A Boilerplate for creating web application using:
| www [This is the entry point of our application]
[config] [Configuration folder]
| default.json
| development.json
| production.json
[public] [Files accessible publicly are here]
| css
| fonts
| images
| js
| vendor
| main.js [Main javascript file]
[routes] [Express routing]
| index.js [Routes are here]
| zoho.js [zoho utility]
[views] [pages and jade files are here]
| includes [Should you decide to modularize your page, put your components here]
| index.jade [Page Index]
[app.js] [Express instance] [package.json] [Application configuration]
Make sure you run npm install
to install all project dependencies
npm start
Run application on default configuration
npm run dev
Run application on development configuration
npm run prod
Run application on production configuration
npm run pm2_prod
Add application to pm2 process using production configuration
npm run pm2_dev
Add application to pm2 process using development configuration
When running in pm2 script make sure to change the name of your application on configuration files. This is to avoid confusion on pm2 process list.