All notable changes to this project will be documented here.
- Updated development docker image to connect to the development MarkUs docker image (#238)
- allow tests to write to existing subdirectories but not overwrite existing test script files (#237).
- add ability to create a docker container for the autotester in development mode (#236).
- major reorganization of the structure of this package (#236).
- additional usage options for the server installation script (bin/
- testers can/should now be installed using the server installation script instead of individually.
- configuration files now use yaml format.
- configuration file defaults are now included in the source code so the autotester can be run with or without a user specific configuration file.
- changed the default location for the workspace directory.
NOTE: This changelog starts from version 1.8.1 (changes prior to this version are not documented)
- changelog
- for all changes prior to this version see