- ehayon / RockSatC2012:NASA Sounding Rocket Payload
- maomorales / arduino:
- gh0stkey / Binary-Learning:滴水逆向初、中级学习笔记,不定时更新,自用仓库,不喜勿喷;感谢滴水,有如此完整体系的学习视频,白嫖党嫖了一波...感谢海东老师,听课受益匪浅。
- youngyangyang04 / leetcode-master:LeetCode 刷题攻略:配思维导图,将近200道经典算法题目刷题顺序、经典算法模板、共60w字的详细图解,以及难点视频题解。按照刷题攻略上的顺序来刷题,让你在算法学习上不再迷茫! 🔥 🔥 给个star支持一下吧! 🚀
- RaminNietzsche / jobguy:اطلاعات مربوط به مصاحبه ها و تجربیات کاری در جاب گای
- NeuromatchAcademy / course-content-dl:
- jwasham / coding-interview-university:A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
- dypsilon / frontend-dev-bookmarks:Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers.
- xingshaocheng / architect-awesome:后端架构师技术图谱
- labuladong / fucking-algorithm:刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
- fuzhengwei / CodeGuide:📚 本代码库是作者小傅哥多年从事一线互联网 Java 开发的学习历程技术汇总,旨在为大家提供一个清晰详细的学习教程,侧重点更倾向编写Java核心内容。如果本仓库能为您提供帮助,请给予支持(关注、点赞、分享)!
- taowen / awesome-lowcode:国内低代码平台从业者交流
- EKsumic / PCRDGuildAutoBattleHelper:[公主连结Re:Dive]公会战自动脚本引擎
- projectdiscovery / pd-actions:Continuous recon and vulnerability assessment using Github Actions.
- DovAmir / awesome-design-patterns:A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns.
- google / material-design-icons:Material Design icons by Google
- SecWiki / sec-chart:安全思维导图集合
- reHackable / awesome-reMarkable:A curated list of projects related to the reMarkable tablet
- sudheerj / angular-interview-questions:List of 300 Angular Interview Questions and answers
- davideuler / architecture.of.internet-product:互联网公司技术架构,微信/淘宝/微博/腾讯/阿里/美团点评/百度/Google/Facebook/Amazon/eBay的架构,欢迎PR补充
- freefq / free:翻墙、免费翻墙、免费科学上网、免费节点、免费梯子、免费ss/ssr/v2ray/trojan节点、蓝灯、谷歌商店、翻墙梯子
- MicrosoftLearning / AZ-900T0x-MicrosoftAzureFundamentals:Microsoft Azure Fundamentals - AZ-900T00 and AZ-900T01
- jlevy / the-art-of-command-line:Master the command line, in one page
- shieldfy / API-Security-Checklist:Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API
- JingOS-team / JingOS:JingOS - The World’s First Linux-based OS design for Tablets
- davatron5000 / awesome-standalones:A curated list of awesome framework-agnostic standalone web components
- nytimes / covid-19-data:An ongoing repository of data on coronavirus cases and deaths in the U.S.
- CyberPunkMetalHead / Binance-News-Sentiment-Bot:This is a fully functioning Binance trading bot that takes into account the news sentiment for the top 100 crypto feeds.
- luong-komorebi / Awesome-Linux-Software:A list of awesome applications, software, tools and other materials for Linux distros.
- ethereum / web3.py:A python interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and ecosystem.
- microsoft / unilm:UniLM - Unified Language Model Pre-training / Pre-training for NLP and Beyond
- Chia-Network / chia-blockchain:Chia blockchain python implementation (full node, farmer, harvester, timelord, and wallet)
- elastic / elasticsearch-py:Official Python low-level client for Elasticsearch
- pytest-dev / pytest:The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing
- commixproject / commix:Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection Exploitation Tool
- testerSunshine / 12306:12306智能刷票,订票
- ray-project / ray:An open source framework that provides a simple, universal API for building distributed applications. Ray is packaged with RLlib, a scalable reinforcement learning library, and Tune, a scalable hyperparameter tuning library.
