- support lunr-languages.js, user could use elasticlunr.js for other languages.
- commit file
- add sorted_set.js to make it compatible with lunr-languages.js
- some update
- clean the document about other language support
- merged pull request from Dave Allie, allow boost equal 0, and do not search field with 0 boost.
- review code of elasticlunr.InvertedIndex.
- remove useless variable length of elasticlunr.InvertedIndex.
- review code of elasticlunr.EventEmitter.
- review test cases of elasticlunr.EventEmitter.
- merge pull request from BrianRosamilia
- fix issue #8, boolean "AND" error.
- need to add test cases for issue fix #8
- Optimized AND boolean search, merged pull request #14, thanks for mhalle, this is really brilliant idea.
- Fixed documents update issue, merged pull request #12, thanks deerawan.
- during to the ugly slow network of my family, re-publish this version.
- remove make server
- remove .DS_Store
- remove folder perf
- fix issue #8, do tokenizenation even if the parameter of tokenizer is array type, because if we do not do segmentation, the whole array item will be used to build index then partial query will not be searchable.
- but currently exist cross query error, need to fix.
- update README
- remove queryNorm compute, it make the score computation complex and useless.Elasticsearch queryNorm
- add trimmer parameter check, throw error if parameter is null or undefined.
- add toString function to utils.
- add array check for parameter of elasticlunr.addStopWords.
- allow tokenize array with null values.
- support parameter for elasticlunr.tokenizer.
Main Change: Catch up the changes of lunr.js
- support clear stopwords and add customized stop words.
- add test cases for clearStopWords function of elasticlunr.
- add test cases for addStopWords function of elasticlunr.
- update index.html page
Main Change: Catch up the changes of lunr.js
- remove moot version in bower.json
- update release.sh mistake about CHANGELOG.mdown(.ms)
- add latest node version in Travis.yml
- add semicolon to wrapper_end
- Use git describe to get the previous tag
- update stop_word_filter, add test case
** remove useless script code of example HTML page.
- republish
- fix issue example is broken.
** fix fieldSearchStats issue, "Token Expandation" causes JavaScript error , actually fieldSearchStats() should only be called for original token, not for expanded token. ** when doing coordNorm() computation, docId in scores maybe not in docTokens, because docTokens only record original token, expanded token is not recorded. So in coordNorm() we need to check if docId is in docTokens.
- update example code
- update Makefile
- fix fieldSearchStats issue, "Token Expandation" causes JavaScript error
- remove old node version v0.8 from .travis.yml, because old version of npm caused build error when running npm install.
- Delete node_modules from repo.
- Change Documentation link to API Documentation
- Delete node_modules because different platform need different node_models distribution
- Merge pull request Updated Readme.md, update URL of READEME, thanks to Darkle for fixing this issue.
- Fix issue: Getting an error of TypeError: Cannot call method 'getDocFreq' of undefined, thanks very much Darkle for reporting this issue.
- nothing
- code review again.
- add TODO list.
- update index.html in gh-pages branch
- change use tf directly to function call.
- remove necessary memo.concat() for token expand.
- make token expand effecient, no need to call getNode() for each expanded token, use context node information to get df. If using getNode() for each expand token, need to traverse the trie tree from root again and again.
- add token expand configuration.
- add token expand for search function, the expanded token's weight is penalized.
- add test case for configuration.js for token expand config.
- update README.md
- remove fieldLength of each token in inverted index, this will reduce the index size significantly, because previous index store too much redundant infomation.
- using DocumentStore to record the field length of each document.
- add field length info in DocumentStore
- add test cases for field length operation in DocumentStore
- change not-strict comparsion to strict comparsion
- fix function bug in DocumentStore(not contain .prototype.)
- change isSave() interface in DocumentStore to isDocStored()
- add test cases for isDocStored()
- change directly inner variable call of DocumentStore to interface call in DocumentStore test cases.
