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Google Cloud Folder Module

This module allows the creation and management of folders, including support for IAM bindings, organization policies, and hierarchical firewall rules.

Basic example with IAM bindings

module "folder" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/folder"
  parent = var.folder_id
  name   = "Folder name"
  iam_by_principals = {
    "group:${var.group_email}" = [
  iam = {
    "roles/owner" = ["serviceAccount:${}"]
  iam_bindings_additive = {
    am1-storage-admin = {
      member = "serviceAccount:${}"
      role   = "roles/storage.admin"
# tftest modules=1 resources=5 inventory=iam.yaml e2e


IAM is managed via several variables that implement different features and levels of control:

  • iam and iam_by_principals configure authoritative bindings that manage individual roles exclusively, and are internally merged
  • iam_bindings configure authoritative bindings with optional support for conditions, and are not internally merged with the previous two variables
  • iam_bindings_additive configure additive bindings via individual role/member pairs with optional support conditions

The authoritative and additive approaches can be used together, provided different roles are managed by each. Some care must also be taken with the iam_by_principals variable to ensure that variable keys are static values, so that Terraform is able to compute the dependency graph.

Refer to the project module for examples of the IAM interface.

Assured Workload Folder

To create Assured Workload folder instead of regular folder. Note that an existing folder can not be converted to an Assured Workload folder, hence assured_workload_config is mutually exclusive with folder_create=false.

module "folder" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/folder"
  parent = var.folder_id
  name   = "Folder name"

  assured_workload_config = {
    compliance_regime         = "EU_REGIONS_AND_SUPPORT"
    display_name              = "workload-name"
    location                  = "europe-west1"
    organization              = var.organization_id
    enable_sovereign_controls = true
  iam = {
    "roles/owner" = ["serviceAccount:${}"]
  iam_bindings_additive = {
    am1-storage-admin = {
      member = "serviceAccount:${}"
      role   = "roles/storage.admin"
# tftest modules=1 resources=3 inventory=assured-workload.yaml

Organization policies

To manage organization policies, the service should be enabled in the quota project.

module "folder" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/folder"
  parent = var.folder_id
  name   = "Folder name"
  org_policies = {
    "compute.disableGuestAttributesAccess" = {
      rules = [{ enforce = true }]
    "compute.skipDefaultNetworkCreation" = {
      rules = [{ enforce = true }]
    "iam.disableServiceAccountKeyCreation" = {
      rules = [{ enforce = true }]
    "iam.disableServiceAccountKeyUpload" = {
      rules = [
          condition = {
            expression  = "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/1234', 'tagValues/1234')"
            title       = "condition"
            description = "test condition"
            location    = "somewhere"
          enforce = true
          enforce = false
    "iam.allowedPolicyMemberDomains" = {
      rules = [{
        allow = {
          values = ["C0xxxxxxx", "C0yyyyyyy"]
    "compute.trustedImageProjects" = {
      rules = [{
        allow = {
          values = ["projects/my-project"]
    "compute.vmExternalIpAccess" = {
      rules = [{ deny = { all = true } }]
# tftest modules=1 resources=8 inventory=org-policies.yaml e2e

Organization Policy Factory

Organization policies can be loaded from a directory containing YAML files where each file defines one or more constraints. The structure of the YAML files is exactly the same as the org_policies variable.

Note that constraints defined via org_policies take precedence over those in org_policies_data_path. In other words, if you specify the same constraint in a YAML file and in the org_policies variable, the latter will take priority.

The example below deploys a few organization policies split between two YAML files.

module "folder" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/folder"
  parent = var.folder_id
  name   = "Folder name"
  factories_config = {
    org_policies = "configs/org-policies/"
# tftest modules=1 resources=8 files=boolean,list inventory=org-policies.yaml e2e
# tftest-file id=boolean path=configs/org-policies/boolean.yaml
  - enforce: true
  - enforce: true
  - enforce: true
  - condition:
      description: test condition
      expression: resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/1234', 'tagValues/1234')
      location: somewhere
      title: condition
    enforce: true
  - enforce: false
# tftest-file id=list path=configs/org-policies/list.yaml
  - allow:
      - projects/my-project
  - deny:
      all: true
  - allow:
      - C0xxxxxxx
      - C0yyyyyyy

Hierarchical Firewall Policy Attachments

Hierarchical firewall policies can be managed via the net-firewall-policy module, including support for factories. Once a policy is available, attaching it to the organization can be done either in the firewall policy module itself, or here:

module "firewall-policy" {
  source    = "./fabric/modules/net-firewall-policy"
  name      = "test-1"
  parent_id =
  # attachment via the firewall policy module
  # attachments = {
  #   folder-1 =
  # }

module "folder" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/folder"
  parent = var.folder_id
  name   = "Folder name"
  # attachment via the organization module
  firewall_policy = {
    name   = "test-1"
    policy =
# tftest modules=2 resources=3 e2e serial

