diff --git a/example/client-cpp-example/pom.xml b/example/client-cpp-example/pom.xml
index ace95bcfd9ad..4832533b9aab 100644
--- a/example/client-cpp-example/pom.xml
+++ b/example/client-cpp-example/pom.xml
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@
+                                <fileSet>
+                                    <sourceFile>${project.basedir}/src/TableModelSessionExample.cpp</sourceFile>
+                                    <destinationFile>${project.build.directory}/TableModelSessionExample.cpp</destinationFile>
+                                </fileSet>
diff --git a/example/client-cpp-example/src/CMakeLists.txt b/example/client-cpp-example/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 91d93193e38b..1b902ceaa579 100644
--- a/example/client-cpp-example/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/example/client-cpp-example/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -38,11 +38,14 @@ LINK_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/client/lib)
 ADD_EXECUTABLE(SessionExample SessionExample.cpp)
 ADD_EXECUTABLE(AlignedTimeseriesSessionExample AlignedTimeseriesSessionExample.cpp)
+ADD_EXECUTABLE(TableModelSessionExample TableModelSessionExample.cpp)
     TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(SessionExample iotdb_session "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/thrift/lib/Release/thriftmd.lib")
     TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(AlignedTimeseriesSessionExample iotdb_session "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/thrift/lib/Release/thriftmd.lib")
+    TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(TableModelSessionExample iotdb_session "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/thrift/lib/Release/thriftmd.lib")
     TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(SessionExample iotdb_session pthread)
     TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(AlignedTimeseriesSessionExample iotdb_session pthread)
+    TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(TableModelSessionExample iotdb_session pthread)
diff --git a/example/client-cpp-example/src/TableModelSessionExample.cpp b/example/client-cpp-example/src/TableModelSessionExample.cpp
index d2e76a410178..4e4f9274342a 100644
--- a/example/client-cpp-example/src/TableModelSessionExample.cpp
+++ b/example/client-cpp-example/src/TableModelSessionExample.cpp
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ void insertRelationalTablet() {
-        ColumnCategory::MEASUREMENT,
-        ColumnCategory::MEASUREMENT
+        ColumnCategory::FIELD,
+        ColumnCategory::FIELD
     Tablet tablet("table1", schemaList, columnTypes, 100);
@@ -67,24 +67,43 @@ void insertRelationalTablet() {
-template<typename T>
-inline void Output(vector<T> &columnNames) {
-    for (auto &name: columnNames) {
-        cout << name << "\t";
+void Output(unique_ptr<SessionDataSet> &dataSet) {
+    for (const string &name: dataSet->getColumnNames()) {
+        cout << name << "  ";
+    }
+    cout << endl;
+    while (dataSet->hasNext()) {
+        cout << dataSet->next()->toString();
+    }
+    cout << endl;
+void OutputWithType(unique_ptr<SessionDataSet> &dataSet) {
+    for (const string &name: dataSet->getColumnNames()) {
+        cout << name << "  ";
+    }
+    cout << endl;
+    for (const string &type: dataSet->getColumnTypeList()) {
+        cout << type << "  ";
+    }
+    cout << endl;
+    while (dataSet->hasNext()) {
+        cout << dataSet->next()->toString();
     cout << endl;
 int main() {
     try {
-        session = new TableSessionBuilder()
-            .host("")
-            .rpcPort(6667)
-            .username("root")
-            .password("root")
-            .build();
-        cout << "Create Database db1,db2" << endl;
+        session = (new TableSessionBuilder())
+            ->host("")
+            ->rpcPort(6667)
+            ->username("root")
+            ->password("root")
+            ->build();
+        cout << "[Create Database db1,db2]\n" << endl;
         try {
             session->executeNonQueryStatement("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS db1");
