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AWS Containers Retail Sample - UI Service

Language Persistence
Java N/A

This service provides the frontend for the retail store, serving the HTML UI and aggregating calls to the backend API components.


The following environment variables are available for configuring the service:

Name Description Default
PORT The port which the server will listen on 8080
RETAIL_UI_THEME Name of the theme for the UI, valid values are default, green, orange "default"
RETAIL_UI_DISABLE_DEMO_WARNINGS Disable the UI messages warning about demonstration content false
RETAIL_UI_ENDPOINTS_CATALOG The endpoint of the catalog API. If set to false uses a mock implementation false
RETAIL_UI_ENDPOINTS_CARTS The endpoint of the carts API. If set to false uses a mock implementation false
RETAIL_UI_ENDPOINTS_ORDERS The endpoint of the orders API. If set to false uses a mock implementation false
RETAIL_UI_ENDPOINTS_CHECKOUT The endpoint of the checkout API. If set to false uses a mock implementation false
RETAIL_UI_CHAT_ENABLED Enable the chat bot UI false
RETAIL_UI_CHAT_PROVIDER The chat provider to use, value values are bedrock, openai, mock ""
RETAIL_UI_CHAT_MODEL The chat model to use, depends on the provider. ""
RETAIL_UI_CHAT_TEMPERATURE Model temperature 0.6
RETAIL_UI_CHAT_MAX_TOKENS Model maximum response tokens 300
RETAIL_UI_CHAT_TEMPERATURE Model temperature 0.6
RETAIL_UI_CHAT_PROMPT Model system prompt (see source)
RETAIL_UI_CHAT_BEDROCK_REGION Amazon Bedrock region ""
RETAIL_UI_CHAT_OPENAI_BASE_URL Base URL for OpenAI endpoint http://localhost:8888
RETAIL_UI_CHAT_OPENAI_API_KEY API key for OpenAI endpoint ""


Several "utility" endpoints are provided with useful functionality for various scenarios:

Method Name Description
GET /utility/status/{code} Returns HTTP response with given HTTP status code
GET /utility/headers Print the HTTP headers of the inbound request
GET /utility/panic Shutdown the application with an error code
POST /utility/echo Write back the POST payload sent
POST /utility/store Write the payload to a file and return a hash
GET /utility/store/{hash} Return the payload from the file system previously written
GET /utility/stress/{iterations} Stress the CPU with the number of iterations increasing the CPU consumption


There are two main options for running the service:



  • Java 21 installed

Run the Spring Boot application like so:

./mvnw spring-boot:run

Test the application by visiting http://localhost:8080 in a web browser.


A docker-compose.yml file is included to run the service in Docker:

docker compose up

Test the application by visiting http://localhost:8080 in a web browser.

To clean up:

docker compose down