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External Passthrough Network Load Balancer Module

This module allows managing a GCE Network Load Balancer and integrates the forwarding rule, regional backend, and optional health check resources. It's designed to be a simple match for the compute-vm module, which can be used to manage instance templates and instance groups.


Referencing existing MIGs

This example shows how to reference existing Managed Infrastructure Groups (MIGs).

module "nlb" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/net-lb-ext"
  project_id = var.project_id
  region     = var.region
  name       = "nlb-test"
  backends = [{
    group = module.compute-mig.group_manager.instance_group
  health_check_config = {
    http = {
      port = 80
# tftest modules=3 resources=5 fixtures=fixtures/ inventory=migs.yaml e2e

Externally managed instances

This examples shows how to create an NLB by combining externally managed instances (in a custom module or even outside of the current root module) in an unmanaged group. When using internally managed groups, remember to run terraform apply each time group instances change.

module "nlb" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/net-lb-ext"
  project_id = var.project_id
  region     = var.region
  name       = "nlb-test"
  group_configs = {
    my-group = {
      zone = "${var.region}-b"
      instances = [,
  backends = [{
    group =
  health_check_config = {
    http = {
      port = 80
# tftest modules=3 resources=8 fixtures=fixtures/ inventory=ext_migs.yaml e2e

Multiple forwarding rules

You can add more forwarding rules to your load balancer and override some forwarding rules defaults, including the global access policy, the IP protocol, the IP version and ports.

The example adds two forwarding rules:

  • the first one, called nlb-test-vip-one exposes an IPv4 address, it listens on all ports, and allows connections from any region.
  • the second one, called nlb-test-vip-two exposes an IPv4 address, it listens on port 80 and allows connections from the same region only.
module "nlb" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/net-lb-ext"
  project_id = var.project_id
  region     = var.region
  name       = "nlb-test"
  backends = [{
    group =
  forwarding_rules_config = {
    vip-one = {}
    vip-two = {
      ports = [80]
  group_configs = {
    my-group = {
      zone = "${var.region}-b"
      instances = [,
# tftest modules=3 resources=9 fixtures=fixtures/ inventory=fwd_rules.yaml e2e

Dual stack (IPv4 and IPv6)

Your load balancer can use a combination of either or both IPv4 and IPv6 forwarding rules. In this example we set the load balancer to work as dual stack, meaning it exposes both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.

module "nlb" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/net-lb-ext"
  project_id = var.project_id
  region     = var.region
  name       = "nlb-test"
  backends = [{
    group =
  forwarding_rules_config = {
    ipv4 = {
      version = "IPV4"
    ipv6 = {
      version = "IPV6"
  group_configs = {
    my-group = {
      zone = "${var.region}-b"
      instances = [,
# tftest modules=3 resources=9 fixtures=fixtures/ inventory=dual_stack.yaml e2e

End to end example

This example spins up a simple HTTP server and combines four modules:

  • nginx from the cloud-config-container collection, to manage instance configuration
  • compute-vm to manage the instance template and unmanaged instance group
  • this module to create a Network Load Balancer in front of the managed instance group

Note that the example uses the GCE default service account. You might want to create an ad-hoc service account by combining the iam-service-account module, or by having the GCE VM module create one for you. In both cases, remember to set at least logging write permissions for the service account, or the container on the instances won't be able to start.

module "cos-nginx" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/cloud-config-container/nginx"

module "instance-group" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/compute-vm"
  for_each   = toset(["b", "c"])
  project_id = var.project_id
  zone       = "${var.region}-${each.key}"
  name       = "nlb-test-${each.key}"
  network_interfaces = [{
    network    = var.vpc.self_link
    subnetwork = var.subnet.self_link
    nat        = false
    addresses  = null
  boot_disk = {
    initialize_params = {
      image = "projects/cos-cloud/global/images/family/cos-stable"
      type  = "pd-ssd"
      size  = 10
  tags = ["http-server", "ssh"]
  metadata = {
    user-data = module.cos-nginx.cloud_config
  group = { named_ports = {} }

module "nlb" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/net-lb-ext"
  project_id = var.project_id
  region     = var.region
  name       = "nlb-test"
  backends = [
    for z, mod in module.instance-group : {
      group =
  forwarding_rules_config = {
    "" = {
      ports = [80]
  health_check_config = {
    http = {
      port = 80
# tftest modules=3 resources=7 inventory=e2e.yaml e2e

Deploying changes to load balancer configurations

For deploying changes to load balancer configuration please refer to net-lb-app-ext


name description type required default
name Name used for all resources. string
project_id Project id where resources will be created. string
region GCP region. string
backend_service_config Backend service level configuration. object({…}) {}
backends Load balancer backends. list(object({…})) []
description Optional description used for resources. string "Terraform managed."
forwarding_rules_config The optional forwarding rules configuration. map(object({…})) {…}
group_configs Optional unmanaged groups to create. Can be referenced in backends via outputs. map(object({…})) {}
health_check Name of existing health check to use, disables auto-created health check. string null
health_check_config Optional auto-created health check configuration, use the output self-link to set it in the auto healing policy. Refer to examples for usage. object({…}) {…}
labels Labels set on resources. map(string) {}


name description sensitive
backend_service Backend resource.
backend_service_id Backend id.
backend_service_self_link Backend self link.
forwarding_rule_addresses Forwarding rule addresses.
forwarding_rule_self_links Forwarding rule self links.
forwarding_rules Forwarding rule resources.
group_self_links Optional unmanaged instance group self links.
groups Optional unmanaged instance group resources.
health_check Auto-created health-check resource.
health_check_id Auto-created health-check id.
health_check_self_link Auto-created health-check self link.
id Fully qualified forwarding rule ids.
