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Releases: apache/incubator-kie-kogito-images

Kogito Images Version 0.12.0

14 Jul 17:36
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We are glad to announce that the Kogito 0.12.0 release is now available! This goes hand in hand with the Kogito Tooling 0.6.0[1] and Kogito Images, Operator, and CLI 0.12.0[2] release.

From a feature point of view, we included a series of new features and bug fixes. Head to [3] for more details.

New to Kogito? Check out our website Click the "Get Started" button.

All artifacts are available now:

Kogito runtime artifacts are available on Maven Central.
Kogito examples can be found here [4].
Kogito images are available on
Kogito operator is available in the OperatorHub in OpenShift and Kubernetes [5].
Kogito tooling 0.6.0 artifacts are available at the Visual Studio Marketplace [6].

Detailed release notes for 0.12.0 can be found in Atlassian Jira here [7].

[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -
[5] -
[6] -
[7] -

Kogito Images Version 0.11.0

22 Jun 13:08
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Bug Fixes

KOGITO-2445 - Setting the JBOSS_MAVEN_REPO_URL or MAVEN_REPO_URL via script is built with the images and cannot be modified.
KOGITO-2388 - When a specific maven repo is specified but the mirror is set automatically in Openshift, then the maven repo is ignored.
KOGITO-2221 - Project generation for SpringBoot doesn't work on OpenShift.


KOGITO-2374 - Kogito Images deploy pipeline: Test against custom Maven repository.
KOGITO-2370 - Update artifacts: Update also the Kogito version in modules.
KOGITO-2065 - Add Pull Request template on Kogito Images Repository.
KOGITO-2004 - Default the Quarkus S2I image to build non native images.
KOGITO-1956 - Provide a way to add a specific repository to settings.xml in S2I images.
KOGITO-1919 - Allow users to specify the artifact and group id when doing builds from archetype.
KOGITO-1916 - Print generated *md5.txt files when persistence is enabled.
KOGITO-1861 - Make possible to turn the Maven downloading process output off during s2i builds.
KOGITO-1214 - Do not use echo statements on the images to print log messages.

A more detailed information about all the issues fixed on this release can be found on this link

Kogito Images Version 0.10.0

27 Apr 19:36
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Enhancements and Fixes

KOGITO-1839 - Allow user use Make command to build and push images to local registry.
KOGITO-1770 - Updated runtimes/apps/images/operator documentations with new examples's names.
KOGITO-1715 - S2I build failure if Kogito runner is packed as uberjar.
KOGITO-1673 - Images should deploy version without micro version in tag.
KOGITO-1672 - Improve Kogito Images Behave tests.
KOGITO-1636 - Native binary is not recognized in binary build when target folder is uploaded.
KOGITO-1490 - Improve Kogito images README file.
KOGITO-1421 - Certify kogito images with cekit 3.6.
KOGITO-1227 - Create pipeline to build and test Kogito images when a new Pull Request is created.

A more detailed information about all the issues fixed on this release can be found on this link

Known Issues

KOGITO-1937 - Build from source is not working for Springboot based apps
The builds from sources using the will not work to produce an output image based on the Spring applications. As a workaround you might need to generate the application using the Spring archetype manually and use a binary build or by saving the generated project on a Git repository and use it to perform a build from source.

This issue will be addressed on the 0.11.0 release.

Kogito Images Version 0.9.1

20 Apr 20:37
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Enhancements and Fixes

  • KOGITO-1770 - Updated runtimes/apps/images/operator documentations with new examples's names[
  • KOGITO-1715 - S2I build failure if Kogito runner is packed as uberjar
  • KOGITO-1673 - Images should deploy version without micro version in tag
  • KOGITO-1636 - Native binary is not recognized in binary build when target folder is uploaded
  • KOGITO-1490 - Improve Kogito images README file.
  • KOGITO-1421 - Certify kogito images with cekit 3.6
  • KOGITO-836 - Provide a way to automatically increase the Kogito version on the image and modules

A more detailed information about all the issues fixed on this release can be found on this link

Known Issues

  • KOGITO-1937 - Build from source is not working for Springboot based apps

The builds from sources using the will not work to produce an output image based on the Spring applications. As workaround you might need to generate the application using the Spring archetype manually and use a binary build or by saving the generated project on a Git repository and use it to perform a build from source.

