- Build:
cargo build
- Check all:
just check
(runs clippy and tests) - Lint:
cargo clippy --all-targets
- Run all tests:
RUST_LOG=trace cargo nextest run
- Run single test:
cargo nextest run <test_name>
- Run specific package test:
cargo nextest run -p shapely <test_name>
- Publish workspace:
cargo +nightly publish --workspace -Zpackage-workspace
- Follow Rust snake_case for functions/variables, PascalCase for types/traits
- Group imports: std first, external crates second, internal imports last
- Document public APIs with
comments (explain behavior, parameters, return values) - Use Result<T, E> with descriptive error types that implement std::error::Error
- Provide context in error messages (including position information where relevant)
- Wrap unsafe code in safe abstractions with clear documentation
- Write thorough unit tests for all functionality
- Use explicit panic messages that explain invariant violations
- Document any undefined behavior with clear warnings