- huggingface / accelerate:A simple way to train and use PyTorch models with multi-GPU, TPU, mixed-precision
- microsoft / DeepSpeed:DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training easy, efficient, and effective.
- scikit-learn / scikit-learn:scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
- scottrogowski / mongita:"Mongita is to MongoDB as SQLite is to SQL"
- matplotlib / cheatsheets:Official Matplotlib cheat sheets
- jay0lee / GAM:command line management for Google Workspace
- microsoft / cascadia-code:This is a fun, new monospaced font that includes programming ligatures and is designed to enhance the modern look and feel of the Windows Terminal.
- open-mmlab / OpenPCDet:OpenPCDet Toolbox for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection.
- PyTorchLightning / pytorch-lightning:The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research. Scale your models, not the boilerplate.
- jackfrued / Python-100-Days:Python - 100天从新手到大师
- Ultimaker / Cura:3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework
- Netflix / consoleme:A Central Control Plane for AWS Permissions and Access
- explosion / spaCy:💫 Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python
- Netflix / metaflow:Build and manage real-life data science projects with ease.
- frappe / erpnext:World's best free and open source ERP.
- nicklockwood / SwiftFormat:A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code
- onevcat / Kingfisher:A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.
- daltoniam / Starscream:Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
- Quick / Nimble:A Matcher Framework for Swift and Objective-C
- Quick / Quick:The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.
- psharanda / Atributika:Convert text with HTML tags, links, hashtags, mentions into NSAttributedString. Make them clickable with UILabel drop-in replacement.
- MonitorControl / MonitorControl:🖥 Control your external monitor brightness & volume on your Mac
- ReactiveX / RxSwift:Reactive Programming in Swift
- apple / swift-log:A Logging API for Swift
- apple / swift-nio:Event-driven network application framework for high performance protocol servers & clients, non-blocking.
- pointfreeco / swift-snapshot-testing:📸 Delightful Swift snapshot testing.
- Swinject / Swinject:Dependency injection framework for Swift with iOS/macOS/Linux
- seemoo-lab / openhaystack:Build your own 'AirTags' 🏷 today! Framework for tracking personal Bluetooth devices via Apple's massive Find My network.
- RxSwiftCommunity / RxDataSources:UITableView and UICollectionView Data Sources for RxSwift (sections, animated updates, editing ...)
- Moya / Moya:Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
- realm / SwiftLint:A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
- mxcl / PromiseKit:Promises for Swift & ObjC.
- stephencelis / SQLite.swift:A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.
- ReactiveCocoa / ReactiveSwift:Streams of values over time
- Alamofire / Alamofire:Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
- SwipeCellKit / SwipeCellKit:Swipeable UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift.
- scenee / FloatingPanel:A clean and easy-to-use floating panel UI component for iOS
- qvacua / vimr:VimR — Neovim GUI for macOS in Swift
- twostraws / ControlRoom:A macOS app to control the Xcode Simulator.
- apple / swift-argument-parser:Straightforward, type-safe argument parsing for Swift
- expo / expo:An open-source platform for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
- SDWebImage / SDWebImage:Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category
- react-native-maps / react-native-maps:React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
- AFNetworking / AFNetworking:A delightful networking framework for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
- firebase / firebase-ios-sdk:Firebase iOS SDK
- CocoaLumberjack / CocoaLumberjack:A fast & simple, yet powerful & flexible logging framework for Mac and iOS
- utmapp / UTM:Virtual machines for iOS
- MustangYM / WeChatExtension-ForMac:Mac微信功能拓展/微信插件/微信小助手(A plugin for Mac WeChat)
- flutter-webrtc / flutter-webrtc:WebRTC plugin for Flutter Mobile/Desktop/Web
- robbiehanson / CocoaAsyncSocket:Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS
- swisspol / GCDWebServer:The #1 HTTP server for iOS, macOS & tvOS (also includes web based uploader & WebDAV server)
- adjust / ios_sdk:This is the iOS SDK of
- realm / realm-cocoa:Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
- facebook / facebook-ios-sdk:Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps.
