LEAP is a web-based, open-source environment that allows pre-built prototypes to be launched instantly and modified within only 7 steps. It is designed for seamless integration with existing AWS accounts, requiring no modifications to the current AWS user interface.
This solution enables rapid deployment of full-stack AWS prototypes through a secure web interface. The system consists of two main components:
- A script to install the web app into your AWS account
- Deployable prototype templates
The environment is setup with the following these steps: 1/ User watches a short video that describes the simple setup process and basic info on CloudFormation and Amazon Bedrock model access, 2/ User requests and is granted access to an AI Model, 3/ User uploads the setup CloudFormation script which installs the web app and sets up all the necessary roles and permissions, 4/ User clicks on the URL for the web app to open it in their browser and chooses from pre-loaded prototypes, 5/ The CloudFormation stack is deployed on the backend and returns the new resources, 6/ Links to the assets are shown clearly to the user (frontend URL, API endpoint, link to Lambda function, etc.), 7/ A brief description about the generated resources and how they interact along with clickable links to 30 second videos that explain concepts (i.e. Prompt Engineering) and services (i.e. API Gateway) which creates a personalized learning path on the right side column.
- Dynamic loading of custom-built prototypes from a GitHub repository
- One-click prototype deployment system for Generative AI applications
- Choose from several Bedrock LLMs including Amazon Nova, Anthropic Claude, etc.
- Real-time deployment status monitoring, progress tracking and removal with cleanup
- Auto-deleting prototypes with all resources (2 hour default) to prevent unexpected charges
- Direct links to AWS console for deployed services (S3, Lambda, API Gateway)
- Interactive architecture visualization for deployed prototypes
- Integrated explainer system with video tutorials and documentation
- Persistent state management using local storage
- CORS-enabled API endpoints for secure cross-origin requests

The following initial custom prototypes for idea validation and MVPs will be included in the first version (to be released following AppSec review on November 15th)
- A full-stack serverless Generative AI chatbot app with a Rest API endpoint
- A ‘chat with your documents’ Knowledge Base web app using Cognito to secure endpoints
- A 'chat with a web site' application that uses a headless browser to take snapshots of a website and use the multimodal features of Amazon nova to analyze the image and answer questions and monitor for changes
- Download 'leap-installer-setup.yaml'
- Log into your AWS console and navigate to CloudFormation
- Click 'Create Stack' -> 'With new resources' -> 'Upload a template file' and select 'leap-installer-setup.yaml'
- Continue and submit
- When stack has completed (about 30 seconds) click 'Outputs' for login instructions

- Clone this repository
- Upload the template to an S3 bucket (due to file size) and deploy the environment installer:
TEMPLATE_URL=$(BUCKET="leap-installer-$(date +%s)" && aws s3 mb s3://$BUCKET && aws s3 cp leap-installer-setup.yaml s3://$BUCKET/ && echo "https://$BUCKET.s3.amazonaws.com/leap-installer-setup.yaml")
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name prototype-env \
--template-url $TEMPLATE_URL \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
--parameters \
ParameterKey=AdminEmail,[email protected] \
- Access the web interface using the URL from stack outputs
- Login with provided admin credentials
- Select and deploy prototypes
- Total AWS Services: 12
- Custom Resources: 4
- IAM Roles: 5
- Lambda Functions: 6
- API Gateway Endpoints: 3
While our emphasis in this solution is on building rapid prototyping capabilities, security remains a critical consideration even as we optimize for speed and simplicity. Our primary security strategy centers on securing all endpoints and on isolation – so we will run all prototypes in dedicated sandbox AWS accounts, separate from production environments. This approach leverages AWS's strongest security boundary - account isolation - while allowing us to simplify other security controls that might otherwise create friction in the prototyping process.
We will use Coginto to secure the access to ensure:
- Only login page is publicly accessible
- Protected content requires authentication
- Error page for unauthorized access
- Proper CORS and security headers
- The Cognito JWT token received after login expires (default is 1 hour)
- The signed S3 URL generated by the Lambda function expires after 5 minutes
Authentication & Authorization
- Cognito User Pool with secure password policies
- API Gateway authorization
- IAM role least privilege principle
Data Protection
- S3 bucket encryption
- HTTPS only access
- Secure parameter handling
Network Security
- Private subnet deployment options
- CORS configuration
- API Gateway resource policies

