All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- add official support of drupal 11.1
4.0.2 - 2024-08-09
- add cpsell project words for Gitlab-CI
- add official support of drupal 11.0
- replace usage of user_role_names() deprecated in 10.2 and removed in 11.0
- fix tests for Drupal 10.3 since twig template debug indicator of overiden themes changed from ascii to emojis
- fix tests for Drupal 10.3 since changes on field creation experience
- fix tests for Drupal 10.3 since changes on taxonomy form supporting vertical tabs
- fix deprecation by passing @dataprovider as static function
- fix obsolete docker-compose command in CIs
- remove legacy version annotation on docker-compose.yml
- fix Drupal 11 crash by removing legacy field type categories from Template whisperer field
4.0.1 - 2024-03-01
- re-enable PHPUnit Symfony Deprecation notice
- fix test class $modules property must be declared protected
- fix typo on test testFieldWhitoutTemplate -> testFieldWithoutTemplate
- fix usage of dynamic properties on UiFieldTest
- fix Issue #3312077 - Route entity.template_whisperer.add_form does not exist - by LeoAlcci, christyanpaim, Bohus Ulrych, wengerk
- fix Issue #3312076 - The template_whisperer_suggestion entity type did not specify a view_builder handler - by immaculatexavier, Bohus Ulrych, wengerk
- fix phpcs use statements should be sorted alphabetically
- add coverage of Drupal 10.1.x
- add call accessCheck on every QueryBuilder
- add Drupal GitlabCI
- add coverage of Drupal 10.2.x
- add coverage of Drupal 11.0-dev
- drop tests support on Drupal <= 9.4
4.0.0 - 2022-11-18
- add official support of drupal 9.5 & 10.0
- drop support of drupal below 9.3.x
- bump major release number in order of using Drupal new semver system
- fix deprecated Classy theme replaced by Starterkit for Drupal 10 compatibilities
- fix call to deprecated method assertEqual() replaced by assertEquals() for Drupal 10 compatibilities
- fix deprecated class name Twig_Extension for Drupal 10 compatibilities
- fix instantiation of deprecated class Twig_SimpleFunction for Drupal 10 compatibilities
- fix call to deprecated method drupalPostForm() replaced by submitForm() for Drupal 10 compatibilities
- fix declaration of ::tearDown() must be compatible with parent::tearDown() for PHP 8 compatibilities
3.1.0 - 2022-10-21
- add coverage for Drupal 9.3, 9.4 & 9.5
- add upgrade-status check
- fix docker running tests on Github Actions
- remove trigger github actions on every pull-request, keep only push
- remove satackey/action-docker-layer-caching on Github Actions
- drop support of drupal below 9.0
3.0.0 - 2022-06-24
- Issue #3087966 by wengerk: Support for "Negate the condition" on the Template Whisperer Block Layout Visibility configuration
- Issue #3166328 by wengerk: TemplateWhispererManager::getFieldSuggestions may throw
Call to a member function getSuggestion() on null
- Rewrite Travis Integration to use Docker instead of Drupal_TI
- move changelog format in order to use Keep a Changelog standard
3.0.0-alpha - 2020-03-27
- Issue #3090756 by wengerk: Drupal 9 Readiness
- Issue #3151185 by wengerk: Drupal 9 - Tests deprecation notice assertInternalType
2.3.0 - 2019-12-03
- Issue #3008554 by wengerk, valthebald: Display widget in advanced group only when it exists.
- Issue #3044924 - fix Drupal-CI Composer failure since Drupal 8.7.x+ - Update of drupal/coder squizlabs/php_codesniffer"
- Issue #3087804 by wengerk, AurianaHg: Support for Page level suggestion
2.2.0 - 2018-06-05
- Fix Token suggestion my crash on unused suggestion lookup - Issue 2974817.
- Add better warning of suggestion usage before deletion.
- Fix Undefined index: handler when updating a Template Whisperer Settings - Issue 2935078.
2.1.0 - 2018-05-16
- Fix suggestions too much permissive which leads in wrong suggestions usage - Issue 2944054.
- Update to PHPUnit 6.x & Drupal 8.6.x for testing on TravisCI.
- Fix uninstall/reinstall by removing garbage configurations.
2.0.0 - 2018-05-15
- Improve with better testing command.
- Fix an issue that make the Suggestion impossible to change in a entity field.
- Add feature to chose which Suggestion are avaialble for selection, by field.
- Add more tests to improve stability.
- Add Block Conditional Visibility.
- Add Token integration.
- Add new permission "administer the template whisperer field" for edit access of field(s).
- Add Hook Update 8001 to migrate the new permission "administer the template whisperer field" & avoid breaking changes.
- Add Twig function to retrieve entity-ies using a given Template Whisperer suggestion.
- Integrate Travis CI.
- Integrate Style CI.
1.0.0 - 2017-04-18
- Refactoring Template Whisperer as ConfigEntity instead of ContentEntity.
- Rewording Template Whisperer with the idea of suggestion(s).
- Adding Usage admin page by Template Whisperer suggestion(s).
0.0.0 - 2017-03-07
- Add BrowserTestBase to test web-based behaviors and interactions.
- First draft.