- gregerw / Split-flap-display:Selfmade split flap display
- Instagram / IGListKit:A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
- WenchaoD / FSCalendar:A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift
- TimOliver / TOCropViewController:A view controller for iOS that allows users to crop portions of UIImage objects
- BranchMetrics / ios-branch-deep-linking-attribution:The Branch iOS SDK for deep linking and attribution. Branch helps mobile apps grow with deep links / deeplinks that power paid acquisition and re-engagement campaigns, referral programs, content sharing, deep linked emails, smart banners, custom user onboarding, and more.
- ccgus / fmdb:A Cocoa / Objective-C wrapper around SQLite
- uber / ios-snapshot-test-case:Snapshot view unit tests for iOS
- openid / AppAuth-iOS:iOS and macOS SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
- ivpusic / react-native-image-crop-picker:iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, video, configurable compression, multiple images and cropping
- Tencent / QMUI_iOS:QMUI iOS——致力于提高项目 UI 开发效率的解决方案
- sequelpro / sequelpro:MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS
- 30-seconds / 30-seconds-of-code:Short JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs
- ascoders / weekly:前端精读周刊。帮你理解最前沿、实用的技术。
- CleverProgrammers / cp-disney-plus-clone:Here's the DEMO Disney+ Clone App
- qier222 / YesPlayMusic:高颜值的第三方网易云播放器,支持 Windows / macOS / Linux
- albinotonnina / albinotonnina.com:source-code
- wix / Detox:Gray box end-to-end testing and automation framework for mobile apps
- OpenZeppelin / openzeppelin-contracts:OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development.
- bitclout / desktop:bitclout.com electron app
- tabler / tabler-icons:A set of over 1250 free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects.
- karlhadwen / instagram:Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/CognitiveSurge - Building Instagram Using React
- mrdoob / three.js:JavaScript 3D library.
- jojoldu / junior-recruit-scheduler:주니어 개발자 채용 정보
- plouc / nivo:nivo provides a rich set of dataviz components, built on top of the awesome d3 and Reactjs libraries
- kefranabg / readme-md-generator:📄 CLI that generates beautiful README.md files
- git-tips / tips:Most commonly used git tips and tricks.
- alibaba / x-render:🚴♀️ 飞猪中后台「表单/表格/图表」开箱即用解决方案
- remoteintech / remote-jobs:A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies in tech.
- typicode / json-server:Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
- facebook / create-react-app:Set up a modern web app by running one command.
- aws / aws-sdk-js:AWS SDK for JavaScript in the browser and Node.js
- handsontable / handsontable:JavaScript data grid with a spreadsheet look & feel. Works for React, Angular, and Vue. Supported by the Handsontable team ⚡
- mozilla / pdfjs-dist:Generic build of PDF.js library.
- bradtraversy / react-crash-2021:Task tracking application from the React crash course
- reactchartjs / react-chartjs-2:React wrapper for Chart.js
- facebook / react-native:A framework for building native apps with React.
- storj / storj:Ongoing Storj v3 development. Decentralized cloud object storage that is affordable, easy to use, private, and secure.
- argoproj / argo-cd:Declarative continuous deployment for Kubernetes.
- argoproj / argo-workflows:Workflow engine for Kubernetes
- hashicorp / nomad:Nomad is an easy-to-use, flexible, and performant workload orchestrator that can deploy a mix of microservice, batch, containerized, and non-containerized applications. Nomad is easy to operate and scale and has native Consul and Vault integrations.
