The Sophia compiler
This module provides the interface to the standard Sophia compiler. It returns the compiled module in a map which can then be loaded.
contract_string() = string() | binary()
contract_map() = #{bytecode => binary(),
compiler_version => binary(),
contract_souce => string(),
type_info => type_info()}
errorstring() = binary()
ContractString = contract_string()
Options = [Option]
CompRet = {ok,ContractMap} | {error,ErrorString}
ContractMap = contract_map()
ErrorString = errorstring()
Compile a contract defined in a file or in a string.
The pp_ options all print to standard output the following:
- print the input Sophia code.
- print the AST of the code
- print information about the types
- print the AST with type information at each node
- print the generated assembler code
The option include_child_contract_symbols
includes the symbols of child contracts functions in the generated fate code. It is turned off by default to avoid making contracts bigger on chain.
By default all optimizations are turned on, to disable an optimization, it should be explicitly set to false and passed as a compiler option.
List of optimizations:
- optimize_inliner
- optimize_inline_local_functions
- optimize_bind_subexpressions
- optimize_let_floating
- optimize_simplifier
- optimize_drop_unused_lets
- optimize_push_consume
- optimize_one_shot_var
- optimize_write_to_dead_var
- optimize_inline_switch_target
- optimize_swap_push
- optimize_swap_pop
- optimize_swap_write
- optimize_constant_propagation
- optimize_prune_impossible_branches
- optimize_single_successful_branch
- optimize_inline_store
- optimize_float_switch_bod
ContractString = string() | binary()
CheckRet = {ok,string(),{Types,Type | any()},Terms} | {error,Term}
Types = [Type]
Type = term()
Check a call in contract through the __call
Version = binary()
Get the current version of the Sophia compiler.