             session->executeNonQueryStatement("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS db2");
@@ -92,59 +111,49 @@ int main() {
             cout << e.what() << endl;
-        cout << "Use db1 as database" << endl;
+        cout << "[Use db1 as database]\n" << endl;
         try {
             session->executeNonQueryStatement("USE db1");
         } catch (IoTDBException &e) {
             cout << e.what() << endl;
-        cout << "Create Table table1,table2" << endl;
+        cout << "[Create Table table1,table2]\n" << endl;
         try {
-            session->executeNonQueryStatement(" db1.table1(region_id STRING TAG, plant_id STRING TAG, device_id STRING TAG, model STRING ATTRIBUTE, temperature FLOAT FIELD, humidity DOUBLE FIELD) with (TTL=3600000)");
+            session->executeNonQueryStatement("create table db1.table1(region_id STRING TAG, plant_id STRING TAG, device_id STRING TAG, model STRING ATTRIBUTE, temperature FLOAT FIELD, humidity DOUBLE FIELD) with (TTL=3600000)");
             session->executeNonQueryStatement("create table db2.table2(region_id STRING TAG, plant_id STRING TAG, color STRING ATTRIBUTE, temperature FLOAT FIELD, speed DOUBLE FIELD) with (TTL=6600000)");
         } catch (IoTDBException &e) {
             cout << e.what() << endl;
-        cout << "Show Tables" << endl;
+        cout << "[Show Tables]\n" << endl;
         try {
-            SessionDataSet dataSet = session->executeQueryStatement("SHOW TABLES");
-            Output(dataSet.getColumnNames());
-            while(dataSet.hasNext()) {
-                Output(dataSet.next());
-            }
+            unique_ptr<SessionDataSet> dataSet = session->executeQueryStatement("SHOW TABLES");
+            Output(dataSet);
         } catch (IoTDBException &e) {
             cout << e.what() << endl;
-        cout << "Show tables from specific database" << endl;
+        cout << "[Show tables from specific database]\n" << endl;
         try {
-            SessionDataSet dataSet = session->executeQueryStatement("SHOW TABLES FROM db1");
-            Output(dataSet.getColumnNames());
-            while(dataSet.hasNext()) {
-                Output(dataSet.next());
-            }
+            unique_ptr<SessionDataSet> dataSet = session->executeQueryStatement("SHOW TABLES FROM db1");
+            Output(dataSet);
         } catch (IoTDBException &e) {
             cout << e.what() << endl;
-        cout << "InsertTablet" << endl;
+        cout << "[InsertTablet]\n" << endl;
         try {
         } catch (IoTDBException &e) {
             cout << e.what() << endl;
-        cout << "Query Table Data" << endl;
+        cout << "[Query Table Data]\n" << endl;
         try {
-            SessionDataSet dataSet = session->executeQueryStatement("SELECT * FROM table1"
+            unique_ptr<SessionDataSet> dataSet = session->executeQueryStatement("SELECT * FROM table1"
                 " where region_id = '1' and plant_id in ('3', '5') and device_id = '3'");
-            Output(dataSet.getColumnNames());
-            Output(dataSet.getColumnTypeList());
-            while(dataSet.hasNext()) {
-                Output(dataSet.next());
-            }
+            OutputWithType(dataSet);
         } catch (IoTDBException &e) {
             cout << e.what() << endl;
@@ -152,44 +161,38 @@ int main() {
         // specify database in constructor
-        session = new TableSessionBuilder()
-            .host("")
-            .rpcPort(6667)
-            .username("root")
-            .password("root")
-            .database("db1")
-            .build();
-        cout << "Show tables from current database(db1)" << endl;
+        session = (new TableSessionBuilder())
+            ->host("")
+            ->rpcPort(6667)
+            ->username("root")
+            ->password("root")
+            ->database("db1")
+            ->build();
+        cout << "[Show tables from current database(db1)]\n" << endl;
         try {
-            SessionDataSet dataSet = session->executeQueryStatement("SHOW TABLES");
-            Output(dataSet.getColumnNames());
-            while(dataSet.hasNext()) {