- pingcap / tidb:TiDB is an open source distributed HTAP database compatible with the MySQL protocol
- publicsuffix / list:The Public Suffix List
- kubernetes-sigs / kustomize:Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations
- charmbracelet / glow:Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻
- milvus-io / milvus:An open source embedding vector similarity search engine powered by Faiss, NMSLIB and Annoy
- moby / moby:Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
- grafana / tempo:Grafana Tempo is a high volume, minimal dependency distributed tracing backend.
- lib / pq:Pure Go Postgres driver for database/sql
- google / go-github:Go library for accessing the GitHub API
- GoogleContainerTools / skaffold:Easy and Repeatable Kubernetes Development
- kubernetes / autoscaler:Autoscaling components for Kubernetes
- hashicorp / packer:Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
- influxdata / influxdb:Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
- elastic / beats:🐠 Beats - Lightweight shippers for Elasticsearch & Logstash
- kubernetes / ingress-nginx:NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes
- wagoodman / dive:A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
- kubernetes-sigs / external-dns:Configure external DNS servers (AWS Route53, Google CloudDNS and others) for Kubernetes Ingresses and Services
- goreleaser / goreleaser:Deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible
- kubernetes-sigs / cluster-api:Home for the Cluster Management API work, a subproject of sig-cluster-lifecycle
- influxdata / telegraf:The plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics.
- ElrondNetwork / elrond-go:⚡ Elrond-GO: The official implementation of the Elrond protocol, written in golang.
- zhangdaiscott / jeecg-boot:「企业级低代码平台」前后端分离架构SpringBoot 2.x,SpringCloud,Ant Design&Vue,Mybatis-plus,Shiro,JWT。强大的代码生成器让前后端代码一键生成,无需写任何代码! 引领新的开发模式OnlineCoding->代码生成->手工MERGE,帮助Java项目解决70%重复工作,让开发更关注业务,既能快速提高效率,帮助公司节省成本,同时又不失灵活性。
- chefyuan / algorithm-base:专门为刚开始刷题的同学准备的算法基地,没有最细只有更细,立志用动画将晦涩难懂的算法说的通俗易懂!
- 981011512 / --:停车场系统源码,停车场小程序【功能介绍】:①兼容市面上主流的多家相机,理论上兼容所有硬件,可灵活扩展,②相机识别后数据自动上传到云端并记录,校验相机唯一id和硬件序列号,防止非法数据录入,③用户手机查询停车记录详情可自主缴费(支持微信,支付宝,银行接口支付,支持每个停车场指定不同的商户进行收款),支付后出场在免费时间内会自动抬杆。④支持app上查询附近停车场(导航,可用车位数,停车场费用,优惠券,评分,评论等),可预约车位。⑤断电断网支持岗亭人员使用app可接管硬件进行停车记录的录入。 【技术架构】:后端开发语言java,框架oauth2+springboot2+dubble,数据库mysql/mongodb/redis,即时通讯底层框架netty4,安卓和ios均为原生开发,后台管理…
- react-native-webrtc / react-native-webrtc:The WebRTC module for React Native
- zendesk / maxwell:Maxwell's daemon, a mysql-to-json kafka producer
- doocs / advanced-java:😮 Core Interview Questions & Answers For Experienced Java(Backend) Developers | 互联网 Java 工程师进阶知识完全扫盲:涵盖高并发、分布式、高可用、微服务、海量数据处理等领域知识
- google / ExoPlayer:An extensible media player for Android
- diffplug / spotless:Keep your code spotless
- apache / dubbo:Apache Dubbo is a high-performance, java based, open source RPC framework.
- kon9chunkit / GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts:🇨🇳 GitHub中文排行榜,帮助你发现高分优秀中文项目、更高效地吸收国人的优秀经验成果;榜单每周更新一次,敬请关注!
