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stuck at the 'interactive_rectangle_clip' #306

Li-ZhiD opened this issue Jan 10, 2025 · 4 comments

stuck at the 'interactive_rectangle_clip' #306

Li-ZhiD opened this issue Jan 10, 2025 · 4 comments


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Li-ZhiD commented Jan 10, 2025

I followed the tutorial section ”Three dims models reconstruction“, but my spateo ENV stopped at the following step for long time without messages, and ENV died when I restarted the kernel:

subtype_tpc = st.tdr.interactive_rectangle_clip(model=subtype_rpc, key="tissue", invert=True)[0]

Anyone can help me? Thanks!

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Li-ZhiD commented Jan 10, 2025

Here is my conda env.

Package                      Version
---------------------------- ----------
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gast                         0.6.0
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get-annotations              0.1.2
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giddy                        2.3.5
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@Li-ZhiD Li-ZhiD changed the title conda ENV was killed when running three_d_pick conda ENV was killed when running interactive_rectangle_clip Jan 10, 2025
@Li-ZhiD Li-ZhiD changed the title conda ENV was killed when running interactive_rectangle_clip stuck at the 'interactive_rectangle_clip' Jan 18, 2025
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Hi @Li-ZhiD, are you running this on your local computer or on a server? Currently, st.tdr.interactive_rectangle_clip can only be run on a local computer.

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Li-ZhiD commented Jan 20, 2025

It doesn't work on my server's Desktop command line or jupyter.

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Hi @Li-ZhiD, since Spateo internally uses PyVista, I’m unable to provide more specific suggestions. Generally, we recommend performing interactive operations, such as st.tdr.interactive_rectangle_clip, on a local Windows or Mac machine. Please refer to issue #278 for further guidance.

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