Cryptic Hunt features
- Admin Panel
- Logging using PaperTrail
- Leaderboard
- Config file with event start and end timing
Logging includes
- When user clears a level
- PHP Errors
- All admin panel authorizations including 401
- 404 page is used to log if anyone tries directory scanning.
- [Twitter Bootstrap] - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- PHP - Backend
- [jQuery] - duh
Use PHPMyAdmin to upload the Table definitions to a database.
Update the MySQL variables in cryptic/config/db.php
Set papertail destination and port into master/classes/Logger.php
Upload the folder onto server local/hosting. If using a hosting, set LIVE to true.
Update the variables in cryptic/config/consts.php
if (LIVE){
define('ORIGIN', '');
define( 'SITE_URL', 'https://*****.***/cryptic/' );
define( 'SSTATIC', 'https://*****.***/cryptic/_static/' );
Want to contribute? Great!
Make a change in your file, commit to a seperate branch and raise a pull request!