To validate the security posture of prototypes created through this solution, we will follow the Content Security Review process as well as use ‘Prowler’, an industry-standard automated security assessment tool that is widely used within AWS security teams. Prowler provides comprehensive scanning for misconfigurations and potential security issues, offering more reliability than manual security reviews. This automated approach helps identify subtle security gaps that could be easily overlooked during rapid prototyping phases.
While we streamline security configurations to enable rapid experimentation, we maintain vigilance over fundamental security controls. Each prototype environment ensures proper implementation of basic security features such as client-side encryption and appropriate logging configurations. These foundational security measures are non-negotiable even in prototype environments, establishing good security practices from the start.
The solution uses several custom resources for advanced functionality:
Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
Handler: index.handler
ZipFile: |
import boto3
import cfnresponse
def handler(event, context):
if event['RequestType'] in ['Create', 'Update']:
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
bucket = event['ResourceProperties']['BucketName']
body = event['ResourceProperties']['Body']
Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
Handler: index.handler
ZipFile: |
def handler(event, context):
if event['RequestType'] in ['Create', 'Update']:
cognito = boto3.client('cognito-idp')
user_pool_id = event['ResourceProperties']['UserPoolId']
email = event['ResourceProperties']['AdminEmail']
- Services: Lambda, API Gateway, S3
- Features:
- Real-time chat interface
- Integration with AWS Bedrock
- Serverless architecture
- Deployment Time: ~5 minutes
Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
Handler: index.lambda_handler
ZipFile: |
def lambda_handler(event, context):
client = boto3.client("bedrock-runtime")
response = client.converse(
A full-stack application that enables intelligent document interactions using Amazon Bedrock's Knowledge Base and Agent capabilities. This prototype demonstrates Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) architecture for building AI-powered document question-answering systems.
- Services: Cognito, OpenSearch Serverless Collections, Amazon Bedrock, Lambda, API Gateway, S3
- Vector Search: Utilizes OpenSearch Serverless for efficient document embedding storage
- RAG Implementation: Combines Knowledge Base retrieval with LLM generation
- Real-time Chat: Interactive web interface for document queries
- Secure Storage: Encrypted S3 buckets for document management
- Custom Agents: Bedrock agent with specialized instruction sets
Type: 'AWS::OpenSearchServerless::Collection'
Name: !Ref AOSSCollectionName
StandbyReplicas: DISABLED
Description: Collection to hold vector search data
Type: AWS::Bedrock::KnowledgeBase
Name: !Ref KnowledgeBaseName
Type: "VECTOR"
EmbeddingModelArn: !Sub "arn:${AWS::Partition}:bedrock:${AWS::Region}::foundation-model/amazon.titan-embed-text-v1"
CollectionArn: !GetAtt Collection.Arn
VectorIndexName: !Ref AOSSIndexName
Type: AWS::Bedrock::Agent
AgentName: !Ref AgentName
FoundationModel: "amazon.titan-text-premier-v1:0"
Instruction: "You are an HR bot tasked with matching candidates to suitable roles based on their skill sets, experience, and qualifications."
- KnowledgeBaseId: !Ref KnowledgeBaseWithAoss
KnowledgeBaseState: ENABLED
Component | Count |
Lambda Functions | 5 |
IAM Roles | 4 |
S3 Buckets | 2 |
Custom Resources | 3 |
OpenSearch Collections | 1 |
Bedrock Components | 3 |
- Encrypted document storage
- Private S3 buckets with strict access policies
- IAM role-based access control
- HTTPS-only API endpoints
- Secure websocket connections for real-time chat
Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
Handler: index.handler
ZipFile: |
def create_vector_index(endpoint, index_name, awsauth):
index_body = {
"settings": {
"index.knn": True
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"vector": {
"type": "knn_vector",
"dimension": 1536,
"method": {
"name": "hnsw",
"space_type": "l2",
"engine": "faiss"
- Maximum document size: 5MB
- Supported file formats: PDF, TXT, DOCX
- Vector dimension: 1536 (Titan Embedding Model)
- Maximum concurrent users: Based on Lambda concurrency limits
- API Gateway throttling: 10,000 requests per second
This prototype showcases the integration of various AWS services to create a powerful document interaction system. It's ideal for scenarios requiring intelligent document analysis, Q&A systems, or knowledge base applications.
The installer supports several configuration parameters:
Type: String
Description: Email address for the admin user
Type: String
Description: Initial password for the admin user
NoEcho: true
To submit a new prototype, please provide the following metadata in addition to the CloudFormation template:

To use a custom domain:
- Add certificate in ACM
- Configure API Gateway custom domain
- Update CloudFront distribution
Resource Type | Count |
Lambda Functions | 6 |
IAM Roles | 5 |
S3 Buckets | 1 |
API Gateway APIs | 3 |
Cognito Resources | 3 |
Custom Resources | 4 |
- Fork the repository
- Create a feature branch
- Commit your changes
- Push to the branch
- Create a Pull Request
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.