Given a non-empty binary search tree and a target value, find k values in the BST that are closest to the target.
- Given target value is a floating point.
- You may assume k is always valid, that is: k ≤ total nodes.
- You are guaranteed to have only one unique set of k values in the BST that are closest to the target.
Input: root = [4,2,5,1,3], target = 3.714286, and k = 2 4 / \ 2 5 / \ 1 3 Output: [4,3]
Follow up:
Assume that the BST is balanced, could you solve it in less than O(n) runtime (where n = total nodes)?
[Stack] [Tree] [Depth-First Search] [Binary Search Tree] [Two Pointers] [Binary Tree] [Heap (Priority Queue)]
Hint 1
Consider implement these two helper functions:getPredecessor(N)
, which returns the next smaller node to N.getSuccessor(N)
, which returns the next larger node to N.