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Element Object

The Element is a very versatile base class. All objects under the Document inherit from it, describing the common methods and properties of all elements of the same type. Some interfaces inherit from Element and add additional functionality. For example, the HTMLElement interface describes the basic interface for all HTML elements, while the SVGElement interface is the foundation for all SVG elements. Most functions are further specified in interfaces at a deeper level of this class.


All properties inherit from its ancestor interface Node, and extend the parent interface EventTarget of Node, and inherits properties from ParentNode, ChildNode, NonDocumentTypeChildNode, and Animatable.

  • Element.prototype.attributes: Read-only. Returns a NamedNodeMap of all attributes associated with this element.
  • Element.prototype.classList: Read-only. Returns the class attribute of the element, as a DOMTokenList.
  • Element.prototype.className: A DOMString representing the class of this element.
  • Element.prototype.clientHeight: Read-only. Returns a Number representing the height of the element relative to the outer element.
  • Element.prototype.clientLeft: Read-only. Returns a Number representing the width of the element from its left border.
  • Element.prototype.clientTop: Read-only. Returns a Number representing the height of the element from its top border.
  • Element.prototype.clientWidth: Read-only. Returns a Number representing the width of the element's interior.
  • Element.prototype.computedName: Read-only. Returns a DOMString containing tags exposed to accessibility.
  • Element.prototype.computedRole: Read-only. Returns a DOMString containing the ARIA role applied to a specific element.
  • A DOMString representing the id of this element.
  • Element.prototype.innerHTML: Returns a DOMString representing the content of this element.
  • Element.prototype.localName: Read-only. Returns a DOMString representing the localized part of this element's name.
  • Element.prototype.namespaceURI: Read-only. The namespace URI corresponding to the element, or null if none.
  • NonDocumentTypeChildNode.nextElementSibling: Read-only. Returns an Element representing the next sibling of this element, or null if none exists.
  • Element.prototype.outerHTML: Returns a DOMString obtaining the HTML text of the DOM element and its descendants. When set, it parses from the given string, replacing itself.
  • Element.prototype.prefix: Read-only. A DOMString representing the namespace prefix of the element, or null if not specified.
  • NonDocumentTypeChildNode.prototype.previousElementSibling: Read-only. Returns an Element representing the previous sibling of this element, or null if none exists.
  • Element.prototype.scrollHeight: Read-only. Returns a Number representing the element's scroll height.
  • Element.prototype.scrollLeft: Returns a Number representing the leftmost offset of the element's horizontal scrollbar.
  • Element.prototype.scrollLeftMax: Read-only. Returns a Number representing the maximum value the horizontal scrollbar of the element can move.
  • Element.prototype.scrollTop: Returns a Number representing the distance of the element's vertical scrollbar.
  • Element.prototype.scrollTopMax: Read-only. Returns a Number representing the maximum value the vertical scrollbar of the element can move.
  • Element.prototype.scrollWidth: Read-only. Returns a Number representing the scroll view width of the element.
  • Element.prototype.shadowRoot: Read-only. Returns the open shadowRoot hosted by the element, or null if there is no open shadowRoot.
  • Element.prototype.openOrClosedShadowRoot: Read-only. Returns the shadowRoot hosted by the element, whether it is open or closed, only applicable to WebExtensions.
  • Element.prototype.slot: Returns the name of the DOM slot into which the element is inserted.
  • Element.prototype.tabStop: Returns a boolean value indicating whether the element can receive input focus via the Tab key.
  • Element.prototype.tagName: Read-only. Returns a string with the given element tag name.
  • Element.prototype.undoManager: Read-only. Returns the UndoManager associated with the element.
  • Element.prototype.undoScope: Returns a boolean value indicating whether the element is an undo scope host.
  • Slotable.prototype.assignedSlot: Read-only. Returns HTMLSlotElement representing the slot into which the node is inserted.


Inherits methods from its parent node and its parent node EventTarget, and implements the methods of ParentNode, ChildNode, NonDocumentTypeChildNode, and Animatable.

  • EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener(): Registers an event handler for a specific type of event on the element.
  • Element.prototype.attachShadow(): Attaches a shadow DOM tree to the specified element and returns a reference to its ShadowRoot.
  • Element.prototype.animate(): Shortcut method to create and run animations on the element, returning the created animation object instance.
  • Element.prototype.closest(): Returns the closest ancestor Element of the current element or the current element itself that matches the given selector in the parameter.
  • Element.prototype.createShadowRoot(): Creates a shadow DOM on the element, turning it into a shadow host, and returns the ShadowRoot.
  • Element.prototype.computedStyleMap(): Returns a StylePropertyMapReadOnly interface, which provides a read-only representation of the CSS declaration block; it is an alternative form of CSSStyleDeclaration.
  • EventTarget.dispatchEvent(): Dispatches an event to this node in the DOM and returns a boolean value indicating whether the event was not canceled by any of its event handlers.
  • Element.prototype.getAnimations(): Returns an array of active Animation objects on the element.
  • Element.prototype.getAttribute(): Retrieves the value of a named attribute on the current node and returns it as an object.
  • Element.prototype.getAttributeNames(): Returns an array of attribute names for the current element.
  • Element.prototype.getAttributeNS(): Retrieves the value of an attribute with a specified name and namespace on the current node and returns it as an object.
  • Element.prototype.getAttributeNode(): Retrieves the node representation of a named attribute on the current node and returns it as an attribute.
  • Element.prototype.getAttributeNodeNS(): Retrieves the node representation of an attribute with a specified name and namespace on the current node and returns it as an attribute.
  • Element.prototype.getBoundingClientRect(): Returns the size and position of the element relative to the viewport.
  • Element.prototype.getClientRects(): Returns a collection of rectangles indicating the border box of each line of text within the element in the client.
  • Element.prototype.getElementsByClassName(): Takes a list of classes as a parameter and returns a dynamic HTMLCollection containing all descendant elements with those classes.
  • Element.prototype.getElementsByTagName(): Returns a dynamic HTMLCollection containing all descendant elements of the current element with a specific tag name.
  • Element.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS(): Returns a dynamic HTMLCollection containing all descendant elements of the current element with a specific tag name and namespace.
  • Element.prototype.hasAttribute(): Returns a boolean value indicating whether the element has the specified attribute.
  • Element.prototype.hasAttributeNS(): Returns a boolean value indicating whether the element has the specified attribute in the specified namespace.
  • Element.prototype.hasAttributes(): Returns a boolean value indicating whether the element has one or more HTML attributes.
  • Element.prototype.hasPointerCapture(): Indicates whether the element on which it is called has pointer capture for the pointer identified by the given pointer ID.
  • Element.prototype.insertAdjacentElement(): Inserts a given element node at a given position relative to the element that calls it.
  • Element.prototype.insertAdjacentHTML(): Parses text as HTML or XML, and inserts the resulting nodes into the tree at a given position.
  • Element.prototype.insertAdjacentText(): Inserts the given text node at a given position relative to the element that calls it.
  • Element.prototype.matches(): Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified selector string selects the element.
  • Element.prototype.pseudo(): Returns a CSSPseudoElement representing the pseudo-element that matches the specified pseudo-element selector.
  • Element.prototype.querySelector(): Returns the first Node that matches the specified selector string relative to the element.
  • Element.prototype.querySelectorAll(): Returns a NodeList of nodes that matches the specified selector string relative to the element.
  • Element.prototype.releasePointerCapture(): Releases (stops) the pointer capture previously set for a specific pointer event.
  • ChildNode.prototype.remove(): Removes the element from its parent's list of children.
  • Element.prototype.removeAttribute(): Removes a named attribute from the current node.
  • Element.prototype.removeAttributeNS(): Removes an attribute with the specified name and namespace from the current node.
  • Element.prototype.removeAttributeNode(): Removes the node representation of a named attribute from the current node.
  • EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener(): Removes an event listener from the element.
  • Element.prototype.requestFullscreen(): Asynchronously requests the browser to set the element to full screen.
  • Element.prototype.requestPointerLock(): Allows asynchronously requesting to lock the pointer to the given element.
  • Element.prototype.scroll(): Scrolls to a specific set of coordinates within the given element.
  • Element.prototype.scrollBy(): Scrolls the element by a given amount.
  • Element.prototype.scrollIntoView(): Scrolls the page until the element is in view.
  • Element.prototype.scrollTo(): Scrolls to a specific set of coordinates within the given element.
  • Element.prototype.setAttribute(): Sets the value of a named attribute on the current node.
  • Element.prototype.setAttributeNS(): Sets the value of an attribute on the current node using the specified name and namespace.
  • Element.prototype.setAttributeNode(): Sets the node representation of a named attribute on the current node.
  • Element.prototype.setAttributeNodeNS(): Sets the node representation of an attribute with a specified name and namespace on the current node.
  • Element.prototype.setCapture(): Sets the mouse event capture, redirecting all mouse events to this element.
  • Element.prototype.setPointerCapture(): Specifies a specific element as the capture target for future pointer events.
  • Element.prototype.toggleAttribute(): Toggles a boolean attribute on the specified element; if the boolean attribute exists, it is removed, and if it does not exist, it is added.

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