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File metadata and controls

348 lines (266 loc) · 9.82 KB

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format, easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. In C++, you can handle JSON using the nlohmann::json library, which provides a convenient API for manipulating JSON data. Below is a comprehensive explanation of JSON concepts with examples using nlohmann::json in C++.

1. Basic JSON Structure

A JSON object can contain:

  • Key-Value Pairs (in a dictionary format)
  • Arrays
  • Strings
  • Numbers
  • Booleans
  • Null

Example of a JSON:

json j = {
    // "name": "John"             -> Key-Value Pair (string)
    {"name", "John"},
    // "age": 30                  -> Key-Value Pair (integer)                     
    {"age", 30},
    // "isStudent": false         -> Key-Value Pair (boolean)                          
    {"isStudent", false},
    // "courses": ["math", "science"] -> Key-Value Pair (array of strings)                 
    {"courses", {"math", "science"}},     
    // "address": { ... }         -> Key-Value Pair (dictionary/object)
    {"address", {                         
        {"city", "New York"},             // "city": "New York"         -> Key-Value Pair (string)
        {"zip", "10001"}                  // "zip": "10001"             -> Key-Value Pair (string)


  1. "name": "John" - This is a key-value pair where the key is "name" (a string), and the value is "John" (a string).
  2. "age": 30 - This is a key-value pair where the key is "age" (a string), and the value is 30 (an integer).
  3. "isStudent": false - This is a key-value pair where the key is "isStudent" (a string), and the value is false (a boolean).
  4. "courses": ["math", "science"] - This is a key-value pair where the key is "courses" (a string), and the value is an array containing two strings "math" and "science".
  5. "address": {...} - This is a key-value pair where the key is "address" (a string), and the value is another JSON object (dictionary) that contains two more key-value pairs:
    • "city": "New York" - This is a key-value pair inside the address object where the key is "city" (a string), and the value is "New York" (a string).
    • "zip": "10001" - This is a key-value pair inside the address object where the key is "zip" (a string), and the value is "10001" (a string).

2. nlohmann::json Basics

To use the nlohmann::json library in C++, you need to include the header and link the library (you can install it through a package manager or include the single header file).

Include the header:

#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
using json = nlohmann::json;

Creating a JSON Object in C++:

You can create JSON objects directly in C++ using the nlohmann::json library:

json j = {
    {"name", "John"},
    {"age", 30},
    {"isStudent", false},
    {"courses", {"math", "science"}},
    {"address", {
        {"city", "New York"},
        {"zip", "10001"}

This corresponds to the JSON object shown above.

3. Parsing and Serializing JSON

  • Parsing a JSON string: You can create a JSON object by parsing a string:

    std::string jsonString = R"({"name": "John", "age": 30, "isStudent": false})";
    json j = json::parse(jsonString);
  • Serializing a JSON object to a string: You can serialize a json object back to a string:

    std::string serialized = j.dump();  // Default dumps with no formatting
    std::cout << serialized << std::endl;

    If you want pretty-printed output with indentation:

    std::string prettySerialized = j.dump(4);  // 4 spaces indentation
    std::cout << prettySerialized << std::endl;

4. Accessing and Modifying JSON

  • Accessing elements: You can access elements in a JSON object using either the [] operator or the .at() method.

    std::string name = j["name"];
    int age = j["age"];
    bool isStudent = j["isStudent"];
    std::string city = j["address"]["city"];

    The at() method can throw an exception if the key does not exist, making it safer than [] in some contexts:

    try {
        std::string zip ="address").at("zip");
    } catch (json::out_of_range& e) {
        std::cerr << "Key not found: " << e.what() << std::endl;
  • Modifying elements: You can modify values by reassigning them:

    j["age"] = 31;  // Modify age
    j["address"]["city"] = "Boston";  // Modify city
  • Adding new elements: New elements can be added dynamically:

    j["email"] = "[email protected]";
  • Removing elements: You can remove elements using the erase method:


5. Iterating over JSON Objects and Arrays

  • Iterating over JSON objects: You can iterate over key-value pairs in a JSON object using a range-based for loop:

    for (auto& el : j.items()) {
        std::cout << el.key() << ": " << el.value() << std::endl;
  • Iterating over JSON arrays: If you have a JSON array, you can iterate over the elements:

    json courses = j["courses"];
    for (auto& course : courses) {
        std::cout << course << std::endl;

6. JSON and STL Compatibility

nlohmann::json is compatible with standard C++ containers like std::vector, std::map, and std::unordered_map.