-                Output(dataSet.next());
-            }
+            unique_ptr<SessionDataSet> dataSet = session->executeQueryStatement("SHOW TABLES");
+            Output(dataSet);
         } catch (IoTDBException &e) {
             cout << e.what() << endl;
-        cout << "Change database to db2" << endl;
+        cout << "[Change database to db2]\n" << endl;
         try {
             session->executeNonQueryStatement("USE db2");
         } catch (IoTDBException &e) {
             cout << e.what() << endl;
-        cout << "Show tables from current database(db2)" << endl;
+        cout << "[Show tables from current database(db2)]\n" << endl;
         try {
-            SessionDataSet dataSet = session->executeQueryStatement("SHOW TABLES");
-            Output(dataSet.getColumnNames());
-            while(dataSet.hasNext()) {
-                Output(dataSet.next());
-            }
+            unique_ptr<SessionDataSet> dataSet = session->executeQueryStatement("SHOW TABLES");
+            Output(dataSet);
         } catch (IoTDBException &e) {
             cout << e.what() << endl;
-        cout << "Drop Database db1,db2" << endl;
+        cout << "[Drop Database db1,db2]\n" << endl;
         try {
             session->executeNonQueryStatement("DROP DATABASE db1");
             session->executeNonQueryStatement("DROP DATABASE db2");
diff --git a/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/main/Session.h b/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/main/Session.h
index 80f93a41d243..32da78397094 100644
--- a/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/main/Session.h
+++ b/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/main/Session.h
@@ -547,13 +547,13 @@ class Field {
 enum class ColumnCategory {
-    ID,
+    TAG,
+    FIELD,
 template<typename T, typename Target>
-const Target* safe_cast(const T& value) {
+void safe_cast(const T& value, Target &target) {
         Target	Allowed Source Types
@@ -564,24 +564,27 @@ const Target* safe_cast(const T& value) {
         TEXT	TEXT
     if (std::is_same<Target, T>::value) {
-        return (Target*)&value;
+        target = *(Target*)&value;
+    } else if (std::is_same<Target, string>::value && std::is_array<T>::value && std::is_same<char, typename std::remove_extent<T>::type>::value) {
+        string tmp((const char*)&value);
+        target = *(Target*)&tmp;
     } else if (std::is_same<Target, int64_t>::value && std::is_same<T, int32_t>::value) {
         int64_t tmp = *(int32_t*)&value;
-        return (Target*)&tmp;
+        target = *(Target*)&tmp;
     } else if (std::is_same<Target, float>::value && std::is_same<T, int32_t>::value) {
         float tmp = *(int32_t*)&value;
-        return (Target*)&tmp;
+        target = *(Target*)&tmp;
     } else if (std::is_same<Target, double>::value && std::is_same<T, int32_t>::value) {
         double tmp = *(int32_t*)&value;
-        return (Target*)&tmp;
+        target = *(Target*)&tmp;
     } else if (std::is_same<Target, double>::value && std::is_same<T, int64_t>::value) {
         double tmp = *(int64_t*)&value;
-        return (Target*)&tmp;
+        target = *(Target*)&tmp;
     } else if (std::is_same<Target, double>::value && std::is_same<T, float>::value) {
         double tmp = *(float*)&value;
-        return (Target*)&tmp;
+        target = *(Target*)&tmp;
     } else {
-        throw UnSupportedDataTypeException("Parameter type " +
+        throw UnSupportedDataTypeException("Error: Parameter type " +
                                            std::string(typeid(T).name()) + " cannot be converted to DataType" +
@@ -652,7 +655,7 @@ class Tablet {
     Tablet(const std::string &deviceId,
         const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, TSDataType::TSDataType>> &schemas,
         int maxRowNumber)
-        : Tablet(deviceId, schemas, std::vector<ColumnCategory>(schemas.size(), ColumnCategory::MEASUREMENT), maxRowNumber) {}
+        : Tablet(deviceId, schemas, std::vector<ColumnCategory>(schemas.size(), ColumnCategory::FIELD), maxRowNumber) {}
     Tablet(const std::string &deviceId, const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, TSDataType::TSDataType>> &schemas,
