A ROS node manages network communication for Zumy ROS project. It manages remote Zumy controlling launch, Zumy remote control environment setup, Zumy online connection detection, and Host-Zumy auto connection.
- python-nmap
- python-subprocess
- ros-indigo-zeroconf-avahi-suite
- Zumy online_detector: publishes a ROS topic that shows all Zumies connected to host
- Zumy auto_connect: allows host launches ROS in a Zumy as soon as it connects to host
- ros_env path is not flexible because it is always set to: "/home/odroid/coop_slam_workspace/src/odroid_machine/launch/ros_env_loader.bash"
- ros_env_loader is not flexible, and its ROS_PACKAGE_PATH is always set to workspace "coop_slam_workspace"
- Auto_connect waits for a very long time for lost scan if lost Zumies are more than 2. The reason is that nmap spend a long to look for lost host. But this delay will not effect navigation control.
- Sometimes fails to connect (need more tests)