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Fetch Method in JavaScript

The fetch() method is defined on the Window object and the WorkerGlobalScope object to initiate resource requests. It returns a Promise object, which is resolved after the request response and returns a Response object.


Promise<Response> fetch(input[, init])

input: Specifies the resource to be fetched and can have the following values:

  • A string containing the URL of the resource to be fetched. Some browsers accept blob and data as schemes.
  • A Request object.

init: An options object that includes all the request settings. The optional parameters include:

  • method: The request method to be used, such as GET or POST.
  • headers: The request headers, in the form of a Headers object or an object literal containing ByteString values.
  • body: The request body information, which can be a Blob, BufferSource, FormData, URLSearchParams, or USVString object. Note that the GET or HEAD method requests cannot contain a body.
  • mode: The request mode, such as cors, no-cors, or same-origin.
  • credentials: The request credentials, such as omit, same-origin, or include. This option must be provided to automatically send cookies within the current domain.
  • cache: The request cache mode: default, no-store, reload, no-cache, force-cache, or only-if-cached.
  • redirect: Available redirect modes: follow for automatic redirection, error to automatically terminate if a redirection occurs and throw an error, or manual for manual redirection handling.
  • referrer: A USVString that can be no-referrer, client, or a URL, with the default being client.
  • referrerPolicy: Specifies the value of the referer HTTP header and can be one of the following: no-referrer, no-referrer-when-downgrade, origin, origin-when-cross-origin, unsafe-url.
  • integrity: Includes the subresource integrity value of the request, for example: sha256-BpfBw7ivV8q2jLiT13fxDYAe2tJllusRSZ273h2nFSE=.

It returns a Promise which resolves to a Response object.

Difference between fetch and jQuery.ajax

  • When a fetch() call receives an HTTP status code indicating an error, the returned Promise is not marked as reject, even if the response HTTP status code is 404 or 500. Instead, the Promise resolves, but the ok property of the resolved value is set to false only in the case of network failure or when the request is blocked.
  • fetch() does not accept cross-origin cookies, and it cannot establish cross-origin sessions. The Set-Cookie header from other domains will be ignored.
  • fetch() does not send cookies unless the credentials initialization option is used.


Making a Request

Initiating a simple resource request with fetch returns a Promise object, which resolves to a Response object after the request response.

.then(res => console.log(res))

Setting Parameters

Setting parameters via the init options object allows configuration of method, header, body, mode, credentials, cache, redirect, referrer, referrerPolicy, and integrity.

var headers = new Headers({
    "accept": "application/javascript" 
headers.append("accept", "application/xml");
headers.set("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.92 Safari/537.36");
window.fetch("", {
    method: "GET",
    headers: headers,
    cache: 'no-cache',
.then(res => console.log(res))

Headers Object

  • Headers.append(): Adds a value to an existing header or adds a new header with a value.
  • Headers.delete(): Deletes a specified header from the Headers object.
  • Headers.entries(): Returns an iterator of all key-value pairs in the Headers object.
  • Headers.get(): Returns all the values of a specified header from the Headers object as a ByteString.
  • Headers.has(): Returns a boolean value indicating whether a specified header exists in the Headers object.
  • Headers.keys(): Returns an iterator of all existing header names in the Headers object.
  • Headers.set(): Replaces the value of an existing header or adds a new header with a value.
  • Headers.values(): Returns an iterator of all the values of existing headers in the Headers object.

Handling the Response

Handling the response data using the Response object, including retrieving the response status and processing the response body.

.then(res => res.text())
.then(data => console.log(data))

Response Object

Properties and methods related to the Response object:

  • Response.headers: Read-only. Contains the Headers object associated with this Response.
  • Response.ok: Read-only. Contains a boolean value indicating whether the Response was successful, with an HTTP status code in the range of 200-299.
  • Response.redirected: Read-only. Indicates whether the Response is from a redirect. If so, its URL list will have multiple entries.
  • Response.status: Read-only. Contains the status code of the Response.
  • Response.statusText: Read-only. Contains the status message consistent with the Response status code.
  • Response.type: Read-only. Contains the type of the Response, such as basic or cors.
  • Response.url: Read-only. Contains the URL of the Response.
  • Response.useFinalURL: Contains a boolean value to indicate whether this is the final URL of the Response.
  • Response.clone(): Creates a clone of the Response object.
  • Response.error(): Returns a new Response object bound to a network error.
  • Response.redirect(): Creates a new Response with a different URL.

The Response implements the Body interface, and the related properties and methods can be used directly:

  • Body.body: Read-only. A simple getter that exposes the body content as a ReadableStream type.
  • Body.bodyUsed: Read-only. Contains a boolean value to indicate whether the Response's Body has been read.
  • Body.arrayBuffer(): Reads the Response object, marks it as read, and returns a Promise object parsed as an ArrayBuffer. The Response objects are set as stream mode, so they can only be read once.
  • Body.blob(): Reads the Response object, marks it as read, and returns a Promise object parsed as a Blob.
  • Body.formData(): Reads the Response object, marks it as read, and returns a Promise object parsed as a FormData.
  • Body.json(): Reads the Response object, marks it as read, and returns a Promise object parsed as a JSON.
  • Body.text(): Reads the Response object, marks it as read, and returns a Promise object parsed as a USVString.

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