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Navigator Object

The Navigator object represents the state and identity of the user agent, allowing scripts to query and register themselves for certain activities. You can obtain a reference to the instantiated navigator object using the read-only window.navigator property.


  • navigator.connection: Read-only. Provides a Network Information object containing information about the device's network connection.
  • navigator.cookieEnabled: Read-only. Returns true if cookies are enabled, false otherwise.
  • navigator.credentials: Read-only. Returns the Credentials Container interface, which exposes methods for requesting credentials and notifies the user agent of specific events, such as successful logins or sign-ins.
  • navigator.geolocation: Read-only. Returns a geographic location object that allows access to the device's location.
  • navigator.hardwareConcurrency: Read-only. Returns the number of available logical processor cores, accessible by directly calling navigator.hardwareConcurrency.
  • navigator.language: Read-only. Returns a DOMString representing the user's preferred language (usually the language of the browser's UI), or null if unknown.
  • navigator.maxTouchPoints: Read-only. Returns the maximum number of simultaneous touch points supported by the current device.
  • navigator.mediaDevices: Read-only. Returns a reference to the MediaDevices object, which can be used to obtain information about available media devices.
  • navigator.mimeTypes: Read-only. Returns a MimeTypeArray object containing a list of MimeType objects representing the MIME types recognized by the browser.
  • navigator.onLine: Read-only. Returns a boolean value indicating whether the browser is currently working online.
  • navigator.plugins: Read-only. Returns a PluginArray object listing the plugin objects describing the installed plugins in the application.
  • navigator.serviceWorker: Read-only. Returns a ServiceWorkerContainer object, which provides access to registration, removal, upgrading, and communication with ServiceWorker objects relevant to the associated documents.
  • Read-only. Returns a singleton StorageManager object used to access the browser's overall storage capabilities for the current site or application. The returned object allows you to inspect and configure the persistence of data storage and get a rough idea of how much space the browser has available for local storage. Must be used within an HTTPS Secure context.
  • navigator.userAgent: Read-only. Returns the user agent string for the current browser.
  • navigator.vendor: Read-only. Returns the vendor name of the current browser.


  • navigator.javaEnabled(): This method returns a boolean value indicating whether the user's browser has java enabled.
  • navigator.registerProtocolHandler(scheme, url): This method allows websites to register their ability to open or handle specific URL schemes (also known as protocols).
  • navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess(keySystem, supportedConfigurations): This method returns a Promise that resolves to a MediaKeySystemAccess object, which can be used to access a specific media key system for creating keys to decrypt media streams. This method is part of the Encrypted Media Extensions API, providing support for encrypted media and DRM-protected videos on the WEB, and it needs to be used in a HTTPS Secure context environment.
  • navigator.sendBeacon(url, data): This method asynchronously sends a small amount of data to a web server over HTTP, typically used in conjunction with the visibilitychange event (but not with the unload and beforeunload events).
  • navigator.share(data): This method invokes the device's native sharing mechanism and needs to be used in a HTTPS Secure context environment.
  • navigator.vibrate(pattern): This method triggers the vibration hardware on the device, if available. If the device does not support vibration, this method has no effect. If this method is called when the device is already in a vibration mode, the previous mode will be paused and the new mode will start.

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