- prestodb / presto:The official home of the Presto distributed SQL query engine for big data
- CarGuo / GSYVideoPlayer:视频播放器(IJKplayer、ExoPlayer、MediaPlayer),HTTPS,支持弹幕,外挂字幕,支持滤镜、水印、gif截图,片头广告、中间广告,多个同时播放,支持基本的拖动,声音、亮度调节,支持边播边缓存,支持视频自带rotation的旋转(90,270之类),重力旋转与手动旋转的同步支持,支持列表播放 ,列表全屏动画,视频加载速度,列表小窗口支持拖动,动画效果,调整比例,多分辨率切换,支持切换播放器,进度条小窗口预览,列表切换详情页面无缝播放,rtsp、concat、mpeg。
- williamfiset / Algorithms:A collection of algorithms and data structures
- iluwatar / java-design-patterns:Design patterns implemented in Java
- didi / Logi-KafkaManager:一站式Apache Kafka集群指标监控与运维管控平台
- codedrinker / community:开源论坛、问答系统,现有功能提问、回复、通知、最新、最热、消除零回复功能。功能持续更新中…… 技术栈 Spring、Spring Boot、MyBatis、MySQL/H2、Bootstrap
- quarkusio / quarkus:Quarkus: Supersonic Subatomic Java.
- apache / flink:Apache Flink
- Snailclimb / JavaGuide:「Java学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Java 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。准备 Java 面试,首选 JavaGuide!
- elastic / elasticsearch:Free and Open, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
- geekxh / hello-algorithm:🌍 「算法面试+算法知识」针对小白的算法训练 | 还包括:1、阿里、字节、滴滴 百篇大厂面经汇总 2、千本开源电子书 3、百张思维导图 (右侧来个 star 吧 🌹 ,English version supported)
- cucumber / cucumber:Cucumber monorepo - building blocks for Cucumber in various languages
- ferredoxin / QNotified:一个旨在使QQ变得更好用的开源Xposed模块
- MindorksOpenSource / android-interview-questions:Your Cheat Sheet For Android Interview - Android Interview Questions
- json-path / JsonPath:Java JsonPath implementation
- ripienaar / free-for-dev:A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
- google / WebFundamentals:Best practices for modern web development
- wilkelab / SDS375:SDS 375 Data Visualization in R
- umpirsky / country-list:🌐 List of all countries with names and ISO 3166-1 codes in all languages and data formats.
- octocat / Spoon-Knife:This repo is for demonstration purposes only.
- PeiQi0 / PeiQi-WIKI-POC:鹿不在侧,鲸不予游 🐋
- wesbos / JavaScript30:30 Day Vanilla JS Challenge
- onlyGuo / nginx-gui:Nginx GUI Manager
- wowchemy / wowchemy-hugo-modules:🔥 The website builder for Hugo. No code, build with widgets! 创建在线课程,学术简历或初创网站。
- freddier / hyperblog:Un blog increíble para el curso de Git y Github de Platzi
- microsoft / ai-edu:AI education materials for Chinese students, teachers and IT professionals.
- tc39 / proposal-change-array-by-copy:Provides additional methods to Array.prototype to enable changes on an array by returning a new copy of it with the change.
- mdn / content:The content behind MDN Web Docs
- Chia-Network / chiapos:Chia Proof of Space library
- MicrosoftDocs / msteams-docs:Source for the Microsoft Teams developer platform documentation.
- techchipnet / CamPhish:Grab cam shots from target's phone front camera or PC webcam just sending a link.
- hail2u / html-best-practices:For writing maintainable and scalable HTML documents
- firebase / quickstart-js:Firebase Quickstart Samples for Web
- gustavoguanabara / html-css:Curso de HTML5 e CSS3
- nndl / nndl.github.io:《神经网络与深度学习》 邱锡鹏著 Neural Network and Deep Learning
- rfordatascience / tidytuesday:Official repo for the #tidytuesday project
- github / training-kit:Open source cheat sheets for Git and GitHub
- rafaballerini / Formulario:Página de formulário com HTML e CSS
- goitacademy / javascript-homework:
- docker / docker.github.io:Source repo for Docker's Documentation
- corona-warn-app / cwa-app-android:Native Android app using the Apple/Google exposure notification API.
