- Who is release manager: day after meetup
- Speaker or event planned: two weeks before (go over speaker guidelines)
- Sponsor on board: two weeks before (May come with speaker) (go over sponsor guidelines)
- Blurb from sponsor for announcement: two weeks before
- Confim big room with capital factory: two weeks before
- Send meetup announcement: 11 days out on Monday
- Send tweet and post on Facebook: 11 days out
- Confirm with speaker: 7 days out
- Confirm with sponsor: 7 days out
- Send meetup follow up: 4 days out (Monday)
- Tweet and Facebook: 4 days out (Monday)
- Determine food order: 4 days out (see breakdown sheet)
- Obtain cooler: 4 days out
- Last call for announcements from organizers: morning of
- Send tweet/Facebook/req for RT: morning of
- Obtain food & beer: afternoon of
- Take at least at least one pic: during
- Count attendees: during
- Send rundown email: next day