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R docker images for statistical modelling

The rocker project provides a fantastic stack of docker images built from debian. This repository extends the rocker images to provide machine learning / statistical modelling capabilities.

FROM rocker/verse

All these docker images are based on rocker/verse which already contains:

  • r-base
  • rstudio
  • tidyverse
  • shiny
  • publishing tools (pandoc, tex)

Version-specific branches are based on the relevant rocker/verse version (e.g. asachet/rocker-ml:3.6.1 is based on rocker/verse:3.6.1 which uses R 3.6.1).


The rocker-ml image adds to rocker/verse:

  • ggplot2 utilities such as scales, ggridges, GGally, RColorBrewer, Viridis
  • Misc tools such as foreach, Hmisc, doParallel, openxlsx
  • Modelling tools:
    • caret and related (ensembleR, MLmetrics)
    • statistical utilities like MASS, car, fitdistrplus
    • A large number of modelling packages including gam, lme4, e1071, kernlab, survival, elasticnet, randomForest, ranger, ...
    • Open the dockerfile to see the complete list.


The rocker-stan image adds Stan to rocker-ml:

  • rstan, rstantools, rstanarm, shinystan, bayesplot, brms, tidybayes


The rocker-tidymodels image adds tidymodels to rocker-stan. Note that rstanarm is a requirement for tidyposterior hence the stack.


The rocker-keras image adds to rocker/tidymodels:

  • TensorFlow (latest CPU version) and Keras (latest version)
  • R packages tensorflow, keras and tfestimators

See for more info.