- JetBrains / intellij-platform-plugin-template:Template repository for creating plugins for IntelliJ Platform
- google / accompanist:A collection of extension libraries for Jetpack Compose
- KieronQuinn / AmbientMusicMod:A hybrid Xposed & Magisk module that ports Pixel Ambient Music to other, compatible devices
- android / architecture-samples:A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.
- material-components / material-components-android-examples:Companion example apps and code for MDC-Android.
- ExpediaGroup / graphql-kotlin:Libraries for running GraphQL in Kotlin
- tachiyomiorg / tachiyomi:Free and open source manga reader for Android.
- kotest / kotest:Powerful, elegant and flexible test framework for Kotlin
- Tencent / bk-ci:蓝鲸CI平台(BlueKing CI)
- Kotlin / kotlinx.coroutines:Library support for Kotlin coroutines
- kami-blue / client:ARCHIVED - KAMI Blue: a continuation of 1.12.2 KAMI
- mapbox / mapbox-navigation-android:Mapbox Navigation SDK for Android
- android / architecture-components-samples:Samples for Android Architecture Components.
- arrow-kt / arrow:Λrrow - Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library
- pinterest / ktlint:An anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter
- google / iosched:The Google I/O 2019 Android App
- vitaviva / compose-tetris:🧱 A tetris game fully built using Jetpack Compose
- android / storage-samples:Multiple samples showing the best practices in storage APIs on Android.
- ktorio / ktor:Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort
- shadowsocks / shadowsocks-android:A shadowsocks client for Android
- hegaojian / JetpackMvvm:🐔 🏀 一个Jetpack结合MVVM的快速开发框架,基于MVVM模式集成谷歌官方推荐的JetPack组件库:LiveData、ViewModel、Lifecycle、Navigation组件 使用Kotlin语言,添加大量拓展函数,简化代码 加入Retrofit网络请求,协程,帮你简化各种操作,让你快速开发项目
- 2dust / v2rayNG:
- Kotlin / kotlinx.serialization:Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format serialization
- android / databinding-samples:
- Security-Onion-Solutions / securityonion:Security Onion 2 - Linux distro for threat hunting, enterprise security monitoring, and log management
- google / oss-fuzz:OSS-Fuzz - continuous fuzzing for open source software.
- rust-lang / rfcs:RFCs for changes to Rust
- nvm-sh / nvm:Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
- lan-tianxiang / JS_TOOL:
- aws / containers-roadmap:This is the public roadmap for AWS container services (ECS, ECR, Fargate, and EKS).
- wurstmeister / kafka-docker:Dockerfile for Apache Kafka
- kodekloudhub / certified-kubernetes-administrator-course:Certified Kubernetes Administrator - CKA Course
- dylanaraps / neofetch:🖼️ A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+
- drwetter / testssl.sh:Testing TLS/SSL encryption anywhere on any port
- fdietze / postgresqlite:Use postgres like sqlite.
- big-data-europe / docker-hadoop:Apache Hadoop docker image
- SeleniumHQ / docker-selenium:Docker images for the Selenium Grid Server
- Chia-Network / chia-docker:
- docker-mailserver / docker-mailserver:A fullstack but simple mail server (SMTP, IMAP, LDAP, Antispam, Antivirus, etc.) using Docker.
- six2dez / reconftw:reconFTW is a tool designed to perform automated recon on a target domain by running the best set of tools to perform scanning and finding out vulnerabilities
- adi1090x / polybar-themes:A huge collection of polybar themes with different styles, colors and variants.
- rabbitmq / rabbitmq-server:Open source RabbitMQ: core server and tier 1 (built-in) plugins
- puckel / docker-airflow:Docker Apache Airflow
- srillia / devops:let devops for docker, dockerswarm ,k8s easy
- jkroepke / helm-secrets:Successor of zendesk/helm-secrets - A helm plugin that help manage secrets with Git workflow and store them anywhere
- ekalinin / github-markdown-toc:Easy TOC creation for GitHub README.md
- OWASP / wstg:The Web Security Testing Guide is a comprehensive Open Source guide to testing the security of web applications and web services.
