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Docker Home Server for Raspberry Pi

Flash Hypriot

You can check last images here and use flash tool to flash your RaspberryPi SD:

flash --hostname your-hostname

SSH into each RPI:

ssh pirate@you-rpi-ip

As of version 1.4, default credentials are pirate/hypriot. You can use arp-scan to guess the IP. You can also use:

function getip() { (traceroute $1 2>&1 | head -n 1 | cut -d\( -f 2 | cut -d\) -f 1) }

Change default password:


You can also set up paswordless access with:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ pirate@your-rpi -o "IdentitiesOnly yes"

And also add an entry to you ~/.ssh/config file:

Host your-rpi-1 your-rpi-2 ...
    Hostname %h.local
    User pirate
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/your-key_rsa
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    StrictHostKeyChecking no

If you want, you can also add this config snippet to all your nodes and add your private key to each ~/.ssh folder to be able to connect from one RPI to another.

(?) Add regular user to docker group

sudo usermod -aG docker pirate

(Optional) In case you see annoying warning messages about locales from perl:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

(Optional) Install some useful packages

sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install rsync zsh

(Optional) Encrypt external hard disk

sudo aptitude install cryptsetup
sudo fdisk /dev/sdX
sudo cryptsetup --verify-passphrase luksFormat /dev/sdX1 -c aes -s 256 -h sha256
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdX1 volumes
sudo mkfs -t ext4 -m 1 -O dir_index,sparse_super /dev/mapper/volumes
#mount -t auto /dev/mapper/volumes /media/volumes

sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/root/volumes_luks_pwd bs=1024 count=4
sudo chmod 0400 /root/volumes_luks_pwd
sudo cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sdX1 /root/volumes_luks_pwd

Add to /etc/crypttab:

volumes      /dev/disk/by-uuid/uuid-of-your-drive  /root/volumes_luks_pwd  luks

and add to /etc/fstab:

/dev/mapper/volumes  /media/volumes     ext4    defaults        0       2


Install server on main host:

sudo aptitude install nfs-kernel-server
sudo mkdir -p /export/volumes
sudo mount --bind /media/volumes /export/volumes

And add the following line to /etc/fstab to avoid repeating it on startup:

/media/volumes       /export/volumes    none    bind            0       0

And to /etc/exports:


(changing network/mask by your local values)

On the other nodes:

sudo aptitude install nfs-common

And add to /etc/fstab:

your-main-host:/export/volumes /media/volumes nfs auto,user 0 0

Swap file

dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/volumes/swap bs=1M count=2048
chmod 600 /media/volumes/swap
mkswap /media/volumes/swap
swapon /media/volumes/swap

Add to /etc/fstab:

/media/volumes/swap               swap                    swap    defaults        0 0

Repeat for worker nodes (changing name of swap file)


When the dockers are running, some service users (e.g. dovecot or mysqld) can have conflicting ids with the one of avahi, making it fail. To avoid that, we can just increase its uid, e.g.:

sudo systemctl stop avahi-daemon
sudo usermod -u 205 avahi
sudo systemctl restart dbus
sudo systemctl start avahi-daemon

Install missing libnss-mdns package (see explanation here):

sudo aptitude install libnss-mdns

Also make sure avahi-daemon works, and otherwise restart it. See this issue.


Login to the main RPI and start the swarm:

docker swarm init --listen-addr eth0

And join from the other ones, just copy-paste command provided by the master from them:

docker swarm join --token your-token your-main_rpi:2377

Data and volumes

If you have existing data, create folders (otherwise setup script will do it) and copy it data:

sudo mkdir -p /media/volumes/mail/data
sudo mkdir -p /media/volumes/mail/state
sudo mkdir -p /media/volumes/nextcloud

sudo chown -R pirate:pirate /media/volumes/*

sudo mkdir -p /media/volumes/openldap/data
sudo mkdir -p /media/volumes/openldap/config
sudo mkdir -p /media/volumes/openldap/certs
sudo chown -R 999 /media/volumes/openldap*

From your current installation:

rsync -auv --delete -e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/your-key_rsa" /var/www/nextcloud/data your-main-host:/media/volumes/nextcloud/
mysqldump --lock-tables -u nextcloud -p -h localhost nextcloud > /var/www/nextcloud/nextcloud_db_backup.sql
rsync -auv --delete -e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/your-key_rsa" /srv/vmail/ your-main-host:/media/volumes/mail/data

Configuration and deployment

First download the repos:

git clone
cd rpi_docker_home_server

Set up your preferences:


(Optional, can be downloaded from registry, unless you changed them) Build aux images:

cd images/rpi-nginx
docker build . -t bingen/rpi-nginx
cd ../../
cd images/rpi-nginx-php
docker build . -t bingen/rpi-nginx-php
cd ../../

(Optional, can be downloaded from registry, unless you changed them) Build images:

docker-compose build

Deploy docker stack (it will also rebuild components)

./ your-stack-name

If you add or modify a service, you can update it running:

docker-compose build &&  docker push your-container && env $(cat .env | grep "^[A-Z]" | xargs)  docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml your-stack

Other useful commands

docker node ls

docker stack ls
docker stack ps your-stack-name

To see logs of a docker swarm/stack service reference:

docker logs $(docker inspect --format "{{.Status.ContainerStatus.ContainerID}}" `docker stack ps your-stack-name | grep your-service-name | cut -f1 -d' '`)

To shutdown the stack:

docker stack rm your-stack-name

To get into containers:

docker ps # in the swarm node containing it
docker exec -ti 5105b27d9cf0 bash

To view swarm token:

docker swarm join-token worker

I was experience the issue described and fixed [here](Docker swarm nodes down after reboot!

To avoid swarm nodes showing up as Down on reboot, you can do:

sudo crontab -e

then add a line like this

@reboot docker ps


ldapsearch -x -w your-admin-ldap-password -D cn=admin,dc=your-domain,dc=com -b dc=your-domain,dc=com -LLL

To reset a user's password: Copy this into a file, user_pwd.ldif:

dn: uniqueIdentifier=your-user,ou=people,dc=your-domain,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: userPassword
userPassword: {SSHA}Djpd2d+kbQm4ftHupSaS65wl8l8EbDot

And the run:

ldapadd -W -D "cn=admin,dc=your-domain,dc=com" -f user_pwd.ldif

You can generate the password with:

slappasswd -s your-password

You can use the following script to add users if you have previously created ldif files:

./add_users <your-stack-name>


If you have existing data, make sure root password matches and access from outside ('%') is allowed.


After first run, set DATA_CHOWN=0. Otherwise every time you deploy the whole folder with all your data will be recursed to change ownership, and it can take long when it's only needed for the first time.

Need to log in as admin for the first time and enable Apps manually.

Let's Encrypt

Run the following script to enable Let's Encrypt for Nextcloud:

./ <your-stack-name>

Own registry

Follow the instructions here to set up your own registry:

docker service create --name registry --publish published=5000,target=5000 registry:2

Dynamic DNS

Check your domain registration provider


Install fail2ban in you docker swarm master node if you want to allow ssh connections from outside.

sudo aptitude install fail2ban

Have a look at the documentation for configuration.

Port mapping

Get into your router admin page and redirect ports:

  • 80, 443 for Web (Nextcloud and eventually other through HaProxy)
  • 25, 143, 587, 993 for mail server
  • 22 for ssh

to your docker swarm master node IP.


  • Install and enable Nextcloud apps automatically
  • XMPP
  • Wordpress
  • VPN
  • Open social networks (GNU social, Diaspora)
  • Transmission
  • Sia storage
  • Alternative: run your own registry for images.