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toListenTo recipe

This sample shows how to react to an artifact creation. The API will make sure that the task is called when the task creating the artifact runs. This allows tasks that must process an artifact to run without changing what task should be called by the user. In this particular example, the task makes a copy of the APKs while renaming them.

Custom plugin is defined in CustomPlugin.kt. It registers task CopyApk.kt that simply copies the file somewhere else using each APK's own metadata information.

SingleArtifact.APK is an artifact of type Artifact.ContainsMany. This is a type of directory-based artifact that can actually contain many artifacts. Each artifact is associated with specific meta-data.

Reading these artifacts from the directory require usage of BuiltArtifactsLoader.

To Run

Just type ./gradlew app:assembleDebug You will be able to find the renamed APK at app/build/outputs/renamed_apks/debug/debug-Feb2024-12.apk after copying.