- esc0rtd3w / wifi-hacker:Shell Script For Attacking Wireless Connections Using Built-In Kali Tools. Supports All Securities (WEP, WPS, WPA, WPA2)
- isecret / sspanel-autocheckin:🚀 SSPanel 流量自动签到脚本
- typelevel / cats:Lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming.
- spotify / scio:A Scala API for Apache Beam and Google Cloud Dataflow.
- typelevel / cats-effect:The pure asynchronous runtime for Scala
- xxf098 / shadowsocksr-v2ray-trojan-android:A ShadowsocksR, V2Ray and Trojan client for Android
- JohnSnowLabs / spark-nlp:State of the Art Natural Language Processing
- scalameta / metals:Scala language server with rich IDE features 🚀
- akka / akka:Build highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM
- awslabs / deequ:Deequ is a library built on top of Apache Spark for defining "unit tests for data", which measure data quality in large datasets.
- apache / spark:Apache Spark - A unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing
- apache / openwhisk:Apache OpenWhisk is an open source serverless cloud platform
- chipsalliance / chisel3:Chisel 3: A Modern Hardware Design Language
- zio / zio:ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for async and concurrent programming in Scala
- snowplow / snowplow:Cloud-native web, mobile and event analytics, running on AWS and GCP
- lampepfl / dotty:The Scala 3 compiler, also known as Dotty.
- 4paradigm / SparkFE:The native Spark execution engine for AI and Feature Engineering.
- aditya-grover / node2vec:
- firesim / icenet:Network components (NIC, Switch) for FireBox
- ucb-bar / testchipip:
- yahoo / CMAK:CMAK is a tool for managing Apache Kafka clusters
- azavea / franklin:A STAC/OGC API Features Web Service
- TheHive-Project / Cortex:Cortex: a Powerful Observable Analysis and Active Response Engine
- scalameta / scalafmt:Code formatter for Scala
- chatwork / scala-ulid:
- codacy / codacy-coverage-reporter:Multi-language coverage reporter for Codacy
- hail-is / hail:Scalable genomic data analysis.
- zellij-org / zellij:A terminal workspace with batteries included
- diem / diem:Diem’s mission is to build a trusted and innovative financial network that empowers people and businesses around the world.
- nushell / nushell:A new type of shell
- sharkdp / bat:A cat(1) clone with wings.
- ritchie46 / polars:Fast multi-threaded DataFrame library in Rust and Python
- SergioBenitez / Rocket:A web framework for Rust.
- tari-project / tari:The Tari protocol
- solana-labs / solana:Web-Scale Blockchain for fast, secure, scalable, decentralized apps and marketplaces.
- graphprotocol / graph-node:Graph Node indexes data from blockchains such as Ethereum and serves it over GraphQL
- rustwasm / wasm-pack:📦 ✨ your favorite rust -> wasm workflow tool!
- paritytech / polkadot:Polkadot Node Implementation
- 996icu / 996.ICU:Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
- ctz / rustls:A modern TLS library in Rust
- Peltoche / lsd:The next gen ls command
- hyperledger / indy-sdk:Everything needed to build applications that interact with an Indy distributed identity ledger.
- AleoHQ / snarkOS:A Decentralized Operating System for Zero-Knowledge Applications
- RustScan / RustScan:🤖 The Modern Port Scanner 🤖
- rust-lang / rust:Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
- RedisJSON / RedisJSON:RedisJSON - a JSON data type for Redis
- denoland / deno:A secure JavaScript and TypeScript runtime
- tonarino / innernet:A private network system that uses WireGuard under the hood.
- flaneur2020 / pua-lang:
- apache / arrow-rs:Official Rust implementation of Apache Arrow
- rustdesk / rustdesk:The best open source remote desktop software
- getzola / zola:A fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in. https://www.getzola.org