- update interface reference in index.js
- fix example issue by using elasticlunr.Configuration
- release 0.6.3
- add fieldLength to documentStore
- support not store JSON document
- add Configuration parser.
- refactor scoring methodology.
- Support field search, each field of document has a separted index.
- Support query-time boosting, no need to do index-time boosting.
- Change scoring mechanism as the same as Elasticsearch.
- Support boolean model.
- Combined Boolean Model, TF/IDF Model and the Vector Space Model, make the results ranking more reliable.
- Removed CorpusToken and Vector.js, no need to computer query vector and document vector to compute score.
- Store original JSON documents, not pipeline processed document.
I want to add some other features to this lunr.js, and because if I forked the repo and then work on the forked repo, there will be some issues, so I'd to break the connection of my fork with original repo. The original repo is a great package and give good performance, based on this cornerstone, I could add some other features.
- Fix bug in IDF calculation, thanks to weixsong for discovering the issue.
- Documentation fixes #111 thanks Chris Van.
- Remove version from bower.json as it is not needed #160, thanks Kevin Kirsche
- Fix link to augment.js on the home page #159, thanks Gábor Nádai
- Remove recursion from SortedSet#indexOf and SortedSet#locationFor to gain small performance gains in Index#search and Index#add
- Fix incorrect handling of non existant functions when adding/removing from a Pipeline #146 thanks to weixsong
- Fix typo when referencing Martin Porter's home page http://tartarus.org/~martin/ #132 thanks James Aylett
- Performance improvement for tokenizer #139 thanks Arun Srinivasan
- Fix vector magnitude caching bug 😳 #142 thanks Richard Poole
- Fix vector insertion bug that prevented lesser ordered nodes to be inserted into a vector #143 thanks Richard Poole
- Fix inefficient use of arguments in SortedSet add method, thanks to Max Nordlund.
- Fix deprecated use of path.exists in test server #141 thanks wei song
- Performance improvement for stemmer #124 thanks Tony Jacobs
- Performance improvement when add documents to the index #114 thanks Alex Holmes
- Fix bug in tokenizer introduced in 0.5.4 #101 thanks Nolan Lawson
- Tokenizer also splits on hyphens #98 thanks Nolan Lawson
- Correctly stem words ending with the letter 'y' #84 thanks Mihai Valentin
- Improve build tools and dev dependency installation #78 thanks Ben Pickles
- Use npm they said, it'll be easy they said.
- Because npm issues :(
- Add plugin support to enable i18n and other extensions to lunr.
- Add AMD support #72 thanks lnwdr.
- lunr.Vector now implemented using linked lists for better performance especially in indexes with large numbers of unique tokens.
- Build system clean up.
- Fix performance regression introduced in 0.4.4 by fixing #64.
- Fix bug #64 idf cache should handle tokens with the same name as object properties, thanks gitgrimbo.
- Intersperse source files with a semicolon as part of the build process, fixes #61, thanks shyndman.
- Fix bug #47 tokenizer converts its input to a string before trying to split it into tokens, thanks mikhailkozlov.
- Add index mutation events ('add', 'update' and 'remove').
- Performance improvements to searching.
- Penalise non-exact matches so exact matches are better ranked than expanded matches.
- Fix bug #32 which prevented lunr being used where a
object is not present, thanks Tony Marklove and wyuenho
- Fix bug #24 that caused an error when trying to remove a non-existant document from the index, thanks Jesús Leganés Combarro
- Implement JSON serialisation, allows indexes to be loaded and dumped, thanks ssured.
- Performance improvements to searching and indexing.
- Fix bug #15 with tokeniser that added stray empty white space to the index, thanks ssured.
- Fix issue with searching for a term not in the index #12, thanks mcnerthney and makoto
- Boost exact term matches so they are better ranked than expanded term matches, fixes #10, thanks ssured
- Changes to the build process.
- Add component.json and package.json
- Add phantomjs test runner
- Remove redundant attributes
- Many spelling corrections, thanks Pascal Borreli