when form elements within the window receive user input.onreset
: Triggered when forms within the window are reset.onselect
: Triggered when text in form elements within the window is selected.onsubmit
: Triggered when thesubmit
button in the form within the window is pressed.onhashchange
: Triggered when the anchor hash value of the window changes.
: Triggered when the page is clicked.onmouseup
: Triggered when the mouse button is released.ondblclick
: Triggered when the page is double clicked.oncontextmenu
: Triggered when the right mouse button is clicked to open the context menu.onmousedown
: Triggered when the mouse button is pressed.onmousemove
: Triggered when the mouse is moved.onmouseout
: Triggered when the mouse moves out of the window.onmouseover
: Triggered when the mouse moves over the window.onauxclick
: Indicates triggering when a non-primary button is pressed on an input device, such as the middle button on a mouse.
: Triggered when a keyboard key is pressed.onkeyup
: Triggered when a keyboard key is released.onkeypress
: Triggered when a keyboard key is pressed and released.
: Triggered when aCSS
animation is unexpectedly terminated, i.e., when it stops running at any time without sending theanimationend
event, such as when theanimation-name
is changed or the animation is deleted, etc.onanimationend
: Triggered when aCSS
animation reaches the end of its active period, calculated according to(animation-duration*animation-iteration-count) + animation-delay
: This event is triggered when aCSS
animation reaches the end of each iteration, completing a single pass of an animation instruction sequence by executing the last animation step.
: Triggered when the device's orientation changes.ondeviceorientation
: Triggered when the device's relative orientation changes.ondeviceproximity
: Triggered when the device sensor detects an object getting closer to or farther away from the device.
: Triggered when the page is about to start printing.onafterprint
: Triggered when the page has started printing or the print window has been closed.
: This event is dispatched once a web application has been successfully installed as a Progressive Web App.onbeforeinstallprompt
: When the user is about to be prompted to install a web application, this handler will be scheduled on the device and its associated events can be saved for later use to prompt the user at a more appropriate time.
: Event handler called when the user clicks on an object.oncontextmenu
: Triggered when the user right-clicks to open the context menu.ondblclick
: Event handler called when the user double-clicks on an object.onmousedown
: Mouse button is pressed down.onmouseenter
: Triggered when the mouse pointer moves onto an element.onmouseleave
: Triggered when the mouse pointer moves out of an element.onmousemove
: Mouse is moved.onmouseover
: Mouse moves over an element.onmouseout
: Mouse moves out of an element.onmouseup
: Mouse button is released.onwheel
: Triggered when the mouse wheel is scrolled up or down over an element.
: A keyboard key is pressed down.onkeypress
: A keyboard key is pressed and released.onkeyup
: A keyboard key is released.
: Image loading is aborted.onbeforeunload
: Triggered when the user is about to leave the page (refresh or close).onerror
: Error occurs while loading a document or image.onhashchange
: Triggered when the anchor part of the current URL changes.onload
: A page or image finishes loading.onpageshow
: Triggered when the user visits a page.onpagehide
: Triggered when the user leaves the current page to go to another page.onresize
: Window or frame is resized.onscroll
: Event occurs when the document is scrolled.onunload
: User exits the page.visibilitychange
: Document listening event, triggered when the browser tab is hidden or shown.onmessage
: Triggered when a message is received from WebSocket, Web Worker, Event Source, iframe, or parent window.ononline
: Triggered when the browser starts working online.onoffline
: Triggered when the browser starts working offline.onshow
: Triggered when the element is displayed in the context menu.ontoggle
: Triggered when the user opens or closes theelement.
: Triggered when an element loses focus.onchange
: Triggered when the content of a form element changes.onfocus
: Triggered when an element gains focus.onfocusin
: Triggered when an element is about to gain focus.onfocusout
: Triggered when an element is about to lose focus.oninput
: Triggered when an element receives user input.onreset
: Triggered when a form is reset.onsearch
: Triggered when the user inputs text into a search field.onselect
: Triggered when the user selects text in an input field.onsubmit
: Triggered when a form is submitted.
: Triggered when the user copies the content of an element.oncut
: Triggered when the user cuts the content of an element.onpaste
: Triggered when the user pastes the content into an element.
: Triggered when the page has started printing or the print window has been closed.onbeforeprint
: Triggered when the page is about to start printing.
: Triggered when an element is being dragged.ondragend
: Triggered when the user completes dragging an element.ondragenter
: Triggered when the dragged element enters the drop target.ondragleave
: Triggered when the dragged element leaves the drop target.ondragover
: Triggered when the dragged element is over the drop target.ondragstart
: Triggered when the user starts dragging an element.ondrop
: Triggered when the dragged element is dropped onto the target area.
onabort: This event is triggered when a video/audio stops loading.
oncanplay: This event is triggered when the user can start playing the video/audio.
oncanplaythrough: This event is triggered when the video/audio can be played smoothly without pausing or buffering.
ondurationchange: This event is triggered when the duration of the video/audio changes.
onemptied: This event is triggered when the current playlist is empty.
onended: This event is triggered when the video/audio finishes playing.
onerror: This event is triggered when an error occurs during the loading of video/audio data.
onloadeddata: This event is triggered when the browser loads the current frame of the video/audio.
onloadedmetadata: This event is triggered after the metadata of the specified video/audio is loaded.
onloadstart: This event is triggered when the browser starts looking for the specified video/audio.
onpause: This event is triggered when the video/audio is paused.
onplay: This event is triggered when the video/audio starts playing.
onplaying: This event is triggered when the video/audio is paused or is ready to resume playing after buffering.
onprogress: This event is triggered when the browser downloads the specified video/audio.
onratechange: This event is triggered when the playback speed of the video/audio changes.
onseeked: This event is triggered after the user repositions the playback position of the video/audio.
onseeking: This event is triggered when the user starts repositioning the video/audio.
onstalled: This event is triggered when the browser retrieves media data but the media data is not available.
onsuspend: This event is triggered when the browser stops reading media data.
ontimeupdate: This event is triggered when the current playback position changes.
onvolumechange: This event is triggered when the volume changes.
onwaiting: This event is triggered when the video needs to buffer to play the next frame.
animationend: This event is triggered when a CSS animation finishes playing.
animationiteration: This event is triggered when a CSS animation repeats.
animationstart: This event is triggered when a CSS animation starts playing.
transitionend: This event is triggered after a CSS transition completes.