            const std::vector<ColumnCategory> columnTypes,
            size_t maxRowNumber, bool _isAligned = false) : deviceId(deviceId), schemas(schemas), columnTypes(columnTypes),
@@ -699,27 +702,27 @@ class Tablet {
         TSDataType::TSDataType dataType = schemas[schemaId].second;
         switch (dataType) {
             case TSDataType::BOOLEAN: {
-                ((bool*)values[schemaId])[rowIndex] = *safe_cast<T, bool>(value);
+                safe_cast<T, bool>(value, ((bool*)values[schemaId])[rowIndex]);
             case TSDataType::INT32: {
-                ((int*)values[schemaId])[rowIndex] = *safe_cast<T, int>(value);
+                safe_cast<T, int>(value, ((int*)values[schemaId])[rowIndex]);
             case TSDataType::INT64: {
-                ((int64_t*)values[schemaId])[rowIndex] = *safe_cast<T, int64_t>(value);
+                safe_cast<T, int64_t>(value, ((int64_t*)values[schemaId])[rowIndex]);
             case TSDataType::FLOAT: {
-                ((float*)values[schemaId])[rowIndex] = *safe_cast<T, float>(value);
+                safe_cast<T, float>(value, ((float*)values[schemaId])[rowIndex]);
             case TSDataType::DOUBLE: {
-                ((double*)values[schemaId])[rowIndex] = *safe_cast<T, double>(value);
+                safe_cast<T, double>(value, ((double*)values[schemaId])[rowIndex]);
             case TSDataType::TEXT: {
-                ((string*)values[schemaId])[rowIndex] = *safe_cast<T, string>(value);
+                safe_cast<T, string>(value, ((string*)values[schemaId])[rowIndex]);
diff --git a/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/main/TableSession.cpp b/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/main/TableSession.cpp
index e1c6badc5f6d..304a2f062adc 100644
--- a/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/main/TableSession.cpp
+++ b/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/main/TableSession.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include "TableSession.h"
-void TableSession::insert(Tablet &tablet, bool sorted = false) {
+void TableSession::insert(Tablet &tablet, bool sorted) {
     session->insertRelationalTablet(tablet, sorted);
 void TableSession::executeNonQueryStatement(const string &sql) {
diff --git a/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/main/TableSession.h b/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/main/TableSession.h
index d6e9e23bc9fe..ddaa3d3d6615 100644
--- a/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/main/TableSession.h
+++ b/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/main/TableSession.h
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class TableSession {
     TableSession(Session* session) {
         this->session = session;
-    void insert(Tablet& tablet, bool sorted);
+    void insert(Tablet& tablet, bool sorted = false);
     void executeNonQueryStatement(const std::string& sql);
     unique_ptr<SessionDataSet> executeQueryStatement(const std::string& sql);
     unique_ptr<SessionDataSet> executeQueryStatement(const std::string& sql, int64_t timeoutInMs);
diff --git a/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/test/cpp/sessionRelationalIT.cpp b/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/test/cpp/sessionRelationalIT.cpp
index 108f025ffc83..dfe77caa273e 100644
--- a/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/test/cpp/sessionRelationalIT.cpp
+++ b/iotdb-client/client-cpp/src/test/cpp/sessionRelationalIT.cpp
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ TEST_CASE("Test insertRelationalTablet", "[testInsertRelationalTablet]") {
     schemaList.push_back(make_pair("tag1", TSDataType::TEXT));
     schemaList.push_back(make_pair("attr1", TSDataType::TEXT));
     schemaList.push_back(make_pair("m1", TSDataType::DOUBLE));
-    vector<ColumnCategory> columnTypes = {ColumnCategory::ID, ColumnCategory::ATTRIBUTE, ColumnCategory::MEASUREMENT};
+    vector<ColumnCategory> columnTypes = {ColumnCategory::TAG, ColumnCategory::ATTRIBUTE, ColumnCategory::FIELD};
     int64_t timestamp = 0;
     Tablet tablet("table1", schemaList, columnTypes, 15);