To verify that restarting a VCH results in a consistent and correct state
This test requires that a vSphere server is running and available
- Deploy VIC appliance to the vSphere server
- Issue docker network create bar, creating a new network called "bar"
- Create container with port mapping
- Reboot VCH
- Issue a docker network ls
- Issue docker inspect
- Issue docker stop, start and ls
- Check container service in specified port
- Start container with same port
- Deploy VIC appliance with open container network
- Create container on the open network, and create container with port mapping
- Reboot VCH
- Check container service in specified port
- Create container with volume and then reboot VCH
- Inspect container to check volume info
- VCH should reboot within a reasonable amount of time
- After VCH restart, network ls should have the previously created network listed
- Step 6, 7 and 8 should result in success
- Step 9 should result in false
- Step 12 (VCH reboot with open container network) should succeed within a reasonable amount of time
- Step 13 would result in success
- Step 14-15 should result in success
#Possible Problems: None