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c629335 · May 9, 2019




international accountability mechanisms

This work focuses on mechanisms within the Independent Accountability Mechanisms Network (IAMnet)—a professional membership network.principles, criteria

IAM Membership

Members of IAMnet currently include:

IAM IAM Acronym Institution Institutional Acronym
Accountability Mechanism AM-ADB Asian Development Bank ADB
ADB-AM Compliance Review Panel CRP Asian Development Bank ADB
ADB-AM Special Project Facilitator SPF Asian Development Bank ADB
Complaints . Caribbean Development Bank
Complaints . Nordic Investment Bank NIB
Complaints Mechanism CM-EIB European Investment Bank EIB
Compliance Advisor Ombudsman CAO-IFC/MIGA International Finance Corporation / Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency IFC / MIGA
Independent Complaints Mechanism ICM Netherlands Development Finance Company FMO
Independent Complaints Mechanism ICM Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft DEG
Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism MICI-IDB Inter-American Development Bank IDB
Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism MICI-IIC Inter-American Development Bank IIC
Independent Redress Mechanism IRM Green Climate Fund GCF
Independent Review Mechanism IRM-AfDB African Development Bank AfDB
Inspection Panel IP-WB World Bank (public sector) [International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) & International Development Association (IDA) ] WB
Internal Audit Department IAD-BSTDB Black Sea Trade and Development Bank BSTDB
Objection Procedures on Environmental Guidelines . Nippon Export and Investment Insurance NEXI
Office of Accountability (OA) OA Overseas Private Investment Corporation OPIC
Office of Examiner for Environmental Guidelines (OEEG) OEEG Japan Bank for International Cooperation JBIC
Project Complaint Mechanism PCM-EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD
Social and Environmental Compliance Review and Stakeholder Response Mechanism SECU/SRM-UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNDP
Social and Environmental Compliance Unit SECU-UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNDP

Work on this repository is in its very early stages. I am currently still culling data from across IAM member pages:

Susan Park published a database of claims submitted to MDB accountability mechanisms between 1994 and 2016. I'll eventually cross-reference my work against this resource—thank you, Dr. Park. It might also be interesting to re-create Glass Half Full.

I would ulitmately like to build a tool that pulls and re-organizes these data into a common framework. I am working toward this end on Observable.
