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HTMLElement Object

Any HTML element inherits from the HTMLElement object, some elements directly implement this interface, while others implement it through multiple inheritance layers.


Inherits properties from its parent element Element, and implements these properties from DocumentAndElementEventHandlers, ElementCSSInlineStyle, GlobalEventHandlers, HTMLOrForeignElement, and TouchEventHandlers.

  • HTMLElement.accessKey: Gets/sets the shortcut key for element access.
  • HTMLElement.accessKeyLabel: Readonly, returns a DOMString containing the shortcut key for element access.
  • HTMLElement.contentEditable: Gets/sets the editable state of the element.
  • HTMLElement.isContentEditable: Readonly, returns a Boolean value indicating whether the content of the element is editable.
  • HTMLOrForeignElement.dataset: Readonly, returns a DOMStringMap that is used to obtain the custom data-* attributes of the element, which is an object in a key-value structure.
  • HTMLElement.dir: Gets/sets the direction of the element, with optional values ltr, rtl, auto.
  • HTMLElement.draggable: Sets/gets whether the element can be dragged.
  • HTMLElement.enterkeyhint: Returns a DOMString that defines what operation label or icon the enter key on the virtual keyboard provides.
  • HTMLElement.hidden: Gets/sets whether the element is hidden.
  • HTMLElement.inert: Returns a boolean value indicating whether the user agent must act as if given node plays no role in user interaction events, page-wide text searches, and document styling.
  • HTMLElement.innerText: Sets or gets the text content of the node and its descendants, and if used as a getter, approximates the text obtained when a user highlights the element's content with a cursor and copies it to the clipboard.
  • HTMLElement.lang: Returns a DOMString representing the language of the element's attributes, text, and element content.
  • HTMLElement.noModule: Returns a boolean value indicating whether imported scripts can be executed in a user agent that supports module scripts.
  • HTMLOrForeignElement.nonce: Returns the nonce used by a content security policy to determine whether a given fetch should be allowed for a single use of a password.
  • HTMLElement.offsetHeight: Readonly, returns a double value containing the height of the element relative to the layout.
  • HTMLElement.offsetLeft: Readonly, returns a double value, which is the distance from the left edge of this element to the left edge of the offsetParent.
  • HTMLElement.offsetParent: Readonly, returns an Element which is the element from which all offset calculations are currently calculated.
  • HTMLElement.offsetTop: Readonly, returns a double value, which is the distance from the top border of this element to the top border of the offsetParent.
  • HTMLElement.offsetWidth: Readonly, returns a double containing the width of the element relative to the layout.
  • HTMLElement.spellcheck: It is a boolean value that controls spell checking, present in all HTML elements, but does not affect all elements.
  • Returns a CSSStyleDeclaration, which is an object representing the style properties of the element.
  • HTMLOrForeignElement.tabIndex: Is a long integer representing the position of elements arranged in the order of the Tab key.
  • HTMLElement.title: Returns a DOMString containing the text that appears in a tooltip when the mouse is placed over the element.
  • HTMLElement.translate: Is a boolean value representing translation.


Inherits methods from its parent element Element, and implements these methods from DocumentAndElementEventHandlers, ElementCSSInlineStyle, GlobalEventHandlers, HTMLOrForeignElement, TouchEventHandlers.

  • HTMLElement.attachInternals(): Attaches an ElementInternals instance to a custom element.
  • HTMLOrForeignElement.blur(): Removes keyboard focus from the currently focused element.
  • Dispatches a mouse click event to the element.
  • HTMLOrForeignElement.focus(): Sets focus on the element as the current keyboard focus.
  • HTMLElement.forceSpellCheck(): Runs the spelling and grammar check on the element's contents.

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