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PIP 27: Add checklist in github pull request template

Sijie Guo edited this page Dec 21, 2018 · 3 revisions

PIP-27: Add checklist in github pull request template

  • Status: Proposed
  • Author: Sijie Guo
  • Pull Request: N/A
  • Mailing List Discussion: N/A
  • Release: N/A


With the increase of contributions, more and more features are added pretty quickly. However these features are not documented. And there is no checklist for contributors to check when contributing a feature. This PIP is proposing to improve the github pull request template by adding a checklist for contributors to check. It also help improve the review process.

Github Pull Request Template

## Contribution Checklist
  - Name the pull request in the form "[component] Title of the pull request". Skip *component* if you are unsure about which is the best component. E.g. `[docs] Fix typo in produce method`.

  - Fill out the template below to describe the changes contributed by the pull request. That will give reviewers the context they need to do the review.
  - Make sure that the change passes the CI checks.

  - Each pull request should address only one issue, not mix up code from multiple issues.
  - Each commit in the pull request has a meaningful commit message

  - Once all items of the checklist are addressed, remove the above text and this checklist, leaving only the filled out template below.

**(The sections below can be removed for hotfixes of typos)**

## Motivation

*Explain here the context, and why you're making that change. What is the problem you're trying to solve.*

## Modifications

*Describe the modifications you've done.*

## Verifying this change

*(Please pick either of the following options)*

This change is a trivial rework / code cleanup without any test coverage.


This change is already covered by existing tests, such as *(please describe tests)*.


This change added tests and can be verified as follows:

  - *Added integration tests for end-to-end deployment with large payloads (10MB)*
  - *Extended integration test for recovery after broker failure*

## Does this pull request potentially affect one of the following parts:

  - Dependencies (does it add or upgrade a dependency): (yes / no)
  - The public API: (yes / no)
  - The schema: (yes / no / don't know)
  - The default values of configurations: (yes / no)
  - The wire protocol: (yes / no)
  - Anything that affects deployment: (yes / no / don't know)

## Documentation

  - Does this pull request introduce a new feature? (yes / no)
  - If yes, how is the feature documented? (not applicable / docs / JavaDocs / not documented)

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