- Get familiar with the data and gain insights / intuition
- Explanatory Data Analysis / evaluate data quality
- Scripts: .ipynb (Jupyter Notebook)
- Tools: Tableau, PowerBI
Extract +
- uni- and multivariate descriptive statistics and plots
- clean the data on the back-end (database):
- remove duplicates, treat outliers and deal with incorrect/corrupt and missing data
- detect by distribution curve and other plots
- replace them by mean or median values
- introduce a dummy variable whether data is missing or not
- Scripts: data_preperation.py
Load to database
- check number of rows (top & bottom)
- check value types (dates and currencies)
- check text values
- transform the prepared data to be compatible with the modelling requirements
- brainstorm, test, create potential features
- split the data into training, validation and test set
Regression techniques:
- Multiple Linear Regression (MLR),
- Support Vector Regression (SVR),
- Decision Tree Regression (DTR),
- Random Forest Regression (RFR)
Classification techniques:
- Log regression
- Decision tree
- Random forest,
- K-Nearest Neighbor,
- Naive Bayes
Clustering techniques:
- k-means,
- hierarchical clustering
Neural networks and deep learning
Reinforcement Learning
- exploration & exploitation
- eg. multi-armed bandit problem
- upper-confidence bound algorithm UCB
- Thompson sampling
- Accuracy: MAE
- Precision: CV
- Speed
- Interpretability
- Residual Analysis
- Assumption tests (in case of MLR)
- Data visualisation
- Software: Project code in a structured, self-contained, class-based API
- Self-serve analytics: create Summary Tables for the most frequent requests:
- How to present insights, communicate and organize in simple teams
- (Receiver-Directed) Communication: Communication is not what is said, but what is heard.
- Why? How? What?
- Project Pipeline for Projects: everyone can access the dashboard and post their requests, e.g. Trello Board
- unit tests (shrinked dataset)
- functions can be seperated into smaller ones, when they are used in other approaches
- docker (!)
- Leo Breiman, Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures: https://projecteuclid.org/download/pdf_1/euclid.ss/1009213726
- Nate Silver, Signaling the noise: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13588394-the-signal-and-the-noise?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=QvT5Da0CuR&rank=1