Kogito Images Version 0.9.0

01 Apr 22:38
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Enhancements and Fixes

KOGITO-1582 - Migrate kogito code to JDK 11
KOGITO-1565 - Align maven version on Kogito images
KOGITO-1388 - Rename kogito-cloud to kogito-images
KOGITO-1036 - Extract kogito-images from kogito-cloud repository
KOGITO-754 - Create image for Management Console

A more detailed information abou all the issues fixed on this release can be found on this [link}(

Known Issues

The Kogito jobs-service image might not start properly it the needed security properties are not set:

io.quarkus.runtime.configuration.ConfigurationException: auth-server-url and client-id must be configured when the quarkus-oidc extension is enabled

This issue will be addressed on next minor release.

Kogito Operator, Images and CLI Version 0.8.0

12 Mar 14:32
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Kogito Operator is an OpenShift based operator for deployment of Kogito Runtimes from source. Additionally, to facilitate interactions with the operator we also offer a CLI (Command Line Interface) that can deploy Kogito applications for you.

In this release we did a major refactoring in the Data Index (KogitoDataIndex) and Jobs Service (KogitoJobsService) deployment (breaking the CR interface). Therefore you must update any deployed instance of those services.


  • KOGITO-1256 - Add json output format to the Kogito CLI
  • KOGITO-1240 - Add command line completion to the Kogito CLI
  • KOGITO-993 - Get rid of symlinks on Data Index configMap proto mount
  • KOGITO-921 - Operator CLI: Provide commands to create/delete keycloak instance
  • KOGITO-909 - Operator CLI: Provide command to create/delete kafka instance
  • KOGITO-904 - Follow up with the new topic added to Data Index: "kogito-jobs-events"
  • KOGITO-857 - Upgrade Operator SDK to 0.15.1 and Go to 1.13
  • KOGITO-853 - Data index CR improvements
  • KOGITO-839 - [Istio] Allow configuring annotations via Kogito CLI
  • KOGITO-829 - Change Data index StatefulSet to Deployment
  • KOGITO-771 - Upgrade GraalVM to 19.3.1
  • KOGITO-511 - Kogito Data Index image - allow quarkus.http.port to be defined via env variable
  • KOGITO-492 - CLI: Provide option to force operator installation even if present in OperatorHub
  • KOGITO-305 - Add an option to add a maven mirror URL through CLI/CR

Bug Fixes:

  • KOGITO-1255 - Operator: 2 replicaSet created on first creation of Deployment of Jobs service
  • KOGITO-842 - Operator: jbpm-quarkus-example not starting after native build due to missing protobuf files
  • KOGITO-692 - Operator allow to define different versions in KogitoApp CR but does not allow them to be different when executing

Known issues:

  • KOGITO-615 - Operator error report "Status: True" when error on kogitoapp
  • KOGITO-995 - KogitoInfra should have default status definition
  • KOGITO-1258 - CLI "remove" command must be in-sync with "install" command
  • KOGITO-1277 - S2I image is not rebuilt when imageVersion is modified
  • KOGITO-1376 - Kogito operator cannot start if dependent crds (kafka, keycloak and maybe infinspan) are not present into the cluster
  • KOGITO-1397 - S2I build with quarkus.native.enable-server is crashing

release version 0.7.0

21 Jan 19:26
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[KOGITO-920] - Release Kogito Images 0.7.0 (#87)

Signed-off-by: spolti <[email protected]>

release version 0.6.1

16 Dec 20:09
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[KOGITO-782] - Prepare release 0.6.1 for Kogito images (#77)

Signed-off-by: Filippe Spolti <[email protected]>

release version 0.6.0

09 Dec 20:27
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[KOGITO-710] - Prepare Kogito 0.6.0 images release (#71)

Signed-off-by: Filippe Spolti <[email protected]>

release version 0.5.1

04 Nov 15:37
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[KOGITO-521] - Bump Kogito Images to 0.5.1 version (#60)

Signed-off-by: Filippe Spolti <[email protected]>