  • JSON to STL containers:

    std::vector<std::string> courses = j["courses"];
    std::map<std::string, std::string> address = j["address"];
  • STL containers to JSON:

    std::vector<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    json jNumbers = numbers;
    std::map<std::string, std::string> address = {{"city", "New York"}, {"zip", "10001"}};
    json jAddress = address;

7. Handling Exceptions

The library provides exception handling for various scenarios:

  • parsing_error: Thrown when parsing fails.
  • type_error: Thrown when a type mismatch occurs (e.g., accessing a string as an integer).
  • out_of_range: Thrown when accessing a key or array index that doesn't exist.

Example of handling an exception:

try {
    int age ="age").get<int>();
} catch (json::exception& e) {
    std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;

8. Working with JSON Arrays

You can also represent JSON arrays directly:

json arr = json::array();

// Accessing elements
std::string firstElement = arr[0];
int secondElement = arr[1];

9. Checking Types

You can check the type of a JSON element before accessing it:

if (j["age"].is_number()) {
    std::cout << "Age is a number" << std::endl;
if (j["name"].is_string()) {
    std::cout << "Name is a string" << std::endl;

10. Merging and Combining JSON Objects

You can merge two JSON objects using the merge_patch function:

json j1 = {{"name", "John"}, {"age", 30}};
json j2 = {{"age", 31}, {"city", "New York"}};

std::cout << j1.dump(4) << std::endl;

11. Saving and Loading JSON from Files

  • Saving JSON to a file:
std::ofstream file("output.json");
file << j.dump(4);  // Write formatted JSON to file
  • Loading JSON from a file:
std::ifstream file("input.json");
json j;
file >> j;  // Read JSON from file

JSON Schema

JSON Schema is a powerful tool for validating the structure and content of JSON data. It provides a way to define the expected format of JSON documents, including the types of values, required properties, and other constraints. This ensures that the JSON data adheres to a specified schema, which is useful for data validation, documentation, and interoperability between systems.

Here is a simple example to illustrate how JSON Schema works:

Example JSON Schema

  "$schema": "",
  "title": "Person",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string"
    "age": {
      "type": "integer",
      "minimum": 0
    "email": {
      "type": "string",
      "format": "email"
  "required": ["name", "age"]


  • $schema: Specifies the version of the JSON Schema standard being used.
  • title: A title for the schema.
  • type: Specifies that the root of the JSON data should be an object.
  • properties: Defines the properties of the object and their respective types and constraints:
    • name: A string property.
    • age: An integer property with a minimum value of 0.
    • email: A string property that must be a valid email format.
  • required: Specifies that the name and age properties are required.

Example JSON Data

Here is an example of a valid JSON document according to the above schema:

  "name": "John Doe",
  "age": 30,
  "email": "[email protected]"

Invalid JSON Data Examples

Here are some examples of JSON documents that would be considered invalid according to the schema:

  1. Missing required property:

      "name": "John Doe",
      "email": "[email protected]"
    • This is invalid because the age property is missing.
  2. Incorrect type:

      "name": "John Doe",
      "age": "thirty",
      "email": "[email protected]"
    • This is invalid because the age property should be an integer, not a string.
  3. Invalid email format:

      "name": "John Doe",
      "age": 30,
      "email": "john.doe"
    • This is invalid because the email property is not in a valid email format.

JSON Schema provides a robust framework to ensure that JSON data is well-formed and adheres to specific rules, making it an essential tool for data validation and API development.
