An Elixir implementation of the raft consensus protocol.
This library takes an in-memory approach for storing log entries and the state machine state, therefore it is not really suitable for storing large amounts of data. Since it's in-memory only though, it's supposed to be fast.
To get started, check out the
To understand the internals of the project, check out the
main ExRaft
module documentation.
For a full overview of the project, check out the full online documentation.
The package can be installed by adding ex_raft
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ex_raft, "~> 0.2.0"}
init_arg = [very_cool: true]
initial_config = [raft1: node(), raft2: node()]
# after starting these servers, they will time out and eventually elect a leader
# amongst themselves
{:ok, _} = ExRaft.start_server(YourStateMachine, init_arg, name: :raft1, initial_config: initial_config)
{:ok, _} = ExRaft.start_server(YourStateMachine, init_arg, name: :raft2, initial_config: initial_config)
# this server can never become leader unless its added to an existing cluster
# since it doesn't know of any other server but is required to achieve
# a minimum majority of 2 in elections and log replication
{:ok, _} = ExRaft.start_server(YourStateMachine, init_arg, name: :raft3, min_majority: 2)
# we could pick any server to await the leader
leader = ExRaft.await_leader(:raft1)
:ok = ExRaft.add_server(leader, :raft3)
# the success result of write/3 depends on the state machine
:ok = ExRaft.write(leader, :hello)
# making a write/3 call to a follower results in an error
follower = List.delete(initial_config, leader) |> List.first()
{:error, {:redirect, ^leader}} = ExRaft.write(follower, :hello)
# if we stop the active leader (or it crashes)
# the rest of the cluster will be able to recover
:ok = ExRaft.stop_server(leader)
:ok = ExRaft.trigger_election(:raft3)
new_leader = ExRaft.await_leader(:raft3)
true = Enum.member?([raft2: node(), raft3: node()], new_leader)
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source code is released under Apache License 2.0.
Check LICENSE file for more information.