Log Sinks

module "gcs" {
  source        = "./fabric/modules/gcs"
  project_id    = var.project_id
  prefix        = var.prefix
  name          = "gcs_sink"
  location      = "EU"
  force_destroy = true

module "dataset" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/bigquery-dataset"
  project_id = var.project_id
  id         = "bq_sink"

module "pubsub" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/pubsub"
  project_id = var.project_id
  name       = "pubsub_sink"

module "bucket" {
  source      = "./fabric/modules/logging-bucket"
  parent_type = "project"
  parent      = var.project_id
  id          = "${var.prefix}-bucket"

module "destination-project" {
  source          = "./fabric/modules/project"
  name            = "dest-prj"
  billing_account = var.billing_account_id
  parent          = var.folder_id
  prefix          = var.prefix
  services = [

module "folder-sink" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/folder"
  name   = "Folder name"
  parent = var.folder_id
  logging_sinks = {
    warnings = {
      destination =
      filter      = "severity=WARNING"
      type        = "storage"
    info = {
      destination =
      filter      = "severity=INFO"
      type        = "bigquery"
    notice = {
      destination =
      filter      = "severity=NOTICE"
      type        = "pubsub"
    debug = {
      destination =
      filter      = "severity=DEBUG"
      exclusions = {
        no-compute = "logName:compute"
      type = "logging"
    alert = {
      destination =
      filter      = "severity=ALERT"
      type        = "project"
  logging_exclusions = {
    no-gce-instances = "resource.type=gce_instance"
# tftest modules=6 resources=18 inventory=logging.yaml e2e

Data Access Logs

Activation of data access logs can be controlled via the logging_data_access variable. If the iam_bindings_authoritative variable is used to set a resource-level IAM policy, the data access log configuration will also be authoritative as part of the policy.

This example shows how to set a non-authoritative access log configuration:

module "folder" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/folder"
  parent = var.folder_id
  name   = "Folder name"
  logging_data_access = {
    allServices = {
      # logs for principals listed here will be excluded
      ADMIN_READ = ["group:${var.group_email}"]
    "" = {
      DATA_READ  = []
      DATA_WRITE = []
# tftest modules=1 resources=3 inventory=logging-data-access.yaml e2e


Refer to the Creating and managing tags documentation for details on usage.

module "org" {
  source          = "./fabric/modules/organization"
  organization_id = var.organization_id
  tags = {
    environment = {
      description = "Environment specification."
      values = {
        dev  = {}
        prod = {}

module "folder" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/folder"
  name   = "Folder name"
  parent = var.folder_id
  tag_bindings = {
    env-prod =["environment/prod"].id
# tftest modules=2 resources=5 inventory=tags.yaml e2e serial


name description resources IAM bindings. google_folder_iam_binding · google_folder_iam_member Log sinks and supporting resources. google_bigquery_dataset_iam_member · google_folder_iam_audit_config · google_logging_folder_exclusion · google_logging_folder_settings · google_logging_folder_sink · google_project_iam_member · google_pubsub_topic_iam_member · google_storage_bucket_iam_member Module-level locals and resources. google_assured_workloads_workload · google_compute_firewall_policy_association · google_essential_contacts_contact · google_folder Folder-level organization policies. google_org_policy_policy Module outputs. None google_tags_tag_binding None None Module variables. Version pins.


name description type required default
assured_workload_config Create AssuredWorkloads folder instead of regular folder when value is provided. Incompatible with folder_create=false. object({…}) null
contacts List of essential contacts for this resource. Must be in the form EMAIL -> [NOTIFICATION_TYPES]. Valid notification types are ALL, SUSPENSION, SECURITY, TECHNICAL, BILLING, LEGAL, PRODUCT_UPDATES. map(list(string)) {}
factories_config Paths to data files and folders that enable factory functionality. object({…}) {}
firewall_policy Hierarchical firewall policy to associate to this folder. object({…}) null
folder_create Create folder. When set to false, uses id to reference an existing folder. bool true
iam IAM bindings in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format. map(list(string)) {}
iam_bindings Authoritative IAM bindings in {KEY => {role = ROLE, members = [], condition = {}}}. Keys are arbitrary. map(object({…})) {}
iam_bindings_additive Individual additive IAM bindings. Keys are arbitrary. map(object({…})) {}
iam_by_principals Authoritative IAM binding in {PRINCIPAL => [ROLES]} format. Principals need to be statically defined to avoid cycle errors. Merged internally with the iam variable. map(list(string)) {}
id Folder ID in case you use folder_create=false. string null
logging_data_access Control activation of data access logs. Format is service => { log type => [exempted members]}. The special 'allServices' key denotes configuration for all services. map(map(list(string))) {}
logging_exclusions Logging exclusions for this folder in the form {NAME -> FILTER}. map(string) {}
logging_settings Default settings for logging resources. object({…}) null
logging_sinks Logging sinks to create for the folder. map(object({…})) {}
name Folder name. string null
org_policies Organization policies applied to this folder keyed by policy name. map(object({…})) {}
parent Parent in folders/folder_id or organizations/org_id format. string null
tag_bindings Tag bindings for this folder, in key => tag value id format. map(string) null


name description sensitive
assured_workload Assured Workloads workload resource.
folder Folder resource.
id Fully qualified folder id.
name Folder name.
sink_writer_identities Writer identities created for each sink.