Register for a NASA EARTHDATA Account at https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/users/new
Select the MODIS Remote Sensing Dataset you want to download from https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/dataset_discovery/modis/modis_products_table. For our purposes, the right dataset was: MOD09A1.006
Clone this Git repo to your system.
make install
This will list the tools you need installed to run the subsequent commands. -
Create a
file in the same folder as the makefile containing all the MODIS tiles you are interested in. There is atiles.txt
file in the folder containing all the MODIS tiles required for Mainland US. -
user=<earthdata username> pass=<earthdata pass> from=YYYY-MM-DD end=YYYY-MM-DD product=MOD09A1.006 make download
Here from and end specify the time range for which you want to download the MODIS Dataset and product is the product selected in step 2.
make stitch
to stitch the individual tiles to get the whole US mainland. -
Find Counties of interest from https://www2.census.gov/geo/docs/reference/codes/files/national_county.txt and add their FIPS number to
. -
make crop
This will crop the datasets by counties and arrange them in date wise folders in thedata