This document is intended to describe high-level plans for the Chaos Mesh project and is neither comprehensive nor prescriptive. For a more granular view of planned work, please refer to the project's upcoming milestones.
- Support time skew chaos. Simulate time jumping forward or backward.
- Add container kill chaos. Simulate killing a specified container in a multi-container pod.
- Add CPU chaos. Simulate CPU being busy.
- Add memory chaos. Simulate memory allocation failure.
- Make scheduler optional. Support single time chaos triggering.
- Support helm-less install.
- Support force clean finalizer with annotation.
- Support the basic version of Chaos Dashboard.
- Improve Chaos Dashboard and make it easier to use
- Support status checks. A status check is used to evaluate the health of your environment.
- Support defining the scenario to manage a group of chaos experiments.
- Support generating the report for each chaos scenario.
- Add JVM chaos. Support injecting faults into Java applications.
- Add HTTP Chaos. Support injecting faults into http connections.
Add GRPC Chaos. Support injecting faults into GRPC connections. -
Support injecting faults into native components of Kubernetes.
- Manage and schedule chaos experiments on Kubernetes targets and non-Kubernetes targets on a unified dashboard.
- Improve JVMChaos and support dynamic injection.
- Support injecting faults into native components of Kubernetes.
- More comprehensive status inspection mechanism and reports.
- Improve observability via events logs and metrics.
- Improve authentication system, and support using GCP/AWS account to log in chaos dashboard.
- Add GRPC Chaos. Support injecting faults into GRPC connections.
- A new component to force recovery chaos experiments, and avoid experiments going out of control.
- Build a hub for users sharing their own chaos workflow and chaos types.
- Support doing chaos experiments on multiple Kubernetes clusters.
- Provide a plugin approach to extend complex chaos types, such as RabbitMQChaos, RedisChaos...
- Continue to enrich fault types.